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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1905)
IN THE EAST END SEWS FOM WESTON, ADAMS MILTON AND FSEEWATEE. Doings of Your Neighbor! At Told In Columns of the Leader, Advance, Eagle and Times. Weston, (Weston Leader. ) ; The Weston yard is shipping 125, OOO brick to Union for a new Method ist cbnrch, and 40,000 to La Qrande for general building purposes. . C. W. De Graw has gone to Cali fornia to investigate the Tnlare lake irrigation project in King county, in which a number of Weston people are interesting themselves. Miss Lulu G. Bay, an alumnus of theE. O, 8. N. 8., has concluded a successful nine mouths' term of school at Rainier, Wash., and has gone to Seattle. The Rainier school has been offered to her for another year. Something of a curiosity is at large on the farm of Uncle Tom Price near town. It is a calf born without a tail or the sign of one. Otherwise the calf is a normal one and does not seem to mind its deficiency. A very pleasant and successful dance was given at the opera house Wednesday night for the benefit of the Weston ball team. Excellent musio was furnished by Henry and Clarence La Brasche. The W. C. T. U. county convention held Wednesday and Thursday at Weston has been of an interesting and profitable nature. Of especial value were the addresses of the state president on "The Overlooked and Uplooked," and "Law, Labor and Finance." W. B. Bowman, the celebrated mountain hunter, killed a brown bear on Hardsorabble canyon the other day after a merry chase. Joe Johnson was with him, and assisted by driving the frightened animal almost into Bowman's arms. Four bullets were required to bring him down, although the first two reaohed a vital spot and would eventually have resulted in bruin's demise. F. H. Boathe was in town Monday from Fletcher's mill 13 miles east of Weston, where he reports that in dustry and activity prevail. About 85 men are on the pay roll of the mill, and the daily output of lumber is iu the neighborhood of 28,000 feet Bad weathor has been contended with and it is expeoted that the output will be increused to 80,000 feet later in the spring. At their meeting Friday the board of directors of Weston school district No. 19, elected teachers as follows for the next sohool year: D. Lynn Gubs er, principal, seventh and eighth grades; Miss Luella B. Craigen, fifth and sixth grades ; Miss Anioe Barnes, third and fourth grades; Miss Nellie M. Stevens, primary grades. Milton. (Milton Engle.) Miss Carrie MoQuary is convales cent from a severe attack of appendici tis and left her room today for the first time in four weoks. G. A. Nichols departed Sunday for Mexico, after speudiug several weeks iu this vicinity in the interest of the Mexioan National Sugar Refining Co. Mrs. Grant Allon died at her home iu this oity Friday morning last of consumption. The body was shipped to her old home for iuterment and was escorted to the depot by members of the Rebukah lodge of this city, of which deceased was a member. A ball game has been arranged be tweeu nines from the K. of P. and Odd Fellow lodges to take place next Tues day afternoon. The game promises to ' Ite a thrilling and exciting event and lovers of tho national gnme will have an opportunity of seeing it in all its perfection. Mrs. Flora Rounssoiu was robbed at the Woodward toll'gate Mouday night of a purse containing f 20 by a man who was Btayiug there over night The purse was missed shortly after the man left in the morning and he was fol lowed by a sou of Mrs. Rouuzoiu and a man named Fox, who overtook the light-fingered gentleman and com pelled him to give up the niouey. Last Sunday, in tho yard of his own home, tho funeral of O. N. Preston was conducted by J. V. Coombs of this city and Rev. Cleveland of Fihmj water. The funeral was largely at tended. Mr. Preston was bom iu Illinois in 1855. In 1881 he married Miss May Smith near Helix, Ore. In 18a he aud his wife united with the Christian church in Moscow, Idaho. Seven years ago he located iu Free water, whoie be resided until his death May 18. His mother, two Bis ters, two brothers, wife and eleven childreu survive him. Adams. (Adams Advance, ) IX IL Bayne aud S. A. Penuick left yesterday af ternoon for Cambridge Idaho, where they go to look after their land Interests iu that viciuity. S. E. Durr, who has just completed a nine months school on McKay creek, was engaged the first of the week as sisting in grading examination papers at the school fsuperintendent'g office in Pendleton. J. W. Kimbrel, the county surveyor, spent Thursday locating the quarter line in the northeast quarter of section i, lying just north of town. R. Mor rison, G. W. Bentley and M. C. Mo Intyre assisted him in the work. Arthur Knight of Pendleton, repre senting the Interior Warehouse Co., was in the city Monday. He has spent some time in the growing grain fields, and says that the present pros pects are the best be has ever seen. J. D. Gregorie returned yesterday from a trip to Cambridge , Idaho. Mr. Gregorie had located a claim in that vicinity, bnt having been appoint ed agent for tho Interior Warehouse Co., vice B. A. Marquis who resigned, he thought best to file bis relinquish ment and save his homestead right Thursday evening a party of boys started out iu a spirit of fun to do the serenade act on the borne of one of their chums. The chum lives alone, and is sometimes short on temper. Such was the case on that particular evening, and the result of the serenade was even more startling than the most sanguine expected. The victim of the joke sprang out of the house and turned loose five shots in a very short time. As good luck was with the boys no one was hurt this time, and, their experience should be a warning to them not to repeat their frolic. Sports of that kind are not always taken in the spirit intended. Lewis and Clark Bates. The O. R. & N. Co. announces the following rates from Athena to Port land for the Lewis and Clark fair: Individual tickets will be sold daily from May 29 to October 15, inclusive, continuous passage in each direction ; final return limit 80 days from date of sale, but in no case later than Oc tober 81, 1905, for one and one-third fare, amounting to $9.90. Party tickets that is ten or more persons will be sold from May 29 to October 15 inclusive; passage in each direction; 10-day limit from date of sale, at one single fare per capita for round trip, amounting to $7.40. Children ouo half fare age at half fare of the above rates. For further particulars call on M. W. Smith, O. R. & N. agout, Athena. Bate of $6-25 June 6. The O. K. & N. Co. has decided to run an excursion on June 6, at the round trip rate of $6.25, tickets limit ed to 7 days. A special train of four or five coaches will leave Milton at 7 a.m.; Weston, 7:50; Athena, 7:58; Adams, 8:10; arrive at Pendleton 8:40; leave Pendleton at 8:50 and arrive at Portland at 5:25 p. m. Saved By Dynamite. Sometimes a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes a cough hangs on so long you feel as if nothing but dynamite would cure you. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggravated cough, whioh kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her. So she took Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, whioh eased her cough, gave her sleep and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronohitis and la grippe. At McBride's drug store, price 50o and $1. Guaranteed. Trial bottle free. IHo-To-Jlao for Fifty Cents. Guurunleetl tobacco habit cure, make weuli mensirouf Mood pure, Wo.$i. All druetritiUi. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE GOOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horse boarded by the day, week or month KUlules on 2nd stive t, Mouth of Main street J. V, Wright, .... Proprietor t THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL j J. E. FROOME, prop. X 11F Only First-class Hotel in I the City. ! THE ST. NICHOLS X lithe only ' one that can accommodate ootumerclal traveler. Iff Can betecomended for lta clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Main and Third, ATUinA.Or. I hoksy roit tort T "L Jlur 1 lata m la mm. I MIL ai o Onto Minim CM Ml MM. ntt W N aaaUy, MUm TUt DAlt mt SUNDAY jour- 9 Kim N. memrr mK .MM, 14 tar Om abUkr nra b Halt TteiafHtallnai ataa w wW mt W capla W TH IUH DAV JOURNAL, at a MM at mm aacfc. Ahaf mm al fap MI an e tn6mW m tttrnt whtm tm at sapaaaa at waolMala artcaa, atf Sa k u. - 1 Vh aaa atatl w tint, and m , aMda.1 THS SUNDAY JOURNAL, akaa ardara M M MM b Mr THI Cailv journal. I THI SUNDAY JOURNAL cnttto ALL THS NBWs, aas mm apacul M bm MrMM4 ii'iaiia. and. kaiMaa. mm a OB ttdWa Mate N MRta by a Mf tttf Mnil cm JOURNAL mm i M M a M a m a mm Mama I satis, Deal Ma wmm ! M K CASH M aatra aalMa. vrU ba 6)M4 MMfMy. I aMMsa la CM rofukv praftla, MM II MM juuHriAi. aova wmm mm mm m ewawa) Mtraaat m mtwmtm mm lafp aat MfMniai. la eta war 7 ai M aaalnr pama rta k M mum ctaM a aara M xr mtmn m turn 1 1 MaTMMH On la THE i TH JOURNAL b all I la. THI JOUR' 1 NAL aneaamwi TH JOI aaaraan l n juukhiu. rVtawa, Oi. BANNER SALVE tho most hallna salve, in tha world. PROMPT & RELIABLE SERVICE A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Ooods taken bent care of and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. Troy laundry Walla Walla, Wash. Elmer Lane, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning ii J follows a cold, but never follows the use of VCL3LZJ U ; ' xu ; lillffflTfll It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is, taken, as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears. Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Savttf Ksr Lift Fra Pneumonia. "My wife hid a severe attack of Pneumonia which followed a seiere attack of La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Dr. C. J. Bishop, A?new, Mich., writes: "I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very severe cases of Pneumonia with good results in every The 50-ccnt size contains 2 1-2 times small size, and the size almost 6 MILLINERY The Latest Modes and Fashions in Street and Dress Hats. LA HUE MILLINERY CO. Third Street. Athena. Foley s Honey and Tar No opiates. CHARLES GAY ...Dealer in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars KRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES, ETC. IcAlrooa 34160 the great cTVIcKINNEY 2:11 1-4 Sire of Coney 2:02, Sweet Marie 2:0Mf," China Maid 2K)5M, You Bet 2:07, Charley Mac 2.-07, Kinney Lou 2:07. Jennie ac 2:09, Hazel Kinney 2:09. Zolock 2:09, The Roman 2:09, Dr. Book 2:10, Reta H. 2:11, Mack Mack 2:12, and fifty-two others. Dam ALICE MANN (full sister to Trumont 2S1) by cALTAMONT Sire of Chehalis 2:04, Del Norte 2:08, Ella T. 2:0 Doc Sperry 2:09, Alameda 2:094, Fathmont 2:0934, Altao 2:09, and forty-two others. Second dam Minnie M. (dam of Satin Royal 2:19M, Trumont 2:21, grandam of Atlas 2:15) by Rockwood. Third dam Sally M. (dam of Pathmont 2:09.f, Altao 2:09, grandam of Bill Frazier 2:U, Pathmark 2:11M, Belle Air 2:HM) by Oregon Pathfinder, sire of the dam of Prince Direct 2:07, etc. Fourth dam Sally-Come-Up by Paul Jones, sire of Jane L. 2:19. Hannibal Jr. 2:26. cTKcALROPA 34160 Is a handsome black stallion 16 bands high and weighs 1200 pounds. He won first in standard bred class at Walla Walla fair in 1903. He combines the blood of the best trotting families on the coast, and has four spanking good dams. You can't make a mistake by breeding to this good son of McKinney. He will make the season of 1905 at , Weston, cAthena and Helix TERMS,. 825 TO INSURE, payable of mares proving not with foal. J. zA. Baddeley, & 0 JUL Cared Whan Vary Lew WKh Pncamonla. J. Bryan, of Lowder, 111., writes: "My little boy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was magical and puzzled the doctor, as it immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovered." Three Sizes. 25c, 50a and $1.C3 i . Pointing .. Paper Hanging:, Wall Tinting, Sign Writing, etc., satisfaction guaranteed bj L. J. Eobinson. Shop, corner 3rd and Jefferson, Streets, Athena, Oregon. T. L. TERIIUNE, CONTRACTOR & BUILEDR Estimates Furnished and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Residence on Hunt Ave. Athena July 1; Money refunded in the event & Weston, Ore. as much as the times as much. Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos "that those who are eritics, buy. N They are Eeed & Sons, noted for strength and volume of tone. The HenrT F. Killer, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. , The Bteger, musically equal to the best, and the popular Singer. ' Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terms. ' Dwelley Herriclc Music Co., 51 East Main Street i Doors Above Bridge, Walla Walla, WaahinEton ED. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER EnUmatea furnlKlied on nil kind of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Office at New Lumber Yard, AthecH. HC&rSSZSssatlSi -Tha.. rviERGIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded ; by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS I'r.p PARKER & LANE'S .Barber Shop. B Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS; i Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. QQEGQIl SiiojrtiNE toUMOM Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east dally from Pendleton. ' ( DEPART tm SCHIDULH9 AKBIVK Dally. ATHESA, ORE. Daily. Fast Mail for Pen dleton. LaOrande. Baker City, and all points eist via Hun tington, Ore., Also i&pm. nerf The Dalles. :57 ,!!. Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, caltfbrDia, Tacoma, Seattle, all , Sound Polnta. Walla Walla, DayJ ton, Pomeroy, Lei- 9-ti m. Colfax, Pull. 1 man, Moscow, the P- to. Coner d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and ' all points north. Mixed train walla 7:05 p. m. wall and interme- n diate points. p' Mixed, for Pendle- ' 12.20 p.m. too and intermedi- 7:05 p-m. ate points. Water Kotstea. SAN FBAJiCJSCO PORTLAND ROt'TE, Steamer sails from Portiard 8 p. m. every 5 days. Snake Biver Koala. Steamers leave Rfparia daily except Satur day Returning at 4:16 a. m. teaTe Lew Ulon daily except Friday, at 7 a. m M. W. Bmitk, Af en, Aaiiena :