The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 30, 1905, Image 3

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    Wo want to aay to you that we mean it. We want to Bay that we believe
it j We want to aay that we only know one way to do business and that ia by
fair dealings, honest dealings and the best goods for your money.; The kind
of goods that will brjug you back BRain. The prices hereto appended, back
ed up by quality, will make you one among the army of our satisfied custom
ers, if you are not already in the ranks.
Great Dress Goods Sale
Danish Cloths in Cream, Tan, Blue
and Pink, Bold everywoere at 20,
our price.. , I6c
Egyptian Chiffon Voile in all the
; popular shades, sold everywhere at
85c per yard, our price ......... 25c
Egyptian Crepe de Chine, latest
novelty in wash fabric's, eold every.
' wnere at 30c, our price .... i .... 20o
An immense variety of fancy Mohairs
the latest novelties in spring dress
t goods, worth 65 and 75c per yard,
our price ....60c
High Novelty , Secillian Mohairs,
Mixture and stripes, per yd. .$1.25
Japaheae Crepes, all ' colors. For
duability and style they are the
best production in wash goods 0f
. the season. Per yard . .25c
Big lot of Skirt and dress leDgts in
this season's best styles of black
goods at a great reduction.
Bagdad Crepes for Kamonas. Orient
al, patterns imported direct from
Tokio. Per yd .25c and 35c
Ladies' Fabric Gloves in Tan White
or Black, per pair.,, ...,25c
New iWe of ladies' Collars and
neckwear. Ladies' ties in all the
most desirable styles and colors.
Ladies'," Misses' and Children's
Hosiery in endless variety. .
Youth's and Men's Clothing
If you want style, if you want fit,
if you want perfection of workman
ship combined with quality, at prices
that cannot be duplicated, inspect
our new spring stock before making
your purchase. We have suits for
all from $5 for a 'good wearing serv
icable suit up to the latest high grade
worsted at $10.60, 812 60, 813.50, 815
and 816,50 per suit.
New and up to date line of two
piece Outing Suits, double or single
breasted, from 81.75 to $12.50 a suit.
Men's fancy Vests, white "or color
ed, new and up to date styles, from
$1.60 to $2.60 each.
Men's Shoes, "" :J
If you want the very latest in either
low or high cut, in Tans, French
Enamel, Vici Kid, Bor or Valor Calf,
we have them from $2.60 to $5 per.
Also the largest and best line of
Work Shoes evei shown, commenc
ing at $1.50 per pair to $2.75. , ,
Ladies' Shoes.
The latest Military heel and Vassar
toe. The celebrated Utz & Dunn
make. All grades and widths, from
$2.50 to 84.60 per pair. .
OUR LEADER at $1.75 per pair
is the wonder of the shoe world and
cannot be equaled by any shoe sold
at $2. Latest style, high kid top,
patent toe, (ommon sense heel and
extension sole. Try a pair if you
want great value for your money. ,
Athena Mercantile Company
South S de" Main Street,
Athena, Oregon
" - Hunt Avenue.
Building Material at Lowest prices,' Contracting1 and"1 Building a Specialty.
Estimates Properly Furnished. T, L,. Terhune, Athena, Oregon.
ijjert Marsh was over : from ". Weston
J. -M. Hays was a Pendleton visitor
yesterday. '
Mrs. Green , Estes ia in town today
from Pendleton. , V , i
' Miss Lizzie McKenzie visited friends
in Milton Sunday.'
. Mrs. Wm. Powers was in town Sat
urday from Weston.
Sim Culley, Weston's affable grocery
man, was ia town Saturday.
Miss Fern Smith of Pendleton was
the guest , Saturday , of Miss Frankie
sMiss Lizzie Mclntyre and Mrs. Matt
Johnson drove over to 4Weston this
morning. '. " "; ' 1
)( Mrs. W. R Taylor and daughter
Edna were guests Saturday of Mrs. C.
O. Sharp in Pendleton. T
Miss Carrie Sharp, who is teaching
school in Sand Hollow, will finish the
term Thursday of this week.
Mrs. Leeper has been confined to
her room the past week with a severe
cold, bordering on pneumonia.
J. W.-Bmith came over from Helix
and spent Sunday with his family,
returning to the city up the flat Mon-
A. B. McEwen was down town yes
terday for the first time in three
weeks. He ' has been very ill with
pneumonia. ,
F. Q, Lucas announces that he will
gat up another sale, and desires that
all stock, vehicles, etc., be listed with
him by June 15.
David Lavender, Weston's post-niaater-to-be,
and Mayor Barnes, were
in town Saturday, interested specta
tors of the colt show.
' Miss Kittie Sharp finished a success
ful term of school in the Hillsdale
district l;t Friday, and is home for
the ttumiuw vacation.
B. A. Marquis is up from Adams to
day, participating in the memorial day
exercises. Mr. Marquis is a member of
Gettysburg Post of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, who reside
near Pendleton, were in the city Sun
day and attended the memorial serv
ices at the Christian church.
X'R. Jamieson, one of the leading
farmers of the Weston neighborhood,
captured second prize in the draft
class at Saturday's colt show.
with the
has been
where as
Illustrative of enthusiasm
ball creates in a town where a team
i supported, it may be atated that 70
tickets were sold in Weston for Sun
day's excursion and 17 in Athena.
Xaat Saturday was the 80th wedding
'anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Rosezweig. Their many friends hope
for them many more anniversaries. .-
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Marquis, of
Adams, were in the city Sunday . to
hear the memorial sermon delivered
by J. W. Jenkins, and were guests at
the home of their son, Q. B. Marquis.
Mrs. W. J. Furnish of Pendleton,
has been accorded the honor of being
hostess for Pendleton and Umatilla
county at the Lewis and Clark fair on
June 7, being selected by Mayor Mat
lock of that city.
Mrs. G. C. Osburn, who has been
viflitinir Athnnft 1rmAa tha
O .vuuuu VllU
weeks, left last evening for her home
in La Grande. She, will leave there
in the near future for Portland, where
sne wiu spend the summer.
Mrs. E. L. Barnett took her depar
ture Sunday afternoon for Pilot Rock
and other points, where she will visit
tne Kebekah lodges before returning
to ner Home in Portland,
evning Mrs. Barnett spent
Weston lodge. ?
" - "o "e--'
moved down to the quarry,
soon as extras arrive for the crusher,
it will be belted up and furnish the
power for crushing rock to be used in
the construction of the new water sys
tem. . -
If the boxes on your buggy, hack
or cart have become worn so there is
end play, take your ' rig to Buel's
blacksmith shop and have the axles
cut back so they fit up snug and tight.
Mr. Bnel has a machine for doing
the work. Price $2 per set of four
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marsh left
last evening after a few days visit
with friends here, for Portland where
they will visit the fair before continu
ing on their way to their future home
in California. Miss Ruby left Satur
day evening to visit friends at Hood
River and will join her parents there.
All the grandmothers in the country
can get a cabinet photograph free;
As to how old or young you may be
It will make no difference with me.
So call at Danner's Photograph Gal
lery during the month of June,
And you will find me there at all
times ready to sing yon this tune.
Dan Mclntyre is down from Alberta
on a few days visit with relatives and
friends. . Dan is in the real estate
business up in the king's domain and
thinks no more of selling a couple of
sections of land than Hays would a
town lot Time deals kindly with the
lad and say, girls, he'a getting moie
handsome every day.
ATbe marriage of Walter Ely and
Miss Una Marsh isjannounced to take
place on Wednesday, June 7. Mr.
Ely is a progressive young business
man of this city and Miss Marsh vraa
until recently a resident of WeetoryT
She is a well known teacher and has
been employed in the Pendleton publio
schools for some time. The young
couple will make their home in this
Miss Alcy Foas was home from her
school near Adams Sunday. Her school
will be closed in two weeks, when in
company .with Miss Bertha Baker,
Miss Foss will go to Portland to attend
a summer school for teachers. She
will take up the 3rd grade work, in
order to more thoroughly equip herself
for the position she has accepted in a
Montana schooL
H. H. Hallock, at onetime owner
of the Pendleton Tribune, was in
town Saturday in the interest of the
Lewis - and Clark exposition. ..Mr.
Hallock is sent out by the fair com
pany to work up enthusiasm in special
day events. He was here talking Uma
tilla county day, the excursion for
which will be run by the O. R. & N.
on June 6.
The babies had their photos made
For which they did not have to pay;
They were here in great numbers
All during the month of May.
So now it is the grandmas' turn
And they want to get here soon,
For I will make them a photo free
During the month of June.
Danner Photographer.
Last Sunday at I p. m. the marriage
of Mr. Clyde Willaby and Miss Edna
Owens occurred at the home of the
bride's parents near Helix, in the
presence of the immediate friends of
the two families. The young people
are well and favorably known and
will receive the congratulations of a
large circle of friendsThe bride is
the second daughter of Mr. and Mra
J. R. Owens. She was attired in a
costume of white Bilk organdie, and
carried a boquet of white carnations,
a large quantity of which were sent
by friends in Taooma. The groom is
the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Willaby, and has recently sold out his
barber business in this city. It is not
known at present what the intentions
of the newly married oouple are, but
it is probable they will reside in this
vicinity. A splendid wedding din
nerw as spread by the mother of the
bride, assisted by her daughters.
Items in Brief.
Washington Pipe and Foundry Company
Loweit at , 107.25.
Three representatives of wooden
pips manufactories were present at a
special meeting of the city council last
evening, when bids for furnishing the
citytwith pipe for the hew water sys
tem were opened and read by Record
er Chamberlain. - ; ' ' -
The highest bid was made by the
National Wood Pipe -Co. -This com
pany's bid was $5,468.80. The next
highest was submitted by the Pacifio
Coast Pipe Co., and was for $5,040.23.
and the lowest was given in by the
Washington Pipe & Foundry Co. ,
$4,197.25, or for pipe not covered with
asphalt, at. $4,020.25. ; I
After some discussion the council
accepted the Washington Pipe &
Foundry Co. 's bid of $4,197.25, the
difference between this bid' and the
one submitted by the Pacifio Coast
Pipe Co. being $842.88.
Decoration Day.
Memorial day is being appropriately
obsevred in Athena. This morning
at 10 o'clock the members of Gettys
burg Post No., 83, G. A. R,. and citi
zens marched to the cemetery where
graves were decorated with flowers and
exercises were held. This afternoon
at the Christian church, the program
of the day is being completed.
Funeral of Miss Ankeny.
The funeral of Miss Charity Ankeny,
daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Levi An
keny of Walla Walla, was held in that
city Sunday afternoon. The young
lady died in Philadelphia and the re
mains passed through Athena on Sun
day morning's O. R. & N. passenger
train. A number of friends residing
in this county attended the funeral.
Cleared for Action.
When the body is cleared for ac
tion, by Dr. Kings New Life pills you
can tell it by the bloom of health on
the cheeks; the brightness of the eyes ;
the firmness of the flesh and muscles ;
the buoyance . of the mind. Try
them. At McBride's drug store, 25c.
- A Creeping Death. '
' ' Blood poison creeps up toward the
heart causing death. J. E. Stearns,
Belle Plain, Minn., writes that a
friend dreadfully injured his baud,
which swelled up like blood poisoning.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the
poison, healed the wound and saved
his life. Best in the world for burns
and sores. 25c at McBride's drug
W. S.Bnel offers his residence prop
erty on Current street for sale. House,
practically new, contains six rooms.
For further particulars see Mr. BueL
If you need fishing tackle, look at
the fine display in Worthington &
Thompson's show window.
Mrs. P. H. Stumpf has some house
hold goods which she offers for sale.
Call at her residence.
The only genuine cottage cheese
the kind your mother used to make at
tbe Home Bakery.
Fresh bread, buns, doughnuts,
cookies and cakes at the Home Bakery.
Go to the Home Bakery ice cream
parlors, for pure ice cream.
Before buying" your vehicle soe A.
Phillips, Weston, Oregon.
Buy a Samson at Cox & McE wen's.
Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's.
, C. A. Barrett & Co. sell tbe American
Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at
Gay's, daily.
Our line of fishing tackle is complete.
C. A. Barrett & Co.
C. A. Barrett & Co are agents for the
Double Disc weeder. .
Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the
White House Grocery.
See the reliable line of Henney bug
giei at O. A. Barrett & Co.'s
That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine.
At Worthington & Thompson's. -
Latest novelties irf men's ready to
wear suits, Athena Mercantile Co. :
Remember, Ely & Scott are- head
quarters for rubbers and overshoes.
Just received. Men'J double-breasted
3-button sacque suits, v Athena Mercan
tile Co.- .... ...v.; :
Worthington &. Thompson have just
received a Targe line of new pipes and
pocket knives, ;
Say Mai Crescent Baking Powder will
raise the dough. VGet it at Worthing
ton A Thompson's. i
. Don't forget to' try ' our Gold Leaf
cofiee. " It is the best 25 cent coffen on
the market. Ely fe Scott. - ,
You will find the best novels by the
best modern writers, in the circulating
library at the Palace Drug store. ;
W. C. Miller is again in ' the harness
businoss in Athena. Ho is located in
the Estes building opposite the Athena
Hotel. All goods sold at reasonable
prices. Workmanship guaranteed.
L. A. Githens, agent for Edison pho
nographs and records, is prepared to
furnish all of the different grades of the
Edison make. Mr. Githens always has
phonographs on exhibition and is pre
pared to give information at any time. .
Cleanse your system of all impurit
ies this month. Now is the time to
take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
It will keep you, well all summer. 85
cente, tea or tablets. Pioneer drug
- It is the fit and finish; the artistic
touch that makes the suit. "Internat
ional" Made to Measure garments have
all of these virtues, including quality as
well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co.
to show you their magnificent line of
these supplies..
I Why suffer with spring tiredness,
mean, cross feeling, no strength, no
appetite? . Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea will make you well and keep
you well. 85 cents tea or tablets.
Pioneer drug store.
Boys, you had better get busy and see
Athena Mercantile Co. who have a com
plete "International" line of samples.
This famous concern, for whom Athena
Mercaneile Co. takes orders and meas
ures, builds garments that are as near
perfection as human hands can make
them. Satisfaction guaranteed or no
sale. , ; ;
To Cure Constipation Forever,
Take Cascaretg Candy Cathartic. lOc -orST,
It C. C, C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
g The People of the city want the Best and that is 2
why they call at the H
iWHim': H'OU
Cash Grocery
p Worthington '& Thompson, j
7i mmuu iUiHlaiuiaiiuuiumjaiiuaiuiiuiuu H
RfiA Pi RhflTTV Paint 0il Q188 Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing
0Biiiciiaiiitiea0i9i a
! Preston-Parton Milling Co. I
arlev Mi I
Is Now Running. We can roll
your Barley while you Wait
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers :
S Waitsburg, Wash. - i - - Athena, Oregon
TO 9
mmmmmMmM I
I f jr.- mw
mi : hA
We want everyone in this vicinity to feel at home in this great store. It is your store; it
belongs to the public, and we intend that it shall be conducted in a manner consistent
from every point with the public's wishes and comfort. Nearly every family in this
vicinity -thinks firstly of this store when needing any such goods as we sell, because in
past years they "x S have found stock
is complete and j J rt JJp prices are consist
ent with qualities, t l Q h-J Tfl J7 IO We invite critical
inspection of these JJ. K WZjl j very complete
lines. ' A clean, TT: 7. . ,r z; ; ,A. , ' 7 up to date stock
of Spring) goods,
t. J"
Everything is new