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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
110 SUNDAY TRAINS FSEE METHODISTS TABOO FASH IONABLE WEARING APFAEEL Resolve Thai Baying Milk and Bead ing Kewipaperi Ii Desecration of the Sabbath. At the annual conference of the Free Methodists, held in thia city last week the following resolutions were offered and recorded: We your common reforms committee beg leave to submit the following Intemperance Intemperance is one of the greatest prevailing evils of the day. We as a church have taken our stand with the only political party that stands first, last and always for the overthrow of this nefarious traffic, Yet there are many good citizens who do not seem to feel the neoessity of using their influence at the polls overthrow this awful curse, but pile up their prayers in holy pert ec tion and knock them all down on the day of election. Borne Free Methodists flMtm in think If thav mlntrlnin nnliHou tat they will lose their grace. We j absolutely must put our shoulders me wneei ana roil inis Viie serpent from toe land. The Social Evil We notice with sorrow the looseness in morals. Mar : riage is an institution of God and de ' signed as the only means of continuing the human race and developing in mankind that tenderness of affection of which the human family is cap able. Bat alas, how, many divorces, unhappy homes, crushed hearts and betrayed affections do we see on every land? We think if our boys and girls were taught the relations . that should exist between them by fathers and mothers instead of being left to find out these things as best they could ana also ii trie evils 01 tne ban room and theatre were represented as evils of the worst form, that many of our young people might be saved from a life of disgrace and shame. A fallen man is as bad, and in many instances, worse than a fallen woman, but how differently society looks upon them. Secret Societies- We deplore the fact that the number of secret socie ties for both men and women are on the increase and Satan seems determ ined to entangle all classes in the meshes of this net. Manv of his rea- "MSRB Beem ""e piausioie ana some i les honest souls are persuaded to unite with them to secure a liveli- V. .. J TI- 1 V 1 . 1 uuuu. neua h uuurcu uuve imig ago taken our position on this question, Let us stick to the bible and the dis ciples if we would be safe. - Dress In this age of pride and gaity we can but see the tendency is to cut down the bars and admit the little foxes which spoil the vines. The blessed Lord has given us a clear command as to our dress and we should not only follow it ourselves but we should insist that our child ren be plain in their attire. ! If we al low them to wear things which they will have to give up when they are oon verted it is less likely that they will ever be saved. While plainness is not a proof of godliness, yet those who are godly will be plain. Our preachers should ten derly but firmly insist upon the rule concerning dress. On Sabbath Doseoiration The fourth oommandmaut says: "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." A man does not usually swear, steal or murdor the first thing when he goes wrong, but he commences by neglecting little things aud step by Btop he goes on away from God, Neglect of secret prayer, reading the bible, etc. Then reading the Sunday uewspaper, buying milk, unless in ex ceptional cases, riding on the train aud street oars when it might be avoided all point to a disregard of the holy Sabbath. While we cannot lay down an iufallible rule for all, yet we should be very careful not to do auything which would drive away that tenderness of conscience which we should have for the Sabbath day. Payment of Debts A dobt is a debt whether it is secured by a mortgage, note or simply a promise. A christ ian man's word is as good as a mort gage on his property. We should meet our obligations promptly,' and if through adverse circumstances we are unable to do so we can at least say so and make some satisfactory arrange ments for their payment ', - , ;; Last but not least we should mention the necessity; of systematically sup porting God's cause. Many of our Hxipl pay but little or toothing to support the work because they have no system. We would not do by our grooerynmn as we do by the Lord. We eertaiuly ought to do as much for the Lord under this holy ghost dispen sation as the ancient Jew did under the law. Our people should have line upon liue, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little until they are thoroughly aroused on the subject of giving or paying one tenth to the work of the Lord. Then would our t tarns be filled and our presses burst with new wine and we should see heaps upoa heaps of treasures in the house of our Lord aud h'j Christ. THE EOSSI "PITCHED. - .. - 1 Root Uttm Trainer r.ktlt Orr Trr. Maw. l l.tirsti lutwkor aud trainer,, ; t -i!y Tnf. I law head knocked in. - .i Wednesday "Bob" gave a public exhibition on Main street It was better than a circus. The attendance was large, no admission fee being charged, "Bob" not having time enough to even pass the hat around. He was driving a spirited little iron grey caynse to a cart, and in less time than it takes to tell it, the horse, cart and "Bob" were the main features of a jiu jitsn stunt, that would fade the efforts of any Jap professor of the art iu the land. The cayuse didn't buck, but pitched as "Bob" expresses it This was the preliminary round. Then it played a Oyama march on the dash board of the cart with its heels, splintered both shafts and "Bob" well, he began to move, and with parachute precision keeled over backward and lit broad side on the hardest spot in Main street ne last seen or the outnt it was passing up Second street sometime later, the cayuse hitched to a pole thicket with a couple of saw logs for shafts, "Bob" walking at a safe dis tance in the back ground. And the show was over. Pavements in Walla Walla. Bids for tho construction of the pavement to be laid in Walla Walla this spring will be opened Monday. A large number of bidders and keen competition is expected. One firm de sired to bid on the six kinds of pave inent to be considered for the 19 blocks to be paved. The certified check nec essary to accompany the bids would amount to $49,000, which is . 5 per cent of f 980, 000, the cost of pavement to oe constructed. Objections are being received by the city administra tion from people who holdfe small parcels of property, but these object-. ion are being overcome and the work will commence as soon as the contrao tors are decided upon. Strike! Midden Rocki. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of consumption, pneu monic, etc., you are lost if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption. J. W. Mc Kinnon of Talladega Springs. Ala. writes: "I bad been very ill with pneu monia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief and one bottle cured me." " Sure cure for sore throat, bron chitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at McBride's drug store. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Invaluable for Rheumatism. I have been suffering for tho past few years with a severe attack of rheuma tism and found that Ballard's Snow jjiniment was tne omy thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pain. March 24, 1902, John C. Degnan, Kinsman, 111. 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by McBride, druggist. 815 Reward. H. Molstrom of Pendleton will pay 915 reward for information leading to the recovery of the following described horses: One bay mare, 6 years old, brand A on right shoulder; one black mare, three white feet, tour years old, no brand; one yearling bay stud colt, no brand; one yearling gray stud colt star in forehead. THE WRICHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE fa GOOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Horses boarded by the day, week or month B(bki8 0u2ud street, ttoulli of Main street r. Wright, . . - Proprietor THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I J. E. FROOMK, prop. Only First-class Hotel in tne uity. THE ST. KiCHOLS is lh only on. thai can accommodate commercial traveler. Can bieootuended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. Cok. Mil kfvTuittv, AT?;"A,Or. 'I Ms V Jr. MOKXY rOK BOY! fao)WMt btcc mm la Iff m mmS, a) Orcfc ammm 1 mm mir, n4 mm mtOt. -ax TM1 DAILY tat SUNDAY JOUR. NO. Hmrnvnimil4m .ton, m mtf Hm .WW- Mk a lirtit fc my ho Im wt wffl Mad IS mvlm f THE SUM- PAY JOURNAL, U mM m mum Mdh Arm wm aft HP" tM" 9 jHiwivifl Iw 4lHrai Mm by nstt mm "M IMfWl wmifii wUtrr Ya MA mm mv tfam. MS if mhwM MMW THI SUNDAY JOURNAU mi trim cm ba mm mi TIU PAILY JOURNAL. THS SUNDAY JOURNAL MkiMdi mm ky wj limdir Mptn tfa JOURNAL HHkHi mtawlimi an Mtilmw Dm'i Me mm It try Mr US R CASH M Min wUm. mfM t AoMm) MMHkly. S MOttraa I IM NfUV BMt. I JOURNAL INAL ton ntait McnMb nwW WsJsrfS At IsWt m, la thai wy lh boy lit 4pl NMHln M Mialwr pMM vlS hm m Mich ciumcc m Mm cmc cxtn cwmy ac mm k) Icnw mm, Oct In THE" 10UR- BUfM'J M tJMM n THI JOUR OURNAL b NAL mmjhci THI JOURNAL b I Addnm, THI JOURNAL. 9URNAU 7 PonJatMt BANNER SALVE the most healing aalvo In the world. PROMPT & RELIABLE SERVICE A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of und carefully band led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. Troy laundry Walla Walla, Wash. HENRY KEEN, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning follows a cold, but never follows the use of ir It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in , no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is taken, as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears. j Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves in the throat and leave the" germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Saved Hep Ufa From Pneumonia, "My wife had a severe attack of Pneumonia which followed a severe ttck of La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Dr. C. J. Bishop, A?new, Mich., writes: "I have used FOLEY'S HONfiY AND TAR in three very severe cases of Pneumonia with good results in every case. The 50-cent size contains 2 1-2 times small size, and the $ size almost" 6 ,iilii:;iiiv The Latest Modes and Fashions in Street and Dress Hats. LA HUE MILLINERY CO. Third Street. Athena. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Propiietor. Shop West ot King's Barn, Athena. rsrs you know that high polish on collars and cuffs looks cheap? ytu know that high polish on collars and c tiffs looks like celluloid? you know that high polish on collars and cuffs causes them to break? you know that the Walla Walla Steam Laundry has the ONLY DO MESTIC MACHINE in this part of the country? Try them. It costs you nothing for a trial. Office at St. Nichols Hotel. Let Chester Trask call for your laundry. : : : : : : ',v'rf-i -f i ffltwawsTsn rUlE DOWN REPEATING SHOTGUNS A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable for - trap or duck shooting, and an extra interchangeable modified choke or Cylinder bore barrel, for field shoot ing, lists at only $42.00. Dealers sell them for less. This makes a serviceable all round gun within reach of everybody's pocket book. Winchester Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expensive ' double barrel guns and are just as reliable besides. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., - NEW HAVEN, CONN. Vc. I jSflW Ft fciskes the food more delicious and wholesome sotai sms r nn Jul i Lj Curtd Whin Vary Lam Wtth Piteamonla. J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, 111., writes: "My little boy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was maeical and cuzzled the doctor, s it Immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovers Three Sizes, ..Painting .. Paper Hanging, Wall Tintiug, Sign Writing, etc., satisfaction guaranteed by L. J. Bobinson. Shop, corner 3rd and Jefferson, Streets, Atnena, Oregon. T. L. TERIIUNE, CONTRACTOR & BUILEOR Estimates Furnished and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Residence on Hunt Ave. Athena 1 ' ;s.- 5t .-' v: powots co., im voctc V -dLiQ a." . . . 25c, 50o Bud $ 1.C3 as much as the times as much. Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are eritics, buy. " . They are Eeed & Sons, noted for strength and volume of tone. ' The Henry F. Miller, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the best, and the popular ginger. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Fiimus delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy tonus. Dwelley Herrlclc Mualc Co., . 51 East Main Street 4 Doors Above Bridge, . Walla Walla, Wasliiniru,.. ED. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates fuininlird on n'l kin. Ik of buildingH. SutlflUctioii (iimruiilccl, Office at New Luiuler Ynrd, Atkensi. . I tin COKRGiAL LIVERY. FEED and SALE STABLE Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KINQ BROTHERS I'r.p KEEN & WILLABY'S .Barber Shop. B Shaving, Ilaircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. ;ltB9lICIaHllll Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. V Sf IOfT LINE -ad Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman Blandard and slverine cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleepinir cardailyto Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted weekly to Chicago, with free rHjliHiiiH cha.r cars, seats free, to the east daily iroiu Pendleton. DEPART Dally. TIMS SCBBDDLK8 ATHENA. ORE. ABBITB Daily. Fast Mall for Pen dleton, LaUrande, linker City, and all points eiat via Hud tineton. Ore.. Also 4:53 p n. jfor'Umatlila, Hepp- 9:57 a, n. IPortland, Astoria, jWillauieile Valley iroinu, tltrornia. , i!uto(iih. iseati le, all Sound PoiuU. Walla Walla. I)vJ . r. . " I :t2 a.m. ikuiu, .oiiaz, fuil man, Moscow, tfiei 1:53 p. m. Couer d'Alene dis-! trfct. Puokftne audi ail point north. 7:05 p. m. OT.ll 1 . dlale points. 12:20 p. m. Mixed, for Penrtl. iton and iutermedi. 7:05 p- m. 'ttle poiutii. t A A A A A VVVtVTTt SAN FRAKCIHiXk-POKTLASD BOL'TE Wnereuii from Poniard 8 p.m. every 5 Snake River Route. Steamers leave Eiparm dailv except Satur day Ketarnliiir at 4:10 a. m. ware tewis'tou daily except Fndav. at 7 a. in 41. W. Suilih, Ar!it,