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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
ATHENA MERCA 'ill! CO. M9t Know Just What You Want Call and examine our new Spring Stock. You will find everything you can desire in all the Latest Fabrics. Sicellians In all Colors. Mohairs in Plain, Striped or Figured. Silks , Plaid, Striped and Figured for Shirtwaist Suits. ..i Waistings ; In all the new Fabrics. All Shades and Colors. Pongees Plain or Fancy French Ginghams In all the Latest Effects and Checks. Sateens, Foulards and La whs in endless variety. Allovers ; ' In White, Black and Arabian. Heavy aud light effects; I , the latest patterns. Oriental Laces All widths and colors. Ribons, Gloves, Mitts in all shades Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, Athena, Oregon r Press Paragraphs 4? r Gus Vollmer is down from Waits burg. John Stanton was up from Pendle ton Saturday evening. John Benson is now employed in Tharp Bros, chop mill. ' . .. ' Mrs. C. A. Barrett visited friends in Pendleton Wednesday. . . Mrs. M. W. Smith visited friends in Walla Walla Wednesday. Go to the Homo Bakery ice cream parlors, for pure i09 cream. Before buying your farm implements see A. Phillips, Weston Oregon. 74 Henry Barrett this week sold three head of horses at fairly good prices. Fresh bread, buns, doughnuts, ' cookies and cakes at the Home Bakery. Mrs. Pinkerton and sister, Miss Cora Davison, spent Wednesday in . Pendle ton. Mrs. Otis Whiteman and Mrs. Will Rider were visitors in Walla Walla yesterday. Mrs. P. E. Springer, of Weston was trading with Athena merchants Wednesday. Henry Adams went down to Wallula yesterday to investigate his sheep in terests there. S. L. Spencer is having his two cot tages painted. He is weilding the brush himself. - . Jerry Gagnon is over from Walla Walia. Jerry renewed his subscrip tion to the Press. Mrs. John Adams and family, who reside in Walla Walla, came over to the ranch this week. Duriug the month of May I will make one cabinet photo of your baby free. Danner, photographer. George Foster, Ed Barrett and v Charles Booher are out near Helix this week, doing a job of carpenter work. Don't forget that the babies get their photos free. If yon do not be lieve what I say, just come down and see. Danner. The Danner Photograph gallery is now open and ready for business. First class work guaranteed. Loca tion near depot. V Pendleton's city council will follow the pace set by Athena in street im provement. A rock crusher will be purchased at once. , Mrs. P. E. Colbem and Mrs. Wm. Winship went to Walla Walla Mon day and visited friends, returning home Wednesday evening. Next Monday and Tuesday, May 1 aud 2, the Degree of Honor conven tion will be held in Pendleton. Mem bers of Clover Leaf Lodge, No. 35, will probably attend. Melford W. Smith of Pullman, Wash., arrived in the city last even ing and is visiting his many friends. He will preach in the Christian church Sunday morning and evening. Irs. T. J. Kirk has just completed very fine piece of needle work. She has a bed-spread that is a splendid work of art, and several months' time was consumed in its completion. ' att Johnson has his cottage on the est . Side almost-joompieted. ,It -is neat and attractive in appearance and is in keeping with the other nice homes in that residence district. ITharp Bros, are contemplating making additions to their machine shops this fall. They will install new motive power for their machinery and will also put in a trip hammer. Mrs. E. R. Cox went to Walla 'Walla yesterday, where she will re ceive medical aid. Mrs. Cox has not entirely recovered her health since going to the hospital there some time ago. - - Mrs. Charles C. Sharp was a pas senger on the down train Wednesday evening on her return home to Pen dleton from Alberta. Mrs. Sharp in vested in a half section of Alberta land. Mrs. Ed Saling, of Weston, will be the guest today of Mrs. A. A. Foss. Mrs. Saling will attend the Rathbone Sisters' entertainment tonight A large number of other Weston Rath bones are also expected. SLAt the meeting of the Rebekah lodge I Tuesday evening, Mrs. Jennie Mc- Bride, Miss Elsa Rosenzweig and Miss Jeannette Manasse, were elected del egates to the grand lodge, which con venes in Portland June 7. If" Athena product that is awaiting transportation to tne ijewis and uiarK fair is a five pound potato down at Barrett's hardware store. It comes from the garden of Mr. Norvel and is a fine specimen of the tuber product. Mr. Frank Dartrand came all the way from Montana to work on the Athena water works, but the second day out, Frank took on an Athena jag, sprained his ankle, stole two overcoats was "trun" in by the policeman, Mrs. Will McCollum will leave Sun day for an extended visit with her parents at Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. McCollum will break up housekeeping for the present and Bruce Wallace, with his father, will occupy their residence. JL H. Curtis and wife came in last night from Crook county, where they have a farm. Mr. Curtis reports fine crop prospects in Crook county, and , brought with him samples of the grow ing wheat of that section. Mr. Curtis also has land in Alberta, and will leave for there tomorrow. 1 Miss Stella Levy passed through the city en route to her home in Union, Wednesday evening, from Spokane, where she had been in attendance on her ueice, Miss Dolly Bloch for the past three months. She informed Athena friends that Miss Bloch is glowiy improving, though not yet able to be about the house. couldn't find a home in jail, was cart ed to the depot, pnt aboard train, sent to the county seat, placed in the coun ty ho.-'pital, and evidently has foundj what he was looking for, a soft place to sleep and plenty to eat without working for it- Frank was quite a rustler after pther people's property. overcoats preferred. He had one cached in a barn at the Gallaher place and sniped one from Milt Swaggart's hack. The district attorney was ap pealed to but evidently thought that as long as Swaggart had recovered bis coat and Frank was drunk when he stole it, the poor farm would be a cheaper place to keep him than Sheriff Taylor's jaiL Whether or not grub was taken into consideration, is of lit tle consequence, so long as Frank is properly cared for. Tribune: Joe Nolf, deputy game warden, hag returned from a trip to Union where he had been the past day or two, making investigations into the alleged violation of the fish laws along Catherine creek, in Union coun ty. Mr. Nolf found that persons liv ing along the stream have notJ been cherishing much regard for the fish laws and that a large number have failed to build screens or fish lad ders for the protection and passage of fish up stream. K Tuesday was the anniversary of the -birth of Angus Gilhs, and Mrs. Gillis prepared an elaborate dinner in honor of the occasion. It was a complete surprise to Mr. Gillis who had not kept the day in mind and consequent ly was taken unawares. Those pres ent 'to. wish him many happy and pleasant returns of the day were Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jarman and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd.-:' A i dinner such as Mrs. Gillis is noted for was immensely enjoyed. . The alumni of the Eastern Oregon state Normal School will gather at Weston in June, during commence-' ment week. One of the principal fea tures of the alumni program will be vocal and instrumental selections by the members. Mrs. J. D. Plamondon of this city, will give a couple of in strumental numbers. ; Rev. Andreas Bard, rector of St Paul's church, Episcopal, at Walla Walla, will leave in June for Europe where he will remain for three months. He will visit his old home in Germany and will also tour Italy and France. Mr. Bard is well known in this city. 'YGreen and gold, an . effective back ground, has been placed in the display windows of the Athena Mercantile Co. 's store this week. Charles Betts has been added to the force of sales men and Fred Rosenzweig has been transferred from the grocery depart ment to the dry goods department Many of the residences and the fronts of business houses in Athena have received and are receiving; new dresses of paint ' Trees and shrubs are being trimmed, lawns placed in order and in fact, a general spring renova tion seems to be prevalent ; v The followinc services will hn hold at the Methodist church next Sabbath: Sabbath school at 10 a. m. ; Epworth League at 6 :30 p. m. ; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject, "Waiting on the Lord. " The soda fountain at McBride's Palace druc store has ban Vint in proper shape to supply delicious drinks of all kinds. Home-made ice cream will be handled exclusively by Mr. McBride this season. ; " . Services at the Christian church Sunday as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m., Endeavor at 7 p. m., preaching at 8 m. C. A. Barrett & Co..have sold a number of cream separators to farm ers in this vicinity. The machines are said to be giving good satisfaction. W. S. Buel offers his residence prop erty on Current street for sale. House, practically new, contains six rooms. J! or lurtner particulars see Mr. Buel. , If you want any views taken before the foliage gets too heavy so as to ob scure the view of your house, let me know . W. A. Flower. F. G. Lucas wants more fat poultry. He will pay 7 and 7 1-2 cents per pound for hens. For roosters, old, 6c, young, 6c; ducks, 8c. - If you need fishing tackle, look at the fine display in W.orthington & Thompson's show window. You will never get photographs any cheaper than now. Prices cut in half. W. A. Flower. Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox k McEweo's. Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at Gay's, daily. Buy a rubber tired buggy of C. A. Barrett ft Co.-- Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. That Crescent Cream Coffee is Ado. At Worthington ft Thompson's. Latest : novelties in men's ready to wear suits, Athena Mercantile Co. Remember,' Ely ft Scott are head quarters for rubbers and overshoes. C. A. Barrett ft Co. have in stock the Dutchman and Oliver plows and extras. Juat received. Men's double-breasted 3-buttocf sacque suits. Athena Mercan tile Co. ;:l .. - . i Special in men's plow shoes just re ceived $1.50 per pair. Athena Mercan tile Co. s . New line of Buck Horsehide and Pig skin gloves just opened. Athena Mer cantile Co. If you want the very latest in Men's hats, see the new styles at Atbena Mer cantile Co. Worthington ft Thompson have just received a large line of new pipes and poclfet knives. T A Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine will do all your work. C. A. Barrett ft Uo. are agents. . Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton ft Thompson's. Don't forget to try our Gold Leaf coffee. It is the best 25 cent coffee on the market. Ely ft Scott. You will find the best novels by the best modern writers, in the circulating library, at the Palace Drug store. W. 0. Miller is again in the harness business in Athena. He is located in the Estes building opposite the Athena Hotel.; All goods sold at reasonable prices, j Workmanship guaranteed. After stock taking we find we have a big lot of wash Remnants, Ginghams, Percales; and Calicoes. We have made the prices so low that they will not last long. Come early and get your share. Athena Mercantile Co. mt!f!lfnrt!rmm!?f!!f!!f!?F!inif!IF!?f!?mnif1!?1!f?f!!f!lf!!? g The People of the city want the Best and that is If why they call at the s a7MITE: 'HOU B Cash Grocery IS) Lai B THEY KNOW THAT WE MEET ALL "SALX" 3 jg PRICES ON GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS S- I NOT GOODNOT HERE 1 p Worthington & Thompson, g SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET :- ATHENA, OREGON 7i iiiiiiiiiiiiiaiuiiiiuiiiiaiiuiuaiiiiiiiiimiamiaiiiiiuiuii r RftA f! Rhflm Paint' 0il Gla88' Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing UOOU,UUaip PENDLETON, OREGON, v - . ESTABLISHED 1865 - Preston-Parton Milling Go. L. A. Githens, agent for Edison ; pho nographs and records, is prepared to furnish all of the different grades of the Edison make. Mr. Githens always has phonographs on exhibition and is pre pared t6 give information at auv time. - If you cannot eat sleep or work, feel mean, cross and ugly, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain tea this month. A; tonic for the sick. There is no remedy i equal to it. 35c, tea or tablets. Pioneer 1 drug store. Are You Reatleai at Night and harassed by a bad cough? Use Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it will secure ; you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by McBride. . c Guaranteed By All Grocers Patronize Home Industry. 1 Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers : H ' ' ': " 2 Waitsburg, Wash. - - - Athena, Oregon If IIHltHltMllllMDSI lllllia(ll " The Colonel' Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove,. Texas, nearly met his Waterloo from kidney and liver trouble. 'Id a recent letter he Bays: "I was nearly dead of these complaints, and although 1 tried my family doctor, ne aid me no good; so I got a 60c bottle of your great Electric Bitters which cured me. I con sider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the know ledge to make them." Sold and guaran teed to cure dyspepsia, biliousness and kidney disease, by Win. McBride, drug gist, at 50c a bottle. Incredible Brutality. It ould have been incredible brutal ity if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse, N. Y,, bad not done the best he could for his suffering eon. 'My boy," he says, "cut a fearful gash over bis eye, so I applied Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye." Good for burns and ulcers, too. Only 25c at McBride's drug store. Men and Teams Wanted. To haul from Fletcher's Mill to Weston and Milton. A pply at once to The Fletcher Co., Tanks, Oregon. To t'nr Cattption forever. UC.C.C Sail to cure. ttruKKtsi.; jvfuoU muu&s. i i "i nil" mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A r f ULTRA "BUST- CURVING WAIST MODELS ,1 ' '"' I 11 I ill 'SI-'SSl ( 1 ' We want everyone in this vicinity to feel at home in this greaf store. It Is your store; it belongs to the public, and we intend that it shall be conducted in a manner consistent from ) every point with the public's wishes and comfort. Nearly every family in this vicinity thinks firstly of this store when needing any such goods as we sell, because in past years they is complete and ent with qualities, inspection of these lines, j A clean, of 'Spring goods. have found stock prices are consist We invite critical vcrv con-" up to date Everythir'