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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. TwiOS-A-WiEK TOXSDAT AMD FbIDAT T. B. Bors, Publish. Entered necond-clam nutter, March 1, 1904, at the poatofflce at Athena, Oregon, naderan Aetot Congress of March 8, 1870. Subscription Katea: i'er year, In advanot 12.00 Blngleooplei In wrappers, 6c Advertising Hataat l,ocal reading notice, fint Insertion, lOe per me. Eacbiabsequentlniertion.Sc. All eommanloatloni should be addressed to i he PKE88 Athena, Oregon ATHENA, APRIL 28, 1905 A medical journal Bays one of the results of tbe recent announcement of a growing shortage in the supply of domestic medicinal plants is an agita tion among drng manufacturers and dealers in favor of a campaign of edu cation among the farmers to teach them that there is profit in raising for sale many of the plants which they now persistently destroy as noxious weeds. It is said that the supply of domestic vegetable drugs has become so small that we are now importing every year fully $16,000,000 worth of drugs which were formerly produced from plants gathered in this country. Among these'are drugs which are pro duced from plants which are still found growing wild in large quanti ties in this country, but the value of which the farmers fail to realize. Some of them are the common dan delion, burdock, couch grass and curly dock, common golden seal, one cf the most valuable of medical plants, which today is . bringing 75 cents a pound but is being exterminated as a pest by farmers all over the country ; senega or snake root; common sage, belladonna, henbane and stramonium. Well, don't know whether bal ance of the collection of plants enum erated by the journal are rooted- in Athena lawns or not but in Boyd's lawn and several others there is enough dandelion roots to keep four or five large Peruna shops going with a dou ble shift of workmen, and then some. The farmers of Umatilla county wore never in such good Bhape financ ially as today. Thoy have had a suc cession of good crops and profitable prices, while land has been steadily increasing in value. They enter the busy spring season of 1005 with high hopes, and if the elements are favorT able their industry and good manage ment will greatly increase the balance on the right side of the ledger when the accounts of 1906 are cast up. All can't get rich, but it is a great deal to hold one's own, live well iu the meantime and lay up some thing for a rainy day. That is what the aver age farmer is doing, and a little more. Every indication goes to prove that Athena is to have an ample supply of pure spriug waterf or her new grav ity system of water works. No better time than the presont could have beeu seleoted iu which to tost tho flow of wator. The past winter hns been more than noted for its lack of mois ture, both in snow and raiu fall. In fact uot in years has proeipation boon less than in the fall and wiutor olid Walla When you are over in Walla Walla we want you to make our store your headquarters, whether you wish to buy anything here or not. It is the Foet-Oflke. We have put aside two rooms in the rear of our store for the special benefit and oomfort of our visitors. It is good place to rest, wash and clean up after a long drive. We also want you to use our 'phones, and in fact make yourself perfectly at home while here. And then, too, if you have time we would con sider it a pleasure to show you through our store. Our spring lines are now complete, and when needing anything in the way of houre furnishings, we want you to give us a chance to figure with you. Our assortments are the largest, our quality is the best and everything guaranteed to give satisfaction, and our prices are low as the lowest. When goods ordered amount to Mail Orders a Specialty THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12 U 16 18 20-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, :- WASH. months of the season 1904-6, yet the depletion of the Gallaber springs is not to be noted to any material extent. Particularly is this observed in the underground flow, which is now being developed by a crew of workmen. It is now practically assured that the quantity of water now flowing from the spring will be increased to at least one half when the underground flow is fully developed, and it is safe to say that if enough water is found there in a dry season there will be a greater quantity in seasons of more precipitation. Editorailly the Freewater Times gives us this: "Howl, you howlers 1 Curse the trust, and the minute you get a dollar send it to Sears, Roebuck-Montgomery Ward & Co., and thereby pat ronize one of the largest trusts in the United States. Get credit from your home merchant, and send your cash to the trusts ! Curse the trusts and patronize them I And howl I Don't forget to howl I If the clothes don't fit that you buy from your local deal er, take them back and get others; but when the trust sends them, keep them until one of the children grows up. But patronize them 1 Send your money out of town then howl about hard times 1 Revile the trusts, but send to Chicago for your provisions. Of course you lose money by paying large freight rates, but that is all right; it goes to another trust the railroad company. But don't forget to howl I" Richard Johnson, of Minto, N, D. , owns a buggy which was used by Theodore Roosevelt on his Maltese Cross ranch in North Dakota nearly twenty five years ago. The buggy had been in use for fifteen years prior to the time young Mr. Roosevelt used it Mr Johnson will send the old ve hicle to the Lewis and Clark exposition as an exhibit Many of the trappings used by Roosevelt during his two years sojourn in Dakota have been preserved by his admirers. One of these relics is a dinky little old straw hat which looks very funny now, but it was the New York City style when the young man wore it out to Dakota in 1881. Efforts are being made to send.this hat and other Roosevelt relics from North Dakota to the exhibition. The burying place of Commodore Paul Jones having been discovered the remains are to be brought to this country for reinterment. He will be pleased to get back to his beloved country after so long a stay in Europe. American warships will accompany the remains of this hero over tbe ocean and the French may also send a naval escort. He was English but settled in Virgina. He won the first naval victory for this country in a hot contest His last fighting was done for Russia in 1788 against Turk ey, being a rear admiral. Jnoh Paul Jones died in Paris in July, 1792. A Frauklin couuty, Wash., ex change, in speaking of tbe Lewis and Clark exposition, says that "it came to the influence of the Suake and Colum bia rivers. "Well, "confluence" might have answered just as well but what is the matter with "influential" or "iuflueuza?" The beef trust say, and they are u p held by Socretary Garfield's reoent re port, that they have to fight sharp competition, do business on a close margin and make only an average of about 99 ceuts ou every heud of cattlo Headquarters $10.00 or more we pay the freight. Mail Orders a Specialty slaughtered. But there are a lot of by-products which yield good returns and it is noted that all the great pack ing firms have accumulated millions. Where did they get it if not out of the business? Evidently they have been making money hand over fist and this morey came off of somebody. A lot of fools in the Wisconsin legislature are trying to pass a law levying a tax of $10 on bachelors over 30 years old. They say there are over 10,000 men in that state subject to this tax. It is no business of the legisla ture whether men marry or stay in "single blessedness," or "cussedness," as the case may be. All men should marry, if they can and want to go in double harness. St Paul's suggest ion on marriage should not be forgot ten. The Iroquois club of Chicago will have President Roosevelt as a guest on his return from his bear-killing ex pedition. The Iroquois is the leading democratic club of America and it is hailed as a good omen of a glorious epoch in politics that a republican president is to be guest thereof. It has the appearance of a political mil lennium. The president may be called a wonder-worker. THE CALIFOBIA OBSTKICH, (From the Pacific Monthly. ) A trolley ride of twenty minutes or more from Pasadena, with the finest of panoramio views on the way, takes us to the farm. Green valleys, sleepy foothills, quaint Moorish houses, strangely constructed bungalows and rose-entwined cottages pass in quick review. All of these so charm us that for the time we forget the object of our quest But the loud call of the conductor "All off for Cawston ostrich farm," reminds us of our original in tention, and we alight Here we look upon more lovely scen ery, for the ground all about the farm is most artistically ornamented. Trel lises are covered with beautiful roses. Palm trees reach up and send their fan-like branches far out, making pleasant shade for warm days. Here are flowers of every hue, rich and beautiful under a high state of cultiva tion. A bed of scarlet popios is blaz ing in the golden sunlight Fountains send up and scatter cooling sprays, while goldfish dart here and there in their cool depths. Rustic seats under the livebak, eucalyptus and pepper trees invite one to rest, while enticing paths lead to various parts of the grounds. Altogether we behold a scene of entrancing beauty. We are here to see the ostriches, however, and here they come rushing towards us pell melL Their wings are extehded and their great toes scarcely touch the ground, so eager are they for the oranges. They pick the yellow globules from the ground, or take them from his hand, and swallow them with one gulp, not crushing them in the least I have seen an ostrich take a dozen oranges and swallow them one after another in rapid succession, giving its neck the appearance of a string of great beads. The ages of the members of this flock range from eight to nine months. How curious and greedy they are I We are made to retreat in double quick time as they poke their big flat head with bulging eyes at us over the high board fence and snap their beaks close to our hat pins, watches and kodaks. After forty days they are hatched, and in four or five months after hatching the hen lays again, and another brood is brought forth. It is at times necessary to take a feeble young bird from its parents and raise it by hand. A baby ostrich four days old was being fed alfalfa from the hand of its keeper. The birds are all of one color a dingy speckled gray until they are eighteen months old. Then the male changes to a glossy black, with the exception of white feathers under his tail and wings. The females always remain gray. Tbe body of a full grown ostrich is more than two feet across, and as it stretches up its long neek it will measure, from bill to toe, Beven or eight feet The weight of an adult bird is from 300 to 400 pounds. The price of a full-grown bird varies from $200 to $300 and the price of a fcaby ostrich is $25.00 while eggs are valued at from $3.00 to $25.00 each. Ostriches live to be from 60 to 70 years of age. When one first looks at a flock of these gigantio birds one ex claims: "Oh, what awkward, cinmsy things 1" But look again I A great bunch of them comes sweeping to wards us. Their toes are daintily touching the ground, their wings are raised or lowered, their necks are craned this way or that, all with the finest grace and beauty of movement Here is Major Roberts coming for an orange. His air is as fine, his gait as mincing and graceful as that of a lady in a drawing room. It will bring rich, red blood, firm flesh and muscle. That'a what Hol lister'a Rocky Mountain Tea wOl do. Taken this month keeps you well all summer. 35a tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store. - . If taken this month keeps you welt all summer. It makes the little ones eat, sleep and grow. A spring tonic for the whole family. ilolltster'a Hocky Moun tain Tea. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Talace drug store. '. Hotice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of Elijah Ingle, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of said Elijah Ingle, deceased, by the County Court of Uma tilla County, State of Oregoi. All per sons having claims., against said estate of Elijah Ingle, deceased, are hereby re quired to present tbe same with the proper vouchers as by law required within six months from the date hereof, to the underssigned at the law office of Hailey & Lowell, in Pendleton, Oregon, or at the residence of the undersigned in Corvallis, Oregon. Dated this 18th day of April, 1905. John W. Ingle, -Executor of the last will and testament of Elijah Ingle, Deceased. Notice of Final Account. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed his final ac count as administrator of the estate of John McRae, deceased, in the County Court of Umatilla County, State of Ore gon, and the Judge of said Court has fixed Saturday, the 29th day of April, 1905, at ten o clock in the forenoon at the County Court Room in the County Court House in Pendleton, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing said ac count, and persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and file their object ions, if any, to said account on or before said time. Dated this 24th day March, 1905. Angus M. Gillia, Administrator of the Estate of John McRae, Deceased. PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law AlHENA, - OREGON. J. D. PL AM ON DON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street. Athena, Oregor ALMOND ffi The Cream of all Creams. Clears the complex tion, cleans the cuticle, cleanses and cures as no other cream can. It's "face" value is always the same. Dont forget the place Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. R. J. BODDY'S MEAT MARKET Fresh Meats. Only the Best is Good. v v v As delicious as .I.i.ul.pjl.ll JIIH.UU 'I.. l.Wl.ip.llHII . Hlff f mmmw If r M ,,,- mmrtriirr i i i ' 1 Vfu seasonable j reasonable Ac W 1 Supersedes old-fashioned Cod liver Oil and Emulsions Guaranteed to contain all the medicinal elements, actually taken from genuine fresh cods' livers, with organic iron and other body-building ingredients, but no oil or grease, making the greatest atrengih and flesh creator known to medicine. For old people, puny children, weak, pal women, nursing mothers, chronic cold, hacking coughs, throat and lung troubles, incipient consumption nothing equals ViaoL Try it tf yuu don't lit It w will return money. VZ" PIONEER First aiional of Athena -.'S - .. C A PITAL STOCK. '. . $50,000 SURPLUS,, ... , ... 12,500 Propei attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic ex change. Fire and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge for keeping your valuable papers. H. O. Adam, President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. F. 8. Lb Grow, Cashier. ; CONTRACTING 5 " Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in 0 all its branches, I am in a position to carry on this line 0 of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in 0 connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the , best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. - - . A. M. ALUS, PROPRIETOR, S 1 THE GILLIS LUMBER YARD: riuA n Makes the food more OVAl BAKING Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material " Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. Special inducements on orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION .i if: 1 CHARLES GAY ...Dealer in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars KRESH BREAD, PIES. CAKES, ETC. The New l Body Builder a Fresh Orange DRUG STORE 3d Bank C. A narrett.) P. K. Colburn, VDIreclont V. 8. LeUrow, I I. M. Kemp, Aislsinut Cashier AND BUILDING i delicious and wholesome POWfffR CO., NEW VO0K. A, J. PARKER'S Mm Everything Fire I Clans - Ho cl r t it and l'p-t - 1 h t SOUTH SID MAIN STREET ATHENA. Everything For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy! Baker & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St.. next to Postoffice. Pendleton. Foley's Honey aBd Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. 0$