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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
Ill THE EAST END HEWS FBOM WE3T05, ADAMS MILTON AND FEEEWATEH. Doings of Tour Nelehbon Ai Told In Columm of the Leader, Advance, Eagle and Times. Weston. (Weston Leader.) Mrs. James Carlisle sustained a sec ond operation at Walla Walla recently, and is now reported to be in a very promising condition. 0. M. Pierce and J. R. Killgore arri ved Wednesday from California on bus iness connected with the Tulare lake land project. It is the intention to form a syndicate for the purchase of a large body of the land. Pupils at the Baptist Sunday School who have been regular in their attend ahce for the last quarter were present ed with solid silver stars last Sunday The next reward will be the gold plat ed stars and then the solid gold ones. The Commercial Association of Wes ton, through its board of control, has leased all but two rooms of the upper story of the Brandt building at the cor ner of Main and Water street, and this will be the permanent home of the as sociation, Horace Walker, County commission er, visited the Weston mountain coun try yesterday to look after a proposed change of road whereby a steep hill may be avoided, near the old LeCompt place. It is understood that satisfac tory arrangements were made with the owner of the land, Mr. Keen, and that the change will be made. T. T. Davis was in town Sunday on his way to Poudleton, where Mrs. Davis is attending the bedside of her father. About ten years ago Mr. Davis was mayor of Weston and cashier of the Farmers' Bank. He was afterward successfully engaged in the hotel busi ness at Pullman, Wash., but has lately disposed of his interests there. Milo Ransom hag sold his residence on Franklin street to Frank L. Blair, who evidently wants a little home of his own where he can live in bache lor quiet and comfort. Mr. Ransom will leave Weston within a week or two for Clark county, Missouri, where his sister resides and whore a number of nephews and neices made things pleasant for him on his trip East last falL The years that are yet left to him he expects to spend in Missouri, and Weston will know him no more. Since a short time after the close of the civil war, in which he served with a New York regiment, Milo has been a resident of Weston, and in his departure the town loses one of its oldest citizens. Complaints are ooming from resi dents on the Walla Walla river that trout are unable to go over the North western Gas & Electric company's dam across the river and that above the dam there is very little Ashing. The dam is seven feet high and is not fitted with fish ladders. Those who have visited that locality say that ftoh are constantly seen leaping iu their endeav or to scale the obstruction. Com plaints are also made that several peo ple have been fishing at the foot of the dam iu violation of the state law, which provides that no one shall fish within 200 yards of such obstruction. Adams. (Adams Advance. ) Miss Edith MoBride of Athena, visited Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Swart L. Lieuallon went to Echo Sunday with the Pendleton base ball team, to assist in cleaning up the Sage brshora. Frank Grasty and his son Leo, who live on the Umatilla river, were down gathering up stock to place on sum mer pasturage. They secured a good ly uumbor from this vicinity. George E. Periuger of Pendleton, commonly known as the reservation wheat king, spent Wednesday in the city. He wiys that his big steam plowing out tit is turning over sum mer fallow at the rate of about 60 acres per day. That is going some. We are now able to stay at home once more, after having bean out un der quarantine for two weeks, Miss Loretta having so far recovered from the diphtheria attack as to permit the premises being fumigated Monday. She is now pronounced convalescent by Dr. Todd the attending physician. Milton. (Milton Eagle.) Commissioner Horace Walker was in Milton this week looking after road matters. J. V. Coombs has beeu attending the religious revival iu Portlaud. He preached twice iu the metropolis last Sunday. A meeting of citiaens was held the other day and plans were perfected for defending the water suit brought by the Peacock Mill Co. William Anderson this week receiv ed a carload of thoroughbred Clydes deal stallions direct from Glasgow Soot laud, aud they are superb specimeus of hoiue flesh. They were 17 days on the water and 24 days on the cars and arrived in fine condition. J. W. Bickford, formerly connect ed with the Hazlewood creamery in this city, has recently accepted a position with the Blue Mountain creamery at Pendleton. Frcewoter (Freewater Times). Mrs. Reed disposed of her residence property in this city this week to John Reed. Consideration, $700. A man will play billiards half the night and pay 25 cents a game and drink 15 cent whiskey, but if he is asked to pay fl. 50 for a year's sub scription to a newspaper, he thinks he is robbed. From what we can learn the frost last Sunday did but very little dam age, although a contradictory report has gone out from Milton. Possibly a few strawberries were caught, but if so, they were few. Mr. Urandy sold six and one-half acres of land this week to a Mr. Hurr of Kansas for $2,75Q. About three years ago the same property sold for $600 and later for $1,500. Thus does Freewater real estate increase in value by leaps and bounds. A couple of pin-headed, brainless young fellows in this town are mak ing a practice of tearing down signs, defacing buildings, and otherwise committing depredations after night. Rome of these times they are going to be caught and an example made of them. Reward Offered. W. Reed, of Gibbon, O-egou, will pay a suitable reward for information leading to the recovery of the follow ing described animals: One brown mare, brand D C on left shoulder, white face. One brown yearling colt, ho brand. One roan mare, white legs, brand 76 connected on left shoulder. One sorrel mare, brand small L on left shoulder, wire split in ear. Invaluable for Rheumatism. I have been suffering for tho past few years with a severe attack of rheuma tism and found that Ballard's Snow Liniment was the only thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pain. March 21, 1902, John C. Degnan, Kinsman, 111. 25c, 50c and 81 . Sold by McBride, druggist. The Beit Cough Ryrnp. S. L. Apple, ex-Probate Judge, Otta wa Co., Kansas, writes: "This is to say that I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup for years, and that I do not hesi tate to recommend it as the best cough syrup I have ever used." 25c, 50c and 81. Sold by McBride. 815 Eeward. H. Molstrom of Pendleton will pay 815 reward for information leading to the recovery of the following described horses: One bay mare, 6 years old, brand A on right shoulder; one black mare, three white feet, four years old, no brand; one yearling bay stud colt, no brand; one yearling gray stud colt star in forebead. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE mi mm COOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED Horses boarded by the day, week or mouth Stables on 2nd street, South of Alain street i. F. Wright, - Proprietor r THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. K. FROOME, prop. tf? Only First-class Hotel in I the City. THE ST. NICHOLS the only oue that can accommodate eommerolal traveler. If? Can beteeomended for Us clean and well ventilated rooms. CO. MAIM AMD THIRD, ATHEHA.l'f. m ,'lu)l t Iw sat b fy IM mim ) I I m mm, at m ones i'"7 .7V mn Mri. tat ami mtUr, '" IG ) tUt PAH, MM) SUNDAY JOUB- W HAL. H,mmmfhnitmmmmm t- .Mn, mt mif tm tWRf rmm a MM T q r fey wk all ay aa MM w, wll mmi Natad TH UM tAV JOURNAL. aN( mmm aura. Attar Mdtam aaa an o i WSfNM flS la)"aJa Jtmtmmm, tmm aW fca mm M 0.4ft ijnua a. J Ym tarn ton at an, mi i wiilnl BHMUag THS SUNDAY JOURNAL, Mm wi a at mm m tm THS I DAILY JOUkNAL. I THS SUNDAY JOUSNAL mmtm f AU. TM NKWt, m4 mmmy mmt t- I mrm al mum m mm aw) main. mi. 1 nl iii, tm m mm yiiliaa mtm I mttmi ww aa mm mmmt Mam m dn I JOUKNAL a mmmg m mmm I M M w M t mm m aaU mmm mtm 11 I I awanax, Da1 tm wmm mwykl I It I . 3i ft CASH ! 1 1 I ; al tm mum, rg m mm wmomlf. 11 f J In alaiawi w a imymt rm, im mmW mr I mam JOUKNAL ap mm VHiraaat latnant mmn m wst mmmwmwmm f tat MftaHan, kwata my h 1 n i n mmJWi fUew all In a) awca mmmmmm I ln m mm mm arm mmmy m aw taeaartMlawM. Ow-TrlSJOUa- ) Vv. NAL mhmmi THB JOURNAL a A44ra THB JOUKNAU J JL rVtaii. Oi. J MILLINERY The Latest Modes and Fashions in Street and Dress Hats. LA HUE MILLINERY CO. Third Street. Atl.en.i. Paintim BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Propiietor. Paper Hanging, Wall Tinting, Sign Writing, etc, satisfaction guaraoteed by L- J. Eohinson. Shop,- corner 3rd and Jefferson, Streets, Athena, Oregon. T. L. TERIIUNE, CONTRACTOR & BUILEDR Estimates Furnished and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Residence on Hunt Ave. - Athena PAWNER 8 A LVE the most henllna salve In tho world. PROMPT A RELIADLE SERVICE A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken bent care of and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. Troy laundry Walla Walla, Wash. HENRY KEEN, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. you know that high polish on collars and cuffs looks cheap? yeu know that high polish on collars and enffs looks like celluloid? you know that high polish on collars and cuffs causes them to break? you know that the Walla Walla Steam Laundry has the ONLY DO MESTIC MACHINE in this part of the country? Try them. It costs you nothing for a trial. Office at St- Nichols Hotel. Let Chester Trask call for your laundry. : : : : : : , r , -MwinMiiwn iininriiwwniimmii n w n min i n m nirn ri n 11 n r mi n n -iiTiniiiitnii mi nnr l "'flip jffi 7 f " ifmmmm,'mmmmmmmmmm! W ' WMcnmtm I ill TAKE DOWN REPEATING SHOTGUNS A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with a strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable for trap or duck shooting, and an extra interchangeable modified choke orcylinder bore barrel, for field shoot ing, fists at only $42.00. Dealers sell them for less. This makes a serviceable all round gun within reach of everybody's pocket book. Winchester Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expensive double barrel guns and are just as reliable besides. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN. Wfll urn-" mmm jiijw. irr'5. tip 1na.ffiiMiM ii Ufa Makes the food more delicious and wholesome epVM. BAKIWQ POWDER CO. , NFW VOWK. JUl ui KmmJ follows a colid, but never follows the use of j fir i s r n n 1 ' I J V J ULZ1 Li nnrT3 n nn UNJLia V Z XLJLLL U ZiLd It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is taken, as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears. Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Savs4 Her Ufa Frem Pneumonia. "My wife had severe attck of Pneumonia which followed a severe attack of La Grippe and 1 believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Aenew, Mich., writes: "I hive used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very severe cases of Pneumonia with rood results in every case." ' Cared When Very Law With Pneumonia. J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, IU., writes: "My little boy wss very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was magical and puzzled the doctor, as it immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovered." Threo Sizes. 25c, 50o and $1.03 The 50-cent size contains 2 1-2 times as much as the small size, and the $ size almost 6 times as much. Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Eeed & Sons, noted for strength and volume of tone. The Henry F. Miller, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the beet, and the popular Singer. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Piano delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terras. Dwelley Herrick Music Co., 51 East Main Street 4 Doors Above Bridge, . Walla Walla, Washington ED. 1JARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER KnttmiiU-8 furnished on tit! kinds of buildings. Satisfaction Uuuraiilccil. Office at New Lumber Yard, Atheim. Tho- GOHRGiAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Pnp KEEN & WILLABY'S .Barber Shop, i Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. HOT BATHS. fBllBIwlll Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. Oregon Siiot lire w r TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and steeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleepinK car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining cha;r cars, seats free, to the east daily irom Pendleton. SKPABT TIMS SCHEDULES ABRIVK Dallr- ATHENA, ORE. Daily. Fast Mail for Pen- " dleton, LaUrande, Baker City, and all pointseast via Hun tington, Ore., Also j-h r , for Umatilla, Hepp 4.58 pro. neri The l)ales 9:57 a. w. Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley i Points, California, Tacoma. Seattle, all Sound Points. Walla Walla, Day- ton, Pomproy, Lew 9:fi..m. iston, Coifax, Pull- man, Moscow, the 4:53 P- m. Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and all points north. Mlxett train walla 7:05 p. m. wall and interme i9.- . diate points. lAJI p. m. Mixed, for Pendle 12:20 .m. ton and intermedi- 7:C5 p- ro. ate points. I Wtr Kuntrs. x. HAN FRaSCISCO-PV)KTLAND ROUTE Steamer sails from l'ortlard 8 p. m. every 8 days. Snake River Rout.. Steamers leave Riparia daily except Satur day, at 4:10a. m. Returning leave Lewuslon daily except Fridav, at 7 a. in M.W. Smith, Agent. AUten