The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 18, 1905, Image 3

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    thena r,;nt( antm r co.
Know Just What You Want
Call and examine our new Spring Stock. You will find
everything you can desire in all the Latest Fabrics.
In all Colors. Mohairs in Plain, Striped or Figured.
Plaid, Striped and Figured for Shirtwaist Suits.
In all the new Fabrics. All Shades and Colors.
Pongees Plain or Fancy
French Ginghams
In all the Latest Effects and Checks. Sateens, Foulards
and Lawtis in endless variety.
In White, Black and Arabian. Heavy and light effects;
the latest patterns.
Oriental Laces .
All widths and colors. Ribons, Gloves, Mitts in all shades
Athena Mercantile Company-
south S de Main Street,
Pearl Hales is up from Adams today.
Clark Walter is over from Walla
D. C Kirk was iu town yesterday
from Weston,.
F.S . Le Grow visited the garden
city yesterday.
Fine line of children's hats at Mrs.
Lillie Miller's millinery store. '
, Miss Clara Volliner left yesterday
morning for her home in Waiteburg.
Charles Dupuis,sa prominent young
man of Weston, was in town Sunday:
sT Will M". Potersonr the attorney,
made a trip to Walla Walla yester
day. .
Mr. Schwartz, of the firm of Stahl
& Co., is in town today from Walla
Pendleton Tribune: The Misses
Sharp of Athena visited in Pendleton
You will never get photographs any
cheaper than now. Prices cut in half.
W. A. Flower.
A marriage license has been issued
to John Dyke and Jessie Scott, both of
Umatilla county.
Mrs. Will McCullom will go soon for
an extended visit with relatives and
friends in Corvallis.
Mrs. E. A. Boyd returned yester
day from a visit to Mrs. Fred Rosen
zweig at Eltopia, Wash.-
Francis M. Mulkey, for 44 years a
resident of Umatilla county, died Fri
duy night at his home ia Pendleton.
Mrs. Cameron, who has been visit
ing her cousin, Mrs. William Russell,
left yesterday for her home in Walla
X Miss Cora Davison will make her
uonie with her sister, Mrs. Pinkerton
during the absence of her father in
Marion Jack was up from his ranch
near Havana yesterday. Marion is
. elated over crop prospects in that
vicinity. . .
V Engineer Miller is over from Colfax
and yesterday with a force of men be
gan surveying for the pipe line of the
new water system.
F. G. Lucas wants more fat poultry.
He will pay 7 and 7 1-2 cents per
pound for hens. For roosters, old, 5c,
young, 6c; ducks, 8c
If you want any views taken before
. the foliage gets too heavy so as to ob
scure the view of your house, let me
know . W. A. Flower.
A new line of young ladies' trimmed
hats will arrive at Mra. Lillie Miller's
millinery store Monday from Minnea
polis. Prices reasonable.
Mrs. Jack Weir and daughter, Irma,
who have been visiting friends in
Arlington, Illinois, the past winter,
returned home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emeeley Eidenour, of
Weston, were visiting Athena friends
Saturday and Sunday. They returned
home yesterday morning.
i Press Paragraphs
1 q n
Athena, Oregon
5Mrs. Frank Tharp had the misfor
tune to meet with a distressing acci
dent the other day. A nail penetrated
the foot, causing a serious wound.
W. S. Buel offers his residence prop
erty on Current street for sale. House,
practically new, contains six rooms.
For further particulars see Mr. Buel.
iss Bessie McKay left yesterday
morning for her home near Walla
Walla, after a pleasant visit with her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Gholson and family.
The spring session of the supreme
court will be held in Pendleton on
May 1. There are 16 cases on the
docket, one of which is the O. R. &
N. tar. case.
Charles Betts and family will oocu
py the dwelling recently vacated by
the McBride family, near their new
residence. Mr. Betta will move this
week from Helix.
Benjamin F. Ogle was in Pendleton
Saturday. As administrator of the
estate of his brother Thos. Ogle, de
ceased, he presented his final account
in the county court
Miss Laura Brown was in the city
Saturday from Walla Walla. A re
porter is informed that Miss Brown
will teach a term of school on the
mountain near Athena.
Yesterday morning Henry Barrett
left for the mountain range with 125
head of stock, which came through the
winter in excellent condition at the
Barrett ranch on Pine Creek.
East Oregonian : J. A. Lieuallen and
wife of Adams, left last night for Port
land, to be present at the graduation
of their son Fred, from the medical
department of the University of Ore
gon. A number of fans went down to the
county seat Sunday and witnessed the
Pendleton-Weston amateur ball game.
Weston won out by the colossal score
of 15 to 11. Earl Saunders pitched
a portion of the game' for Pendleton.
Charles Marsh is on his way to
Santa Ana, California. He will
tour that state with a view to secur
ing a suitable location for a home.
He expects, however, to improve
the land he recently purchased at
Twin Falls, Idaho.
"Athena was successful in amateur
baseball Saturday and Sunday. Games
played resulted : Athena High school
10, Normal school 8; "Lilliputians
9, Weston Kids 8; "Grasshoppers"
31, Weston "Tadpoles" 22; Athena
"Scrubs" 18, Weston 2nd nine 15.
W. Shipley, a Californian, has
made his second shipment of Pinto
cayuses from the Umatilla reservation.
Pinto ponies for driving and riding
purposes ia now a rage in the south
ern states. The mares are crossed
with Shetlands, the result being a
strong wiry pony.
East Oregonian : The little sou of
Frank Sloan, of Butter creek, who
was accidentally shot in the mouth
with a 22-calibre rifle Saturday, died
at six o'clock Saturday evening at
Echo. The funeral was held at 1
o'clock today at the M. E. church in
Mr. and Mrs. A. LL Grigsby.of Ala
meda, California, were in the city
Sunday. Mr. Grigsby is the Simplex
expert who established the typesetting
machine in the Press office. They
left yesterday morning for Moscow,
Idaho, and other northern points
where he will set up machines.
Handsome Easter hats for ladies and
children at Mrs. Lizzie Jones' millin
ery store. Call and see them and get
ready for Easter. New goods arriv
ing weekly.
sA. M. Gillis, the constructor of
many of Athena's best buildings, has
again concluded to enter into the con
tracting business. In connection with
his large and extensive lumber busi
ness, he finds that he is in a position
to do all kinds of building on the most
improved and advanced methods.
Read his advertisement in today's
Last night Mrs. J. D. Plamoudon
entertained at her home iu honor of
Mrs. William McCullom. The event
was a complete surprise to Mrs. Mc
Cullom, the occasion being in memory
of her birthday. Eighteen friends
and invited guests were present.
Games and musio for entertainment
and refreshments, including punch
served by the hostess, made the even
ing an enjoyable one for those present
Mrs. McCullom was presented with
an elegant and costly chafing dish, for
a birth day present.
Extreme April Heat Registers 100 De
gree! la the Ban.
Claresholm, April 6, 1905. To the
Editor: I did intend to write you
sooner, but wanted to see how winter
wheat went through the winter in this
northern climate. The wheat'- looks,
fine, better than I ever expected con
sidering the depth of frost we" had.
I have not heard of one case of winter-killed.
It is no (jueetion in my
mind that Southern Alberta is going
to be a winter wheat country and one
of the best in the Northwest, jf; am
glad it is eo, as so many Umjvtilla
county farmers have invested :!good,
cold cash in Alberta dirt -
Weather is splendid. Every body
is either seeding, discing or plowing.
The thermometer registered 100 in the
sun at noon yesterday, but nights are
cold. In this nighborhood the frost is
nearly all out of the ground, We are
digging post-holes and ' do not find
frost. I have heard in Oregou that
the ground freezes twenty feet deep
and that the frost never gets entirely
out here; and now we are only in the
first part of April and the frost - is
nearly all out
Tell Bill McBride that when I got .
back here I failed to see the imagin
ary big cracks he said were in David
Williams' land. ; .
A week ago we had a terrible prairie
fire, with my place about the center,
ten miles north and south, and thirty
miles east and west. It burned all
the pasture in the neighborhood, and
some haystacks. It is supposed it was
ignited by the sparks from a railroad
Mosgrove, Nelson, Martin and An- i
dette's outfit got here a few days ago I
after ten days traveling. They had
lots of trouble they say, and their
horses are the worst looking lot I ever
saw. Two -of them died since they
landed. ' N. S. Averill's horses came
through in the best shape. . "
Averill is witching for water today
with a willow. I hope success will
be his.
You have no idea how many people
are coming in here. Every day a
train load comes in. Homesteads are
all taken for forty miles east of Clares-
holm. They have a postoffice twenty
five miles east of town at the new
dance hall. We are going to have one
at the northeast corner of Gillis' sec
tion. Nelson, Averill, Rigby and my
self are talking of putting up a barb
wire telephone between our farms and
the latter, on to town. The Oregon
people are going to have .everything
up to date in this Northwest. In
another month the Oregon farmers
here are going to set things humming
plowing. They are all used to farm
ing on a large scale.
Resp. Yours,
Nick Taitinger.
The Colonel's Waterloo.
Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey
Grove,. Texas, nearly met his Waterloo
from kidney and liver trouble. In a
recent letter he says: "I was nearly
dead of these complaints, and although
1 trieu my family doctor, ne aid me no
good; so I got a 50c bottle of your great
Electric Bitters which cured me. I con
sider them the best medicine on earth,
and thank Sod who gave you the know
ledge to make them." Sold and guaran
teed to cure dyspepsia, biliousness and
kidney disease, by Wm. McBride, drug
gist, at 50c a bottle.
Incredible Brutality.
It would have been incredible brutal
ity if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse,
N. Y., had not done the best be could
for his suffering son. "My boy," he
says, "cut a fearful gash over his eye,
so I applied Bucklen'a Arnica Salve,
which quickly healed it and saved his
eye." Good for bums and ulcers, too.
Only 25c at McBride's drug store.
Men and Teams Wanted. To haul
from Fletcher's Mill to Weston and
Milton. pply at once to The Fletcher
Co., Tanks, Oregon.
Henry laBrashe will pay liberal re
ward for information leading to the re
covery of a 2-year-old steer brand L A
on left hip, with crop and undt-rbit on
lift eat.
Items in Brief.
Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen'g.
Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's.
Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on pale at
Gay's, daily. ,
Buy a rubber tired buggy of C. A.
Barrett & Co.
Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the
White House Grocery.
That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine.
At Worthiogton & Thompson's.
Latest novelties in men's ready to
wear suits. Athena Mercantile Co.
Remember, Efy & Scott are head
quarters for rubbers and overshoes.
C. A . Barrett Co. have in fctoek the
Dutchman and Oliver plows and extras.
Just received. Men's double-breasted
3-button sacque suits. Athena Mercan
tile Co.
Special in men's plow shoes just re
ceived $1.50 per pair. Athena Mercan
tile Co. .
, New line of Buck Horsehide and Pig
skin gloves just opened. Athena Mer
cantile Co. -
If you want the very latest in Men's
hats, see the new Btylea at Athena Mer
cantile Co.
Worthiogton & Thompson have just
received a large line of new pipes und
pocket knives,, - ,
A Fairbanks-Morse gasoline 'engine
will do all your work. C. A. Barrett &
Co. are agents.
Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will
raise the dough. Get it at Worthing
ton & Thompson's. 1
Don't forget to try our Gold Leaf
coffee. It is the best 25 cent coffee on
the market. Ely & Scott.
You will find the best novels by the
best modern, writers, in the circulating
library at the Palace Drug store.
W. O. Milieu is again in the harness
business in Athena. Ho is located in
the Estes building opposite the Athena
Hotel. ;A11 goods Bold at reasonable
prices. Workmanship guaranteed.
After stock taking we find we have a
big lot of wash Remnants, Ginghams,
Percales and Calicoes. We have made
the prices so low that they will not last
long. Come early and get your share.
Athena Mercantile Co.
L. A. Githens, agent for Edison pho
nographs and records, is prepared to
furnish all of the different grades of the
Edison mako. Mr. Githens always has
phonographs on exhibition and is pre
pared to give information at any time.
If you cannot eat sleep or work, feel
mean, cross and ugly, take Hollister's
Rocky Mountain tea this month. A
tonic for the sick. There is no remedy 1
equal fo it., 35c, tea or tablets. Pioneer !
drugstore ,
Are You Restless at Might
and harassed by a bad cough? Use
Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it will
secure jrou sound sleep and effect a
prompt and radical cure. 25c, 50c and
81. Sold by McBride.
:l I IS' SI ' Jf A " fi
V ... j ""'y v"-!.. "" ""."v vkjJ j. I
We want everyone in this vicinity to feel at home in this great store. It is your store; it
belongs to the public, and we intend that it shall be conducted in a manner consistent
from everv ooint with the oublic's wishes and comfort. Nearlv everv family in this
vicinity thinks firstly of this
past years they
is complete and
ent with' qualities,
inspection of these
lines. A clean,
oi Spring goods.
The People of the city want the Best and that is
why they call at the 3
g Cash
fi Worthington
RPA fi RhflTH Paint' oil Gla88 Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing
Preston-Parton Milling Go. j
Patronize Home Industry.
i Merchant Millers
2 Waitsburg, Wash.
store when needing any such
& Thompson, j
n.. Ill
and Grain Buvers :
Athena, Oregon g
goods as we sell, because in
have found stock
prices are consist-
invite critical
V complete
up to date stock
Everything is new