The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 04, 1905, Image 1

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r it 11 1
Style, Quality, W orkmanship
Each one a tailored creation. To see them ia to verify our state
ment. We will Dot quote prices, but you will find as far as quality
in concerned they are all right. " JUST IN A sample lot of SHIRT
WAIST SUITS at FIRST COST. Come and make your selection.
Agent for Butterick's Patterns.
Hardware and Plumbing
One ia Washington Penitentiary and
the Other Doing Time in the
Salem Prison.
Salem, April 8. The officers of 1
county feel certain that they have
cated the parties responsible for sm
gling guns and ainniuuition into
state penitentiary over two years
by which convicts Harry Tracy t
David Morrill effected their sensati
al escap9, after killing three guaj
and that they have, sufficient
dence upon which to secure a
victiou. The parties charged w
the crime are Harry Wright, ser
a three year sentence in Walla W
prison under the name ol IL C. MuUu
art for grand larceny, and Charlie
Monte, at present, doing a six-j'ear
sentence iu the Oregon penitentiary
for grand larceny under the name of
W. Bennett. The officers can lay
their hands upon either or both at
pleasure and the case will be
brought before the grand jury which
convenes here next Monday. . ' .
The charge of murder in the first
degree will be eutered against both
men. The guards killed during the
Tracy-Morrill famous outbreak were
Frank Ferrell, S. R. T. Jones and B.
T. Tiffany. - , -
Athena Will Vote On Water Bonds,
Monday, April 17 . .
At the regular meeting of the city
council last night, the date for holding
the special election for the purpose
of voting on the question of bonding
the city for a new water works system,
was set for Monday, April 17.
The amount for which it .is pro
posed to bond the city is $35,000 or
so much thereof as will be found nec
essary to take tip the present water
bonds and the construction of the new
Another matter of importance that
came before the council was the O R.
& N. lease question concerning the
ground on which is, located the city
water tank. A resolution was passed
citing the Company to appear at the
next regular meeting of the council
and show cause why the commis
sion's report should not be adopted
and certain streets opened.
The council allowed bills amounting
to the total of $1,254.83, including
$686.25, payment for the new power
house and equipment. .
Flying Dutchman, Oliver,
Cast & Steel Bradley Gangs
Henney Buggies, Hacks and
Carriages The very Best.
Hardware Stock: is Complete.
ents' taisMnffs
South Side Main Street,
Athena, Oregon
Mechanical Device That Has Revolu
tionized the Printing Business.
This week begins a new era . in
machine which is working such a revo
lution in the old methods of produc
ing newspaperes.
It is probable that on no labor saving
machine has more time and money
been expended than on a device to sot
and distribute type. For over a cen
tury inventors have struggled with
the question and while their efforts
were partially successful, it has only
been in the past ten years that a prac
tical machine has been put on the mar
ket. .
It seems like an impossibility that
any combination of machinery other
than that encompassed in the human
body could separate nearly a hundred
characters, pick them up again, form
them into words, combine the words,
place them in readiness for that older
but none the less marvelous result of
brains the modern printing press.
step by step. At each step or move
ment of the distributor cylindor the
bottom type of each line of dead mat
ter is testod by the wards or channels
of the lower cylinder, until it finds
one exactly corresponding and drops
down into the lower magazine. The
lower cylinder is stationary and at the
bottom of each channel is a lever
which is connected with a keyboard
similar to that of a typewriter. When
a character on the keyboard is press
ed down the lever releases the corres
ponding character from the channel
and deposits it on a rapidly moving
disc which carries it around the. ma
chine and to a "packer" which packs
the letters into a line in their proper
order, in an upright position or, to
use a drinter's phrase, "standing on
their feet." A long line of type rapid
ly forming in front of the operator, and
when ho has enough for his purpose he
whirls his chair around, and with a
small instrument called a "grab,"
separates enough from the long line to
make a line the measure he is setting.
This he justifies or"spaoes," and then
makes another line and so on. When
two persons aro working at the same
time, one operates the keyboard and
the other does the spacing. As soon
as one line is spaced it is automatical
ly pushod back to make room for an
other and at the same time the mat
ter is leaded if so desired.
After the machine is once in opera
tion all that is necessary in the, way of
distributing is to place a galley of
dead type on the side of the upper cyl
inder in a place prepared for it. ' It
does the work perfectly, and while it
The Simplex does it though, and
does it five or six times as fast as
the most rapid compositor.
It was easy to make mistakes in the
old way, An e would work into the
h box or a d into the n box, but the
Simplex can make no such mistakes.
The operator can and doubtless will
continue to make mistakes, but they
will be fewer than before and the
hardships of the proof reader will bo
considerably lessened and the sen
sibility of the critical newspaper read
er shocked less frequently than before
It would be almost an impossibility
to give an accurate description of this
wonderful machine and the only way
to get even a faint idea of its possi
bilities is to come and examine its
workings. We publish a picture in
this issne which is accurate as far as
general appearance goes, but of course
gives no idea as to how it is operated.
The Simplex type setter uses just
the same kind of type as is set by
hand. Each individual type has a
combination of "nicks" or notches
cut on the edge, and on this fact is
l)HSfd the fundamental principle of the ,
machine. As will be noted in the
picture, the body of the Simplex con
sists of two cylinders, one above and
rotating on the other. In both cylin
ders, extending vertically their full
length, are ninety parallel channels,
each channel corresponding to some
one type.
To distribute the type in the first
place, the channels of the upper cylin
der are filled with dead matter (type
that hat been used) and is revolved
is apparently simple, it would be im
possible to explain the matter intelli
gently, so we won't try, but again
invite you to come and see for your
self. ,
The Simplex is small and compact,
weighing alxmt 1 100 pounds and occu
pying no more floor space than an ordi
nary coal stove, arid while it took
brains and lots of them to invent it,
it is of simple construction and not at
all liable to get out of repair.
We have had it in opertion only a few
days, but that is long enough to dis
cover its true worth, and every time
we see it work with almost human
intelligence, wo feel like taking off
our hat in its presence. ;
It is certainly the best and most
woudorful machine that ever graced
a country priutshop.
Milton Fruit Conditions.
Milton, Ore., April 3. Despite the
fact that the mountains are covered
with snow and cold rains have been
falling, no frosts have come since the
fruit trees blossomed. The strawber
ries are in full bloom and growers say
that not a bloom has been blighted.
The first berries wiii be ripe by May 1.
The Walla Walla Produce company,
which has a shipping house at this
place, has made it a practice for sev
eral years to pay 4 a crate for the first
crate of the season. Last year for
three weeks the price kept' above the
$3 mark and this year the same con
ditions will likely prevail, as the
berries will le so much earlier than
A. H. Armstrong Occupies Cell With
Condemned Man-'Kid" White
Will Complete Trio. ,
Walla Walla, Wash., Aprils.
Three men are to meet death within
a short time at the state peuitent
iary. Two are already confined in
prison walls and the third will be
brought from Seattle within the next
few days.1 .
H. Arao.the Spokane Jap murderer,
is the first to pay the penalty, being
sentenced to be hanged on June 8.
The day falls on Saturday, and is one
of the first legal execution to take
place other than Friday, which is re
cognized the world over as execution
day. County Attorney Lester S. Wil
son was asked as to the law governing
the case and replied that although Fri
day is not mentioned as being the le
gal day, custom has almost universally
set it as a day of execution. Warden
Kees said that the commitment had
been received, properly signed, and
nothing now short of a stay of execu
tion can change the day.
The suggestion has been made that
an old calender of 1904 was consulted
in setting the day, as last year June 8
came on Friday and this year on Sat
urday. Confined in his cell with the
little Jap is A. H. Armstrong, the
Chehalis county murderer, whose exe
cution day has not yet been set. Arm
strong has been an inmate of the pen
itentiary for some time, having once
been sentenced to death and then al
lowed a hearing in the supreme court.
The court affirmed the superior court's
decision and the execution must take
place. Armstrong and Arao are op
posite extremes, the white man weight
iug over 200 pounds and the Jap less
than 100. Both men seem iudiiTeren
to their fate and are as contented as
could be expocted of any one iu their
One of the first prisoners to be con
veyed to the penitentiary under the
new system of traveling guards will be
"Kid" White, sentenced from King
county to hang for murder. White
is a youth and killed his man while
attempting to hold up a Soattle saloon.
He is said to be rather proud of the
fate he is to meet, and is spending his
time in writing a history of his crimes
and his life.
Change In (he Pumping Plant Work
The work of transferring . the big
pump into the new power house was
comploted Saturday evening by Mar
shal Gholson and his force of men.
The fittings and pipes were connect
ed to the pumps and the new 80-horso
power boiler, and everything on start
ing up, was found to work in a most
satisfactory manner. The new boiler
oost the city $335. The power house
is constructed of brick and is fire
proof. v
The purpose of the present plant is
to serve in an auxiliary capacity to
the new water system, when it is in
stalled in emergency cases, such as
fire, repairing system, etc.
Anderson at Echo.
The local teachers' institute held at
Echo Saturday, was well attended.
The addresses were interesting and in
structive and the musical features of
the program were well given. After
the address of welcome by Mayor
L, A. Esteb, Prof. E. H. Anderson of
Athena, spoke on the subject, "Em
ploying a .Teacher, From the Stand
point of a Director." Mr. Anderson
said that directors should exercise
more care in employing better teach
ers and that having secured those who
give satisfaction in their work they
should be retained until it was pos
sible to employ even better instruc
tors. "Directors often make a mis
take by changing toachers every term"
said he. "Directors who do not
give tho matter their immediate at
tention usually get those who are loft
and these are generally found to be
Strikes Illdclou Honk.
When your ship of health strikes the
hidden rocks of consumption, paau
monio. etc, you are lost if you don't
get help from Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption. J. W. Mc
Kinnon of Talladega 8pnngs, Ala.,
writes: "I bad been very ill with pneu
monia, under the care of ttfo doctors,
but was getting no better when I tried
Dr. King's New Discovery, The first
dose gave relief and one bottle cured
me." Sure cure for sore throat, bron
chitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at
McBride's drug store. Price 60c and
SI. Trial bottle free.