The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 07, 1905, Image 3

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.Boots and Shoes
On Saturday Morning,
February 11, 1905.
We shall open up the largest and most up to date stock
of men's Footwear ever shown in Umatilla county. All
the latest shapes in high, medium and low cut shoes, in
either Calf, Vici or Enameied French Colt Skin, in Black,
Tan or Russet. Call and examine the new shapes. We
have everything in the shoe line that the most fastidi
ous could desire.
Athena Mercantile Company
South Side Main Street, - - Athena, Oregon
We Have Moved Into
tar ftlew Stere
Call On Us
Next to Postoffice, Athena, Ore.
i Press Paragraphs
Have your fortune told.
Your fate ii in your hand.
Wilbur Woods was a visitor in town
Sunday. ,
Go-cart for sale. Inquire of Mrs.
Lillie Miller.
J. K. Davison has a choice lot of early
seed potatoes for bale.
Patronize home industry "American
Beauty" flour, $1.30 per sack.
Next Saturday is regular C. W. B. M.
day. All members take notice.
Mrs. Hattie Mosier of Weston, was a
guest of Mrs. David Taylor Sunday.
Photos of houses, horses, stock any
thing! W. A. Flower, photographer.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Spokane, was a
guest of Athena friends Saturday night.
Mrs. Lillie Miller has a few street hats
out today. Call and see the late styles.
Otis Ingle, of Milton, was the guest of
Athena friends over Saturday and Sun
day. Mrs. A. B. Stone has been visiting
relatives in Walla Walla for several days
JC B. F. McElroy left yesterday for Cin-
f J. B. Saylor was in town Saturday
from his Echo stock ranch. Mr. Saylor
says stock in his neighborhood is in fine
condition, and but little if any hay was
fed to sheep this winter.
Have your fortune told. The Dia
monds, Athena Hotel, room 7 upstairs.
For one week only.
-$Fredericka, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Kershaw, ha been very
ill with a severe cold.
The Pendleton high school ball team
defeated the Pendleton Wonders Satur
day, by a score of 2 to 0.
Dr. Eve Hoisington, Osteopath. At
Athena Hotel Wednesdays and Satur
days. Consultation invited.
There are about 100 babies iu this vi
cinity that ought to have photos taken.
Don't neglect it any longer.
Mrs. S. F. Sharp returned Sunday
from Pendleton, where she had been the
guest for a few days, of relatives.
Reduced rates on all kinds of photos
for the next two weeks. This is a fact.
Call and see me. W. A. Flower.
Miss LeBrun is now ready to take in
all kinds of sewing at Grandma Mans
field's, next door to Mr. A. L. Jones'.
L. A. Gitnens is prepared to take your
order for an Edison phonograph. Sam
ple machine may be seen at any time at
the postoffice.
hC Dr. and Mrs. M. V. Turley were over
from Weston Saturday evening and
witnessed the amateur production cf
"Poor Mr. Rich."
jCMumps is still the prevailing fad
among Athenaitsa, and the last to be
reported as having a swell time with
them is "Bud" Sanders.
The Umatilla Lumber Yard has just
received the 1905 samples of Alfred
Peat's wall paper. Call and inspect
Xr. and Mrs. Will Read were up from
Adams visiting at the Coppock home
Saturday, and Sunday went to Weston
to visit Mr. Read's mother.
WsMrs. O. C. Beck, accompanied by
Airs. Susie Gerking, left last Friday for
a visit to Franklin county, Wash. Mrs.
Gerking will endeavor to secure a home
stead while in that county.
The two little children of Mr. and
rs. William Winsbip have been very
sick the past three or four days with
the grip. At last accounts both little
ones were improving slightly.
Mrs. Lillian Dobson commenced her
spring term of school at the Rawhide
school house Monday, February 27.
Mrs. Dobson has had charge of this
school for several terms past.
Mrs. Katie Stump announces that
she is agent for the "R, M. Ball Im
proved Washer." See her and prove
merits of this excellent machine.
Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred of
Portland, was in the city yesterday and
made arrangements to deliver a lecture
in this city on tommorrow evening.
Miss Kittie Sharp yesterday morning
commenced a three-months term of
school at Hillsdale. This is the second
time Miss Kittie has taught in this dis
trict. There is at this office a considerable
quantity of government garden seeds
which will be distributed free of charge,
while they last. The seeds were sent
here by courtesy of Senator Mitchell.
James York, of Baker City, is at
Wright's livery stable, with 16 head of
horses and mules, which he offers for
sale. The stock is all well broken to
harness. , Average weight about 1200. .
Mr. and Mrs. Curry, eyesight special
ists of Walla Walla, , will make their
next professional visit to Athena Wed
nesday, March 8, for one day only, at
St. Nichols hotel. Examination free.
Sheriff T. D. Taylor was up . from the
county seat Saturday on a short visit to
his parents. He has recently returned
from a trip to Omaha and Lincoln, Neb.
where he went in his official capacity.
AQuill Gerking is down from Republic,
Wash., where he has been for the past
five years. He has just paid a visit to
Dr. and Mrs. I. N. Richardson at North
Yakima, and reports the family well and
prosperous.. .... .-.,,,-. . .,.....,
G. H. Baker, of Goldendale, Wash.,
a brother of our fellow townsman, Pas
tor Ed Baker of the Methodist church,
has recently received the appointment
of United States Marshal in Eastern
Washington. . '
Assist the publio school exhibit for the
Lewis and Clark fair by patronizing the
Weatherred lecture at the opera house
tomorrow night. The lecture , will be
interspersed with stereopticon views and
illustrated songs.
It will bring rich, red blood, firm
flesh and muscle. That's what Hoi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do.
Taken this month keeps you well all
summer. , 85c tea or tablets. Pioneer
drug store.
TJie winter term pf school taught by
Miss Carrie Sharp west of Adams, was
closed last Tuesday after a successful
session, and next Monday in the Rush
district, she will begin a spring term of
three months. v
Weston Leader: James Ritchey has
purchased the McMorris place on Pine
creek below Weston from George Badg
ett for $7500. There is much fine bot
tom land on this farm and more can be
secured by clearing off the brush. "
Kev. Ed Baker visited the family of
Rev. W. E. Armfield during his stay at
Waitsburg and Dayton last week, and
reports that Mrs. Armfield has been
very ill, and is unable to leave her bed,
though at present somewhat improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams are this
week shipping their household goods
etc. from the farm on Wildhorse creek
recently sold by them, and will soon be
residents of the Palouse country, where
they have purchased land. Their ad
dress will be Albion, Wash.
The Diamonds Scientific Palmists
and Clairvoyants will tell your name
and answer three mental questions. All
the problems of your life solved. Ad
vice concerning health, business specu
lation, etc. Hours from 9 to 9. Special
low rates for one week only.
Weston Leader: Mrs. S. A. Maloney
has been ill for several weeds at the
home of her son, A. B. Rothrock near
Adams and contemplates a trip to Cal
ifornia so soon as her health will permit,
in the hope that the change of climate
may prove beneficial. Mr. Maloney left
Tuesday for Pendleton where he will
visit at his son's home.
Startling Mortality.
Statistics show startling mortality,
from appendicitis and peritonitis. To
prevent and cure these awful diseases,
there is just one reliable remedy, Dr.
King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery, of
14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says:
"They have no equal for constipation
and biliousness." 25c at McBride's drug
Items in Brief.
Buy a Samson at Cox Sc McEwen's.
Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's.
Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at
Gay's, daily.
The Oliver line complete at C. A.
Barrett & CoVs.
Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the
White House Grocery.
Buy the children a sled or express
wagon of C. A. Barrett & Co.
C. A. Barrett Sc Co. have a complete
stock of Dutchman gangs and extras.
That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine.
At Worthington Sc Thompson's.
Latest novelties in men's ready to
wear suits. Athena Mercantile Co.
Remember, Ely Sc Scott are head
quarters for rubbers and overshoes.
Just received. Men's double-breasted
3-button sacque suits. Athena Mercan
tile Co.
Special in men's plow shoes just re
ceived $1.50 per pair. Athena Mercan
tile Co.
New line of Buck Horsehide and Pig
skin gloves just opened. Athena Mer
cantile Co.
If you want the very latest in Men's
hats, see the new styles at Athena Mer
cantile Co.
" Worthington Sc Thompson have just
received a large line of new pipes and
pocket knives.
Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will
raise the dough. Get it at Worthing
ton & Thompson's.
Don't forget to try our Gold Leaf
coffee'. It is the best 25 cent coffee on
the market. Ely Sc Scott.
You will find the best novels by the
best modern writers, in the circulating
library at the Palace Drug store. .
W. C. Miller is again in the harness
business in Athena. He is located in
the Estes building opposite the Athena
Hotel. All goods sold at reasonable
prices. Workmanship guaranteed.
After stock taking we find we have a
big lot of wash Remnants, Ginghams,
Percales and Calicoes. We have made
the prices so low that they will not last
long.' Come early and get your share.
Athena Mercantile Co.
g The People of the city want the Best and that is 3
why they call at the 3
TE rou
Cash Grocery
(St 3
i Worthington & Thompson, :
7i mmm mmmmmmmm ii
RAA f! RhfJTTl Paintt Oil, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc.. Plumbing
L. A. Githens, agent for Edison pho
nographs and records, is prepared to
furnish all of the different grades of the
Edison make. Mr. Githens always has
phonographs on exhibition and is pre
pared to give information at any time.
If you cannot eat sleep or work, feel
meancross and ugly, take Hollister'a
Rocky Mountain tea this month. A
tonic for the sick. There is no remedy j
equal to it. 35c, tea or tablets. Pioneer
drug store.
Are Ton Reatlei at Night
and harassed by a bad cough? Use
Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it will
secure! you sound sleep and effect a
prompt and radical cure. 25c, 50c and
$1. Sold byMcBride.
Preston-Parton Milling Co.
American Beauty Hour
Guaranteed By All Grocers x: .
Patronize Home Industry.
Merchant Millers anil Grain Buyers
Waitsburg, Wash.
Athena, Oregon g
Our new Blacksmith and Machine Shop is now in
full operation and we are prepared to do all kinds
of blacksmithing and repair work, df This is the
tine P
and we are giving special attentioh to sharpening
Plow Shares. We have an expert who does the
work by the trip-hammer process, which is a great
f improvement over the old hand system, the work
being more uniform and even. Jf Give us a trial.
li IVQaichine
is equipped with machines capable of doing jobs
from the very smallest to the kind that heretofore
has been going to Walla Walla and Portland; and
these are the jobs we are after. No piece of work
too difficult for us to handle. Bring you job to us.