The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 24, 1905, Image 3

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Boots and Shoes
On Saturday Morning,
February 11, 1905.
We shall open up the largest and most up to date stock
of men's Footwear ever shown in Umatilla county. All
the latest shapes in high, medium and low cut shoes, in
either Calf, Vici or Enameied French Colt Skin, in Black,
Tan or Russet. Call and examine the new shapes. We
have everything in the shoe line that the most fastidi
ous could desire.
Athena Mercantile Company
south Side Main Street, ... Athena, Oregon
We are closing out our
Underwear, Hats and Lined
Supplies and Jewelry at COST.
Men's Underwear, former price 65
Men's Hats, former price $3.00, now. . ... ....... .,75c to $1.50
Men's Lined Gloves, 25 per cent reduction on all grades.
Syrup, former price 45c, now
Cero Fruitn, former price 20c, now 10c
Tablets, former price 5c, now ........ ........... 3 for 10c
These are only a tew of our bargains. Call and
see for yourself while the stock is complete.
Next to Postofiice,
Press Paragraphs
Mrs. M. W, Smith has been ill the
paBt week.
Go-cart for sale. 'Inquire of Mrs.
Lillie Miller. V
Royal Sawtelle had business in' Pen
dleton last evening.
J. K. Davison has a choice lot of early
seed potatoes for bale.
Mrs. G. M. Ilarris returned this week
from a visit to Portland.
T" . . . . " 1 J . 1 1 a ;
rmromze uume luuusiry --American
Beauty" flour, $1.30 per sack.
SfMiss Griswold, of Helix, was a guest
'f Athena friends last evening.
Mrs. J. J. Baling visited her parents
here, from Pendleton this week.
Photos of houses, horses, stock any
thing! W. A. Flower, photographer.
Mrs. F. 8. LeGrtjvr has returned from
a short visit witji,-her4 mother jo "Wail.
Walla. 7 ,
Xnere are about luu Dames iu mis vi
cinity that ought to have photos taken.
Don't neglect it any longer.
Dr. Eve Hoisington, Osteopath. At
Athena Hotel Wednesdays and Satur
days. Consultation invited.
Reduced rates on all kinds of photos
for the next two weeks. This is a fact.
Call and see me. W. A. Flower.'
Pendleton public schools have been
closed since Wednesday on account of
entire line of Dishes, Men's
Gloves; Novelties, School
cents, now. ...... .... . .50c
Athena, Ore.
the prevalence of scarlet fever, measles
and mumps. It is expected school will
open again Monday.
Pendleton papers announce the ar
rival in that city of J. B. Huntington,
who is now a resident of Portland.
Miss LeBrun is now ready to take in
all kinds of sewing at Grandma Mans
field's, next door to Mr. A. L. Jones'.
The Pendleton ' high school defeated
the Wonders in a base ball game inPen
dleton Wednesday, by a score of 8 to 2.
"Your Neighbor's wife," a comedy
drama, will be produced at the Athena
opera house. Tuesday evening Feb. 28.
bCFrench Criglar butchered his porkers
this week, and as a , result his town
friends have a goodly supply of spare
ribs. '
Miss Ellen Owens has been ill the
past week at her parents' home west of
town, threatened with pneumonia and
brain fever.
House movers are at work moving the
Price farm house to town; It will be
located on the lits recently purchased
by O. G. Chamberlain.
Sheriff Taylor left Pendleton Wednes
day evening for Omaha, for the purpose
of securing a forger named Moss, who
is being held by Omaha officers.
Mrs. Katie Stump announces that
she is agent for the "R. M. Ball I m
proved Washer." See her and prove
merits of this excellent machine.
CV(J. W. Davis was fined $50 in Recorder
Chamberlain's court Tuesday for allow
ing minora to frequent his . saloon.
William Wells, charged with permitting
a game in his saloon for the drinks, was
fined 850. Wells eavs notice of appeal.
Johnson's orchestra played for the
fliedmen's ball in Pendleton Wednesday
evening. This musical organization has
been much in demand this winter. J
Dick Bush has taken a ' relapse after
laving partially recovered from an at- ;
tack of the mumps, and is now quite ill i
at his parents' home on High street. j
W. J. King returned from Walla
Walla Wednesday. "Bill" was much
taken up with the metropolitan airs that
pervade the atmosphere of the garden
city. .
RppiVMlttnMVH W. P. OIlHMI tili
Iihr r tui'iii"l frnni S-ih in ill- :i i-ti
term iMrinj iiimi nrvil, "Hilly" .n v
now properly be termed a veto ran leg
islator. The new plate glass windows in the
store room at the Barrett building,
which will be occupied by Ely & Scott,
are in place and the shelving will soon
be completed.. ;
Wednesday, Washington's birthdny
was observed in Athena by the clusing
of the public school and the hoiBting of
the school flag, and the closing of the
bank for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Curry, eyesight special
ists of Walla Walla, will make their
next professional visit to Athena Wed
nesday, March 8, for one day only, at
St. Nichols hotel. Examination free. .
Mrs. Lillie Miller announces the
opening of her first installment of early
spring millinery to take place next Fri
day and Saturday. Mrs. Miller will dis -play
all the late styles in street and
children's hats. ' .
It makes no difference how many
medicines have failed to cure you, if you
are troubled with headache, constipa
tion, kidney or liver troubles, Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea will make you
well. Pioneer drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Barger, (nee Miss
Emma Green) of Helix, visited friends
in Athena this week. - Mr. and Mrs.
Barger had driven to Walla Walla and
back, and were so unfortunate as to
have a horse taken sick while here.
W. W. Jacobs' residence property on
the corner of Third and Adams Btreets
has recently been fitted with complete
water service and electric lights, for the
accommodation of the tenants, Mr. Jas.
Henderson and his sister, Mrs. Howe.
L. A. Githens, agent for Edison pho
nographs and records, is prepared to
furnish all of the different grades of the
Edison make. Mr. Githens always has
phonographs on exhibition and is pre
pared to give information at any time. .
The condition of Miss Dolly Bloch,
wno lias Deen Buttering, irom a case or
ptomaine poisoning for several months,
is reported to be but slightly improved.
The young lady still lies in a helpless
state at her home in Spokane, being
able to but barely move one arm:
Mack Royse, the boy who has been
giving unquestionable evidence of in
sanity, was yesterday again taken to
Pendleton, with the understanding that
at last he is to be taken to the asylum
at Salem. The boy has grown steadily
worse and the past few days has required
constant attention.
Mrs. J. D. Plamondon entertained a
number of her friends Tuesday evening
in honor of Miss Fraker and Miss
Carney, who were her guests from
Pendleton. Some new and mirth
provoking games were played and
light refreshments were served, in the
hostess' own graceful manner.
Services at the Methodist church next
Sabbath: Sabbath school at 10 a. m.;
Junior League at 3 p. m.; Epworth
League at 6:30 p. m. Preaching at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject:
"God's Kingdom;" evening, "God's
Verdict Upon the Impenitent." You
are cordially invited to these services.
William Wells announces that he has
sold the "Corner" saloon stock and
fixtures to Mrs. J. H. Stahl, of Walla
Walla, and will - give possession on
Wednesday, March 1. The saloon will
remain closed until Saturday, March
25, on which date Mrs. Stahl advertises
that she will apply to the council for a
KMr. Jay Gross and Miss Leona Bryson,
i - . m i
two popular young people or w esion
and both employes in the Fair store in
that city, were united in wedlock Wed
nesday evening at 7 o'clock, at the home
of the bride's parents, Rev. Payne offic
iating. Geo. W. Gross, George Thomp
son, and Misses Lula Gross and Myrtle
Thompson, relatives of the groom, at
tended the wedding from this city.
About 35 friends of Robert Coppock
and his daughter, Miss Mattie, took
occasion-Tuesday evening, to storm his
castle near town, when the family were
forced to capitulate without quarter.
Much merriment was occasioned by the
the complete surprise of the worthy host.
A bounteous supper had been prepared
and brought by the ladies of the party,
and lively conversation and games passed
the evening most pleasantly until 11
o'clock, . when all departed for their
Fairbanks-Morse engines are the best
C. A. Barrett Co.
We have the goods and low prie.
C. A. Barrett 4 Co.
Items in Brief.
Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's.
Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's.
Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at
Gay's, daily.
V The Oliver line complete at C. A.
Barrett & Co. 's.
' Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the
'hite House Grocery.
' Buy the children a sled or express
Hgon of C. A. Barrett & Co.
C. A. Barrett & Co. have a complete
stock of Dutchman gangs and extras.
That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine.
At Worthington & Thompson's.
.Remember, Ely & Soott are head
quxrterN for rubbers and overnl)es.
. Vortliii.ijtoit & Thompson ,f just
mc-ivi-il h l,irjn linn of new ii;i h and
pjickct kuivei-,
Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will
raise the dough. Get it at Worthing
ton & Thompson's.
Don't forget to try our Gold Leaf
coffee. It is the best 25 cent coffee on
the market. Ely & Scott.
lYou will find th beat novels by the
best modern writers, in the circulating
library at the Palace Drug store.
W. C. Miller is again in the harness
business in Athena. Ho is located in
the Estes building opposite the Athena
Hotel. All goods sold at reasonable
prices. Workmanship guaranteed.
For Sale-
, Dry red fir and tamarack wood, four
foot lengt, $5.60 per cord delivered.
; Athena Mercantile Co.
4, Are You Restleil at Night
and harassed by a bad cough? Use
Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it will
secure you sound sleep and effect a
prompt and radical cure. 25c, 50c and
$t. Sold byMcBride.
There's a pretty girl in an Alpine hat,
'A sweeter girl with a sailor brim,
But the handsomest girl you'll ever see
Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky
Mountain Tea. Pioneer drug store.
Foiavng In Food.
Perhaps you don't realize that many
pain poisons originate in your food, but
some day you may feel a twinge of dys
pepsia that will convince you. Dr.
King's New Life Pills are guaranteed
to cure all sickness due to poisons of
undigested foods or money back. 25c
at McBride's drug store. Try them.
Agonizing Burns
are instantly relieved and perfectly
cured by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. C.
Rivenbark, of Northfolk, V. A.,- writes:
"I burnt my knee dreadfully. It blis
tered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve
stlpped the pain and healed it without
a iscar." Also heals all wounds and
25c at McBride's.
Mo-To-Bbo for Fifty Cents.
Guunuiteed tobucco habit cure. ujuUoh wuak
Hon .iirou' Nuou pure. &Oo. ii. All uruiruisua
iThe Trade
The Place where the
ttfmmmmurnmrm mnrnmr mmiratmmtnif mm &
gr The People of the city want the Best and that is
why they call at ' the s
H Worthington & Thompson, g
Rp A f! Sll Q VT Pant Oil, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing
uot? u. unai y pendleton, Oregon.
j Preston-Parton Milling Co. j
American Beauty flour
Guaranteed By All Grocers
Patronize Home Industry.
Mp.rrhant Millers and
5 Waitsburg, Wash.
Magnet of the East End"
Get In On the
Prevailing Only During Our
Grocery 3
. . -
Athena, Oregon J