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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
1 PERSECUTED HARVEY HE OF WESTON " PHILISTINE" FAME NOT INSANE. Claims He Was Kailroaded Into the Asylum at Blackfoot, Idaho. By Mormons. 8HEBIFFS SALE. J. H. Harvey, whose meteoric career aa a newspaper man will be remember ed io this section of Oregon through his connection with a county division sheet at Weston, which he was pleased to call the "Philistine," is fighting to be liber ated from the insane asylum at Black foot, Idaho, where, from evidence be fore the supreme court at Boise City, he is being illegally detained. Briefly put, Harvey declares he has been railroaded to the insane asylum by malicious persons. . Harvey, in his application, declares that he has been hounded and perse cuted for a long time by certain Mor mon residents of Oneida county. He claims that Alfred Budge, the present judge of the fifth district, and D. C. McDougal, formerly prosecuting attorn ey of Oneida county, as being especially persistent in these alleged persecutions and as being primarily responsible for his woes. It seems that Harvey at one time conducted a newspaper in Preston, and during his residence there he be came involved in domestic difficulties and sought to implicate McDougal. This started the warfare. For a series of rows and arrests Mrs. Harvey was divorced from him. Harvey continued to camp on the trail of those he held responsible for his troubles and finally, he alleges, his property was taken away from him by unfair means and he was forced to leave.' For mailing matter claimed to be obscene Harvey was ar rested in Caldwell and remanded to the federal court in San Francisco, where he had been for some time. He was in jail there for 105 days, and then the charge was dismissed. He returned to Ogden, and started from there to Boise during the latter part of November, riding on freight trains and walking part of the way. He did not stop in Oneida county. At Pocatello he was arrested on a charge of insanity, taken to Preston and cotnmited to the insane asylum on January 1 with out, he alleged, having time to procure counsel or to communicate with rela tives. Harvey answered every question clearly and gave no evidence on the stand of mental disorder. By way of emphasizing his charge of conspiracy to prosecute him, Harvey told the court of being arrested without warrant and juiled 30 days without a hearing. Citizens' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that a citizens' mass meeting will be held at the city hall Saturday evening, Feb. 4, 1905, at 7 p. ni. for the purpose of nominating city ofllcors to be voted on at the reg ular city election. David Taylor, Mayor. Ering in Your Coupons. Those holding Fair Store coupons are requested to bring them in and select pictures. The pictures have arrived and their distribution depends on the presentation of the coupons. To Cure Constipation Forovew fftlto Cascurets Candy Cathartic. 10oor23o. 11. 0. C. full to euro, clrupfluta refund inouou, n n "I wm troubled with stom ach trouble. Thedford's Black Draught did ma mora good In one week than all the doc tor's medicine I took in a year."-MR8. SARAH E. WIIRFIELD, Ellettsvllle, lad. Thedford's Black Draught quickly invigorates the ac tion of the stomach and cures even chronio cases of indigestion. If you -will take a small dose of Thed ford's Black Draught occa sionally you will keep your stomach and liver in per fect condition. THEDFORD'5 BLACK-DRAWH More sickness is caused by constipation than by any other disease. Thedford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular. All druggists tell Vt-eent packages. "Thedford's Black Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the Ikw'1s I have ev-r used." MUS. A, M. (iltAKT, Saeada Ferry, N. C. NOTICE 18 HEBEBY GIVEN that under and by virtue of a writ of execution issued oul of the Circuit Court c f the State of Oreon in and for the County of Umatilla, under the ml thr-ivnf. and to inediieetedand delivered unon u lurtmncnt and decree rendered and entered in said court on ihe'iiKi ilnyof Jao uury, 1H05, in favr of Liuu- 11. Siurgts as plaintiff, and against Kni- k Wei', H. H. Wessel, F. H. Younger and E. K. Younger, F. .; C. Bearcey, guardian of I.eona Hvarcey, nn i infunt, W. 3. Byers aud 8. A. Ailowayas de-! fendanls, whereby the plaintin did recover a personal decree against the defendant Frank Wells for the sura of T&VAM with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per an num from the 18th day of June, lllttt, and the further sum of (200.00 attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements taxed at $15.10, and whereby it was decreed that the mortgage dated on the IStb day of June, 1!), executed by Frank Wells to plaintiff, upon the follow Ing described real property In Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: The Bouthwest quarter of the (Southeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of the Boulhwestquarter of Section 84 Township 4 South Range 31 E. W. M. and also Lots numbered 8 and 4 of Section 8 in Town ship 5 Mouth Range 81 E. W. M., which mort gage was recorded at page 120 of book 28 of the records of mortgages In the office of the county Recorder of Umatilla County, Oregon, should be foreclosed, and the said real prop erty sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, to satisfy said Judgment and all costs; therefore I will, on Saturday, March 4th, 1005, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. at the front door of the court house In the city of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Ore gun, sell all the right, title. Interest and estate which the said defendants, and all persons claiming and to claim by, through or under them, or any of them, had on the 18th day of June, 1903, or since then have had, or now have, in and to the above described real prop erty and every part thereof at publlcauction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the pro ceeds of such sale to be applied In satisfaction ot said execution and all costs. Dated this 241 h day of January, 1005. T. I). Taylor, Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon. By C. P. Davis, Deputy. U on BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. Everything For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy. Baker & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE COOQ HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month Htableson'Jnd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, - Proprietor . . Painting . Itnnirinc. Wall Tintinsr. Sian Writing, etc., satisfaction guaranteed by L. J. Robinson. Shop, comer 3rd and Jefferson, Streets, Athena, Oregon. THE f A. C. RUBY & CO. Importers, Breeders and Dealer In Percheon, English Shire, Belgian, German Coach Stallions and Jacks. If you are in the market for any tbii g in this lint) we can show you more of the good kind that will weigh a ton and over, than all the other barns ot the Northwest; sell you one cheaper, make you better terms and give you a better guarantee than can be secured elswhere, for the reason that we are permanently located here with permanent headquarters. We are the only firm in the northwest that ship direct from Europe, therefore we don't have any culls from eastern barns. If you buy a horse from us and he does not fullflll the guarantee you will not have to go out of the state to have matters adjusted. We invite your inspection. A. C. RUBY & CO., PKNU1ETOX, -1- OREGON. A. J. PARKER'S IAD Everything First Class - Ho darn and Up-to -date SOUTH SID MAIM STREET ATHENA. PROMPT k RELIABLE SERVICE A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully band led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING Paper Hanging, Clothing and Graining. Estimates furnished on all kinds of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop, east side of 8rd street, above Main J. E. HULL, Athena, - Oregon. r ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Iff Only First-class Hotel in t the City. . . Iff t THE ST. NICHOLS Is tbe ouly one that can accommodate i commercial travelers. Iff Can be leeomended fur Ha clean and well ventilated rooms. L Cob. Him asd Third, AtHMi.Or, Troy Laundry Walla Walla, Wash. HENRY KEEN, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning' Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right CHA.RLES GAY ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars FRESH BREAD, PIES. CAKES, ETC. you know that high polish on collars and cuffs looks cheap? yeu know that high polish on collars and enffs looks like celluloid ? you know that high polish on collars and cuffs causes them to break? you know that the Walla Walla Steam Laundry has the ONLY DO MESTIC MACHINE in this part of the country? Try them. It costs you nothing for a trial. Office at St. Nichols Hotel. Let Chester Trask call for your laundry. : : ; : : : to You Ever Bowl! You will like the Fporf. It is amusing and healthful. Best Alleys in Eastern Oregon. Comfortable quarters and gentlemany treatment. Every Wednesday is Ladies Day ATHENA BOWLING ALLEY RROWN & M'NALL- -PROPRIETORS See C. Sharp Faint, Oil, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing PENDLETON, OREGON. r?T?VA n , "v m w Makes the food more delicious and wholesome KOYM. BAKINO POWOES CO., SEW VOSK. Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Reed & Sons, noted for strength and volume of tone. The Henry F. Miller, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to tbe best, and the popular Singer. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terms. Dwelley Herriclc Music Co., 51 East Main Street 4 Doors Above Bridge, Walla Walla, Washington ED. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates furnished on all kinds of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Prrp r uvJLs ID ir M in $1 follows a cold, but never follows the use of J ZJ re Jjal - s Lai ro) It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is taken, as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears. Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Saved Her Ufa Frm Pneumonia. "My wife had a severe attack of Pneumonia which followed a severe attack of La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Dr. C J. Bishop, Aenew, Mich., writes: "I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very severe cases of Pneumonia with rood results in every case." Cured When Vary Low With Pneumonia. J. V. Bryan, of Lowder, III., writes: "My little boy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was magical and puzzled the doctor, as it immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovered." Three Sizes. 25c, 50c and $1.00 The 50-cent size contains 21-2 times as much as the small size, and the $ size almost 6 times as much. VvWvWWVW KEEN & WILLABY'S .Barber Shop. 1 1? Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. Oregon Shot line Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and Bleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east daily iroin Pendleton. DEPART jimb SCHEDULES ASRIVX Dally- ATHENA, ORE. Daily. Fast Mail for Pen- dleton, LaQrande, Baker City, and all points eist via Hun tington, Ore., Also n - a for umatilla,Hepp 4.53 p m. ner( Xne Diiifcg, 9:57 a. jp. Portland, Astoria, Willamett Valley Points, ralifornia, Tacoraa. Seattle, all , Sound Points. Walla Walla, Day ton, Pomeroy, Lew 9:57 a.m. iton, Colfax, PulK man, Moscow, Ihe P- m Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and all points north. Mixed train walla 7:05 p.m. walla and ioterme lo-a'n m diate points. 14' p m' Mixed, for Pendle 12:20 .m. ton and intennedi- 7:05 p-m. ate points. Water Kontes. j SAN FlUNCISCO-PORTLAJiD ROUTE,! Steamer sails from Poniard 8 p. m. every 5! days, j Snake River Rnnte. i Steamers leave Riparia daily except Satur day, at 4:10 a. m. Returning leave Lewislonf HSKPATI ! utu.ij vxcvpi r nuay, ai i a. m. M. W. Smith, Agent; Akbena 7 - 1 k