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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
ATHENA MERCANTILE CO. LADIES AND MISSES WATERPROOFS HALF PRICE Our Great Sale will continue until February 1st. Only 17 more days of these Sweeping Reductions. We are taking stock, and in addition to the enormous re duction on our regular stock, we find many odd lots that must be sold regardless of either cost or value. 50 Shirt Waists, former price 50 cents each, now 15 Cents, Our entire stock of fine Sateen, Brilliantine and Flannel Waists at half price. Tarn OShanter Caps, all colors, regular price 75 cents and $1.00, your choice for 35 Cents. Special lot of ladies' Heavy Cheviot and Beaver Jackets," regular $2.50 garments, now 98 Cents. A great many lines have suffered an additional cut in price to that heretofore received, but space will not permit of the enumeration of same. , : Now is the Time for Bargains Athena Mercantile Company South Side Main Street, - Athena, Oregon Press Paragraphs Mrs. Otis Whiteman returned home Saturday from Joseph. Patronize home industry "American Beauty" flour, $1.30 per sack. Bom, in Weston, January 25, 1905, to Mr and Mrs. Clarence Whiteman, a son. -A J. N. B. Gerking and son Dean had business in Pendleton the first of the week. Emil Waldman, prominent in Pythian circles, was in town .Wednesday from Portland. An illustrated sermon at the Meth odist church next Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody come. Jacob Beta, ex-mayor of Walla Walla, but now a resident of Tacoma, was in the city Wednesday. Milton's new electric light plant is satisfactory. It cost the city $9,000 and is valued at $50,000. Announcement is made of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mr. Bert Mos ley, at Greer, Idaho. Mrs. Chas. Brotherton, as well as all the other members of the family, is now afflicted with the mumps. Dr. Eve Hoisington, Osteopath. At Athena Hotel Wednesdays and Satur days. Consultation invited. E. L. Barnett offers a choice lot of household goods for sale. Call at resi " dence corner of Fourth and Jefferson streets. 1 Johnnie Mraz, who has been visiting at the Kemp home for several weeks, returned yesterday morning to Col ton, Wash. -Louis Proebstel, a popular Weston toy, passed through Wednesday en route to Mexico, where be goes to visit his sister. -TMiss Edith McBride is visiting at the fiome of her grandparents in Weston. She is very much improved from her recent illness. William Thome, the Bourne miner who was shot Friday night, h a died and Maddern, who di1 the shooting, is held for murder. Mrs. Katie Stump ' announces that she is agent for the "R. M. Ball Im proved Washer." See her and prove merits of this excellent machine. A three year old child of Mr. andMrs. William Hall, residents of the reserva tion, died Tuesday night of pneumonia. The funeral was held yesterday. . W, Jenkins has returned from a business trip to The Dalles. Hia two little sons and daughter, Mabel, have been quite ill at their home this week. J. E. Williams, a Baker City mining broker, was . in town Wednesday. Mr. Williams is an old friend of Len Akers " and was bis guest during his stay here. Tribune: Sim J. Culley. a prominent . commission man and grocer, was mar ried Wednesday to Miss Etta Degraw, DUCK CLOTHING MACK INTOSHES, MACKINAWS 33 1-3 OFF daughter of a Weston farmer. Mr. and Mrs, Culley passed through the city the same evening en route to Portland on their wedding trip. .The school room of Miss Nettie Can non took vacation yesterday on account of the illness of Miss Cannon, who is afflicted with the prevailing contagion of mumps. W. E. LaDow, a former resident of Pendleton and at one time an engineer on the W. & C. R , died in the City of Mexico on the 17th mat, of cancer of the intestines. " ' , ' Mrs. Lillie Miller desires all out standing bills settled before Saturday, January 28, as she leaves on that date to trim in Portland for the Spring trade, and needs the money. "Don't brush by, but stop and buy a brush," are the words on a placard in a show window at the Barrett Hardware store. The card is tho centerpiece of a fine display of brushes. temandsare such that Athena mer nts find it necessary to keep open their stores on Saturday nights until 8 o'clock. On other nights of the week the stores will close at 6 o'clock as usual. 6. C. Stanton, whose condition has been slowly improving, has again suf fered a relapse. Tuesday night he spent a very bad night, causing much uneasi ness to his family. Since that time he has rallied somewhat; Mrs. Lillie Miller, accompanied by Mrs. G. M. Harris, will leave tomorrow for a month or six weeks' stay in Port land. Mrs. Miller will order a large and up to date stock of millinery, sec ond to none in the county. Christian church services Sunday as follows: Bible school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ro.; Junior meeting at 3 p. m.; Christian En deavor at 6:30 p. m. Sermon subjects: "The Church; Its Head;" "The Depart ure and the Return to God." The special services at the Methodist church will continue during the coming week. Rev. H. L. Beightol of Sprague will be here Monday, the 30th, and will preach each evening. There will be a workers' meeting each afternoon at 2 o'clock. You are cordially invited to attend. M. W. Smith, O. R. & N. station agent, went- to the hospital at Walla Walla yesterday. Mr. Smith for some time has been ailing with nervous pros tration and recently an abscess of serious nature formed under his left arm. He may be detaided at the hospital for some days. H. C. Caplioger was in Pendleton a couple of days this week. "Hank" has been troubled of fate with an abscess formation on the neck and went down to have it treated. The abscess was the result of an old wound and a peculiar circumstance connected with the case is that when the lance opened the abscess the surgeon found myriads of living in serts, the like of which, be informed Mr. Caplioger, he had never seen before. "Hank," in his characteristic way, says be guesses it's a case of being "buggy." Mrs. H. H. Hill arrived home Tues day morning from Joseph, Wallowa county accompanied by her mother, Mrs. S. A. Fleenor, and Mrs. F. E. Parkyn, a sister, both of whom reside in Lewiston, Idaho. The two latter only remained over a day, proceeding on to their home Wednesday. Their mission had been a sad ona, that of attending the funeral of the son and brother, A. M. Fleenor, who died in Joseph on the 9th inst. ., O. G. Chamberlain this week pur chased two lots, east of the city hall, of B. F. Ogle, consideration $350. The lots are on the corner of Current and Fifth streets, and is a most desirable location. Mr. Chamberlain contem plates carrying out the. plan concocted by Mr. Coppock, of moving the Price residence down from the Coppock farm. If feasible, he will purchase the resi dence, which is a good one, and estab lish it upon his newly acquired property. Twenty-four members of the Umatilla County Caledonian Society went over to Walla Walla Wednesday and participa ted in the Burns anniversary exercises. The event was one of the greatest in the history of the Walla Walla society. The hall where the gathering of the clans took place, was taxed to its utmost ca pacity, over 350 persons being present, and many could not gain admittance for want of room. After the rendition of an excellent program, the visitors were en tertained at a grand banquet and ball. . Greatly In Demand. Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern require ments for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. .Try them, at Mc Bride's drug store, 25c, guaranteed. I'll brave the storms of Chilkoot Pass , I'll cross the plains of frozen glass, , , I'd leave my wife and cross the sea, Rather than be without Rocky, Moun tain Tea. Pioneer drug store. The greatest system renovator. Re stores vitality, regulates the kidneys, liver and stomach. If Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea fails to cure get your money back. That's fair -l55c. tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store. Are You Restleu at Night and harassed by a bad cough? Use Ballard's Herehound Syrup, it will secure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure." '25c, 50c and $1. Sold by McBride. , - A Grim Tragedy '-' V, is daily enacted in thousands of homes as death clcims in each one another victim of consumption or pueumonia. But when coughs and colds are proper ly treated the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley of Oaklandon, led., writes: "My wife had consumption and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery" for consump tion, eoughs and colds, and today she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves. Guar anteed at 50c and $1 by Wm, McBride, druggist. Sample bottle free. ; , Health . . means the ability to do a good day's work without undue fatigue and to find life worth living. You cannot have in digestion or constipation without its up setting the liver and polluting the blood. Such a condition may be best and quick est obtained by Herbine,, the best liver regulator that the world has ever known. Mrs. D. W. Smith writes April 3, 1902: "I use Herbine and find it the medicine for constipation and regulating the liver I ever used." Price 50 cents. Sold by McBride. , Sickening Shivering Fits of ague and malaria can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This is a pure tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true curative influence on the disease, driving it en tirely out of the system. : It is much to be preferred to quinine, having none of this drug's bad after effects. H. Mun day, of Henrietta, Texas, writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Bit ters, which saved his life." At Mc Bride's drug store; price 50c guaranteed. Constipation and piles are twins. They kill people inch by inch, sap life awsy every day. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure you. No cure no pay. 35 cents tea1 or tablets. Pioneer drug store. ' ) . , J. D. PLA.MONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Barrett Bp ilding, - - Athena, Oregon -Dr. A. B. Stone, , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Cails em iwered nromntlv day or nizht Office in. Post Building, Athena, Oregon . S. F. Sharp- PHYSICAN AND SUKGEOS" ' Special aittention given to Female Diseases. Call promptly answered. Office on Third street, Atheu. Orejor Items in Brief. Filipino bags at Manasse's. Belts in profusion at Manasse'r. " Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at Gay's, daily. Fairbanks-Morse engines are the best. C. A. Barrett & Co. We have the goods and low prices. C. A. Barrett & Co. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. Buy the children a sled or express wagon of C. A. Barrett & Go. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington & Thompson's., Great Remnant sale commences to morrow. Athena Mercantile Co. Remember, Ely & Scott are head quarters for rubbers and overshoes. Worthington & Thompson have just received a large line of new pipes and pocket kniveji. Every remnant or skirt length marked at a ridiculously low price, Athena Mercantile Co. Say 'Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. Save your money by making your purchases during the great sale at the Atnena Mercantile Co. s. Don't forget to try our Gold Leaf, coffee. It is the best 25 cent coffee on the market. Ely & Scott. If you want quantity and quality foi your money, come ro tne great Kern nant Sale, Athena Mercantile Co. If you want a skirt length, waist oil child s dress, come to the great Kern nant Sale. Athena Mercantile Co. W. C. Miller is again in the harnes business in Athena. He is located hi the Estes building opposite the Athena Hotel. All goods sold at reasonabl prices. Workmanship guaranteed. , ' Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Mary Simpson.-! "Every thing disagreed with me anc baby until I used Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Now babv sleeps and grows like a waed. 35c. Tea or Tablets. Pioneer drug store. : -. ...Lost. ; : One light grey work horse, dark mane and tail, weight about 1100 pounds. A reward of $5.00 will be paid for his re turn to W. E. King, Weston, Oregon. Spoiled Her Beauty. uarnett uowara, 01 zua w . ioiu ai New York, at one time had her beauty j spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: t'l had.salt rheum or eczema for years but, nothing would cure it until I used Buckien's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at Palace drug store. s Ho-lo-Bu (or Flft; Cent). ' Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weu.1; men strong Nooil pure. 50c. Si. All druL't'ibl Fit; "The Trade DURING THE Our Paints (0 VefCO&tS Hinder we CO AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 PER The Place where the The better the Quality of food, the greater the enjoy ment. If you like a good cup of Coffee you will get the greates possible enjoyment by using CHASE & SANBORN'S JAVA and MOCHA COFFEE THE WHITE HOUSE Sole Agents. "in, 1 1 Guaranteed Patronize Home Industry. Merchant Millers Waitsburg, Wash., - CI ..-. ; M:w: Magnet of the East End" MONTH OF pw CENT , f M E F A i Suits, ifjj Do Yoib Guiow ONE GREAT ENJOYMENT IN LIFE IS EATING? - - - GROCERY IlIED 1865 n Milling Go. I eaoty floor at By All Grocers and Grain Buyers - - Athena, Oregon .-.,..-. mm IRI fmtt Can mii ' If. j : r m , w ill ,ii i I'l i n 1 I