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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twick-a-Week Tuesday and Friday F, B. Boys, Publisher. Entered m second-clans matter, March 1, 1901, at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon, under an Actot Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Tlt: for year, In advance Singleoopies In wrapper, 6c. Advertising Kates: Local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per me. Eachsubseauentlnsertlon.Sc. All communication should be addressed to he PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JANUARY 27, 1905 A proposition is embraced in a bill before the legislature this week relating to placing tbe normal schools of the state under one board of regents, that should be carefully weighed by the sen ators and representatives of Eastern Oregon, if they value the success of the Normal school at Weston. The graft habit is so eternally strong in Western Oregon that this paper seriously doubts whether the Eastern Oregon school would flourish to any great extent with a board of regents on which but one Eastern Oregon mau would find a place. He would have three Valley men in the harness with him, with the state board of education as a' sort of referee. The pro gram as stated in tho Salem Journal, follows: The legislative program this week in cludes a bill to put all the normal schools under one board of regents, with power to make a uniform course of study and cut out all the local grafts. The presidents of the several normal schools are said to favor this plan. At present each of the four normal schools has 12 regents, including the state board of education, composed of the governor, secretary of state and state superinten dent of schools. This state board is to be retained on the board of normal re gents as at present but instead of 36 regents to be appointed by the governor, he will appoint four, one from each county where a normal school is located. This joint board will have power . to make a uniform course of study, and absolute control of all the schools. This bill will put the Oregon normal schools on a more permanent footing, will im prove their educational standing and reduce the expense of management. The basis of appropriations will be changed to an expenditure based on the attend ance of persons who are taking a profes sional teacher's course of study, and the applicants for admission must sign a blank application that they intend to take such a course as the state board prescribes, and that he or she intends to follow the teaching profession. The bill has been carefully prepared by a conference between the governor, Su perintendent Ackerman and Secretary Dunbar, and will accomplish a great educational reform if it goes into effect. The ioint board of regents and uniform course of study is the phn on which the normal schools of California and Wash ington are conducted. In California the state normal school principals are made by law members of the state board of education. of the appointment of a committeeman to be state commissioner of roads with general supervision, The provision that the state may pay one-third of the cost of the new roads up to $1G6,000 a year, has also commended itself by trial else where. It has been pretty well demon strated that adequate country roads will not be constructed in America without help from the state. Tho best results have been secured, however, by con ditioning this state aid upon compliance THE H0MB OF TOTOIV To our Customers We are anxious to have you all know that Vinol is a new form of a very old and valuable remedy. It is a Cod Liver Oil preparation, because it contains all the medicinal elements actually taken from fresh Cods' Livers. By a new process we are able to make it without oil or grease and give yu a real Cod Liver Oil preparation a3 delicious to the taste aa a fresh orange. Respectfully, PIONEER DRUG STORE " C with regulations and specifications pre scribed by the state commissioner, who is thus given an effective supervision over the construction of highways. A much needed burin "8 venture for which Athena can and would furnish a fertile field, yet remains to be developed. Each week there leaves Athena a goodly sum of money for laundry work that is being done in the steam laundries of outside towns, that might just as well go into the home bank account of some live, progressive man with the foresight to establish a laundry here. There is business for a laundry in Athena. Power is cheap and now, more than ever before, inducements appeal to the man of experience in this line. There are fifteen students enrolled from Umatilla county in attendance at the Agricultural College at Corvallis. Every county in the state is represented. A total of over 600 students are attend, ing the college, the greatest number yet recorded in the history of the institution. The present enrollment is classified as follows: Graduate work, 8; seniors, 40; juniors, 47; sophomore, 97; freshmen, 286; sub freshmen, 63; specials, 30; spec ial agriculture and dairying, 40; music, 23; total, 634. The Oregon Agriculturalist says that reports from different points in the Northwest indicate that some enemy of the San Jose scale is at work upon it in places. In some orchards which were badly infested a year or two ago the scale has almost disappeared without human intervention. Unfortunately, however, taking the Northwest as a whole the pest is spreading and the use of lime, sulphur and salt spray seems likely to be necessary. There are a great many people in Oregon who believe that the people of our second congressional district did an unwise thing in electing Binger Her mann (o congress after his "retirement" from the general land office. And the action of the late grand jury at Portland did not reduce that sentsment to any marked degree. The Montie good roads bill, intro duced in the Kansas legislature, con tains a number of admirable features and marks a decided advance over ex is ting legislation. The experience of other states has shown the advisability Foley's Honey and Tar forchliaren.sate.sure. no opiates. Sou: MONEY tO BOY 8oya at laatt aaa ta mry tern. Iarf I or amaii, n wa unN i i Mfn noMv. and aam r aaauy. aaumi TNB DAILY and SUNDAY JOUR NAL. No room; la require nU. rt .tun, and only tha aWSty natto h aadad T any bf who wiB Br ! Elaa wa will mm) 10 oopfaa of THE SU N iay Journal, la km at " aack. Altar that all papara iha oia (a-quMd-wtU ba aalhmras at him b mail or , aapraaa at wholaaala orkaa, aa ha ba M a "futl fWdpd aawapapw Saalat Vo (Ml tun any thna, and U tiKMaahal handUKl THE SUNDAY JOURNAL, than orfet tut ba atnt k) lor THE DAILY JOURNAL. I THE SUNDAY JOURNAL tamahM ALL THE NEWS, and J apacial faa taraa el Lm treat to men and womao. and. WaMaa, haa all tka (MkkWt aarala pagaa tarrM by t bbj lanoajr sap1 a aaat JOURNAL boys on laaMaf ta mark ta tt toM I anah hi tows town, hi alia honhweai Doit yen mat tt try kt US Of CASH tt titra otIMt. wUI bt ATfcM monthly, la addition ta tha rafuaw aroSta. amoral thoaa JOURNAL bova who tha boat woih ."Who hwraaaa uwtr ankra tha lara tat parcantafa. In thh) way tha boyo hi tha emaltat pkacaa will baaa at amah chanca ta earn thh) axtra unonty aa thoaa hi tha tartar towna. Oat try THE JOUR NAL yratataioail TH8 JOURNAL It l WiMMfl AMraaa, THI JOURNAL. Portland, Or. ITS ational of Athena CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000 SURPLUS,.. 12,500 & Fropei attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic ex change. Fire and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge for keeping your valuable papers. S H. O. Adams, President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. F. 8. La Grow. Cashier, I ROCK SPRINGS I SPECIAL RATES A. M, GILXIS, COAL VrVWrWVhArVVAVArWWArVtrVVrW Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. Special inducements on orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal and Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION I PALACE id H Has a fine line of Fancy Candies and Cigars in neat and popular size packages. Also all of the latest popular Books. We offer no substitutes or imi tations in our line of PURE DRUGS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. R. J. BODDY'S MEAT !il ARRET Fresh Meats. Only the Best ia Good. '1 Bank C. A oarrett, 'I Directors P. E. Colburn, V Directors V. 8. LeQrow, I. M. Kemp, Assistant Cashier II B MOMBERLAND ON CAR LOTS Athena, Oregon i ti UNEQUALLED PREYENTKVE Asia CU1E m GROUP If 252IS3G ! UNEQUALLED AS A if t UNEQUALLED AS A : I j ill y sjjll www ft. " ' My mr ii$ croup, (yk m il lr .il sorb Wf l : 1 ft VVmWi 'V.r rt',r4' 'lUCtPl Bift C OMS V HPTION Mf, Vf l A Villi S1V- MAUWMUicsorTBa ' mssJ V 'ii " !P Ipll AAi ; ; ' ; 4THE0AT and LUNGS. lC2 ii! 'ti l 1 1 l Ii il iiE. f v-rhh f H;f-i Pi" i . I I' I flv . " W.'ti' Waawaaiail4 IaivUatM1Vf iijf II ll I I iiffqPX : DiMolBti.lowa.US.A. i . . J W ; UNEdUAULED , " PRICE, TfEITHITE CESTlfTi S NEQUALLED I H y'miMiiinii.iiiuinu I! 1 V'''''''''''1' ''''''',7 V ''-'''! j '' ' M'! "U Ii M 1 1 'MIMijl IM UMIM lU JaJFiPs. "t vtwiw r " " " " M La ii LI Ji YY IT Ti i U W l "J 'U WIIERE QUALITY nm III tv I1SIB Our January Sale has been taken by the public in the spirit in which we intended it. The extraordinary cut in prices on our stocks has never be fore been equaled in this section of the country, and our daily customers are aaviDg money by buying this month for future needs. The following will help you to realize the full force and meaning of the sacrifice, which the re duction of stock compells us to make, as we must reduce our large stock be fore inventory time. It will also help you to a correct estimate of the ad vantage which this great sale offers to prospective purchasers. It will point to the wisdom of taking prompt action on the extraordinary proposition by availing yourself of these great values: Carpet Department Jan- uary Prices. Printed Linoleum, all graues 20 per cent off. Inlaid Linoleum except wood pat terns, 10 percent off. Cotton Comforts, all kinds 20 per cent off. . Couch Covers, 10 to 30 per cent off. Bug, 10 to 25 per cent off. Lace Curtains, 10 to 30 per cent off. Japanese Bamboo Splashers 30 to 50 per cant off. Headrest Cushions, 33 per cent off. Carpets from 10 to 25 per cent off. Prominents Reduction in Hardware Department Carving Sets, 15 to 30 per cent less. Brushes, all kinds, 10 to 50 per cent less. Boys' Sleds, 20 to 40 per cent less. Heating Stoves, 10 to 33 per cent less. Games and Game Boards, 20 to 50 per cent less. Toys, all kinds, 25 to 50 per cent less. Universal Food Choppers, 15 to 30 per cent less. Sad Irons, 10 to 30 per cent less. Washing Machines, except White Lily, 10 to 25 per cent less. ' All other goods in the store reduced from 10 to 50 per cent except Buck's Steel Ranges, White Lily Washers, Carpet Sweepers, Wood PatternB Extra laid Linoleum, Gun Sectional Book Cases, Electric felt Mattresses, Havi land White and Colored China. Mail Orders a- Specialty THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. Walla .Walla, Washington Vs. SI Fine Wines, Liquors I and Cigars - BETZ BEER Choice Bottled Goods QATooivr Club Room, b &1AJ U JLN SAM BOOHER, . Proprietor. -' lir. V. C5crtiWWimJ)iito0.isaj I , AS A PLEASANT III J life i in i irr-V ff i" i i i Kt : ' T - w Wl.M "Xiii, - .1 i TkTri .IllaW ' ,111 . S)u ! I ! II! i OTli hTiTnrnTrn n nv. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 la ft- rHTiriDTO If f 1 EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. IS HIGHEST AND ill H IHI Prominent Furniture Price Reduction. Ladies' Desks, 20 to 30 per cent off. Leather Chairs and Rockers, 15 to 30 per cent off. Framed Pictures, 25 to 50 per cent less." Framed Mirrors, 15 to 30 per cent off. Brass Bedsteads, 20 per cent less. Hall trees, 15 per cent less. Odd Dressers, 10 to 30 per cent less. China or Plate Racks 20 per cent off. Curtain Stretchers, 25 per cent less. Crockery Section Clear ance Prices. All Cut Glass, 20 to 33 per cent off. Hand Painted China, 20 per cent less Art and Fancy Vases, 25 per cent off. Statuary, 20 to 30 per cent Iojs. Electroliers and Bronzes, 25 per cent less. JardinierB, 15 to 25 per cent less. Lamps, Metal and decorated, 50 to 35 per cent less. Wedgewood and Kaiserzinn, 25 per cent less. Toy Tea Sets, 50 per cent less. Odds and ends in Dinnerware, 33 to 50 per cent less. Stoneware, 25 per cent less. i ill L!i! u Mail Orders a Specialty w in miii iii il