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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1905)
ATHENA MERCANTILE CO. LADIES AND MISSES WATERPROOFS HALF PRICE DUCK CLOTHING MACK INTOSHES, MACKINAWS 33 1-3 OFF Our Great Sale will continue until February 1st. Only 17 more days of these Sweeping Reductions. We are taking stock, and in addition to the enormous rer duction on our regular stock, we find many odd lots that must be sold regardless of either cost or value. 50 Shirt Waists, former price 50 cents each, now 15 Cents, Our entire stock of fine Sateen, Brilliantine and Flannel Waists at half price. Tarn OShanter- Caps, all colors, regular price 75 cents and $1.00, your choice for 35 Cents. Special lot of ladies' Heavy Cheviot and Beaver Jackets, regular $2.50 garments, now 98 Cents. A great many lines have suffered an additional cut in price to that heretofore received, but space will not permit of the enumeration of same. Now is the Time for Bargains Athena t Mercantile Company South Side Main Street, Athena, Oregon Press Paragraphs W. M. Tompkins had business in Pen dleton Saturday. Mrs. Charles Keene, of Walla Walla, is over yisiting friends, Royal Sawtelle, the jeweler, was a Pendleton viflitor Sunday. Charley Keene is reported ill at his father's home west of town. Patronize home industry "American Beauty" flour, $1.80 per sack. Fred Flint and Joe Stone had busi ness at the county seat Saturday. Fred Lockley, of the East Oregonian, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Alf Johnson is again able to attend bis duties at JN. A. Miner s lurpuure store. Mr. end Mrs. H. W. Learn and chil dren were over from Weston Sunday, visiting friends. fvMr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Brown are now at home at 905, High street, Bed lands, California. W. M. Kelly, representing the Sim plex typesetting machine company, was in town yesterday. iThe Friday Afternoon club will meet next Friday with Mrs. Will McCollum at her home on 6th street. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Worthington at tended the funeral of the late I. E. Baling at Weston Saturday. Dr. Eve Hoisington, Osteopath. At Athena Hotel Wednesdays and Satur days. Consultation invited. Athena friends for a few hours yesterday from La Grande, on business. Fred Kloeckcer, the efficient book keeper at the First National bank, was a Pendleton visitor over Sunday. Miss Alice Taylor has signed a con tract to teach another month in school district No. 96, on Weston mountain. Dr. and Mrs. Curry, eye specialists, of Walla Walla, will make their regular professional visit to Athena Wednesday, E. L. Barnett offers a choice lot of household goods tor sale. Call at res idence corner of Fourth and Jefferson streets. - " Roscoe Clark,, a young man just ar rived from Illinois, is visiting his aunts, Mrs. J. W. Smith and Mrs. W. R. Taylor. ". ... rue IK ess iamiiy enjoyea roe aaj Sunday at Locust Hill, the hospitable country home of r. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart. Miss Anice Barnes, of Weston, has been the guest of friends in this city the past few days, returning home this morning. Dale Preston, the busy manager of the Preston-Parton Milling Co.'s busi ness here, took a run down to Pendleton Saturday. Mr. Cor po ran, who has been bed ridden at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Milt Swaggart, for some months, is improving and hopes are now enter tained that he may eventually be able to be about again. REddie Foster, employed in Ed f Manasse's , store, is having serious trouble with his eyes, caused by a se vere cold. . C. Stanton continues to -improve and it is reported that at no time since the beginning of his long illness has he felt better than at present. KOliss Bessie McBride came up from I Pendleton Saturday for a visit with ber parentsr Her sister, Miss Edith, has been ill at their home in this city the past week. Miss Laura Bowles, of Walla Walla, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. F. 3. Le Grow. Miss Bowles has recently grad uated from,the University of California at Berkeley. Rev. Geo. T. Ellis closed a two weeks' I : - . - . a: .Hi. T i a l V series ui meeungs ui me capuai caurcu Sunday evening, and this week goes to Baker county to conduct meetings there. Mrs. Ellis will accompany her husband to Baker City where she will visit. rIra Luna, formerly a popular Athena Doy, dui now or vjonaon, uregon was married on Christmas Day to Miss Cora Barker, of that city. Ira is employed as engineer in a mill and expects to make Condon his permanent home. Extensive preparations are being made for the banquet which will take place after the installation; of officers in the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges Fri day evening. A big time, is expected socially, fraternally and from an epi curean standpoint. W-A number of youDg men of the city nave organized me four ueai uiover dancing club and will give a series of dances during the winter. Bills are out announcing a dance for next Friday evening, January 20th, with York Dell floor manager. Music will be furnished by Johnson's popular orchestra tickets $1.00. Rev? Ed. Baker, pastor of the M. E. cljurch, arrived home from Sprague Saturday evening and announces that be will begin a series of evangelistic services next Sunday, January 22 Pre paratory prayer meetings will be held in the basement of the Methodist church Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. , E. L. Barnett yesterday sold his fine residence property to M. L. Watts for $3,000. Mr. Barnett, owing to failing health, will leave Athena and with bis family will go to Portland soon. He yet has interests here and will from time to time find occasion to visit Athe na. Mr. and Mr. Watts will occupy their newly acquired home about Feb ruary 1. Mrs. Emma Phillips and her daugh ter, Miss Minnie, left on the freight train last evening to take the Northern Pacific for their home at Brewster, in northern Washington. The latter part of the journey will be sixty miles stag ing. Mrs. Phillips had intended re maining in Athena for the balance of GOOD WOMAN GONE GRANDMA STONE DIED IN THIS CITY SUNDAY MORNING. A Pioneer Oregonian, Coming to the State From California, With Her Husband In 1864. Grandma Stone, after having spent a noble life covering a period of 79 years, died at her home in this city Sunday morning at 1 :05 o'clock. The death of this estimable lady had been expected for some days and when the announcement was made early Sun day morning by the tolling of the bell a wave of sadness and sorrow went over the hearts of all, each having known and loved her. Until recent years Grandma Stone had enjoyed rugged health, but since a couple of sick spells she had not been so strong, and when the recent severe at tack came, her constitution was very much impaired. She was the mother of ten children, six of whom were present at the funeral, which was conducted at the home yes terday at 2 a'clock, p. to., by J. W. Jenkins, pastor of the Christian church, of which she had been a devoted mem ber for sixty years. An extended obit uary will appear in the next issue of the Press. LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS. All the Progress of Seleaae Baa Hot Brought Vm Any Knowl edge of It. Upon the question whether life-bearing planets can exist In other solar sys tems than our own the answer of science Is clear and distinct, says Prof. Maun der, in Knowledge. It Is precisely the same with Prof. Newcomb recently gave concerning the possible inhab itants of Mars: "The reader knows just as much of the subject as I do, and that Is nothing at alTi." Within our solar system we can Indeed form tome crude estimate of probabilities;, beyond it, nothing. All the amazing progress of modern science, alljhe revelations made by the spectroscope or by photography, all the advance In biology have not brought us one step nearer an answer to the question, "Is this the only In habited world?" We stand essentially where Whewell and Brewster did half a century ago, or we might indeed say where Galileo and Capoano were 300 years ago. We can luderd rpln out the discussion at greater length than our prcdecessom, and can Introduce a far larger number of more or less irrelevant facts, but of serious argument, either for or against, we are entirely destitute. the winter, but owing to sickness in her family at Brewster, was compelled to go at once. The Christian Church at Walla Walla have chartered a train for next Friday evening, January 20, and will in a body attend the service in Pendleton, for the purpose of hearing Evangelist Dorris preach. They invite the Athena people to take advantage of the excursion and also attend, at one fare for the round trip. The tickets will be sold for the regular 4:53 train Friday evening, re turning on a special soon after church services close. . Any wishing to go will confer a favor by notifying J. W. Jen kins. . Constipation and piles are twins. They kill people inch by inch, sap life away every day. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure you. No cure no pay. 35 cents tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store. Announcement I wish to announce to the public that I am now permanently lo cated at McBride's drug store, and at all times you will find a full line of Watches, Clocks and fine Jewelry. : : : : fine Watch Repairing a Specialty f. II. C00LID0E Jeweler, J. D. PLAMOXDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in -Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to Female Diseases. C!ls promptly andwered. Office on Third direct. Athena, Oregor. Items in Brief. Filipino bags at Manasse's. , Belts in profusion at ManasseV. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. ' Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's. ' Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on sale at Gay's, daily. ' Fairbanks-Morse engines are the best. C. A. Barrett & Co. . We have the goods and low prices. C. A. Barrett & Co. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. Buy the children a sled or express wagon of C. A. Barrett & Co. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington St, Thompson's. Great Remnant sale commences to morrow. Athena Mercantile Co. Remember, Ely & Scott are head quarters for rubbers and overshoes. ' Worthington & Thompson have just received a large line of new pipes and pocket knives. Every remnant or skirt length marked at a ridiculously low- price. Athena Mercantile Co. ; Say Va, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. ! Save your money by makine your purchases during the great sale at the Athena Mercantile Co.'s. i Don't forget to try our Gold Leaf coffee. It is the best 25 cent coffee on the market. Ely & Scott. 1 If you want quantity and quality for your money, come ro the great Rem nant Sale. Athena Mercantile Co. 'If you want a skirt length, waist or child's dress, come to the great Rem nant Sale. Athena Mercantile Co. 'For first class and up to date horse shoeing by an artistic horseshoer, go to Buel's shop corner 3rd and Current streets. All work guaranteed. Price per head 81.50. W. S. Buel, proprietor. We meet all cuts in horse shoeing. Three dollars per span by a professional smith of rank. O. C. Beck. W. C. Miller is again in the harness business in Athena. Ifo is located in the Estes building opposite the Athena Hotel. All goods sold at reasonable prices. Workmanship guaranteed. Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Mary Simpson. "Every thing disagreed with me and baby until I used Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Now baby sleeps and growaTlke a weed. 85c, Tea or Tablets. Pioneer drug store. . . . y Spoiled Her Beauty. i ITnrm'nff VtnmarA 9 AO W 13th" Qf I New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I had salt rheum or eezema for years but nothing would cure it until I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at Palace drug store. svfe Sell Do YOID Know ONE GREAT ENJOYMENT IN LIFE IS EATING? - - - The better the Quality of food, the greater the enjoy, ment. If you like a good cup of Coffee you will get the greates possible enjoyment by using CHASE & SANBORN'S JAVA and MOCHA COFFEE THE WHITE HOUSE GROCERY Sole Agents. ESTABLISHED 1865 I Preston-Parton Milling Go. American Beauty flour : Guaranteed By All Grocers Patronize Home:- Industry. S - f O v Merchant Millers and Grain Buyer Z Waitsburg, Wash. - . - - Athena, Oregon "The Trade Magnet of the East End" DURING THE MONTH OF Parts 9 id vercoais- ar GO AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 PER CENT The Place where the THE FAI 11 family Can Trade.