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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1905)
mu JVtlmw fto AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twice-a-Week Tuesday and Friday F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Entered as second-class matter, March 1, 190), at the postoffice at Athena, Oregon, under an Actol Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription Hates: I'er year, In ad vane 12.00 Blcglecoplei In wrappers, 6c. Advertising Kates t Local reading notices, firstlnsertlon, 10c per ine. Each subsequent Insertion, Sc. A ll communications should be addressed to ie PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JANUARY 17, 1905 Dr. Lyman Abbott, clergyman, law yer, author and editor of Outlook, who in a sermon to Harvard students an nounced bis belief in a religion founded not on the bible, but on science, and the and the outreachings of the heart, is nearly 70 years old and has spent nearly his entire lifetime in the study of relig ion and writing of his conclusions. Or dained a Congregational minister in 18G0, he has preached in many of the famous pulpits of America, succeeding Henry Ward Beecher as pastor of Ply mouth church, Brooklyn, in 1888. He resigned ten years later to devote bis energies to literary work. Among his work are "How to Study the Bible," "Life of Christ," and "The Theology of as Evolutionist." Senator Heyburn has introduced a bill for the entrymen on lands proposed to be irrigated under the reclamation act and unable to cvltivate the same, and to provide means of support pend ing the building of irrigation works. The bill recites that qualified entrymen who have heretofore or shall hereafter make bona tide entry upon lands to be irrigated under the reclamation act may, upon application and showing that water is not available for the irrigation of said lands, obtain leave of absence from their entries for a period not to ex ceed six months during one year, until water for irrigation is turned into the main canals on the land to be irrigated. Right on top of all the advertising of the opportunities to the Bettleis offered by the Pacific coast, which has been done during the past few months and will continue in increased quantities un til tho end of the Lewis and Clark ex position at Portland, comes the an nouncement from the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company that from Febru ary 15 until May 15 will cut its freight rates on immigrants' movables exactly in half, as an additional inducement to the easterner to try his luck in this land of golden promise. Whatever hopes the Japanese origin ally had of a short war, tbey are now preparing for a long and exhausting struggle. Count Okuma is free to tell bis countrymen that they must expect to spend at least 81,000,000,000. The taxes will be piled on the people, inter national improvements will be stopped, even popular education is to be curtail ed. In Russia the same procedure will take place, causing even greater distress to the nation. And this is glorious war. Of course the immigration commiS' sioner'e fear of an influx of Japanese immigration after the war may be well founded, but just now it looks as if by the time the war is over they will have considerable additional room of their own in which to spread out. The German emperor has just unveil ed another statue of ono of his ances tors. Let us hope that his ancestors and the sites for statues of them may never be exhausted. William might be doing much worse things than unveiling statues. A New York policeman recently made 8200,000 speculating in real estate. Ho should be advised to watch out for large, flashy-looking women who approach with notes from Andrew Carnegie If John Barrett bus to pay $13 apiece for shirts in Panama, ailow your imag ination to dwell for a moment on the probable price of a shirt that would fit Secretary Taft. "" We don't see anything strange in the story of the Ohio convict who forfeited f his parole and lost his liberty by getting married. Men who are not convicts do that. Like all generals who lose, Kuropat kin was not only whipped Yy his ene mies, but is being roasted by his friends. The greatest system renovator. Re stores vitality, regulates the kidneys, liver and stomach. If Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea fails to cure get your money back. That's fair. 35c. tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store. Are Ton Restless at Night and harassed by a bad cough? Use Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it Will secure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. 25c, 50c and 81. Sold by McBride. Ering in Your Coupons. Those holding Fair Store coupons are requested to bring them in and select pictures. The pictures have arrived and their distribution depends on the presentation of the coupons. Health means the ability to do a good day's work without undue fatigue and to find life worth living. You cannot have in digestion or constipation without its up setting the liver and polluting the blood. Such a condition may be best and quick est obtained by Herbine, the best liver regulator that the world has ever known. Mrs. D. W. Smith writes April 3, 1002: "I use Herbine and find it the medicine for constipation and regulating the liver I ever used." Price 50 cents. Sold by McBride. Sickening Shivering Fits of ague and malaria can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This is a pure tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true curative influence on the disease, driving it en tirely out of the system. It is much to be preferred to quinine, having none of this drug's bad after effects. H. Mun day, of Henrietta, Texas, writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice, till he took Eloctric Bit ters, which saved his life." At Mc Bride's drug store; price 50c guaranteed. Greatly In Demand. Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern require msnts for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need td cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them, at Mc Bride's drug store, 25c, guaranteed. I'll brave the storms of Chilkoot Pass, I'll cross the plains of frozen glass, I'd leave my wife and cross the sea, Rather than be without Rocky Moun tain Tea. Pioneer drug store. . A Grim Tragedy is daily enacted in thousands of homes as death clcims in each one another victim of consumption or pueumonia. But when coughs and colds are proper ly treated the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley of Oaklandon, Ind., writes: "My wife bad consumption and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, and today she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves. Guar anteed at 50c and 81 by Wm. McBride, druggiat. Sample bottle free. Foley's Honey and Tar tor No opiates, mmammmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmKmamtmmmammm "MAXES PROPER DIET PLEASING MONEY FOR SOY I or amH to Dm Onfoa oowtry eoa Mm mcf, and Mm k nly, Mliinf TNB DAILY and SUNDAY JOUK. N AL. No money k noulnd to auto Mm .atara, and ooly tho ability to iwk k undid, To tut bo ono rilnlkt Kaa on will omd ISeoatM si THK (UN. AY JOURNAL, to U aokt at S onus two. Altar thai oil Mporo that an c-ovlrad-wtll to daknrod tr Ma by nail or aaonn at wliulanla arkoo, aad ho n I conn "full tlodgad aowopaoor daonr. Too oaa atart any ti i oaa atart any tuna, and u tu dUnj THK SUNDAY JOURNAL. woa oram c.o oo ami n lot Trua DAILY JOURNAL. TH8 SUNDAY JOURNAL onwan. ALL THK NEWS, and otq aeorul tuna ol littoroat M naa ood mmao. and. haaktea, aaa aU tba dtudroa'a conic Moo corrtad by tfca N Swday poson ol to aaa. JOURNAL hoa an naktaf aa Met a IS to M a tnok la aaaal nrm la on miilkano Doat you aM at try kr MJ K CASH aa aatta ntoa, oris to dhfta anotkry. n additna II tka nguhv proftta. taykj tkooa JOURNAL ton ono do tka tool aat porcaotafo. la tkai way tka toy. Ml fl tka analk pkcao onS kon aa nock II ckajKO n aara tluo oatn nancy n tkon I 1 ki tka larooc nana. Oct tm TrU JOUR-1 NAL i THI JOURNAL hall Addma.TH( JOURNAL. fonnad, Co., Hi MESS First Nationa of Athena CAPITAL STOCK SURPLUS, . Propel attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic ex change. Fjre and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge for keeping your valuable papers. H. C. Adams, President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. F. S. Lb Ob- 7, Cashier, ROCK SPRINGS GOAL SPECIAL RATES A. M4 GILJLIS, Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett,' Manager Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick", etc. Special inducements on orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal and Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION 5t Has a fine line of Fancy Candies and Cigars in neat and popular size packages. Also all of the latest popular Books. We offer no substitutes or imi tations in our line of PURE DRUGS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. R. J. BUDDY'S MEAT MARKET Fresli Meats, Only tlie Best is Good, Ml 3 Bank $50,000 12,500 C. A oarrett.1 P. E. Colburn, V Directors F.8. LeGrow,) I. M. Kemp, Assistant Cashier & CUMBERLAND ON CAR LOTS Athena, Oregon U N EQUALLED AS A CUUEFOR BAD C0L1$ i UNFOUALLFD' PREVENTIVE ANoCimE tor CROUP t 1 f HIM W II 7 K ffl f th GUWV) MM WW w .w v r ' tin !.'? nw-kw i WHERE QUALITY Our January Sale has been taken by the publicin the spirit in which we intended it. The extraordinary cut in prices on our stocks has never be fore been equaled in this section of the country, and our daily customers are saving money by buying this month for future needs. The following will help you to realize the full force and meaning of the sacrifice, which the re duction of stock compells us to make, as we must reduce our large stock be fore inventory time. It will also help you to a correct estimate of the ad vantage which this great sale offers to prospective purchasers. It will point to the wisdom of taking prompt action on the extraordinary proposition by availing yourself of these great values: Carpet Department Jan ' uary Prices. Printed Linoleum, all graues 20 per cent off. Inlaid Linoleum except wood pat terns, 10 percent off. Cotton Comforts, all kinds 20 per cent off. Couch Covers, 10 to 30 per cent off. Rug, 10 to 25 per cent off. Lace Curtains, 10 to 30 per cent off. Japanese Bamboo Splashers 30 to 60 per cant off. Headrest Cushions, 33 per cent off. Carpets from 10 to 25 per cent off. Prominents Reduction in Hardware Department Carving Sets, 15 to 30 .per cent less. Brushes, all kinds, 10 to 50 per cent less. Boys' Sleds, 20 to 40 per cent less. Heating Stoves, 10 to 33 per cent less. Games and Game Boards, 20 to 50 per cent less. Toys, all kinds, 25 to 50 per cent less. Universal Food Choppers, 15 to 30 per cent less. Sad Irons, 10 to 30 per cent less. Washing Machines, except White Lily, 10 to 25 per cent less. All other goods in the store reduced from 10 to 50 per cent except Buck's Steel Ranges, White Lily Washers, Carpet Sweepers, Wood Patterns Extra laid Linoleum, Gun Sectional Book Cases, Electric felt Mattresses, Havi land White and Colored China. Mail Orders a Specialty THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the x Home; Walla Walla, Washington Yv Si Fine Wines, Liquors I and Cigars L . 'js BETZ BEER Choice Bottled Goods QATorvNr Club Eoom. bALVjUiN SAM BOOKER, . . Proprietor. '"!!1H"' CTula Label A&jpteo! (a IWtl him ? mm OUBE3 Gouglis,CoIds ill enoup, '1 WHOOPING COUCH, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS. SORE THROAT, Incipient'. Consumption AND ALL JMSEASCS Of TRt THROAT and LUNGS. i r 1?h 1 llii !.'? HMofattorad oat? If Dm Molnt loWu&A. It In1 VXBPKICE.tfEIIHlY. CEHTltg IPcrrlt1iMhChmba1al0ssra.T EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. IS HIGHEST AND LOWEST Prominent Furniture Price Reduction. Ladies' Desks, 20 to 30 per cent off. Leather Chairs and Rockers, 15 to 30 per cent off. Framed Pictures, 25 to 50 per cent less. Framed Mirrors, 15 to 30 per cent off. Brass Bedsteads, 20 per cent less. Hall trees, 15 per cent less. Odd Dressers, 10 to 30 per cent less. China or Plate Racks 20 per cent off. Curtain Stretchers, 25 per cent less. Crockery Section Clear ance Prices. All Cut Glass, 20 to 83 per cent off. Hand Painted China, 20 per cent less Art and Fancy Vases, 25 per cent off. Statuary, 20 to 30 per cent le. Electroliers and Bronzes, 25 per cent less. '..' ' Jardiniere, 15 to 25 per cent less. Lamps, Metal and decorated, ' 50 to 35 per cent less. Wedgewood and Kaiserzinn, , 25 per cent less. Toy Tea Sets, 50 per cent less. Odds and ends in Dinnerware, 33 to 50 per cent less. Stoneware, 25 per cent less. UN EQUALLED AS A mEVENTlVEoFj IPhJEUMONIA UNEQUALLED AS A PLEASANT AftAlSN a taaa .' M ? CHlLDEEN MaD -Orders a Specialty iiTinnijjjii- r 4 11 ink i H I W Alf i h3