Site JUtat ifltfsu Twiob-a-Weee Tuesday ahd Friday F. B. Boyd, Publishes. Entered m second-class matter, March 1, 1901, at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon, under the Act ot Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription Ht: Per year, In advance 12.00 Blngleoopies In wrappers,5c. Advertising 'Hates I Local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per tao. Each subsequent Insertion, 5c. AH communications should be addressed to ( be PRKHS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, AUGUST 30, 1904 It is now a late date to deplore the way the United States government has frittered away land that ought to have been retained for actual settlers, now that nearly all the best has been given to private corporations as subsidies for first one thing and then another. Nev ertheless the following from the East Oregonian is well worth considering even at this time: "The criminal recklessness with which the government has thrown away the priceless public lands of the west is beginning to be realized by the people now. In the rich Malheur basin where the government is attempting to estab lish an irrigation project, lie the great areas of the old military road grants, now owned by Paris capitalists. This great body of land, comprising each al ternate section through the heart of Central Oregon, is not for sale nor will it be improved. The tireless industry of settlers on all sides of it is advancing its value without an effort from the non resident landlords. These large hold ings now lie squarely across the path of government irrigatien. The actual set tlers are ready, anxious to comply with the laws, requiring a reduction of the individual holding to 1G0 acres, but what interest has the French monopoly in sacrificing an acre of this land to the general good? The surrounding indus try is making mints of money for them. Why should they improve or sell to ac tual settlers? The Southern Pacific in Southern Oregon and the Northern Pa cific in Northern Idaho and Washington hold millions of acres of valuable tim ber land and the cities of the east are teeming with the homeless cramped hordes of humanity. Will the people ever come to their senses and stop this almost criminal plundering of the public domain?' The Heppner Gazette paints the fol lowing word picture: "To the people of Morrow county who are not satisfied with the country and environments, just a few words in relation to actual condit ions may bo interesting. It is human nature to complain and perfection has never yet been found by man. We mea sure almost everything by comparison, so let us look at other places. Even in the far famed Willamette valley, the present season has been so dry that crops are very short. Kansas has had great floods. In Minnesota this week a terri ble tornado caused the death of 20 peo ple and a property loss of $3,500,000. Up in the great wheat bolt of the Mani toba country the black rust is ruining the crops. A short study of tho actual conditions ought to relieve somewhat the man with pessimistic views. Here in Morrow county we are enjoying pros perity and the anticipation of a bright future. Morrow county this season has produced more and will have more to sell than ever before in her history. This is a great country and our greatest need is more people to develop our re sources." The mining congress in session at Portland last week passed resolutions favoring the creation of a department of mines and mining, making the head of the department a cabinet officer. Since mining in its various forms is one of the greatest industries of the nation the miners feel that their business should be represented in the president's cab inet's.. The good, resolves of President Roose velt to eliminate federal officials from active participation in the campaign seems to have been forgotten already, observes the Times-Mountaineer, since it is announced that Secretary Shaw will open the republican campaign in Montana in a few days. Women cannot be carriers on rural routes. Only male, mail earners . go. This is on account of the order that a certain suit must be worn a suit cot made for women. The order, no doubt, will be modified in time. The south is having a time of it burn ing human beings alive. It's an awful reputation they are getting. It looks as if hades was located in Georgia and the imps of darkness were turned loose at Statesboro. General Stoessel says Port Arthur will be his tomb. It is already the tomb of thousands. It looks like madness for him to hold out so long against the in evitable, lie has sacrificed many pre cious lives uselessly. The most eulogized woman in the United States just now is the Indiana girl who took her piano into the woods to do her practicing. The czar's kid has been baptized all right and the czar modified his iniqui tous oppressions the leapt little bit. Many times and oft are the people fooled by the correspondents at the front. RESOLUTIONS. Castle Hall, Pythian Lodge, No. 29, Knights of Pythias. Whereas, it has pleased the great God of the universe in His all wise provi dence to call from earth to mansions in the skies, the beloved wife of brother E. L. Hiteman, and Whereas, we being deeply conscious of the loss he is called upon to sustain, therefore be it Resolved: That we sincely condole with him in this his sad hour of af fliction, and we would, however, com mend him to a higher source of conso lation and comfort, and that he look to the great beyond where the sundered ties of the family are united. Resolved: That a copy of these reso lutions be spread upon our minutes, a copy be presented to our brother, and a copy be given the Press for publication. E. L. Barnett York Dell C. O. Henry Com. Personally Conducted Excursion to St. Louis. On September 6th the O. R. & N. will run a through tourist sleeper to St. Louis under the personal supervision of Mr. R. A. Smith, city ticket agent at Walla Walla, who will go through to St. Louis with the car. A side trip will be made to Salt Lake City where arrange ments have been made for an organ re cital in the big tabernacle for the ben efit of passengers in this car. . Reserva tion can be made with the local agent and should be made as early as possible. Detailed information can be had by calling on or addressing, M. W. Smith, R. Burns, Agent O. R. & N. Co. General Agent Walla Walla, Wash. Cures Sciatic. Rev. W. R. Riley, L. L. D., Cuba, New York, writes: "After 15 days of excruciating pain from sciatic rheuma tism, under various treatments, I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Lina ment; the first application giving my first relief and the second entire relief. I can give it unqualified recommenda tion. 25c, 50c and $1 at the Palace drug store. A Secret Method. I use a secret method for the painless extraction of teeth which I have used for a number of years with continued success. It does not cause any soreness of mouth or gums, or any sickness or after effects whatever; is perfectly safe and takes immediate effect when ap plied around a tooth. Dr. Sponogle, dentist. Pleasant and Most K fleet I re. T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, Lib erty, Texas, writes Dec. 25, 1902: "With pleasure and unsolicited by you, I bear testimony to the curative power of Bal lard's Snow Linament. I have used it in my family and can cheerfully affirm it is a most effective remedy for rheuma tism. 25c, 50c and 81. Sold by Wm. McBride. ' Puts an End to U All. A grievous wail of times comes as a re sult of unbearable pain from over taxed orgaua. Dizziness, backache, liver complaint and constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are gentle but thorough. Only 25c. Guaran teed W. McBride. Dairy for Sale. The only dairy route in Athena, to gether with 15 good milch cows is of fered tor sale at a reasonable price. This is a paying proposition. Call on or ad dress Harvey Caton, Athena, Oregon. Wood for Sale Five hundred cords of selected 16 inch slab wood at $1.50 per cord; 300 cords of 4-foot wood at tl-75 per cord in mill yard at Fletcher's Mill. Suicide Prevented. The startling anouncement that a pre ventive of suicide had been discovered will interest many. A run down system or despondency invariably precede sui cide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suici le likely. At the first thought of self destruction take - Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a great stomach, kidney and liver regulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by W. McBride. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi cant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Buck len's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best salve on earth and will prevent fatality when burns, sores and piles threaten. Only 25c at the Palace drug store. W. W. RAYMOND Grain Dealer Buys Grain at all points at the Highest Market Price. Grain Baas for Sale Standard Calcuttas or the Port land Green Stripe which are the best grain sacks on the market. Either kind at b cts. delivered at any railroad station or Biding in the county. Return what you do not use. - - BAKER-B0YEE BANK BLDQ. Walla Walla, - - Washington. Phone Main 865. P. O. box 134. Try Our COMPOUND SYRUP of WHITE PINE and SPRUCE By soothing Mucous Mem branes, it cures cough and the most severe colds. . . . PALACE DRUG STORE WM.McBRIDE, Leading- Druggist j reasonable mm 2 PURE RYE WHISKY 23 YEARS OLD. The best ever sold in the city of Athena. Once drank, always drank. For sale at THE EAGLE BAR, - - - - - Pine Lunch Countei North Side Main Street, P. n. TIEDEMAN, Proprietor W yl Fine. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 2 BETZ BEER V jChoice Bottled Goods Club Room. SALOON SAM BOOnER, - - Proprietor. FIRS1 HHWNSL H. C. Adams, President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK, Proper attention glvea to and domestic B . S. L G row, Cashier, Foley's Honey and Tar for No opiates. ..Painting.. Paper Hanging, Wall Tinting, Sign Writing, etc., satisfaction guaranteed by Eohinson & Stanford. Shop, corner 3rd and Jefferson, Streets, Athena, Oregon. Pianos of Worth, We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Reed & Sons, noted for strength and volume of tone. The Henry F. Killer, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the best, and the popular Singer. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered j on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy termB, Dwelley Herrick Music Co., 51 East Main Street i Doors Above Bridge, Walla Walla, Washington r THE t ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. m Can be leoomended for Us clean and well ventilated rooms. k Cob. Main and Thibd, Atbkma, Or. i Athena Fire Insurance .Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. G. CHAMBERLAIN, Agent Notary Public and Conveyancer. BENE OF ETHEHE C. A Barrett.) P. E. Oolburn, V Directors P. S. LeGrow.) i $ 80,000 12,500 collections. Deals In foreign exchange. I. a. r, Assisiani msmcr Mm, There probably isn't a reader of this newspaper who will not want to buy some house furnishing article or other be tween now and the holidays. So, 'tis proper for a store that feels quite sure that it is better able to serve you than any other to have a word with you at about this time. As things go in Walla Walla (and they certainly go to suit us) the Davis-Kaser store has made probably the greatest suc cess of all stores here. At least we have tried hard and earn estly to do everything in the world that would ordinarily bring success to a store. ' The rapid almost phenomenal increase in our business would indicate that we are at least pleasing a great majority of the buying public; and, for this we feel highly gratified and thankful. Our customers always come the second and the third time, and this of course is the basis of our success. We want to, therefore, talk to those who have not tried trading here as yet. We want to say to you, TRY. If we do not make your trading both pleasant'and profitable we incur a great business risk. At least that is the way we figure it, for to have a disappointed customer is about the worst thing that can happen to a store. You can rest assured, therefore, that you will like your trading here when you try. All Davh Kaser patrons are more than satisfied they are pleased. There will from now till the holidays be a whole lot of valuable, sensible Btore news from here. It will be news that thrifty and thinking housewives will appreciate and profit by. We will make it as interesting as possible. We'll be right glad and so will yon if you accept this invitation to be a Davis-Kaser customer. Next Door to the Post Office THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. Walla Walla, Washington P QTlQPTi Paint' OH, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing OUU Us Ulial p PENDLETON, OREGON. CHARLES GAY ...Dealers in... ; Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars FRESH BREAD. PIES. CAKES, ETC. HARKAUS BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET ii Fresh Meats. Only the Best is Good. ROCK SPRINGS COAL SPECIAL RATES ON GAR LOTS I A. M. GIIvLrlS, If IIf SIHlI01llItStISI tl lltBtl8IIIKf ill 2nd Hand Department One Block East Everything For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy. Baker & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Poetoffice, Pendleton. ED. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates furnished on all kinds of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena. & GOMBERLAND Athena, Oregon 0 M