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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1904)
or ML WM FLOUR- Cuaranreeed toy H t roes y ATHEMA MERCANTILE CO. Great Special Sale of cTHen's Summer Underwear. We have bought the entire Stock of one of the largest Underwear factories in the East at a big discount, and shall place the same on sale Saturday morning at prices that will save our customers from 33 1-3 to 50 per Cent Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular price, 50c per garment, will be sold at 35c per garment. Men's Heavy Ribbed Balbriggan, regular price 7 5c, will be sold at 50c per garment. Men's fancy Lace Striped Balbriggan, regular price $1, will be sold at 65c per garment. s GROCERIES If you are not already a visitor to our Grocery Depart ment, come in and look through it and compare our prices with what you have to pay elsewhere. Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, - - - Athena, Oregon Mrs. Smith, of Portland, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jack Keller, returned home Sunday, accom panied by her younger daughter, Miss Bessie. pCdareoce LaBrashe is the king of r . 1 r . anglers ana no miswKe. i esieraay, in company with Lucien Gagnon, he re turned from the north fork of the Uma tilla with 25 Dolly Varden trout, none under 15 inches in length and the long est 22. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd and Gecile, and Miss Lela Stamper, spent Saturday and Sunday at the mountain home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Craigen. Mr. Crai gen has invested in residence property in Weston, and this week will move his household goods to that city, where his daughter, Miss Liuella, will have charge of the fifth and sixth grades in the pub lic school. FINE BANK FURNITURE. Private Offices for Cuahler and Board of I , Sireetori. lThe furniture for the First National Bank has arrived and is being put in ( nlnnn. Tl in of finft rtemicrn nnfl fa in o harmony with the balance of the fix tures. The bank's equipment is now equal to that of any banking institution in Eastern Oregon The new fixtures include enclosures for private offices for the cashier and the board of directors, which adds materially to the convenience and facilities of the bank. New desk) and other pieces of furniture have been put in place, and with, the Bplendid light afforded by the large plate glass windows, the working force have a most agreeable place in which to transact business. Items in Brief. The Modern School of Commerce TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPECIAL OFFER OF FREE TUITION AND OAR FARE. A Practical Business and Shorthand School Write fob Free Catalogue. PENDLETON, OREGON. Press Paragraphs Born, Saturday, August 20, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winship, a girl. Miss Edith Walter is over from her Walla Walla home visiting friends. WMiss Fay McElroy was in town a few days last week from the Pendleton farm. Mrs. Wm. Gerking of Oakesdale, Wash., is visiting relatives in this vicin ity. Miss Edna Rider visited Mrs. Clar ence Whiteman, in Weston, the last of the week. . Tl" l J , C. i iv 1 1 mm I ) 1 1 v i-innr rKLuruHU IllJIilM QUI- I M urday after a two days' visit with friendsb Howard ii Walla Walla. - Mr. and Mrs. N. A Miller and son, Roll, left Saturday for a few weeks' stay at Long Beach. , - Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. John Bannister at their home east of town, Monday, August 22, a girl. Miss Maude Sherman has been em ployed to teach in district No. 43, ten miles south of Pendleton. Mr urA ltfra. Pernv f!tirtj- nf Hfilir. epent Sunday with the family of Mr." and Mrs. George Tittsworth. Misses Bertha Baker and Bessie Mc- Bride were - up from Pendleton anct spent Sunday with Athena friends. M. M. Johns left Saturday for Sea side, where with his family he will spend the remainder of the summer. Mrs. Lizzie Jones wishes to annouce to her many patrons that her opening of stylish ready to wear hats will be about September 15. LMrs. Wormley is down from her stock ranch near Meacham, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton, Jr., near town. The party consisting of the Gillis and Armfield families, Mrs. E. A. Boyd and Mrs. Rush returned from the moun tains yesterday. Rev. Roberts and wife, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Koontz, in this city, returned Monday to their charge in a Washington town. .Messrs. Albert and Jesse Cohen of tha Pfmnlpa Warehouse in Pendleton. I spent Sundar in this city with their ' . w m . M :i sisier, Airs, cax amuaaoo uu mmuj. Mrs. Harden, of the Athena Hotel, is suffering from a very painful illness, Kuieu uq uie u. xv, a -a. peiween beics in the nature of rheumatism, and seems to particularly affect the head. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson of Pendleton were visitors Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry, at their home on Hunt Avenue. Mr. Anderson is a cousin of Charlie's. Mrs. Mary Kloeckener, of Oakesdale, Wash., is in the city, the guest of her son-in-law, J. E. Moran. Mr. Moran's two little daughters accompany her. Sale of tickets by the 0. R. & N. Co. for the beach will be discontinued after August 25. For the World's Fair tick ets will be sold on Sept. 5, 6 and 7 and on Oct. 3, 4 and 5. Mi. and Mrs. J. R. Owens have rent ed the Reeder' place near Helix, and will take possession this fall. Owing to this fact, Mrs. Owens offers her milli nery goods and fixtures for sale at a very great bargain. Call at once. F. Haley, brakeman, was Walla Walla and Wallula. He was run over by an engine. Haley is well known here having for several years been with Con ductor Menzies on the Pendleton-Walla Walla mixed train. In June Haley was married to Miss Minnie Ginn, formerly of this vicinity. . The accident occured Friday night. Destroyed by Fire Friday evening between 6 and 6:40 o'clock fire destroyed 190 acres of stand ing wheat belonging to John Crow, the well known reservation farmer. It also burned half the product of SO acres of wheat which was in sacks in the field, and hustled Mr. Crow, all his hired help and a large number of neighbors, both white and Indians, to save other property. At the present time, in advance of having the mill ready for work, the Preston-Parton Co. are receiving inquir ies relative to the output of their cereal department. It is the intention of the company to have this departmen ready for the manufacture of different kinds of cereals by the time the flouring mill starts up, Mrs. Lillie Miller announces that her splendid new stock of fall millinery will arrive in a few days, and she will have her fall opening of goods in the second week in September. A. Phillips, of Weston, has a good assortment of Milburn half trucks with Sarvin wheels. The three-inch will run as easy as an ordinary hack and is near ly dust proof. .; Also sells fine surreys with either rubber or steel tire, and harness to match. To quench your thirst and settle your nerves, try Coco Cola at McBride's. For first class horse-shoeing go to Beck's shop. Satisfaction guaranteed. Any one wishing well, cistern or cellar work done, call on or address', R. A. Root, Athena, Ore.. Sherman & McLean until . further notice will sell three pounds of steak for 25 cents cash, boiling meats and roasts in proportion. Liquozone at Pioneer drugstore. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. Bagley & Ely handle fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale Bt Gay's, daily. C. A. Barrett A Co. have the McCor mick extras. Fine strtionevy and blank books at Pioneer drugstore. 1905 Washer beats them all. For sale by Cox & McEwen. Palm chocolates and Bon Bons at Pioneer drugstore. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. All the new styles in men's summer hats. Athena Mercantile Co. That Crescenf Cream Qoffee is fine. At Worthington & Thompson's. C. A. Barrett & Co. sell the Double Disc weeder. It is guaranteed. Greace, oils and compounds harvester at 0. A. Barrett & Co. New ruchings, the latest novelties in neckwear. , . Athena Mercantile Co. , Say Va, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. New line of ladies' fabric gloves in silk taffeta and lisle; blacks, whites and colors. Athena Mercantile Co, Try a can of our Gold Leaf Baking Powder. It is as good as Schillings' Best and is 25 per cent cheaper. Bag ley 4 Ely. Combination dip puff combs, com bination pompadour puff combs, and a host of other novelties in hair fixings. Athena Mercantile Co. Just received by express, all the latest novelties in shirt waist sets; sterling silver, gun metal, pearl and epamel. Athena Mercantile Co. for 's the Call at our New - White fffoiffse:. and Let us Figure on Your Harvest Supplis Worthington & Thompson PIONEER DRUG STORE . BROCK & MITCHELL PROPRIETORS Prescriptions a Specialty. ; Palm Chocola tes Bon Bons. ' Fine Stationery and Blank Books. Heath & Milligan Paints. Orders for Liquozone ton Brock & McComas Co. of. Fen dleton, can be filled by us. ' j Tour Harvest ; Roustabout! He 's the fellow we've oiled up for. Send him to us with your order. We'll treat him O. K. und I BAGLEY & ELY ! Agents for Chicago Tailoring Co. and J. L. Gatzert & Co. : Next to Postoffice, Athena, Ore. Dairy for Sale. The only dairy route in Athena, to gether with 15 good milch cows is of fered for sale at a reasonable price. This is a paying proposition. Call on or ad dress Harvey Caton, Athena, Oregon. BtaSIlIMllllICIllMIISEltl itita ESTABLISHED 18G5- Preston-Parton Milling Go. j - C3 E""3 La mm mi COME IH AND FORM OUR ACQUAINTANCE Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. Athena, Oregon Office In First National Bank 9iiiitiiiaiiiii itiiiitiaiittii8 Mm Am ft-:',-" niTiMimniiraniin- Headquarters for Granite ware, Tinware, Crockery, Hard ware, Matting and Linoleum; Glassware and Domestic Sewing Machines. mm Tine is Again in fall Bfest Here Get your Supplies at THE FAIR STORE, the cheapest store in town. Our New York buyer has bought the entire output of a large mill manufactory of Underwear. The Fair Store gets its share, and we are selling Underwear at 50c per suit. Best Working Shirt on the market for only 50 cents. Socks per pair 5 cents. 28 cases just arrived. Its here where you get your bargains in Shoes. Honest Values. You can get more for your money at The Fair than any other store in town. Try us. The Place where the YVl u u msiy Can Trade.