The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 23, 1904, Image 2

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    Sit &tfam $xtM.
Twioe-a-Wiek Tuesday and Friday
' f.b.botd, publishes.
Entered as second-class matter, March 1,
190J, at the postoffice at Athena, Oregon,
under the Act ol Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription Kates:
I'er rear. In advanot 12.00
Slnglecoples In wrappers, 6c.
Advertising Ktt
Local reading notices, first insertion, 10c per
me. Each subsequent Insertion, So.
AU commnnlcatlona should be addressed to
be PREBB Athena, Oregon
A trade journal presents the optimistic
. opinion that autumn trade will show a
decided revival with a full resumption
of activities which have been affected
with temporary dullness. The journal
pertinently remarks that the most posi
tive and pronounced pessimists, those
who were busy six months ago in pre
dicting a season of hard times and even
disaster, must acknowledge that they
erred in judgment and that the year 1904
will not bo marked as one of evil days
or loss of faith in the future. Indeed,
the first six months of general business
maintained an equipoise little short of
astonishing when it is recalled that there
was a general and popular belief that
the collapse of a hundred favorite apecu
lative enterprises must mean the de
struction of confidence a widespread
determination to retrench and to with
draw from all undertakings. This ill
condition did not eventuate, however,
and from week to week and from month
to month legitimate business went on in
safe and conservative lines. It became
apparent that the farmer, the trades
men, the small banks and the merchants
of the country had unusual resources in
money and assets and that there was,
after all, no basic reason for the antici
pation of hard times. The outlook for a
fall revival of business in all lines is
speedily encouraging. The fuss and
flurry of the November elections, as ac
companiment of every harshly fought
campaign, will be conspicuously absent
this year, and the indications are that
trade will revive rapidly and vigorously
and that the closing months of the year
will mark the returning tide of a normal
and wholly stable period of prosperity,
; ' The Brooklyn Eagle gives the follow
ing on the subject of yellow journalism:
"It is not service, or even alleged
service, to the public that constitutes
yellowness; it is boisterousness, vaunt
ing, morbidness, extravagance, the mag
nifying of slight accidents into tragedies
and bonfires into holocausts. White
papers are sometimes taken in by dis
patches from Europe, because yellow
ism exists there as well as here; but they
do not originate those dispatches; they
do not "dress up" news in the home
office; they print only what they believe
to be true, and print it without tryirg to
make the readers bolieve that it is the
moat tremendous thing that ever hap
pened. Sensationalism is like other
agencies for excitement in that it creates
a constant and increasing demand for
more; nence me lenuency or me yeiiow
paper is to grow yellower and yellower,
, because any lapse into sobriety or calm
is resented by its almost illiterate patron,
lie must bo kept going by mental stimu
lants which are just as harmful to him
as cocktails. lie wants his news strong
rather than true, and if he ever reads an
editorial does not want it to preach or
inform, but only to arouse. And if its
editor thrusts himself into his vision as
the greatest of men, the readers mind
has been brought by his reading to a
state that makes kiru almost ready to ad
roit it.
"How much nicer it is to see baled
hay coming into Weston for shipment
and to think how much nicer it is to see
baled, bay coming iuto Weston for ship
ment than to see baled hay going by
Weston to Athena and to think how
much nicer it would bo to see baled hay
coming into Weston for shipment than
to see baled hay going by Weston to
Athena." Weston Leader.
Well, what's the matter with the
blasted, bloody, blootuin, bleeding
Colonel, anyway t Evidently he baa
sprung a leak and filled up on silver
prunes and boiled baled bay. For the
Colonel's edification and unadulterated
information we'll say, Athena is still on
the map and is the leading market for
baled hay.
Two thousaad Mormon missionaries
are in the field. The invitable conflict
is approaching. This nation cannot
long remain half bigamy and half mon
ogamy. Facts About Bussia.
"Two and one-half times as large aa the
United States and Alaska.
Thirty thousand miles of coast line,
half of it icebound.
Thirty-six thousand miles of railroad,
two thirds of it owned by the govern
ment. The United States has 53 times as
many miles of telegraph and sends 15
times as much mail.
The United States has 23 times as
many factories.
Total exports,? 150,000,000.
Next to the United States as a grain
producing country.
Population in 1903, 141,000,000.
Russians, 56 per cent; Poles, 7. per
cent; Fins, 5 per cent; Turco Tartars, 9
per cent; Jews, 3 per cent.
. Average laborers get i-ne-quarter as
much wages as in the United States. -
Only 90 daily papers.
Beautlfnl Columbia River Voider.
The passenger department of the O.
K. k N. Co. has just issued a beautiful
and costly panoramic folder entitled
"The Columbia River, Through the
Cascade Mountains to the Pacific
Ocean." From Arlington to Portland
and from Portland to the Pacific ocean
every curve of the river and every point
of interest are shown, while Mt. Hood,
Mt. Adams and Mt.' St. Helens, per
petually covered with snow, stand out
in all their beauty. On the back of the
map is an interesting story in detail of
the trip from Huntington to Portland,
and from Portland to the ocean, not
overlooking the beaches and San Fran
cisco trip by ocean. A copy of this folder
may be secured by sending four cents in
stamps (to pay postage) to A. L. Craig,
general passenger agent of the O. R. &
N., Portland, Or. By sending the ad
dress of some friend in the east and four
cents in postage, the folder will be
promptly mailed.
' Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing
between A. Kunkel and John F. and E.
D. Haligua at Pendleton and Athena,
Oregon, is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, John F. and E. D. Haligus re
tiring from the firm. All debts of the
above named firm will be paid by A.
Kunkel and all moneys due the firm are
payable to the successor of the above
firm, A. Kunkel, who will hereafter con
duct the business at Pendleton, Oregon.
. . E. D. Haligus,
J. F. Haligus,
A. Kunkel. ,
Cures Sciatic.
Rev. W. R. Riley, L. L. D., Cuba,
New York, writes: "After 15 days of
excruciating pain from sciatic rheuma
tism, under various treatments, I was
induced to try Ballard's Snow Lina
ment; the first application giving my
first relief and the second entire relief.
I can give it unqualified recommenda
tion. 25c, 50c and $1 at the Palace drug
store. -
A Secret Method. '
I use a secret method for the painless
extraction of teeth which I have used
for a number of years with continued
success. . It does not cause any soreness
of mouth or gums, or any sickness or
after effects whatever; is perfectly safe
and takes immediate effect when ap
plied around a tooth. Dr. Sponogle,
Pleasant and Host Effective.
T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, Lib
erty, Texas, writes Dec. 25, 1902: "With
pleasure and unsolicited by you, I bear
testimony to the curative power of Bal
lard's Snow Linament. I have used it
in my family and can cheerfully affirm
it is a most effective remedy for rheuma
tism. 25c, 60c and $1. Sold by Wm.
Wanted Trustworthy lady or gentle
man to manage business in this county
and adjoining territory for house of sol
id financial standing. $20.00 straight
casta salary and expenses paid each Mon
day direct from headquarters. Expense
money advanced; position permanent.
Address Manager, COS Monon Bldg.,
Puts an End to It All.
A grievous wail oftimes comes as a re
sult of unbearable pain from over taxed
organs. Dizziness, backache, liver
complaint and constipation. But thanks
to Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are
gentle but thorough. Only 25c. Guaran
teed W. McBride.
sistaaiup hv 7? twi -8Jna pois vnojis non
f rjLiEs Fnspm 'ens
vn PLimsinsf
Suicide Prevented.
The startling anouncement that a pre
ventive of suicide had been discovered
will interest many. A run down system
or despondency invariably precede sui
cide and something has been found that
will prevent that condition which makes
suici !e likely. At the first thought of
self destruction take Electric Bitters.
It being a great tonic and nervine will
strengthen the nerves and build up the
system. It's also a great stomach,
kidney and liver regulator. Only 50c.
Satisfaction guaranteed by W. McBride.
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results in
death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi
cant cuts or puny boils have paid the
death penalty. It is wise to have Buck
len's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the
best salve on earth and will prevent
fatality when burns, sores and piles
threaten. Only 25c at the Palace drug
store. - -'
Grain Dealer
Buys Grain at all points at the
Highest Market Price.
Groin Bags
for Sale ., .
Standard Calcuttas or the Port
land Green Stripe which are the
best grain sacks on the market.
Either kind at 6 cts. delivered
at any railroad station or siding in
the county. Return what you do
not use. - - - -
Walla Walla, - - Washington.
Phone Main 365. P. O. box 134.
Try Our
' of
By soothing Mucous Mem
branes, it cures cough and
the most severe colds. ...
leading Druggist
X .': X
VfO seasonable
J re&sonadIe
PURE RYE WniSKY 23 YEARS OLD. The best ever
sold in the city of Athena. Once drank, always drank.
For sale at THE EAGLE BAR, - - - - -
Pine Lunch Countei.
North Side Main Street, P. n. TIEDEM AN, Proprietor
H. O. Adams, President.
T.J Kirk, Vice-President.
Proper attention glten to
and domestic
t . S. La G row , Cashier,
Foley's Honey and Tar
for No opiates.
Paper Hanging, Wall Tinting, Sign
Writing, etc., satisfaction guaranteed by
Robinson & Stanford
Shop, corner 3rd and Jefferson, Streets,
Athena, Oregon. -
Pianos of Worth,
We sell the kind of Pianos that those
who are critics, buy.
They are Reed & Sons, noted for
strength and volume of tone.
The Henry F. Killer, Boston's oldest
and sweetest toned make.
The Steger, musically equal to the
best, and the popular Singer.
Whitman College
purchasd pianos of us last year valued at
$4,000, and all were of the above makes
The College buys only the highest grade
pianos. We buy direct from factory and
can save you money. Pianos delivered
on ten days trial free. It will pay you
to get our prices and easy terms,
Dwelley Herrick Music Co.,
51 East Main Street
4 Doors Above Bridge,
Walla Walla, Washington
J. E. FROOME, prop.
I Only First-class Hotel in
I the City.
la the only one that can accommodate
oommerclal travelers.
Can be lecomended for Us olean and
well ventilated rooms.
a Cob. Maim and Thi&b, Atbxna, Or.
fire Insurance
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Fine Wines, Liquors
and Cigars
JChoice Bottled iGoods
Club Room.
BOOHER, - - Proprietor.
P. E. Colburn, V Directors &
$ 60.000 g
collections. Deals Id foreign
I. M. Kb Mr, Assistant; Cashier
Carpet and rug buying has probably suggested it
self to you before this for fall, but before buying we
would like to have a talk with you. Our new goods
are arriving daily. Positively the new patterns are so
attractive that you really must see them in order to ap
preciate our claims. Every piece as new and up to date
as you will find in this country. You are sure to find
just what you want, and the price will be just a little
less than you can buy it for elsewhere, for we have
bought in such large quantities that we save money, and
this is what we are sharing with you.
Ours is an unusually large and bright stock of car
pets, rugs, matting, curtains, draperies and all other
things you are apt to need. It is time well spent looking
over our stock.
Our carpet trade is gradually increasing, for we are
proving to our customers that this is the best and most
satisfactory place to trade in this sectioa Our reason is
that all our goods are backed by our reputation, and
another is that our prices are most reasonable.
We invite you to call on us now, for our new goods
are nearly all here and the assortment is now the best.
Next Door
Post Office
Every thing to Furnish the
Walla Walla, Washington
See G. Sharp
Paint, Oil,
Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars
Fresh Meats, Only
the Best is Good.
aeiiiEatii sbimiiii
eseitastaatitstiiaaaaaa ta st)sac3tssiasisii
2nd Hand
One Block
Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing
.Dealers in...
House Keeping
See our stock before you buy.
Baker & folsom
The Complete House Furnishers, Main
St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton.
Estimates furnished on all kinds
of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena.
Athena, Oregon g