ATHENA PRESS TwICK-A-WeEK TCESDAT AND FRIDAY F. B. Botd, Publisher. Entered necond. class matter, March 1, 1004, at thepoitoffice at Athena, Oregon, under the Act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Kates: i'er year, In advanot 12.00 Bingleoopiea In wrappers, 5c. Advertising Hates: Local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per me. Each subsequent Insertion, 6c. AH communications should be addressed to (be PRKSS Athena, Oregon 'ATHENA, AUGUST 2, 1904 The discussion of possible remedies for the divorce evil by speakers before the National Congress of Mothers in Chicago calls attention to the increase in number of divorces granted in many states during the last two or three de cades. The statistics tell a story of marital disruption that seems almost incredible. As an instance of the growth of divoVces one of the speakers cited the example of Ohio, where one divorce in 25 marriages was the ratio in 1870 and one divorce in eight marriages the ratio in 1902. Other states might have been cited, however, as illustrative of the ten dency to seek relief from marital respon sibilities and incompatibilities in the courts. Oregon, too, has its record in the divorce business, to which Umatilla county contributes her share. Just now attention is called to a couple of Weston "kids" who were united in marriage in May of this year, separated in July, and recently employed attorneys to air their 'family troubles" in divorce proceed ings before the court. Evidently the Union Republican has been driven to the last entrenchment in the county seat fight. In its issue of last week a proposition to organize a new county is given scare-head promi nence and space to the extent of three columns. The article went as fair read ing matter and made good for along side stuff in contract position for patent medicine ads, but the logic of the prop osition fell short. The Republican will have a trying time in giving good rea son for adding the cost of maintaining two county governments in a territory embracing taxable property of sufficient value to pay the cost of one county government, and this at an excessive tax each year. True, the town of Union may be an exception, for personal in . terests sometimes make residents of a town look through a very narrow chan nel. We read that Russia's 110,000,000 and more of people are comparatively secure and content under despotism. Why? Because, while they are illiterate, ignor ant, degraded, as a rule they have enough to eat and drink. They are superstitious, it is true, but religious superstition is not sufficient to make millions of people submit to a govern ment that engenders starvation through taxation. Russia's rulers have been shrewd; they have not tried to make their ignorant, illiterate people intelli gent, but they have been careful so to govern that the people would not rebel yelling "Bread or blood." Nobody be comes a nihilist in Russia save an edu cated man, who ia a political enthusiast or is a member of the nobility who has become, through disappointed official ambition in the navy or army or civil service, a bitter, vindictive malcontent. "It is to be hoped that the outcome of the hurvesting operations just beginning in this county will maintain the usual good reputation Union county has al ways sustained as a sure crop pro ducer." Elgin Recorder. Here in Umatilla county there is nothing "to be hoped" tor as to sure crop production. The crop, as ever be fore, is here as usual, and the only ques tion is to save it in proper shape. Forty and fifty bushel yields in the vicinity of Athena are the rule this year and not the exception. "Here is ono of the phases," snjs the East Oregonian, "of all exceptions which the people overlook: Everybody rendering service to expositions, except ing the newspapers, are paid for such service, and yet the newspapers do all the genuine exploitation work. Every commissioner sent out to stir up interest and secure aid for the expositions are paid princely salaries and are wined and dined. Eyery active officer and agent draws good pay; superintendents of work, of exhibits, of buildings, features and departments all draw handsome salaries. Appropriations are made for all legitimate services excepting that chief service, upon which the very life of the exposition depends that of advertising." The Press is in receipt of the current number of the New England Conserva tory Magazine, published by the New England Conservatory of Music, at Boston, Mass. The magazine contains much that will be of interest to music ians and students of music. A talented and even brilliant member of congress has exhibited himself on the streets of Washington during the last week in a stats of conspicuous inebriety in other words, fighting drunk. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between A. Kunkel and John F. and E. D. Haligus at Pendleton and Athena, Oregon, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, John F. and E. D. Haligus re tiring from the firm. All debts of the above named Arm will be paid by A. Kunkel and all moneys due the firm are payable to the successor of the above firm, A. Kunkel, who will hereafter con duct the business at Pendleton, Oregon. E. D. Haligus, J. F. Haligus, A. Kunkel. Indigestion. With its companions, heart burn, flatulence, torpidity of the liver, con stipation, palpitation of the heart, poor blood, headache and other nervous symptoms, sallow skin, foul tongue, of fensive breath and a legion of other ail ments, is at once the most widespread and destructive malady among the American people. The Herbine treat ment will cure all these troubles. 50c bottle. Sold by Wm. McBride. Cheerfully Recommended for Rheuma tism. O. G. Higbee, Danville, Ills., writes Dec. 2, 1901: "About two years ago I was laid up for four months with rheu matism. I tried Ballard's Snow Lini ment; one bottle cured me. I can cheerfully recommend it to all suffering from like affliction." 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold by McBride. v A Secret Method. I use a secret method for the painless extraction of teeth which I have used for a number of years with continued success. It does not cause any soreness of mouth or gums, or any sickness or after effects whatever; is perfectly safe and takes immediate effect when ap plied around a tooth. Dr. Sponogle, dentist. ' Personally Conducted Excursion to 8t. Louis. The O. R. k N. will on August 10 run a tourist Bleeper from Walla Walla to St. Louis via the Denver k Rio Qrande without change. This car will be in charge of an ex perienced man and all passengers will receive the best of attention; a stop of 12 hours will be made at Salt Lake and 15 hours at Denver to enable passengers to visit these cities. '" This car will accommodate a limited number and reversations should be made bb early as possible to W. C. Dibble, Agent. O. R. & N. Company, Walla Walla. Itrutally Tortured. A case came to light that for persist ent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Qolobick of Colusa, Calif., writes: "For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from Rheu matism and nothing relieved me though I tried everything known. I came across Electric Bitters and it's the great est medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles completely relieved and cured me." Just as good for liver and kidney troubles. Only 50c. Satisfac tion guaranteed by Wm. McBride, drug gist. One Lady's Recommendation Sold Fifty . Boxen of Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-1 lets on the recommendation of one lady here, who first bought a box of them a year ago. She never tires of telling her neighbors and friends about the good qualities of these tablets. P. M. Shore, druggist, Rochester, Ind. The pleasant purgative effect of these tablets make them a favorite with, ladies everywhere. For sale by all druggists. Artificial Teeth. To follow the natural contour of the face in arranging artificial teeth on platea so that they will give the most natural appearance when in the mouth, there are points, including a perfect fit and perfect satisfaction, that is the guarantee on all plato work. Dr. Spon ogle, dentist. Night Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long" writes Mrs. Cbas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. 1 had consumption so bad that if I would walk a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, ' when all other medicine failed, three $1 bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me and I gained 58 pounds.". It's ab solutely guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and 81. Trial bottle free at Palace drug store. No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me continu ously," writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." Equally good for burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Palace drug store. W.W.RAYMOND Grain Dealer Buys Grain at all points at the Highest Market Price. Grain Bags for Sale Standard Calcuttas or the Port land Green Stripe which are the beet grain Backs on the market. Either kind at 6 cts. delivered at any railroad station or Biding in the county. Return what you do not use. - - - BAKER-BO YEE BANE BLDG- Walla Walla, - - Washington. Phone Main 365. P. O. box 134. Try Our COMPOUND SYRUP of WHITE PINE and SPRUCE By soothing Mucous Mem branes, it cures cough and the most severe colds. . . . PALACE DRUG STORE VM. McBRIDE, leading Drag-gist 5 VfO seasonable j redLSOimble ffi 11AKI PURE RYE WHISKY 23 YEARS OLD. The best ever sold in the city of Athena. Once drank, always drank. For sale at THE EAGLE BAR, - - - Pine Lunch Countei North Side Main Street, P. n. TIED EM AN, Proprietor W- yi Fine Wines, Liquors x and Cigars BETZ BEER , Choice Bottled Goods Club Room. SALOON SAM BOOHER, - - Proprietor. FIRS1 NETIONSL it H . C Adams, President. J Kirk, viee-rrestaeni. 1 CAPITAL STOCK. STTBPI.T7S, - Proper attention given to and domestic S.Lrow, Cashier, f7 Foley's Honey m Tar for No opiates. .. Paintim Paper Hanging, Wall Tinting, Sign Writing, etc., satisfaction guaranteed by Robinson k Stanford Shop, corner 3rd and Jefferson, Streets, Athena, Oregon. Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Seed & Sons, noted for strength, and volume of tone. The Henry F. Killer, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the best, and the popular Singer. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terms. Dwelley Herrick Music Co., 51 East Main Street 4 Doors Above Bridge, Walla Walla, Washington THE 4 ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. It? Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS ' r one that can accommodate commercial travelers. Can be leeomended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. - COS. MAI5 AND THIBD, ATBXNA, Or. Athena fire Insurance Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Agent Notary Public and Conveyancer. BENK OF STHENE i u. a. Barrett, i P. K. Colburn, V Directors & . ... . $ 00,000 12.500 collections. Dealt In foreljn exchange. I.M.Kkmp, Assistant Cashier Bucks I p53 iy'"u--asCl The "Behind the Times" merchant only buys new things twice a year, spring and fall, but we buy all the time; always have new goods here, on the way and ordered. As we are receiving new goods every day, you will find something new every time you come, and always in the latest and best designs and patterns. Our stock is as complete as you can find in this section, and each department is in charge of a competent manager who will consider it a favor to show you his stock, and you will be under no obligation to buy when you get through. The past week we have received new things in every department, crock ery, furniture, carpet and hardware, so you will find something new the next time you come. We want your trade and assure you that we will make your trading here both pleasing and profitable. We believe by our success that this assertion is true, for Walla Walla is not so large but what we would have been found out long ago if this was not the best and most profitable trading place in town when you want to purchase anything to furnish the home. Let us prove this to you when you are again in Deed of anything in our lines. "Cold Club" News No. 010436 for $10.00 has not been 3rd in which to present it. lSText Door to the Post Office THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. Walla Walla, Washington Qnft rj QVlQim Paint, Oil, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing UOD U. UllCUp PENDLETON, OREGON. CHARLES GAY ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars KRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES, ETC. NARKAUS BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET Fresh Meats. Only the Best is Good, fltIltItlatIltlCf ! ROGK SPRINGS SPECIAL RATES A. M G1L,L,IS, - COIL iiititasiis itaoicsaicssi ti saatacacatsa tiiti" Always Something Hew - presented. Holder has until August 2nd Hand Department One Block ; "East .. Everything For House Keeping Purposes . JV, Baker & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton. ED. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates furnished on all kluds of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena. SItl8BwflIB & GOr.lBERLAfID I ON CAR LOTS i Athena, Oregon