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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1904)
TO m it raniiteecl toy U LVIV Gua All' Grocers ATHENA MERCANTILE CO; Great Special Sale of cTVlen's Summer Underwear. We have bought the entire Stock of one of the largest Underwear factories in the East at a big discou nt, and shall place the same on sale Saturday morning at prices that will save our customers from 33 1-3 to 50 per Cent ; Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular price, 50c per garment, will be sold at 35c per garment. , Men's Heavy Ribbed Balbriggan, regular price 75c, will be sold at 50c per garment. Men's fancy Lace Striped Balbriggan, regular price $1, will be sold at 6 5c per garment. GROCERIES If you are not already a visitor to our Grocery Depart ment, come in and look through it and compare our prices with what you have to pay elsewhere. Athena Mercantile Company south Main Street, - - Athena, Oregon Press Paragraphs Butterick's Delineator for August at VBorn, July 25, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Taitenger, a boy. Matt Mosgrove was over from Milton the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Saling were ud from Pendleton Sunday, A. M. Gillis returned Sunday from a business trip to Portland. Mrs. P. H. Stumpf arrived home yes terday from a visit to Odessa. Miss Roe, of Freewater, is a guest at the Jenkins borne in this city. Miss Lucy Jenkins returned Sunday afternoon from a visit with friends at Milton. A. L. Swaggart shipped a carload of his high standard hogs to Pendleton . yesterday. ' J. W, Smith returned Sunday evening from his mining property on upper Snake river. , Mr. Whiteman came over from Walla Walla Sunday to look after his harvest in this vicinity. G. " W. Eigby of Pendleton, took dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. M, Gillis yesterday. Miss Ethel Swaggart of Pendleton, is visiting her cousin, Miss Bethena Swag gart, at her home near town. y Mrs. 0. G. Chamberlain and children returned last evening from a several months' visit to Valley points, Albert Pennick was in the city yes terday fiom Portland, having come to attend the funeral of his father. : Mrs. Wm. McBride has gone to the mountains with a party of Weston friends for a week's recreation. Mrs. Will McCollum has returned from an extended visit with her parents and friends in the Willamette valley. J. Humbert, of the Eugene Divinity school, preached in the Christian church Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. Otis Beck left this morning for Spokane, where she will join her hus band, who is employed in that vicinity. Persons desiring good fresh milch cows cheap will do well to call on A. M. Gillis, as he has four fresh, A No. 1 cows. h"Maurice Hill is in Elgin, where he expects to spend the balance of the summer vacation with his brother, Will Eider. ' Mrs. Eakin, wife of Rev. W. B. Eakin of the M. E. church at Milton, is . the gnest for a few days of Mrs. J. T, Haligus. , sLEd Barrett and family moved Satur day into the new Curtis cottage on Third street, near the public school building. r Harold, the youngest son of Mr. and . Mrs. J. W. Maloney, of Pendleton, ppent several days with Athena friends Sherman & McLean until further notice will sell three pounds of steak for 25 cents cash, boiling meats and roasts in proportion. Those low cut Utz & Dunn Bhoes that several Athena ladies have been waiting for, have arrived at the Athena Mercan tile Co. store. Mrs. Miller, of Weston, spent several days last week visiting at the Worthing ton home. Mrs.' Miller is a cister of Mr. Worthingtori. Mrs. James Mitchell returned Friday to her home in Moro, after a pleasant visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs L. J. Fobs". Mrs. E. A. Dudley went to the moun tains yesterday and will spend a couple of weeks there in company with her sister, Mrs. Anson Woods. HlBob Francis, a Yellow Kid who played ball with that famous aggregation dur ing their first season, is up from Cor vallis, greeting old friends. : '" Ex-Marshal ; Gholson still gives evi dence or being familiar with the saw and hammer. He has recently been making some needed repairs to Athena crosswalks. p)The city rock crusher stands idle after along run. The men were paid off Saturday night and no more until next year will the chug-chug of the big crusher be heard. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow arrived home Sunday after several weeks' absence with friends at Walla Walla and other points. She was accompanied home by her two little neices. ESTABLISHED 1865- Preston-Parton Milling Go. : MflCTTTQ STiJE ! i Merchant Millers Waitsburg, Wash. - Office Ia'Firet Mrs. Booker, a sister of the late W. T. Pennick, arrived from her home in Kansas, last week, only to find her brother on his death bed. The two had not met for eighteen years. Yesterday L. J. Robinson and family moved into the houBe recently purchased by them of Mrs. Hales. John Stanton is moving his family into the cottage vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. Sunday school class No. 4, at the M. E. church, Mrs. McBride teacher, will give a fried chicken dinner on Tuesday, August 2, from 11:30 to 2; price 25 cents. Ice cream served afternoon and evening. Miss Edna Eider arrived in the city this morning from her present home at Joseph, Wallowa county. She is ac companied by her grandmother, Mrs. FleSnor, who with her will be gladly welcomed at the Hill home. K Ireland and Sweden mixed it Sunday morning ana dow languisnea in ine city bastile the remainder of the day. Each had a harvest job and, promising to leave town, they were given their passports by Marshal Foster. I W. D. Chamberlain has accepted a ( position with the Preston-Parton Mill ing Co. The company is fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Chamber lain, for in addition to being a first class business man, he has few equals as a wheat man. Miss Bertha Baker returned to Pen dleton last evening after a few days' visit here, and will spend the remaining vacation months there. She was ac companied by Miss Nellie Fobs, who will visit for a week with her at the J. W. Maloney home. Miss Eva Eider visited her friend, Mrs. Effie Lloyd, at her home in Free, water Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd is butlittle improved from her long illness. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nelson, were also to see her Sunday, having received an erroneous report that their daughter's condition was very much worse. However, upon their arrival there from their home near Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were vei7 much relieved to find no change for the worse. HJE. R. Cox went over to Walla Walla I "Sunday and visited Mrs. Cox who has been in Dr. Cropp's hospital for some weeks. Mrs. Cox's condition is improv ing, and although very weak, hopes are entertained of her early recovery. Ow ing to her extremely nervous state, vis itors have been precluded for the pres ent. r-A. T. Pennick, a pioneer and old soldier of Adams, died at his home in that city Saturday. Interment was had in the Athena cemetery yesterday. Rev, G. W. Rigby, an old friend and com rade, conducted the services, Gettysburg Post G. At R. of this city assisting. The deceased was well known throughout the county and was a man highly es teemed 50c PER TON. Farmuri Here Is Something to Your Interest. The Preston-Parton Milling Co. want it distinctly understood that it is in no manner, shape or form connected with any warehouse combination on grain storage prices? In view of this fact the Preston-Parton Milling Co. will give you grain storage until July 1, 1905, at 50 cents per ton. Office at First Nation al Bank, Athena. D. H. Preston man ager. . ' ' t ' Settle Up. 1 If you are indebted to R. J. Boddy you are hereby notified that your ac count is in the hands of O. G. Chamber lain for collection. . H. J. Boddy. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. fB COME IN AKD FORM 5 J ' OUR ACQUAINTANCE and Grain Buyers - - Athena, Oregon National Da,:,, , . Items in Brief. ; Liquozone at Pioneer drugstore. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEvren's. Bagley & Ely handle fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on mlo at Gay's, daily. C. A. Barrett & Co. have the McCor mick extras. 1 Fine strtionerv and blank books at Pioneer drugstore. 1905 Washer beats them all. For sale by Cox & McEwen. - Palm chocolates and Bon Bons at Pioneer drugstore. All the new styles in men's summer hats. Athena Mercantile Co. C.A.Barrett Co. sell the Double Disc weeder. It is guaranteed. Greace, oils and compounds for the harvester at C. A. Barrett & Co.'s New ruchings, the latest novelties in neckwear. Athena Mercantile Co. The best of everything in groceries are to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right . New line of ladies' fabric- gloves in silk taffeta and lisle; blacks, whites and colors. Athena Mercantile Co. Try a can of our Gold Leaf Bulvinj Powder. It is as good as Schillings' Desi ana is ZD per cent cneaper. Bag ley & Ely, , ; 8 uorabination dip puff combs, com bination pompadour puff combs, and a host of other novelties in hair fixings. Athena Mercantile Co. Just received by express, all the latest novelties in shirt waist sets; sterling silver, gun metal, pearl and enamel. Athena Mercantile Co. - Sick headache results from a disorder ed Btomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For sale by all druggists. PIONEER DRUG STORE BROCK & MITCHELL PROPRIETORS Prescriptions a Specialty. Palm Chocolates and Bon Bons. Fine Stationery and Blank Books. " Heath & Milligan Paints. Orders for Liquozone , on Brock McComasCo. of Pen dleton, can be filled by us. 'Witt Headquarters for ware, Matting and Linoleum; Glassware and . Domestic Sewing Machines. n. uL Time is Again in fulL Blast Here Get your Supplies at THE FAIR STORE, the cheapest store in town. Our New York buyer has bought the entire output of a large mill manufactory of Underwear. The Fair Store gets its share, and we are selling Underwear at 50c per suit. Best Working Shirt on the market for only 50 cents. Socks per pair 5 cents. 28 cases just arrived. Its here where you get your bargains in Shoes. Honest Values. You can get more for your money at The Fair than any other store in town. Try us. The Place where the Call at Wfiiite and Let us Figure on Your Harvest Supplies Worthington j Tour Harvest! Roustabout! He 's the fellow we've oiled up for. Send him to us with your order. Well treat him O. K. BAGLEY & ELY Agents for Chicago Tailoring Co. and J. L. Gatzert & Co. Next to Pos toffies Athena. Ore. Granite ware, Tinware, Crockery, Hard YiiK! FAII family Can Trai!e- our "-New House S Thompson thi week. Cffltltltltlf lttIKtIE0KIMtZt3SElMltMI