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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1904)
I: . ATHENA PltESS TWICB-A-WeEK TUESDAY AND FbiDAT F. B. BOTD, P0BLWHIB. ' Entered as second-class matter, March 1, 1904, at the postofflce at Attaeoa,' Oregon, under the Act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Tlts: J'er year, In advano ' 12.00 Single copies In wrappers, 6c. ' Advertising Hta; Local reading notices, first insertion, 10c per ma. Each subsequent insertion, 5c. , All communications should be addressed to (be PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JULY. 26, 1904 Appropriations for the improvement of the Columbia river aggregating 2, 695,000 are recommended by Major W. C. Langfitt in bis annual report to the board of engineers. If congress acts favorably upon these recommendations the work of opening and improving Oregon's great, waterway will go for- . ward next year on a scale hitherto un attempted. The report is a broad and comprehensive presentation of the work that has already been accomplished and of that which must yet be done. The completion of the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia, the deepening ot the channel between Portland and the sea, and the construction of the Celilo canal are presented as the three great under takings by which the commerce of Ore gon and eastern Washington is to be developed. For the Celilo canal and the removal of obstacles in the channel at Three Mile Rapids $750,000 is recom mended. The report covers the opera tion ot the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904,' and embraces all improvements on the Columbia and Willamette rivers from the head of navigation to the Pa cific ocean, including the upper Colum bia and the Snake. "Some day, perhaps," says an east ern educator, "we will return to sane methods in the teaching of children. Speed that day. At the present time the little ones are the victims of educa tion gone mad. Their small heads are troubled with things beyond their un derstanding and they are made to say things like a parrot. Fancy a little grammar student of ten attempting to diagram a sentence taken from a his tory of mythology! And fancy a child of 9 struggling to read ancient history, with all the letter's unpronounceable names I It is all all wrong. We are not toaching children in these days. We are sfmply attacking their nervous systems and racking their undeveloped brains." The general land office at Washington has affirmed the decision of the local register at Helena. Montana, in holding that a mineral claimant to government lands need show only that the indica tions are such as to justify a miner in further expenditure ot time and money with reasonable prospect of developing a pay mine. The old regulations re quired that land should "produce min eral in paying quantities as a present fact." The decision is most important in the mineral development of the coun try as it gives miners great leeway here tofore denied. s - Dipping cattle to prevent the spread of mange and other disorders is prac ticed at some of the shipping points of our great ranges, The "dope" in great vats through which the creatures are made to swim, contains germicides that kill the pests and render the cattle in nocuous. This is a development f the cattle business that has takeu the place of quarantine methods at once expensive and defective. Wheat fires bring loss to the farmer who carries no insurance on his crop. Wheat insurance is merely a matter of business caution pertaining to good judgment in selecting the safe side in case ot disaster. The man who insures his wheat crop is providing against mis fortune at small expense. The huckleberry ii just now lending its luscious persuasive powers to entice the housewife and family to the cool recesses of the mountains. Some men folk we know ot would not be averse to the same locality, at the present writing. ( Some talk in business circles is being beard relative to the organization of a commercial club in' Athena. Such an organization would undoubtedly work to the advantage of Athena's progress. All indications point to a bumper wheat crop around Athena this year. Man, horse, steam, and machinery have united to save the big crop. TRIBUTE TO MRS. KING. Mrs. Lucinda King, wife of Rev. B. F. King of Athena, died at her home in that city last Sunday, July 17, 1904, at 930 o'clock a. m. Mrs. Kin g's maiden name was Lucin da Schooling:. She was born in Vermil lion county, Indiana, September 16, 1832, and was married to B. F. King December -16, 1852. They moved to California in 1857, thence to Willamette valley in 1859, and came to Umatilla county and settled near Weston in 1870. Mrs. King was the mother of ten child ren, eight of whom are still living, namely: W. J. King of Athena, Mrs. Wm. Brown of Spokane, Mrs. T. J. Wilhelm of Elgin, T. A. King of lone, Mrs. D. T. Haney of Pendleton, Mrs. M. M. True of Malheur, J. F. King of Athena, Mrs. R. E. Michael of Athena There is of necessity a brevity in obit uary statements and gravestone insrip tions, and thus briefly might we class this sketch of the passing of this noble woman this dear old mother in Israel who has gone from among us, Born 1832, died 1904. Seventy-two years of life, every day and hour of which were crowded to repletion with love and self- sacrifice. Seventy-two years of life, but lived wholly for others. To the sons and daughters we extend the only thing approaching consolation we have to give our pity and a mutual sorrow. She was the lode-star of their home while she lived. May her memory be the magnet to hold them as a united family while they live. To the good old man who has shared her companionship ana love for so many years, our hearts go out in great pity. Words of consolation to him would be but mockery. His heart will be comforted with the assurance that his mourning will be brief. E. Ridenour. Personally Conducted Excursion to St. ," Louis. The O. R. & N. will on August 10 run a tourist sleeper from Walla Walla to St. Louis via the Denver & Rio Grande without change. This car will be in charge of an ex perienced man and all passengers will receive the best of attention ; a stop of 12 hours will be made at Salt Lake and 15 hours at Denver to enable passengers to visit these cities. This car will accommodate a limited number and reversations should be made as early as possible to W. C. Dibble, Agent. O. R. & N. Company, Walla Walla. Bids Wanted. r ' Bids are wanted for the construction of the I. O. O. F. and K. P. Hall. 1st: For the construction of the con crete, brick, stone, plumming, lathing and plastering as shown on plans, own ers furnishing all brick, stone, sand and crushed rock on the ground. Bids must be so much per cubic foot for extra con crete work. 2nd: For the furnishing' and 'con structing of all wood work and roofing as Bhown on plans and specifications. Bids will be opened August 1, 1904. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. For plans and information, call at the office of G. W. Bradley, Chairman of Trustees. , Itrutally Tortured. A case came to light that for persist ent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Golobick of Colusai Calif., writes: "For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from Rheu matism and nothing relieved , me though tried everything known. I came across Electric Bitters and it's the great est medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles completely relieved and cured me." J UBt as good for liver and kidney troubles. Only 50c. Satisfac tion guaranteed by Wm. McBride, drug gist. ; Una Lady's Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxen of Chainberlalu'a Stoumch and Liver Tablet. . I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets on the recommendation of one lady here, who first bought a box ot them a year ago. She never tires of telling her neighbors and friends about the good qualities of these tablets, P. M. Shore, druggist, Rochester, Ind. The pleasant purgative effect ot these tablets make them a favorite with ladies everywhere. For sale by all druggists. ' Artificial Teeth. To follow the natural contour of the face in arranging artificial teeth on plates so that they will give the most natural appearance when in the mouth, there are points, including a perfect tit and perfect satisfaction, that is the guarantee on all plate work. Dr. Spon ogle, dentist. Kight Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long" writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. 1 had consumption so bad that if I would walk a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medicine failed, three SI bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me and I gained 58 pounds.". It's ab solutely guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Palace drug store. No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me continu ously," writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case ot piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." Equally good for burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Palace drug store. Try Our COMPOUND SYRUP of WHITE PINE and SPRUCE By soothing Mucous Mem branes, it cures cough and the most severe colds. . . . PALACE DRUG STORE WM. McBRIDE, leading; Druggist The- COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Prep VfD jeasai&hle u ii PURE RYE WHISKY 23 CP Ml sold in the city of Athena. Once drank, always drank. For sale at THE EAGLE BAR, - - - - - Pine Lunch Co ante i North Side Main Street, SALOON FIRS1 "-MT10ML . H. C. Adams. President. X.J Kirk, yice-Prestdent. CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS, and domestic g J. 8. 1. r. Grow, Cashier, Foley's Honey and Tar for Ho opiates. Minting .. Paper Hanging, Wall Tinting, Sign Writing, etc., satisfaction guaranteed by Sobiason & Stanford. Shop, corner 3rd and Jefferson, Streets, Athena, Oregon. . . Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Eeed & Sons, noted for strength and volume of tone. The Henry F. Miller, "Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the best, and the popular Singer. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terms. Dwelley Herriclc Music Co., 51 East Main Street " 4 Doors Above Bridge, Walla Wallah Washington THE ' X ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. 1!! Only First-class Hotel in I the City. I W THE ST. NICHOLS 4 is the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. Can beieoomended for. Us clean and well ventilated rooms. Cor. Main and Thibd, Athena, Or. a t Athena fire Insuranc - Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. G. CHAMBERLAIN, Agent Notary Public and Conveyancer. YEARS. OLD. The best-ever P. H. TIEDEM AN, Proprietor jLUi Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars BETZ BEER Choice Bottled Goods Club Room. SAM BOOHER, . - Proprietor. BSHK OF ETHENS. 'C. A Barrett,) - S P. E. Colburn, V Directors t F.S.LeOrow.j 3 $ 60.000 12.500 exchang. I. M. Kemp, Assistant Cusbier wit? If you have you know that a complete outfit is about half the pleasure We carry all the articles needed to make your outfit complete; such as tents, camp stoves, camp furniture, dishes and utensils, as well as a fine line of hammocks, camp sofa pillows, guns and ammunition, fishing tackle etc. and all at very reasonable prices. . A month of out-door life in the mountains or on the banks of some shady stream will make a wonderful difference in the way the average man or wo man feels just now a wonderful difference in your capacity for work in the busy months that will soon be here. TWENTY DOLLARS will buy the following outfit here and this will make your outing not only beneficial and profitable but highly enjoyable. . One Wall Tent, 9 J x 12 ft.. . . $9.25 One wagon cover, for shade, 10 x 12, . , .-. 2.50 One hammock, with pillow, ... . . 1.25 One 4-hole camp stove, . 2.50 4 joints 5-inch stove pipe, .80 1 coffee pot, 30c; 1 fry pan, 20c,. . .50 1 covered pail,. .15 4 tin cups, free 6 tin plates, . . . ............ .25 4 knives and forks, ... AO 6 heavy tea and table spoons, .......... .35 V 3 pudding pans, assorted sizes,. ". . .15 4 camp stools, 50c each,. . . .... !" 2.00 Total. This outfit will accommodate four persons. For one person the amount could be reduced to $13.50. This would include one of our high grade tents and one of our improved 4-hole camp stoves. This stove has top cooking sur face 19x23 inches and is mounted on bolted legs, four inches high. Oven is 12xl7Ji7 inches and has drop oven door, making a convenient shelf. Large fuel door and draft regulator and improved damper to oven make it a satisfac tory baker. Doors have raised panels and wired edges to prevent warping. Price $2.50. ORDER B7 MAIL if you can't come, for v6 guarantee the same satisfaction to our Mail order trade as we do our town trade, and that ia the best. We value our out-of-town trade and try always to please. Next Door to the Post Office THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. Walla Walla, Washington See C. Sharp Paint, Oil, CHARLES' GAY ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars KRESH BREAD. PIES. CAKES, ETC. NARKAUS BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET Fresh Meats. Only the Best is Good. AZEEtItIEStRSIgIf I ROCK SPRINGS I SPECIAL RATES A. M. G1LUS, COAL Sfititiiiitieicicaicscstitaciss$3tsiStiitisitii $20.00 2nd Hand Department One Block East Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing PENDLETON, OREGON. ing For House Keeping Purposes" See our stock before you buy. BaRer & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton. ED. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates furnished on all kinds of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena. tlItlteIBf St BS & GOMBERLAND ! Oil CAR LOTS 1 Athena, Oregon g Everyth H m m n 9 t -