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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1904)
OUi! -Every sited! Sam Guara ATHENA MERCANTILE CO. Great Special Sale of even's Summer Underwear. We have bought the entire Stock of one of the largest Underwear factories in the East, at a big discount, and shall place the same on sale Saturday morning at prices that will save our customers from 33 1-3 to 50 per Cent. Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular price, 50c per garment, will be sold at 85c per garment. Men's Heavy Ribbed Balbriggan, regular price ? '5c, will be sold at 50c per garment. - Men's fancy Lace Striped Balbriggan, regular price $1, will be sold at 65c per garment. GROCERIES If you are not already a visitor to our Grocery Depart ment, come in and look through .it and compare our prices with what you have to pay elsewhere. Athena Mercantile Company South Main Street, r . Athena, Oregon The Modern School of Commerce Prepares For BUSINESS, SHORTHcAND, Write for Free Catalogue. Press Paragraphs Butterick'a Delineator for August at Manasse'e. "Borri, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hodgens July 16, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garmichael were ia town today. Miss Eva Rider spent Sunday with Weston friends. Mrs. J. H. Kirby, of Adams, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. A, L. Jones went down to Pen dleton Sunday evening. David Lavender, city marshal of Wes ton, was in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Medsgar, of Walla Wal la, were in the city Friday. G. W. Gross is attending grand lodge of the A. O: U. W. in Portland this week. ' Threshing machine men are busy over hauling their machinery preparatory to harvest. ,. - Mr. and Mrs. M. Woodward and daughter. Eva. were over from Walla Walla Sunday. Attorney Peterson returned yesterday from Baker City, where he went on legal business. Sherman & McLean have purchased a butcher shop in Helix and placed Rob- Mrs. Pearl Berry, a granddaughter of Rev. B. F. King, is in the city from her home in Walla Walla. Mrs. Tulley King, of lone, is in the citj to attend the funeral of her sister- in-law, Mrs. B. F. King. ? . -; jhR. K. Braay returned to Athena Fri- fday from an extended stay in Seattle, where he has been employed. -Wlock is being hauled to the site of the new fraternal hall, to be used in the construction of the foundation. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jenkins spent Sunday in Weston, where Mr. Jenkins preached in the Baptist church. Persons deairinsr eood fresh milch cows cheap will do well to call on A. M Gillis, as he has four fresh, A No. 1 cows. ' Ttr. A W TlntVin drnre ta Pendleton yesterday and caught the morning train for Portland, where he will transact business. Mrs. Fred Kershaw is over from Mil ton, visiting friends. Tomorrow, Mrs Kershaw, in ccmcan? with Mrs. LLUio Miller, will go to Pendleton, where they CIVIL SERVICE. PENDLETON, OREGON. There are several crosswalks that are in serious need of fixin'. Damage suits might be averted by immediate attention to this matter. , Those low cut Utz & Dunn shoes that several Athena ladies have been waiting for, have arnved at the Athena Mercan tile Co. store. . Sherman & McLean until further notice will sell three pounds of steak for 25 cents cash, boiling meats and roasts in proportion. Rev. Dean Hamilton,' of Weston. preached a very interesting sermon Sun day morning to a goodly congregation in the Christian church. . ; Mr. and Mrs. Victor McDonald were over last week from Walla Walla. Mr. McDonald was looking after his wheat interests in this vicinity. "J-John Duffy's raspberries have lost none of their flavor. He has the finest berries raised in this neck o' the woods, where grow the very best. Lee Hiteman, the genial commercial traveler who has been spending a- two weeks' vacation with his parents here, left for Portland Friday. ESTABLISHED 1865- Preston-Parton Milling Go. oe t to ma tiVGlKte I Merchant Millers S Waitsburg, Wash. - 5 Office In First Tjt Uncle John Callender, J. C. Stamper huu f reu rago mavg tomorrow on a recreation trip to Hidaway Spring and other points of the compass. Mrs. McDerraott, who has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Overs by, with her two little children left yes terday for her borne in Everett, Wash. Mrs. Fred Rosenzweig went down to Pendleton Sunday evening and re turned yesterday morning. She was the guest of her neice, Mrs. Carl Weisert. . Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are over from Walla Walla, visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. E. A, Dudley. They came to attend thn funeral of the late Grandma King. C. J. Freese, of the Spokesman-Review was in town yesterday. Fred Earp, son of D. D. Earp, is now corres pondent for that paper in the Blue Mountain district. Mrs. Ann Kirk is over from her home in La Grande, visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Edward Koontz. She is accom panied by her granddaughter and neice, Misses Elsie - Ackles and Elizabeth Coyle. I Mr. B. F. King and family desire to I express their heartfelt thanks to all i friends and neighbors for assistance and sympathy during their bereavement. Their acts of kindness will never be forgotten. Misses Lula and Grace Ray, of Wes ton, were visiting Mrs. W. R. Miller Sunday. These two young ladies are anticipating a trip to the St. Louis Ex position next month, in company with friends from Seattle. Rev. C. E. Gibson, presiding elder of the M. E. church, was in the city over Sunday, and yesterday at 10 a. m. held the quarterly conference of the Metho dist church here. . Rev. Gibson left last I evening tor Baker city. fjrMiss Eva McDonald is over from Walla Walla, at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. A. Dudley. Miss McDonald's many friends welcome her back, as they feel that she really belongs more to Athena than to Walla Walla, anyway. Miss Mamie Cauthorn, of Corvallis, arrived in the city Friday and will be a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Mclntyre, for the summer. Miss Cauthorn is an experienced teacher of music and may conclude to remain in Athena perma nently. rKThe Athena fishermen returned Sat- I -f - -1 . .1. -I J. T uruuy iroiu me uruuuo iwuuo nvei loaded down with mountain trout and a voluptuous hirsute growth. The boys bad a good time and a number of Ath ena friends can attest to their prowess as anglers. . Miss Stackland, who recently sold her photograph gallery here and went to her home in Cove, Union county, is at present in Pendleton and will conduct the Wheeler art gallery during the ab sence of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wheeler on their summer vacation. A Some few wheat fields are ready to narvest tms weeK, dui .h wui do me middle of next week before harvest is on in the'Umatilla wheat belt. Harvest hands are going to be plentiful this year Walla Walla, says the Statesman is fairly flooded with them and over 100 are going out and coming in every day, The demand is about equal to the sup ply. While labor is not scarce no good man needs to go without a job. Weston Leader: Youthful ball-toss-ers on Weston mountain request the Leader to announce that they have or ganized a team and are after the juven ile championship of the East End. Githens' Lilliputians at Athena are not barred. The members range from eight to fifteen years in age. Chester Cap linger is captain. Alford Price does the pitching stunt, with Zane Lansdale at the receiving end. ' r3 La COME IN AND FORM OUR ACQUAINTANCE and Grain Buyers j - - Athena, Oregon National Bank Items in Brief. Liquozone at Pioneer drugstore. . Buy a Samson at Cox McEwoh'b. Bagley & Ely handle fresh fruits and vegetables. y . Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on tale at Gay's, daily. , - C. A. Barrett 4 Co. have the McCor mick extras. Fine strtionery and blank books at Pioneer drugstore. 1905 WaBber beats them all. For sale by Cox & McEwen. Palm chocolates and Bon Bons at Pioneer drugstore. All the new Btyles in men's summer hats, i Athena Mercantile Co. C. A. Barrett A Co. sell the Double Diso weeder. . It is guaranteed. Greace, oils and compounds for the harvester at O. A. Barrett & Co.'s . New ruchings, the latest novelties in neckwear. Athena Mercantile Co. ; The best of everything in grocenesare to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right , ' , New line of ladies' 'fabric gloves in silk taffeta and lisle; blacks, whites and colors. Athena Mercantile Co. Try a can of our Gold Leaf Baking Powder. It is as good as Schillings' BeBtandis25 per cent cheaper. Bae ley & Ely. Combination dip puff combs, com bination pompadour puff combs, and a host of other novelties in hair fixings. Athena Mercantile Co. Just received by express, all the latest novelties in shirt waist sets; sterling silver, gun metal, pearl and enamel. Athena Mercantile Co; 4. Sick headache results from a disorder ed stomach and is -quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For sale by all druggists. PIONEER DRUG STORE BROCK & MITCHELL PROPRIETORS ' Prescriptions a Specialty, Palm Chocolates and Bon Bons. Fine Stationery and Blank Books. Heath & Milligan Paints. Orders for Liquozone on Brock & McComas Co. of Pen dleton, can be filled by us. , . iiiinirf Big Store and Little Prices The Place to Save Money Time is Again in full Blast Here Get your Supplies at THE FAIR STORE, the cheapest store in town. Our New York buyer has bought the entire output of a large mill manufactory of Underwear. The Fair Store gets its share, and we are selling Underwear at 50c per suit. Best Working Shirt on the market for only 50 cents. Socks per pair The Place where the Call at White G roceiry and Let us Figure on Your Harvest Supplies Worthino ton & Thompson You Are Safe In trading with thing we carry our Prices are Right. s d$ BAGLEY & ELY Agents for Chicago Tailoring Co. and J. L. Gatzert & Co. Next to Postofifice, Athena, Ore. "V0 FAIR our New Hoys us, is because every First Class and Family Can Trade. 0B10ICaSKtlItStfI01tI fItS0ftiftlMSItl" will transact business. V