ATHENA PRESS Twice-a-Week Tdesdav and Fbiday F. B. BOYD, PUBLISHES. - Entered as second-class matter, March 1 1901, at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon under the Act ol Congress of March 8, 1879, Subscription Rata: I'er year. In advanct. - ' 12.00 Single copies in wrapper, 5c Advertising Kates: Local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per Ine. Each subsequent Insertion, 5c. All communications should be addressed to ( be PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JULY 19, 1904 Secretary Hitchcock, of the interior department, is reported as saying that the recent big republican majority in Oregon may be taken as an endorsement of his policy regarding public lands The Condon Globe thinks the secretary is either talking to make a noise or else he is as ignorant as a Hottentot as re gards the real status of his famous land policy in the minds of the people in the State. Oregonians most enphatically do not endorse his policy and he has no o& casion to plume himself in pride as be ing responsible for the results of the re cent election. Had the present admin istration been obliged to rest its case on Mr. Hitchcock's popularity in Oregon it could have expected to come out of the recent election looking like thirty cents. Undoubtedly it was the intention of the farmers of the original homestead law to make it possible for the rank and file to get ICO acres of government land for their own use and benefit without re sorting to perjury or doing a lot of im possible things and also to safeguard the public domain, so far as possible, against the raids of grafters, speculators and land sharks of every description. A New Orleans dispatch to a Chicago paper Bays that the Japanese are nego tiating for a large number of Creole ponies and Texas bronchos for use in the war. The dispatch further states that on account of their staying qualities and the ease with which they are fed, these animals make ideal mounts for the Japanese saber men. It the Texas bron cho or the Creole pony has any staying qualities or any other qualities that com mend him for a war horse that are not possessed by the Oregon range horses, it is something new in the equine world. The Oregon cayuse by environment and breeding long before the advent of the white settlers developed into the tough est known specimen of the horse world, and the introduction of better blood has intensified his merits and removed his defects, until today the ideal cavalry horse is found in this state. The Boer war and the strife in the Philippines cre ated a demand for a large number of these animals, but there are still quite a number which the Japanese would do well to examine before placing their or ders elsewhere. European and American military ex perts who have witnessed artillery mane uvers in the Japanese army have been loud in their praise of the rapidity and precision with which the little brown gunners handle themselves. In modern warfure the tendency is to fight at long er range than formerly, so that the artil lory is constantly becoming a more im portant arm of the service. One difficul ty with securing good gunners among the Japs is said to be the poor eyesight that is a national characteristic. This obstacle has been overcome in a measure by choosing for artillerymen only those with the keouest vision. The Japanese fieldpieco is the Arisaka twelve pounder, invented by General Arisaka, the master of ordnance. ? The careful, conservative plodder who makes fifteen or twenty millions in stock during five or six years always has the utmost contempt for the simpleton who loses bis money fooling with get-ricu-quick scheme. One of the largest imports from Rus sia into America is willow clothes bask ets.' The huge hampers so commonly in use in this country are nearly all made in central Russia by peasants, although some come from the Danube Valley, and there is a considerable domestic manu facture. Tim importation this year will bo about one million dollars' worth. Osier willow, from which they are made, has been worked by the Russian peas ants for centuries, and was formerly the material from which they wove their houses. The method of cutting, peel ing, twisting and manipulating the withes is handed down from father to son. Proverbial "Land Office Business" was transacted at the state land office in Salem during the first twelve days iu July. A total of 825,000 was received in payment for school land and other entries under the general land laws. This indicates a stage of rural develop ment and a prospective increase in the occupancy and value of agricultural lands that has long been a dream of the promoters of Oregon's prosperity through development. A state cannot be pros perous in a wide sense while vast areas of its agricultural lands are un tilled, and practically unoccupied. Oregonian. The mayor of an Ohio town has re signed because he found be couldn't hold the job and live up to his religious belief. Some mayors will wonder if his religious belief pays him a salary. Athena wheat on the New fork mark et is an incident quite out of the ordi nary. Should the incident occur often enough it will probably have the effect of stimulating better prices for wheat. Probably a shortening of our political campaigns is one of the earthly impos sibilities, but it would be a good thing if they were materially condensed. We have not learned whether or not Col. Wood has returned from the Walla Walla Fourth of July celebration. Personally Conducted Excursion to St Louis. ' The O. R. & N. will on August 10 run a tourist sleeper from Walla Walla to St. Louis via the Denver & Rio Grande without change. This car will be in charge of an ex perienced man and all passengers will receive the best of attention; a stop of 12 hours will be made at Salt Lake and 15 hours at Denver to enable passengers to visit these cities. This car will accommodate a limited number and reversations should be made as early as possible to W. C. Dibble, Agent. O. R. A N. Company, Walla Walla. Acute Rheumatism. Deep tearing or wrenching pains, oc casioned by getting wet through; worse wnen at rest, or on tirst moving the limbs and in cold or damp weather, is curea quickly by Ballard's Snow Lini ment. Oscar Uleson, Uibson City, 111., writes Feb. 16, 1902: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Mallard's Snow Liniment cured me," 25j, 50c and SI at Mc Brides. Settle Up. If you are indebted to R. J. Boddy you are hereby notified that your ac count is in the hands of O. G. Chamber lain for collection. R. J. Boddy. Sentenced to be Shot Hereafter all dogs caught running at large on mr premises, killing chickens and running stock, will be shot. Dog owners take notice. Dave Taylor. trsubles 1 "I And Thedford's Black-Dratiiht a irooil medioine for liver disease. It cured my ton after be bad spent $100 with doctors. It is all the med icine 1 take." MK8. CAROLINE MARTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your druggist and secure a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result inBright'a disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent package of Thedford's Black Draught should always be kept in the house. "t need Thedford's Black Draurht for lirer and kidney com- fiUiotd and found nothinf to excel f-WILI4AM COWMAN, Mar blehead, 111. THEDFORD'S Might Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long" writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I hud consumption so bad that if I would walk a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medicine failed, three $1 bot tles 1 1 Dr. King's New Discovery cured me and I gained 53 pounds.". It's ab solutely guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and 81. Trial bottle free at Palace drug store. No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me continu ously," writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." Equally good for burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Palace drug store. ft VaV Try Our COMPOUND SYRUP of WHITE PINE and SPRUCE By soothing Mucous Mem branes, it cures cough and the most severe colds. .". . PALACE DRUG STORE WM. McBRIDE, . Leading Druggist The COMMERCIAL' LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS .Pre p seasonable reasonable PURE RYE WniSKY 23 SHERIDfl sold in the city of Athena. Once drank, always drank. For sale at THE EAGLE BAR, - - - - - Bine Lunch Co ante i North Side Main Street, P. FIRS1 NHTIONEL R. C Adams, President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS, - Proper attention given to nd domestic r . S. I.t G row. Cashier, -A SALOON Foley's Honey and Tar for No opiates, ..Painting .. Paper Hanging, Wall Tinting, Sign Writing, etc., satisfaction guaranteed by Robinson & Stanford. Shop, corner 3rd and Jefferson, Streets, Athena, Oregon. Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Seed & Son, noted (or strength and volume of tone. . The Henry F. Killer, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the best, and the popular Singer. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terms. Dwelley Herrick Music Co., 51 East Main Street 4 Doors Above Bridge, Walla Walla, Washington AAA AAAAAAi t THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in I the City. I , Iff : THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. itr Can beiecomended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Main and Third, atbxra, Or. Athena fire Insurance Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. G. CHAMBERLAIN, Agent Notary Public and Conveyancer. IV YEARS OLD. The best ever II. TIEDEMAN, Proprietor MB Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars BETZ BEER Choice Bottled'Goods Club Room. SAM BOOIIER, - - Proprietor. BSHK OF ETHENB P. E. Col burn, V Directors K S. LeCJrow.J Jj $ 60.000 12.500 i collections. Deals In foreign eichanga. I.M.Enp, Assistant Own ler a Canning ' We have our usual complete line of fruit jars, caps, rubbers, jelly glasses, preserving kettles and pans; all the utensils needed to facilitate the canning; the kind that will keep the fruit pure and sweet - Mason's Jars. Made by the Hazel-Atlas factory by improved machinery, have wide and smooth e shoulders on which caps fit perfectly without pressing out the rubbers. They run uniform, have no loose glass or rough edges to cut the hands. Packed one doz. in case. Pints per doz ....60c Quarts per doz 70c Half gallon per doz $1.10 Jelly Glasses. Jelly Glasses with tin tops per doz. 25c, 45c, and 50c. ,. Lipped granite preserving kettles 12c to 81.50. Order If inconvenient to come in to select your goodsi send in your order by mail. Prompt and careful attention is given all mail orders and satisfaction is guaianteed in every instance. Our assortments are the largest, our goods first class and our prices average the lowest. "Gold Club" News. No. 10 No. 50 The above winning numbers have pot been presented yet. Holders have until August 3rd to present them for payment. - Mr. Fred Greenville, Mrs. Lillian Julian and Mr. Hans Burg were holders of the other winning numbers Next Door to the Post Office THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. Walla Walla, Washington RftA Pi RhflTTi Paint 0il Glasai Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing UUUV.U110.ip PENDLETON, OREGON. CHARLES GAY ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars FRESH BREAD. PIES.'CAKES, ETC. NARKAUS BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET Fresh Meats. Only the Best is Good. ! ROCK SPRINGS 1 SPECIAL RATES 5 A. M GIL, LIS, COAL lame m is Economy Jars. or 1904 Vacum or Hermetic Jars the best of them all. Made of fine, clear flint glass and absolutely self sealing. Packed one dozen in a case. Pints per doz.. $1.00 Quarts per doz.. $1.25 Half gal. per doz.... $1.50 Jar Caps. Mason's with rubbers per doz. .30c Economy, per doz 30c Vacum lids per doz. 15c Vacum rubbers per doz 15c Lightning rubbers per doz 10c Mason Jar rubbers, black, 2c and 5c per doz. Mason's wide flange red rubbers per doz. 10c. Garrett's red rubbers 15c doz. Garrett's pure gum 25c doz. by Mail. 010436 012262 ..........$10.00 .............$50.00 2nd Hand Department One Block East For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy. Bakers Polsoni The Complete House Furrishers, Main St., next to Postofflce. Pendleton. ED. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates furnished on all kinds of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena. h GOiBERLAEID I OM CAR LOTS I Athena, Oregon Everything Ifilltlt8lItI8ItIICSIIf I 3 eBVSililiStllf isiti