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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1904)
family ate few .?i -2or r. Sakn Regius bis clerk in July. jj. 0. Harder, who lost her in jhild Tuesday at Walla Walla, u jty ill and much alarm is felt over her condition. A. L. Watts, whoso health has been failiog for several years, was seized with a dangerous sickness a few days ago. The old pioneer is very low and may not recover. J. R. King and sons, Charles and Kos coe, enjoyed a fishing excursion Satur day on the north fork of the Walla Wal la river, and brought home about 300 trout. Mrs. G. A. Peebles and daughters, the Misses Lois and Alice Peebles, left Monday for the Griffith home in the Waldo hills on an extended visit. They were accompanied as far as Walla Walla by Prof. Peebles, who remained there for a few days. George and Henry Waddingham left this week on a visit to J. II. Hunt in Klickitat county, Wash., and will after ward go to North Yakima bafora their return.. They were accompanied by the Misses Cora and Sadie Hunt who have been guests at the Waddiogham home. The "Red Barn," conducted by Ritch , ey Sc. McBride, has absorbed the "Blue Barn" adjoining, conducted by W. B. DeardariF, who has sold his stable and outfit to his neighbors. The two stables will be operated as one hereafter, and an opening will be cut between thelii for better convenience. Mr. DeardorfT is disposing of his property with a view to leaving Weston soon. Satnmie Nelson, the young son of N. H. Nelson, section foreman at Weston, was run over by James Ritchey's dray near the depot Wednesday afternoon and seriously injured. The unfortun ate boy and several companions were skylarking on the dray when he slipped off and fell beneath the hind wheels, which passed over his chest. Had the dray been loaded his life would have been crushed out, but it was empty save for the load of boys, and Young Nelson escaped with a broken rib and severe contusions. He will probably recover. MILTON Eagle: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pearson, of Freewater, died on Monday and was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery on Tuesday. The first cutting of alfalfa in the Hud son Bay country northwest of Milton has been made, resulting in a splendid yield. - Win S. Brown, foreman of the Pen dleton Tribune for a number of years, accompanied by his family, is visiting his parentB, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brown. Road Supervisor Campbell this week finished work on the road up the Walla Walla river. The road extends as far as the Roberts place and there was ex pended about $1800. Even if Milton does not celebrate the glorious Fourth of July hor neighbors will. Freewater and Athena both offer tempting programs and the Umatilla Indians will turn loose in an old-fashion ed hip hurrah style and demonstrate the fact tuut they are the only simon pure Americans in the land. Frank Wallace, who resides near the Walla Walla river above Milton, met with a serious accident Monday. While engaged in driving cattle his horse stumbled and fell, the sharp horn of the saddle pinning Wallace to the ground, the point of the horn entering the hip to the bone, causing a frightful and dan gerous wound. Mr. Wallace managed with great effort, to drag himself to the road, where he was discovered and taken to his home. ADAMS Advance: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Say er, of Cayuse, attended the initiation of the Uebekah Degree Lodge Saturday evening. Mrs. J. M. Bontley, of Pendleton, left for her homo Monday after spending several days visiting in town. Miss Nancy King left Wednesday for Pullman, Wash., where she expects to spend the next few months. Geo. U. Southerland, of the G. II. Southerland Co., of Walla Walla, was in town for a short time Monday. He ic negotiating for the city bonds for the proposed city water system. L. O. Iiothrock, of Pendleton, was iu town Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hoth rock has been looking over his wheat field three and one-half miles from here, and says that the present outlook justi fies him in expecting to harvest a fifty bushel crop next month. k Elliot Richardson of Pomeroy, Wash., was in the city Tuesday. He was form erly interested in the firm of Richardson Bros. here. At present he is engaged in the furniture and Undertaking busi ness at Pullmau. Jlo was just return ing from a trip to lioibe City where he completed the purchase, of another busi ness in the same line. THIETY-FIVE TO THE ACEE. Probnble Yield of Southern Franklin County. Walla Walla, June 27. Thirty-five bushels to the acre from some portions of the southern part of Franklin county is the indication in some of the better fields, according to Robert Burns, gen eral agent of the O. R. & N., with head quarters here, who has just returned from a trip through the wheat district of Franklin county tributary to Snake river, and to a portion of the Eltopia section. Mr. Burns said last night: "The Franklin county prospect is cer tainly excellent. I drove over Fishhook fiat where a uniformly good yield will come, if no setbacks occur. Harvest will soon be on. Additional warehouses will probably be erected along the Snake river cutoff to accommodate the new crop of southern Franklin county this year." - . " Strike on Black Butte-. A rich strike is reported to have been recently made in the Black Butte mine in Fox Valley, ore taken from the sur face being rich in free gold. This strike was made while workmen were grading a road across the property to the site where the hoist is being erected. Ar rangements will be made as soon as practicable to sack this rich grade ore. To Raise Steamer Bever. Vancouver, B. C, June 27. The steamer Bever, the first to cross the Pa cific ocean under her own steam, in 1835, lying wrecked at the mouth of Van couver harbor for 21 years, is to be raised . by the city of Vancouver and placed on exhibition at Stanley park, with a placard reciting the historical event in which she took part. - Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience nf Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I indured insuffer able pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm com pletely recovered " For liver, Kidney, stomach and bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c It's guaranteed by McBride, druggist. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets Better thau a Doctor's Preset iptiou. M. J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Va., says that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done him more good than anything could get from the doc tor. If any physician in this country was able to compound a medicine that would produce such gratifying results in cases of stomach troubles, bilious ness or constipation, bis whole time would be used in preparing this one medicine. For sale by all druggists. Startling Evidence. . Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coining in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds to be unequaled. A. recent expression from T. J. McFarland Bontorville, Vs., -serves as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefitted. Then I began to tak ing Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effective in curing all throat and lung troubles, consumption, pneumonia ana trriD. Ouaranteed by Mcbride, druse- gist. Trial bottle free, regular size 50c uridyl. A Secret Method. I use a secret method for the painless extraction of teeth which I have used for a number of years with continued success. It does not cause any soreness of mouth or gums, or any sickness or after eilbcts whatever; is perfectly safe and takes immediate effect when ap plied around a tooth. Dr. Sponogle, dentist. . Driven to Desperation, Living at an out of the way place, re mote from civilization, a family is often driven to desperation in case of accident, resulting in burns, cuts, wounds, ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arni ca Salve. It is the best on earth. Only 25c at W. Mc Bride's drug store. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25c. Money back if not cured. Sold by McBride. Wanted Trustworthy lady or gentle man to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for house of sol id financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and expenses paid each Mon day direct from headquarters. Expense money advanced; position permanent. Address Manager, C05 Monon Bldg., Chicago. Artificial Teeth. To follow the natural contour of the face in arranging artificial teeth on plates so that they will give tho most natural appearance when in the mouth, there are points, including a perfect tit and perfect satisfaction, that is the guarantee on nil plate work. Dr. Spon ogle, dentist. For Sale. I have for sale a good milch cow and calf, for $40; bound wheat hay for S15 per ton; a stand of bees for S2.25; spring pigs $10 each, pigs 6 months old $20 each; brood sows, from $30 to $150 each. Write or call on A. L. Swaggart, Athena, Oregon. The Pki.w, published twice-a-weok, gives you the local news. $2 per year. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING! Paper Hanging, Clothing and Graining. Estimates furnished on all kinds of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop, east side of 3rd street, above Main J. E. HULL, Athena, . Oregon. PROMPT & RELIABLE SERVICE A. L. JONES WANTS LIGHT HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. .Satisfies taste and appetite Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp, A. W. Botkin. Sharp & Botkirv PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS . Special attention given to Female Diseases. CalU promptly answered. Office on Third a tree t, Athena, Oregor J. M. HAYES REAL ESTATE DEALER. Houses to Kent. Town and Country Property for Sale. .. WILL M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public Athena, Oregon Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgages and Contracts carefully drawn; Collections promptly made. Going to Build? Save Money ann Time by Hav ing C. E. TKOUTMAN, Archi tect, make your Plans and Spci fications. ROOM 15, ASSOCIATION ISUILDING, PENDLETON. ... ORE. mm ma m m m m.a II Gash Givon Away to We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will the li Lion-Heads, cut from the oackaces. be cood. as heretofore, for the valuable nremiums we have always given our customers, but In Addition to the Regular Froo Premiums the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prixe Contests, which will make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired. There will be The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Louis World's Fair; the second relates to Tofal Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $20,000.00 will be distributed in each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a Grand First Prize of $5,000.00 contests, and thus your estimates have two "i opportunities of winning a big cash prize. Five Lion-Heacte gy S?v Printed blanks to cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST What will b the total July 4th attendance at the St. Lonlt World'! Fair? At Chicago. July 4, 1893, the attendance was 283.273, For nearest correct estimates received in Woolson Spice Com pany's office. Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 30th, 1904, we will give first prise for the nearest correct estimate, second prise to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 First Frlie ; 1 Second Prise 3 Prises $500.00 each 6 Prliea 200.00 10 Prises 00 Prlies 60 Prises 050 Prises 1800 Prises 10O.0O 60.00 20.00 10.00 e.oo 3139 PRIZES. 4279 Gistrlbula j to tha Puh!ic-agreatln S45,G0O.CQ-lf. addition tawhlch'wa shall giva $5,000 to Grocers' Clerks (S89 particulars In LlOg COFFEE cam) making a grand total of $50,000.00. COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN wgolSw;: spice co., IV, that is good .at all times is what . the Customer wants Get it at the HIT ill MARKET Sherman & McLean, Proprietors. Platzoeder & Minger's old stand 5 1 A. J. PARKER'S ' -ss- tCs!-", " r. py ,r,'f.""' i NEW- A. KUNKEL & COMPANY Dealers in .-. , John Deere Farm Implements iu.oiine wagons " Hacks and Buggies in Standard Grades. Plows, Har rows, Seeders, Mowers, Rakes, Binders, and Extras. Hog Fencing and Barb Wire. We keep a large stock on hand and can furnish customers with any quantity desired. 0&m MMW MMIIIM pmHBINMnPa pwWWWWRliM MPIinia N-i LJ LJ J - TWO GREAT CONTESTS 'Vf3Sft v PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will be the total Popular Vote caat for President (vote for all candidates combined) at the election Novembers. 1904? In 1900 election. 13,959.653 people voted for President. For nearest cor rect estimates received in Woolson Spice Co.'s, office. Toledo, O., on or before Nov. 5, 19M, we will give first priio for the nearest cor rect estimate, second prize to the next nea- est, etc., etc., as follows: 1 Flrsf Prise $2,600.00 1 Second Prise , l.OOO.OO I2.B00.00 l.OOO.OO 1,000.00 1.OO0.00 l.OOO.OO 1,000.00 , 1,000.00 ..2.600.00 8.0O0.0Q TOTAt, $20,000.00 S Prlsea- 2O0.00 10 Prliee SO Prises 60 Prliee 250 Prises 1800 PriiM lOO.OO 60.00 20.00 1O.0O 6.00 3 139 PRIZES. (CONTEST DEPT.) PHIZES PHWIfflB BPI9W "WB Oli3 If3 THE WRIGHT LIVERY , AND FEED STABLE Asm mm COOD HORSES AND RICS: ' REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month. Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street' J. F. Wright, - Proprietor. very thing First Class - Mo d tin .and l'p-tu -date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA. Users ol vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es timate is recorded. 3 Prliea $600.00 each l.OOO.OO 1 ,000.00 l.OOO.OO ..... 1 ,000.00 l.OOO.OO 2,500.00 9.000.00 TOTAL, $20,000.00 EVERY PACKAGE OF TOLEDO, OMIOJl 4279 KEEN & WILL A in 'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. Spring and Summer 190 MILLINERY We have a large and complete stock of the latest styles in street and drees hats for Women, Misses and Children. Our prices are as low us the lowest and you will do well to ;all here before mak ing your purchases. We guarantee per fect satisfaction in trimming old huts. Your money refunded if not satisfactory. MKS. J. R. OWENS, Carden Building, Main Sreet, Athena Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right. INTEREST I fcelni displayed in the use oi amoKeiesi powder ana Jacketed bullets In large calibre rifles. A 45 calibre bullet weiihini 500 trains (Ives a shock to large game that the small bores can not always be depended on for. Marlln Model 1895 Repeaters have Special Smokeless Steel " barrels. For up-to-date information see our catalog. Mailed (or 3 sumps. The Marlin Fire Arms Co. NEW HAVEN, OONN. Troy Laundry v walla Walla, Wash. HENRY KEEN, Agent in Athena. Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning Oregon Shot Line Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free rechninir chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom Pendleton. DEPART Daily. TIMK 8CHEDVI.ES ATHENA, ORE, ARRIVE Daily. Fast Mail for Pen dleton, LaUrande, Baker City, and all pointseistviaHun tiugton, Ore.. Also 4:53 p m. for Umatilla. Henp- Iner, The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley PointJt. l-nllfornia 9:57 jTacoma.Seattle, at! Sound Points. Walla Walla rtavJ ion, roraeroy, iw- J 9:57 a. m. iswn, t oirax, ruil man Miwmw thai 1:53 p. m jCouer d'Alene dis- all points nortb. Mixed train walla 7:05 p. m. walla and interme dial points. 12:20 p. m. Mixed, for Pendle ton and intermedi 12:20 p.m. 7:05 p- m. ate points. Water Kontes. SAN FRaWISOO PORTLAXD ROUTE Steamer sails from 1'ortlard 6 p. m. every s das, " Snake River Route. Steamers leave Riparia daily except Satur day, at 4:10 a. m. Kt-lurniui; leave Lewistou dr.ily except Friday, at 7 a. ni. For tickets lo and from all part of toe M. W. Smith, AgMit, Atheua lisp! irlo "SNW!!t. '