ATHENA MERCANTILE CO Great Special Sale of cTHen's . Summer Underwear. IVe have bought -the entire Stock of one of the largest Underwear factories in the East at a dig discount, and shall place the same on sale Saturday morning at prices that will save our customers from -: 33 1-3 to 50 per cent ; Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular price, 50c per garment, will be sold at 85c per garment. Men's Heavy Ribbed Balbriggan, regular price 75c, will be sold at 50c per garment. Men's fancy Lace Striped Balbriggan, regular price $l,will be sold at 65c per garment. GROCERIES If you are not already a visitor to our . Grocery Depart' ment, come in and look through it and compare our prices with what you have to pay elsewhere. Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, : - - - , Athena, Oregon The Modern School of Commerce Prepares For BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, Write fob Free Catalogue. G. W, Rigby was in the city yester day from Pendleton. Doug. Bailey, the attorney, ia prac ticing law in Spokane. Mies .Ada Bannister is visiting her grandmother at Weston. Mrs, Harry Turner, of Weston, called on Athena friends Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ben Burroughs of Pendleton, Sted at the Hansell home yesterday, orn, Friday, June 24, 1904, to Mr. Mrs. George Thompson, a daugh ter. ' ' Johnny Booth, brother of Mrs. Minnie DePeatt, is up from Portland, visiting his sister. Mrs. A. O'Harraand daughter, were over from their farm near Weston, yes terday, trading. - Mrs. P. H. Tiedeman has returned from a visit with Mrs. Otis Beck, near Eltopia, Wash. Mrs. Stafford and son, Guy, are up from the valley, visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Hansell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rainville are down from Idaho on a visit to relatives and friends in Athena. W. R. Taylor has finished putting up 200 tons of alfalfa hay. The crop aver aged two tons per acre, Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton will oc cupy the cottage soon to be vacated by the family of L. J. Robinson. The families of Louie LaBrache and . Glen Baling went over on the Umatilla Sunday, and enjoyed a day's fishing. "N. S. Averill returned Friday from a several months' sojourn on his new landed possessions in the Alberta coun ty - Mrs. Maloney and Mrs. Ad Rothrock were orer from Weston Sunday and visited at the home of Mrs. Charles Norrie. ,: For fine photographs, come to the Umatilla Art Gallery, Athena. Aresto Platina and Carbon, in the late and fancy cards. . Ylisa Maud Gholson returned home Saturday evening from a couple of weeks' visit with friends at Milton and Walla Walla. Sherman & McLean until further notice will sell three pounds of steak for 25 cents cash, boiling meats and roasts i-j proportion. Mrs. Lillie Miller requests that all outstanding bills be paid by July 1. CIVIL SERVIC. PENDLETON, OREGON. Mrs. Miller will soon go below to lay in her fall goods, and these bills must be paid. - .- Mrs. D. B. Jarman and children and Mrs. F. B. Boyd and Cecile. were enter. tained at the hospitable Johns home west of town. Sundav. bCMr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompkins and little daughter, Lillian, left yesterday morning for Calgairry, Alberta, where they will visit for some weeks. Mrs. M. M. Johns and Melville will go to Walla Walla tomorrow, where they will be guests at the weddina of Mis3 Eva Switzler, who is a cousin of Mrs. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes were in town yesterday from Weston. Mr. Barnes is agent for the Pacific Coast Elevator Co., and was over in that ca pacity. J. H. Gwinn, of Pendleton, is a mem ber of the board of directors of the Inde pendent Packing company which has decided to erect a $500,000 plant in Portland. Mrs. Eva Boddy was among the many ' witnesses subpoenaed in the Mose Taylor divorce case, which is in progress in Pendleton, and went down yesterday. Mrs. Laura Hales is up from her present home in Salem, visiting her many friends in this city, and on busi ness connected with the sale of her property here. Auto Cannon has resumed his duties as clerk at the Fair store, after having enjoyed an outing on the Umatilla river. Otto says he won't attempt to climb the "Matterhorn" any more. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beck are in the city, Mr. Beck having finished his long term of school at Holdman. Mr. and Mrs. Beck may leave soon for their Franklin county homestead. There has been considerable cement used in construction work in Athena this year. Jn addition to its use in foundations, it figures extensively in basement floors and sidewalks. .J "Homer I. Watts, professor of math ematics in the Ashland Normal school, is home on a visit to his parents and brother, Prof. M. L. Watts. Homer contemplates entering Harvard college this fall, where be will further fit him self for an educator. W. A. Flower, an experienced pho tographer, and L. G. Pickel will con duct the Umatilla Art gallery. Mr. Flower will manage the gallery and Mr Pickel will look after the outside work Prices reasonable and good work guar an teed. Booher reports that a heavy freeze at his ranch on the mountain last Thurs day night completely destroyed , his strawberry crop and made his prospects for a garden look decidedly blue. Miss Luella Craigen, who last school year taught the 7th grade in the Athena school, was elected for the fifth and sixth grades in the Weston public school. Miss Craigen is a graduate of the State Normal, class of 1901. Miss Laura Bowles, of Walla Walla, arrived in the city Friday evening and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow. The two little daughters of Captain Winn of Fort Walla Walla, neicesof Mr. LeGrow, also visited here the past week. W. L. DeGrow, a recent arrival from Michigan, is in Athena, in search of a farm for sale. He desires a milder cli mate than that which Michigan affords, but finds that good land in Oregon is held at high prices. VJThe girl friends of Miss Laura Mc 'Intyre are delighted to receive news from her in far away Ontario and to know that she with , her mother and sister are enjoying a most pleasant visit with relatives there. - Miss E. A. Stackland, who has had charge of the Umatilla Art gallery for the past year, took her, departure Sun day for her home near Cove, Union county, where she will remain for the summer. A large number of friends were at the depot to bid Miss Stackland eood-bv. ,yRev. W. E. Armfieid and a number of the congregation of the M. E. church will go to the Umatilla river Thursday, where the ordinance of baptism will be administered. After the ceremonies a picnic dinner will be enjoyed, before the return in the evening. The "hard times" social to be given Friday evening at the Christian church by the Christian Endeavor society, promises to be decidedly out of the or- inary. A good program and supper will be given, all for 15 cents, providing you come in proper attire. Misses Elsa Rosenzweig and Nettie Cannon and George Rosenzweig arrived home last night from Franklin county. Miss Cannon was so well impressed with that part of the country that she filed on a quarter section in the vicinity of the Rosenzweig homesteads. B. F. Ogle had a valuable horse in jured yesterday while in the pasture near town, by in some manner running against atmag. Mr. Ogle had but re cently brought the animal, which is a beauty, from the farm at Ridge, and should he lose him, which seems likely, the loss will be keenly felt. The many Athena friends of Miss Mamie Wilson, of Weston, will be grieved to hear of her very serious ill ness at the home of her mother, Mrs, James Turner, a mile north of Weston. Miss Wilson has been a faithful and popular teacher in the Weston public school since her graduation from the Normal, some four or five years ago. jfcAlfred L. Watts, a pioneer preacher L 9 J- J t I 1 ... . una iarmer, uieu at nis nome in w esion yesterday after a long illness. Mr. Watts was aged 77 years and came to Umatilla . county from the Willamette valley in 1869. He was an honored and respected citizen and had a large acquaintance among the people of this county. The funeral will take place at 2 p. m. today in Weston. A stereopticon entertainment consist ing of illustrated songs, patriotic and otherwise, and views of the World's Fair now in progress at St. Louis, will be given at the Christian church on Monday night, July 4th. Those who have witnessed preceding entertain ments given by Rev. J. W. Jenkens, will be pleased to avail themselves of this opportunity for passing a pleasant and instructive evening. sSparks from the engine on yesterday rooming's O. R. & N. passenger tram set fire to the grass along the track in the north part of town. Mr. Davis blew the whistle at the' pumping station to call attention to the ' fire. The whistle had not been used for a lone time and when Davis released the string the whistle kept on whistling. A ladder was procured and a tap with a hammer topped the noise, but not until every body thought the mill was on fire. Hard Times Social. . Great preparations are being made for the hard times social, to be held at the Christian church Friday evening. , The program follows: Song ........Hard Time Choir Recitation ................. Gladys Bush Violin Solo .Albert Bales Vocal Duet.... Nellie Fobs, Ora Rhodes Song Hard Time Choir Recitation. ............. ..Cecile Boyd Intrumental Duet .". Lucy Jenkins and Ava Reeder Recitation Zelma DePeatt Vocal Solo Mrs. Anna Foes Song.... ...... ...Hard Time Choir Recitation Cora Davison Instrumental Solo. . ..... Maud Gholson Recitation. ..... .Mrs. Arabia Mclntyre Vocal Duet . . Joe and Will Scott Song Hard Time Choir n a ri n n n o a lvh trt most hMltng ! in th world. Items in Brief. Liquozone at Pioneer drugstore. Buy a Samson, at Cox & McEwen's. Bagley & Ely handle fresh fruits and vegetables. ? .A. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on sale at Gay's, daily. - C. A. Barrett & Co. have the McCor mick extras. Fine strtionery and blank books at Pioneer drugstore ,t " . 1905 Washer beats them all. For sale by Cox & McEwen. Palm chocolates, and Bon Bons at Pioneer drugstore. . All the new styles in men's summer hats. Athena Mercantile Co. C. A. Barrett & Co. sell the Double Discweeder. It is guaranteed. Greace, oils and "compounds for the harvester at C. A. Barrett & Co. 'a New ruchings, the latest novelties in neckwear. Athena Mercantile Co. The best of everything in groceries are to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right New line of ladies' fabric gloves in silk taffeta, and , lisle; blacks, whites and colors. Athena Mercantile Co. Try a can of our Gold Leaf Baking Powder. It is aB good as Schillings' Best and is 25 per cent cheaper. Bag ley & Ely. j Combination dip puff combs, com bination pompadour puff combs, and a host of other novelties in hair fixings. Athena Mercantile Co. ' Just received by express, all the latest novelties in Bhirt waist sets; sterling silver, gun metaj, pearl and enamel. Athena Mercantile Co. Sick headache results from a disorder ed stomach and , is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For sale by all druggists. PIONEER DRUG STORE BROCK & MITCHELL PROPRIETORS Just received a Shipment of ' Ask for booklet on "Borax and its Uses." : - t Agents for Heath & Milligan paint The Best on Earth Hule Team Borax Big Store and Little Prices , i The Place to Save Money ,.. U U u LL- LL. o We are Giving Our Customers Beautiful Pictures : These pictures are reproductions from celebrated paintings by the world's best known artists. We have arranged with one of the largest picture houses in Chicago to frame these pictures for us complete, at such a low figure that we can afford to give them abso lutely free to our customers. We do this to advertise our business, draw new and retain our old trade. Remember, we do not add to the price of our goods to pay for these pictures, but are dividing our profits with our customers, which is co-operation in its truest and best sense. Our stock is new and fresh and prices the lowest. No trouble to show goods. Call and see us. Courteous treatement to all. The Place where the CASH Removal Sale Prices for 60 Days CANNED GOODS. Yellow Crawford Peaches per can..., . 20 Rayalanus Cherries per can.. 17 Black Cherries per can 15 Apricots per can .' . 15 Strawberries per can 17 Columbia River Red Salmon per can High grade Cama Oysters per can ... . 25 String Beans per can 12U Black Berries per can 20 8 gal. keg No. 1 Pickles. . $1 15 6 bars Diamond Soap ., 25 6 bars Perfection soap 25 12 cans Rex Lye , 100 12 cans American Lye 1 00 10 cans Red Seal Lye 1 00 Our space is too small to mention all goods on which we will cut and slash in prices during this interval. WORTHINGTON & THOMPSON. :: South Side Main Street. You In trading with us, because every thing we carry is First Class and our Prices are Right. & dp BAGLEY & ELY Agents for Chicago Tailoring Co. and J. L. Gatzert & Co. Next to Postoffice, Athena, Ore. ammiimwmmmmmmmmtmmnrnviynmmtKWWtn nummm iiii n i m w Ilii" i i r m 1 uMihiinmin nun hi in H'i m mi y3 Tr A I so 1 V V. LL GROCERY CEREALS. Force per package lb Union Oats 80 Cream Wheat ...17 Jumbo Oats 10 Violet Oats.. 0 H. O. Mush 15 H. O. Pancake Flour .12 Vermicelli ...... 10 501bs. fine Salt 70 100 lbs. Stock Salt.. 75 50 lbs. Block Salt. 80 Are Safe --H , firsy family Can Trade.