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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
theiia Our Spring and Summer stock is now Complete. We are now showing all the newest and up to date styles in Ladies', Gentlemen's, Boys' - or Girls' Wearing Apparel New Dress Goods Plain and fancy Boiles in all the shades and black, from 25c to $1 per yard. Black Etamines, strictly all wool, from 50c up. Scotch Tweeds, new Spring effects, M in. wide, $1.25 per yard. Scotch Tweeds, new mixtures, all colors, 36 in. wide, 50c per yard. An endless variety of Braids, Gyrops, Appliques and Two Toned Banding, from 5c to 75c per yard. All the new shades and black in the celebrated Mascot Kid, gloves, $1.25 per pair. ; Ladies' Fabric Gloves and Mitts in Lisle and Taffeta Silk, from 25c to 75c per pair. Our line'of Groceries is new and complete. Nothing too good for our customers. Bring Us your produce. Wo pay the highest market price. Come and be convinced. Athena Press Paragraphs Otis Beck is in town for a few days. Dr. W. G. Cole, of Pendleton, is in the city. Miss Lucy Westis visiting friends in the city. S. A. Barnes was over from Weston ; Wednesday. : Claud Steen, of Milton, was in town Wednesday. S. A Maloney was in town from Wes ton yesterday, . Press Lewis and wife, of La Grande, are in the city. Plumbers are at work in the Stahl building this week. - The irrepressible "Jack" Craig has once more vanished. . Meet "My Friend From India" at the opera house, to-night. Try the professional horseshoer at Beck's blacksmith shop. J. E. Cherry, the next clerk of Uma tilla county, is in the city. Mrs. Sparrow and her mother-visited friends in Milton yesterday. E. L. Barnett is up from Portland lj and will remain indefinitely. Tt-Dr. and Mrs. M. V. Turley, of Weston were in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Eva Shutrum, of Pendleton, is the guest of Mrs. Plamondon. Ora Rhodes and Otto Cannon drove over to Milton Sunday afternoon. Hon. George J. Cameron, of Portland, a prominent Caledonian, is in the city. Henry Adams attended the Wool growers' meeting in Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. Francis Simpson is down from her home in Idaho, visiting her parents. Mr. ana airs. Herman oanoK, oi Weston, were Athena visitors Tuesday. Mrs. L. M. Lee per and Mrs. J. W. Smith were in Walla Walla, Wednesday Mrs. A. M. Gillis visited her sister, Mrs. C. C. Sharp, in Pendleton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson, of Cbe halis, visited Mrs. A. L. Jones, yester day. Lowell Rogers was up from Adams Wednesday, attending to business in our city. Scores of candidates of all political '(creeds are in town, hob-nobbing with the voter. Henry T. Booth, of Baker City, sgent for Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., is in the city. Mrs. Jesse Baling is up from Pendle ton and will visit her parents during the two days of the picnic. Mrs. Martha Mays will leave next week for a vvit with ber daughter, Mrs JUJa Walker, in Seattle, Mr?. Newton Hales and son, Willis, came over from Walla Walla last wg. Waster W liiis figured quite prom menuy in the program today. Shoes Ladies' Sid lace low cut shoes, patent tips, heavy or light soles, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair. Ladies' Dongola lace shoes, patent tips, extension soles, regular price $2.25, now $1,75 per pair. The new spring shipment of the cele brated Uty and Dunn ladies' shoes ar rived and we are now showing all their latest styles in high or low cut, either turned or welts, from $2.50 to $4. Men or boys work shoes in all the best makes, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair If en's Dress shoes, the latest styles in Vici Kid, Box or Valour Calf and patent Enamel, from $2.50 to $6 per pair. . Men's ready to wear stylish suits, just received from the very best makers, from $6.50. to $15 per suit. ' " Latest novelties in men's Golf shirts. A new line just opened. Call and make an early selection v GROCERIES ..Mefcanflle Mrs. B. F. Marquis Mrs. G. M." Morrison. and daughter, I were up from I Adams Wednesday, shopping, e more block and the width of two streets and the rock work on Third St. for this year will be completed. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Munick have opened a short order house and lunch counter on the north side of Main St. jxA number of young men went over on cine crees aoove wescon, monaay, fishing. They report rather poor suc cess. Dr. Baker, a specialist from Spokane, is in the city and is treating the case of Mrs. a. F. rung, who is afflicted with cancer. rr-The street sprinkler has the streets on the line of march for the parade in good condition. . Georee Rosenzweitr drove over to Walla Walla and back yesterday. He was accompanied home by the "Flying Dutchman." C. A. Barrett came . in last evening from the south end of the county, where he was campaigning with other republi can candidates. Mrs. Botkin, accompanied by her sis ter-in-law, Mrs. Graham, arrived home from an extended visit to Portland. Wednesday evening. rank Walsh, the ball player, has ac- cept oted a "case" on the Weston Leader. Accompanied by his wife he went over to Weston Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sanders are in town and will remain till Monday, when all the family will go out to the farm, to remain until after harvest. Miss Stackland, ot the Umatilla Art Gallery, announces that positively no sittings will be given after June 1. If you want pictures, come at once. Christian church services Sunday at the usual time. Morning subject. "Jesus and His Personal Friends." EveniDg subject, "Environment." The Caledonian Society was fortunate in securing tbe large canvas, under neath which the exercises are being lield, from tbe Weston Pioneer Associa tion. : B. L. Carr, of Seattle, purchased Hen ry Barrett's driving team for personal use. The price paid was s&K). The horses were shipped to Seattle Wednes day. Worthington and Thompson are mov ing their grocery stock into the Froome building, where they will do business until their new brick store room ia com pleted. Mrs. Otis Beck will leave Athena tomorrow for her home near Eltopia, Wash., and will be accompanied by Mrs. u. u. uecK, or., woo will remain with her for some time. Mrs. J. R. Owens has for sale at her millinery store a new departure in glove cleaning. Fogg's Chemical Chalk has no bad odor, no trouble in cleaning any color, sac. per package. Dr. Thompson, Osteopath physician or. waiia waua, wm practice, bis pro fession at tne residence of f rank Mans field in Athena, Monday, Wednesday and Friday after 5 p. m., and Tuesday, Ihureday and Saturday until 1U a. m of each week. utile Co Wash Dress Goods French Ginghams in stripes, check and bourette effects, from 8c to I2c , . New Novelty Lawns, Batistes, Snowflakes and Tweeds, from 10c to 25c per yard. Sotted Swisses, Victoria Lawns, India Linons and Persian Lawns, from 1 to 25c per yard Silk Mails, plain and dotted. All the latest evening shades, from 25c to 45c per yard.,, , Mercerized Waistings in endless variety, from 25c to 75c per yard. Fancy Pongee and Lansdown waistings from 65c to $1.25 per yard. Fancy Collars in Irish points and spangled necklin nett, from 25c to $2.75 each. Buttons and Shirt Waist sets in great variety. Mr. Pingree, a painter who was in business in Athena some years ago, is again in town and may conclude to re main nere. ins iamny is in Jjewiston where his wife's health is not (rood. t'My Friend From India" would like meet you at the opera house to-night. ucuets ot introduction may be obtained at Dell Bros'. Seats, any part of the house, reserved for 50 cents. . ? At a meeting of Clover Leaf Lodge. No. 35, D. of H., Wednesday evening. Mrs. M. M. Johns was elected repre sentative to Grand Lodge, which con venes in Portlcnd in July. Mrs. W. J. Wilkinson was elected alternate. . 'XJake Reno and G. W. Bradley this week shipped 70 tons of baled timothy bay to Tacoma. It was purchased for $15 per ton. One car load of potatoes wan shipped from Weston by Messrs. Reno and Bradley and was consigned to Dawson. Mrs. Mary Frakes has received the sad intelligence of the death of her sis ter, Mrs. W. W. Briggs, at ber home in Harrisburg, Monday, May 23, of heart disease. Mrs. Briggs was well known to many in this community, and was the motber of Mrs. Liee Baker, of Pendle ton. H, Tiedeman baa one of the latest improved National Cash Registers. - It is of the automatic double-drawer vari ety and is supplied with all the modern self-registering attachments. It is a veritable mechanical book keeper in ad dition to furnishing a complete inven tory of stock sales during the day. It cost Mr. Tiedeman $300. H-Last evening, while engaged in wet ting down Main street, hose teams No. 1 and 2 came together near Gil lis' lum ber yard. VI course in about a minute there was something doing. It wasn't a hot fight at all, but a cool one especi ally for the nozzlemen. Both teams seemed to enjoy the drenching they re ceived. An appropriate and effective show win dow is noticable at Mnaasse's store, cor ner of Mam and Third Sts. In keeping with the Scotch festivities in progress the window represents the "Bonnie Brier Bush." Scotch plaid is taken for the back-ground. In the the center stands a maid in Scottish, costume and sur rounding her are rose bushes. The con ception and decorative design was exe cuted by Miss Jeannette Manasse. Spring and Summer 1904 MILL! PI We have a large and complete stock of the latest styles in street and dress hats for Women, Misses and Children Our prices are as low as tbe lowest and you will do well to sail here before mak ingyour purchases. We guarantee per fect satisfaction in trimming old hats. Your money refunded if not satisfactory. MRS. J. R. OWENS, Carden Building. Main Sreet, Athcnat C tRY Round trip tickets will be sold by tie O. R. & N. Co. to St. Louis, on June 16, 17 and 18 inclusive, and on June 9, 10 and 11 for the annual picnic of the A. O. V. W. at Waitsburg, Wash. V Yesterday morning A. Shick suffered a slight attack of apoplexy. Dr. Botkin was called and at last reports Mr. Shick was steadily improving. For some time Mr. Shick has been threatened with an an attack. . Sick headache results from a disorder ed stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets For sale by all druggists. Mrs. Margaret E. Herrin, of Portland was ia the city Wednesday evening, a guest of Clover Leaf Lodge No. 35, Degree of Honor.' Mrs. Herrin is in Pendleton at present, where she is as sisting the lodge at that place to prepare for a district convention of the Degree of Honor, which is to be held there Monday night and Tuesday of, next week. A number of the- members of the Athena lodge will attend. Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. Fresh Cocoa nuts at Bagley & Elys. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on sale at Gay's, daily. Everything for the table at the' Blue Front Grocery. , , .. . ; ,; .. Big cut in prices on Ladies' shoes at Bagley & Ely's. 1905 Washer beats them all. For sale by Cox & McEwen. j Another shipment of men's shoes just received at Bagley & Ely's. - C. A. Barrett & Co. sell the only 16in. 2 and 3 bottom gang plows. i Manasse has something in new spring styles that will interest you. All the new styles in men's summer hats. Athena Mercantile. Co. We have the Amerisan Hog Fence and barb Wire. C. A. Barrett & Co. New ruchings, the latest novelties in neckwear. Athena Mercantile Co,. C. A. Barrett & Co.'s line of hard ware, stoves and tinware is complete. Prices right. The best of everything in groceries are to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right New line of ladies' fabric gloves in silk taffeta and lisle; blacks, whites and colors. Athena Mercantile Co, Combination dip puff combs, com bination pompadour puff combs, and a host of other novelties in hair fixings. Athena Mercantile Co. Just received by express, all the latest novelties in Bhirt waist sets; sterling silver, gun metal, pearl and enamel. Athena Mercantile Co. i A Secret Method. , , I use a secret method for the painless extraction of teeth which I have used for a . number of years with continued success. It does not cause any soreness of mouth or gums, or any sickness or after effects whatever; is perfectly safe and takes immediate effect when ap plied around a tooth. Dr. Sponogle, dentist. - TH8 Place where the lie 1LIJE Frofiit CASH Removal Sale Prices for 60 Days CANNED GOODS. Yellow Crawford Peaches per can ..... 20 Rayalanus Cherries pet cau ,. . 17 Black Cherries per can ; . . . 15 Apricots per can.... 15 Strawberries per can -17 Columbia River Red Salmon per can 12 High grade Cama Oysters per can.... 25 String Beans per can 12 Black Berries per can 20 8 gal. keg No. 1 Pickles .....$115 C bars Diamond Soap 25 ti bars Perfection soap 25 12 cans Rex Lye 1 00 12 cans American Lye 1 00 10 cans Red Seal Lye , 1 00 Our space is too small to mention all goods on which we will cut and slash in prices during this interval. WORTHINGTON & THOMPSON, :: South Side Main Street. !: The Ultimate Object of Business is j: Profit I; ! In buying as in selling. If you buy your groceries from us ! , j we will save money for you and also give you the best of every i't thing for the table, thereby making a profit tor you. We also have a fine line of Ladies' Shoes that we are clos ing out at reduced prices. Cull and see us before buying. BAGLEY & ELY Agents for Chicago Tailoring Next to Fostoffice, Athena, Ore. j A Jimn"iT " T 1 "'flil'ii'i - ----- r n In Men's & YIK1IE FASli faniily Cfln Trade GROCERY CEREALS. Force per package 15 Union Oats... 30 Cream Wheat. 17 Jumbo Oats 10 Violet Oats...,. 10 H. O. Mush 15 H. O. Pancake Flour. ......... Vermicelli 10 50 lbs. fine Salt 70 100 lbs. Stock Salt ........ 75 50 lbs. Block Salt 80 Co. and J. L. Gatzert & Co. c H r&ains : Boy's Clothing per cent, off on all Men's & Boy's Suits This is to reduce our Cloth ing Stock. There never was a better opportunity to get good Clothing ,cheap. Come and see for yourself.