Our Spring and Summer stock is now Complete. We are now showing all the newest and up to date. V styles in Ladies', Gentlemen's, Boys' or Girls' Wearing Apparel ; New Dress Goods Plain and fancy Boiles in all the shades and black, from 25c to $1 per yard. '..' Black Etamines, strictly all wool, from 50c up. Scotch Tweeds, new Spring effects, 64 in. wide, $1.25 per yard. ... - V" Scotch Tweeds, new mixtures, all colors, 36 in. wide, 50c per yard. An endless variety of Braids, Gytnps, Appliques and Two Toned Banding, from 5c to 75o per yard. ' All the new shades and black in the celebrated Mascot Kid gloves, $1.25 per pair. ladies' Fabric Gloves and Mitts in Lisle and Taffeta Silk, from 25c to 75c per pair. Our line of Groceries is new and complete. Nothing too good for our customers. Bring Us your produce. We pay the highest market price. Come and be convinced. mmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmm Press Paragraphs Wm. McKenzie was a Pendleton vis itor Sunday. Miss Bessie Robinson has been slight ly ill this week. Dr. M. V. Turley, of Weston, was ip town Fndcy afternoon. Harve Richardson, of Adams, was an Athena visitor Sunday. - Try the professional "horseshoer at Beck's blacksmith shop. Frank Rogers made a business trip to the county seat Saturday. Mr. Manor! Van Cleve, father of Mrs, A. L. Swaggart, is here on a visit. Mrs. Garfield and daughter, of Wes ton, were in the city Friday afternoon. Henry, Bean, republican candidate for county judge, was in town yesterday, Frank Nowitzski will leave for a visit to his old home in Arcadia, Wisconsin. Mrs. 'Jack Garrett was quite ill for a few days but at present is somewhat better. iXj. T. Ogle and Roy Wachter, of Ridge, were visitors at the Ogle home last week. . Penny photographs, known as "stamp hi'n,ii.ea " Ofl OK fa n( (Vn IT...'!!.. Art gallery. CAse McDaniel was in town yesterday. He has just returned from a trip to Alberta, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mclntyre went down to Pendleton Saturday, returning in the evening. Mrs. John Walker waa in from the farm west of town, trading with Athena merchants yesterday, "fvj. E. Cherry, democratic candidate for county clerk, shook hands with Athena voters Saturday. . , -Third street between Jefferson and Adams has bean completed ,with the regulation rock covering. Those who have tried fishing report poor success. The streams yet contain too much water for angling. The Sargent boys and Mr. Norvel are engtged in building an addition to A. L. Swaggart'a farm residence. Grandma Fountain went to Weston yesterday to visit her daughter, Mrs. John Harris, for a few weeks. Lee Brown is in town-from Pendle ton. Lee likes to drift back to Athena once in a while for old time's sake. A number of Pendleton, Adams and Weston people were in town Sunday to witness the Atbena-Pendleton ball game. fTbe fuDTdl sermon of Miss Voorhies. wlu did Thursday of last week, will be prtaehedby Rev., Armfield in the M Meroarole Shoes Ladies' Kid lace low cut shoes, patent tips, heavy or light soles, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair. Ladies' Dongola lace shoes, patent tips, extension soles, regular price $2.25, now $1.75 per pair. The new spring shipment of the cele brated Uty and Dunn ladies' shoes ar rived and we are now Bhowing all their latest styles in high or low cut, either turned or welts, from $2.50 to $4. Men or boys work shoes in all the best makes, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair Men's Dress shoes, the latest styles in Vici Kid, Box or Valour Calf and patent Enamel, from $2.50 to $6 per pair. Men's ready to wear stylish suits, just received from the very best makers, from $6.50 to $15 per suit. Latest novelties in men's Golf shirts. A new line just opened. Call and make an early selection. GROCERIES E. church, Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Friends of the family are especially in vited to be present. . Joseph Creighton and his father left yesterday morning for a trip to the Al berta country, with a view to purchasing land. : 'jCA number of Weston base ball en thusiasts were over Sunday and wit nessed the game with the Pendleton 1 Wonders. Miss Lilly Bannister went up on the mountain yesterday, where she will teach a summer term of school in the Taylor district. Sick headache results from a disorder ed stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For sale by all druggists. ' Mr. and Mr. John Martin, of Walla Walla, were in the city over Sunday, visiting their daughter, Mrs. tWilliam Winship. They returned home yester day. Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton and son, Ed, went to Milton yesterday, and will visit Mrs. Henry Lloyd, who has been ill at her home in that city for the past two weeks. "J)ave Williams went down to Adams Saturday evening and witnessed Prof. Haw, the horse trainer, subjugate an outlaw horse. Dave says he was repaid for the trip. County Commissioner Horace Walker, who is a candidate on the republican ticket for reelection, was in town Satur day. Horace is a good boy, no matter if he is on the other side forninst us. Rev. W. H. H Moore of the Baptist church and a number of his member ship went to Weston Sunday afternoon, where in the waters of Pine creek the ordinance of baDtiam was administered. "The big steel lintels for the Stahl building have arrived and will soon be put in place. They had been delayed in shipment and the force of workmen was compelled to lay off for several days. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ogle and son left Saturday morning for their Ridge farm, driving a number of cattle which Mr. Ogle has wintered at his place here. Mr. Ogle will return in a few days while his wife will remain a couple of weeks and visit with her children there. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Metzgar, rf Walla Walla came over Saturday to attend to some property interests which they have here. Mr. Metzgar returned home and Mrs. Metzgar remained here and is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gholon. Dr. and Mis. Fred Stine, of Spokane, were in the city for a short time Friday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bannister, and also visited Mrs. Stine's other sisters, Mrs. Harvey Caton and Mrs. John Bannktertear town. Dr. Wash Dress Goods French ' Ginghams in Btripes, check and bourette effects, from 8c to I2c ; - , New , Novelty LawnB, Batistes, Snowflakes and Tweeds, from 10c to 2.5c per yard. Sotted Swisses, Victoria Lawns, India Linons and Persian Lawns, from 1 to 25c per yard. Silk Mulls, plain and dotted. All the latest evening shades, from 25c to 45c per yard. Mercerized Waistings in endless variety, from 25c to 75c per yard. Fancy Pongee and Lansdown waistings from 65c to $1.25 per yard. Fancy Collars in Irish points and spangled necklin nett, from 25c to $2.75 each. Buttons and Shirt Waist sets in great variety. , and Mrs. Stine's stay in town was short, as they were on their w fit r: . - - " J - MfUB j where they will spend a month, enjoy ing the pleasures of the big fair. J Carpenters are at work tearing down the old Catholic church building on Fifth and College streets which has so long been an eyesore in that vicinity. It is reported that another and better structure will immediately go up to re place the old building. George Bryles, who has been con nected with the merry-go-round, is in durance vile for the period of five days -cause, scrapping. The trouble took place at the swing Saturday night, and in making the arrest Marshal Foster had to make a gun play. Bryles was nnea iu by judge Chamberlain. M 1 Mrs. O. A. Barrett was called to Wal la' Walla yesterday to attend a friend, Mrs. Martha A. Lovell, who fell recently while attending her household duties and sustained a fracture of the hip. Owing to the advanced age of the lady the injury is thought to be very serious and grave apprehensions are felt by her friends for the result. The "tea" given at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Jenkins. Saturday after noon, by the ladies of the Christian Women's Board of Missions was a very gratifying success. An open session of the Auxiliary was held, and a short though interesting program was pre sented. The rooms were strung with pictures of a large number of the mis sionaries now in the foreign field. Tea was served until near six in the evening, the proceeds netting the sum of $16 50 which, taken in connection with the individual offering of the membership, will be sent to the Chinese mission in Portland. ' ' Spring and Summer 1904 We have a large and complete stock of the latest styles in street and dress hats for Women, Misses and Children. Our prices are as low as the lowest and you will do well to 2&11 here before mak ing your purchases. We guarantee per fect satisfaction in trimming old hats. Your money refunded if not satisfactory. MRS. J. R. OWENS, Carden Building, Slain Street, Athena ""issliBisWWIasilw ML ERY GERKING FLAT "FLATS. Chas;Gerking went to Walla Valla Saturday. , ; 1 Arthur Scott has finished planting forty acres of corn. Henry Keen was out to his ranch on fhe Flat Thursday. . 1 . J. N. B. Gerking delivered to R. J. Boddy, 7 head of fat hogs, Monday. m Grandma Gerking has been visiting with friends on the Flat for several days. Hon. J. M. Stone is building a splen did new barn on his farm on Gerking Flat. ; ' Miss Bradshaw, of Weston, is a visit or with Miss Fay Gerking for several days. . , , , , fosauia Keen drove quite a nice bunch . of cattle to the mountain range above Weston Wednesday. i ; , , Charles Walter, of Walla , Walla is helping in the construction of the new barn on his father's place. - yrMiss Fannie Scott, who has been teaching at Waitsburg, ha? returned home, her term having expired.,, . , Dean and Fay Gerking were vMting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith, on Little Greasewood, Thursday. , Mrs. Nellie Taylor and Grandma Gerking were visitors at the Jas. Potts home in Sand Hollow, Thursday. ' Several people of the Flat attended the "Missionary tea," given at the car sonage of the Christian church Saturday. iQlark Walter has torn down his old barn and is now busily engaged in build ing another and more commodious struc ture on the site of the old one. t , ', ' nks Taylor returned Saturday from John Day stock ranch. He reports considerable loss to stockmen in that lo cality, caused by the late snows this spring. Out of a band of 160, Mr. Tay lor lost 30 head and others in like pro portion. ; -Umo, ; Artificial Teeth. ... To follow the natural contour of the face in arranging artificial, teeth I on plates so that they will give the most natural appearance when in the mouth, there are points, including a perfect fit and perfect satisfaction, that is the guarantee on all plate work. Dr. Spon ogle, dentist. ' "; A Secret Method. I use a secret method for the painless ' 1 extraction of teeth which I have used for a number of years with continued success. It does not cause any soreness tf month or -gums,; or any , aicljnessor after effects whatever; is perfectly safe and takes immediate effect when ap plied around a tooth. Dr. Sponogle, dentist.' ' -; Me r if a The Place where the pfcBOJ CASH Removal Sale Prices for ' 60 Days CANNED GOODS. Yellow Crawford Peaches per can ..... 20 Rayalanus Cherries per can 17 Black Cherries per can .. 15 Apricots per can , . , 15 Strawberries per can 17 Columbia River Red Salmon per can 12$ High grade Cama Oysters per can ... . 25 String Beans per can 12 V Black Berries per can 20 3 gal. keg No. 1 Pickles. $1 15 6 bars Diamond Soap . . 25 6 bars Perfection soap. 25 12 cans Rex Lye 1 00 12 cans American Lye 1 00 10 cans Red Seal Lye. 100 Our space is too small to mention all goods on which we will cut and slash in price$ during this interval. WORTHINGTON & THOMPSON, :: South Side Main Street. i; The Ultimate Object of Business is ;! i Profit 1 In buying as in selling. If you' buy your groceries from us we will Bave money for you and also give you the best of every thing tor the table, thereby making a profit for you. We also have a fine line of Ladies' Shoes that we are clos ing out at reduced prices. Call and see us before buying. BAGLEY & ELY Agents for Chicago Tailoring Next to Postomce. Athena. Ore. ' I .'.'! PW.MP!'!Ji. UJ.IIM.li m" On Lawn Mowers, Hose and Lawn Sprinklers ."jf GROCERY CEREALS. Force per package Union Oats...... , Cream Wheat... Jumbo Oats ., Violet Oats......; H.O. Mush. , H. O. Pancake Flour. Vermicelli 50 lbs. fine Salt. . .; , 100 lbs. Stock Salt 50 lbs. Block Salt.... .. 15 .. 30 .. 17 .. 10 .. 10 .. 15 12K 10 .. 70 .. 75 .. 80 - Co. and J. L. Gatzert & Co. - ! - 1 Wil family Can Trade.