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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1904)
i . ATHENA PRESS TwICE-A-WeEK TOESDAT AMD FeIDAY F. B. BOTD, POBLMHM. Application ha been for entrance at Athens postofflceai second-class anil matter. Subscription Kta: vr year, In advanot - Single eopiei in wrapper, 5c. Advertising Kt: i,.iai reading notices, nrstlnsertlon.lOcper i Each subsequent Insertion, 5c. II nommunlcatlons should be addressed to PRE88 Athena, Oregon ATHENA, MAY 17, 1904 If the county court continues to cut dowu the Tribune printing bill it will finally pass from the shade of a graft to the basis of something near what the work is really worth. When this mud dle is cleaned up the county court should see to it that no more printing grafts are allowed. This can be effect ively accomplished by letting the work out in separate items. The tax list can be let out to the lowest bidder and be let according to law to one of the two papers having the largest circulation in the county. Then in separate order bids should be considered from every paper in the county that can give a satisfactory bond that the work will be done in the proper manner, for the printing of blanks, letter heads, enve lopes, etc. Segregation in this manner vill let all county papers in on the bids and the work can be secured at reason able coBt. Prof. J. E. Cherry is making legions of' friends in his canvass as the demo cratic candidate for county clerk. Mr Cherry is an affable gentleman and im presses one with the idea tbat he would be at home in the discharge of the duties in the county clerk's officr-. He is competent in every respect and having been associated in the educational affairs of the county for many years, has form ed a large acquaintanceship with Uma tilla county people. His reputation for integrity and capability stands him well in hand in the campaign, and that he has a flattering chance for election to the office to which he aspires, is freely predicted and in no way casts a shade of reflection on the standing and manly qualities of his opponent. vMr. Cherry ha for several years been engaged in school work in this county, lately hav ing been principal of the Adams school and his services rank high as an educa tor. Mr. P. C. Holland, well known as the traveling representative of the Pacific Paper company, has purchased from Dr. E. E. Full a controlling interest in the Walla Walla Statesman Publishing company and within a short time will uNsume the management of the paper. The Ftateiman will continue to te a democratic paper standing loyally for the principles of government taught by Thomas Jefferson and supporting the democratic organ ziUion and noniin ees in the county, state and nation. ..Judge Hartman, as a conservative busi ness man, has the confidence of the peo ple of Umatilla county. His administra tion of county affairs during his term of office has been economical in every sense of the term, and that the people will vindicate hia business methods cts county judge, will be a testimonial of which he may well feel proud. Busi ness qualifications, cutting out all per sonal likes and dislikes, are what is needed in the county judge's office and taxpayers will vote for them every time. .;- Oregon is familiar , with the railway commission question. It was once iblessed with a one-horse affair which was termed a commission, but which in reality was a graft, and eventually it was abolished. Hence to the Oregon people McBride's Washington railroad commission fight takes on' the phase of a farce and looks as though it were a measure formulated solely for the pur pose of carrying certuin political riders. A remarkable life indeed was that of Henry U. Stanley. He was born in Walts of humble parents 73 years ago, and when three years of age was placed in poor house. When 15 he landed in America a penniless and friendless boy. From that time he began to rise, and be fore he died few men in the world bad achieved greater notoriety than he. "Till'! ' Taylor has made one of the best sherifJEs Umatilla county has ever had, and along with Strain and Hart coan, has done his part in giving the county an economical administration. Venezuela, too, is kicking about the decision of The : Hague arbitration tribunal. However, it was not expected Venezuela would be pleased with any sort of decision which involved the pay ment of money by that government., The proposed primary election law to be submitted to the people at the June election is apparently popular with the masses, and will likely be adopted by the voters. It has the appearance of a bunglesome affair, though most of the people seem to want it, and after they get it will have an opportunity to judge of its merits. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each nicht for two weeks has out me in my 'teens' again," writes D. II. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for liver stomach and bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe, Only 25c at W. McBride's drug store. One of the greatest blessings a modest man can wish for is a good, reliable set of bowels, if you are not the nappy possessor of such an outfit you can greatly improve the efficiency of those . a .1 1 .3 you nave oy we judicious use oi unam berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect. For sale by all druggists. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. State, -i -Supreme Judge Thomas O'Day. Dairy and Food Commissioner S. M. Douglas. Presidential Electors John A. Jef frey, T. H. Crawford, W.B. Diller and J.H.Smith. District. -Congress, Second District J. E. Sim mons. District Attorney, Umatilla and Mor row J. H. Baley. Joint Representative, Morrow and Umatilla F. B. Holbrook. County. Judge G. A. Hartman. Sheriff T. D. Taylor. Clerk J. E. Cherry. Assessor C. P. Strain. Commissioner William Lloyd. Representatives W. D. Chamberlain and Wm. Blakely. 4 School Superintendent W. S. May berry. . Surveyor 0. C. Berkeley. Treasurer S. Q. Lightfoot. Recorder W. H. Fowler. ' Coroner Dr. T..M. Henderson. Freclnet. Justice of the Peace 0. G. Chamber lain. Constable George Tittsworth. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Presidential Electors W. V. Hamp ton, J. N. Hart, W. II. Gore, James A Fee. ' Supreme Judge F. A. Moore. Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W, Bailey. Prosecuting Attorney G. W. Phelps Joint Representative Dr. W. G Cole. t - Congressman in Second District J, N. Williamson.' Representatives John J. Balleray and Henry Adams. County Judge Henry J. Bean. County Clerk Frank Saling. Sheriff C. A. Barrett. Treasurer E. J. Sommerville. Recorder W. H. Folsom. Assessor W. T. Rigby. Commissioner Horace Walker. School Superintendent Frank K Wells. Coroner Dr. A. W. Botkin. Surveyor-J. W. Kimbrell. -The-- ($1 COMMERCIAL1 LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KINO BROTHERS Prop Items in Brief. Fresh Cocoa nuts at Bagley & Elys. Fresh bread, cakes, etc.. on sale at Gay's, daily. Everything for the table at the Blue Front Grocery. For fine groceries trade at Gross k Worthington's. . Latest novelties in belts. Athena Mercantile Co. . Ice cream and ' ice cream soda at Stone's drug store. Ice cream and summer drinks the best at Stone's drug store. -,,.' C. A. Barrett & Co. sell the only 16ia. 2 and 3 bottom gang plows. Manasse has something in new spring styles that will interest you. ; . Try our Gold Leaf Coffee; the best on the market. Bagley & Ely. . Fresh vegetables and everything good for the table at Bagley & Elys. We nay ton prices for your potatoes, butter and eggs. Bagley & Ely. We have the American Hog Fence and barb Wire. C. A. Barrett & Cos Noveltv dress trimmines in black. white, or two toned. Athena Mercan tile Co. . O. A. Barrett A Co.'s line of hard ware, stoves and tinware is complete. Prices right. ' The best of everything in groceries are to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right 8necials 36 in. wide, guaranteed all silk Black Taffetta, $1 per yard. Athena Mercantile Co. An immense assortment of ladies' shirt waist sets juit received. Athena Mercantile Co. New line of ladies' fabric gloves,-lace and silk mitts, in all the popular shades. Athena Mercantile Uo. The newest things in embroidery me dallions at Manasse's. See description of same in the Easter Delineator. Mrs. Florence Alloway is prepared to do dressmaking and plain sewing. Chil dren's clotlies a specialty. JNexi aoor to A, L. Jones' residence. Dr. Soonorie wishes those owing him to please call and settle as he wishes to close his book accounts at once. Li. J. Robinson has leased the paint shop formerly occupied by J. W. Chap man. Mr. Robinson is prepared to do all kinds of painting, including home, sign and carriage work. Price reason able. Young Raglan, 9626, and the black iRf-k Platter. 628. will make the season at their own stables in Weston (Sundays excepted.) Terms, 812 to insure; $8 for the season: 85 single service. Amasa Phillips, owner. ' NeV-i Try Our ; COMPOUND SYRUP , of WHITE PINE and . SPRUCE By soothing Mucous Mem branes, it cures cough and the most severe colds. . . . PALACE DRUG STORE WM. McBRIDE, Leading Druggist See C. Sharp Paint, Oil, The Great McKinney Stallion MALROPA By McKinney 2:11 1-4 't - 3 09 You But 8:07, Charley Me. 8:07. Klnaey loa S:07?4 JenleMc iTteel Kinney ". The Roman 2:04 Dr. Book 2:,it. .clock 2:10K Zombro ft 11, &ta H.'ll Mack Mack Tom Smith ft 18 Sweet Marie 2:1! and 3U others. First Dam, Alice Mann -Full siBter to Trumont aaiJi Second Bam, Minnie M. Dam of Trumont 2:21 H Grand Dam Atlas 2:154 Third Dam. Sallie M- - - -Dam of Pathmont 2:09 (p,) Altao 2:(K;',4, grandam Bill Frazer (p) 2:14, Atlas 2:154 Trumont 2:21, Path mark (p) 2:11M. Bell Air (p) 2:lfl4- Fourth Dam Sally Come Up . , U a black stallion 18 hands high, and weighs 1300 pounds. He ts lTr A I tl"VT1 now Hve years old and Is the handsomest Ktallion In the rth i.Vi.LXxXi J ytX wtu e woa finu prine In rtandard bred rlasig at the walla Walla pounty fivlr In 190; He ha every quality of n Ideal trotting bred utallion, being large, good bune good head and well-formed body. He has action, detonuination and disposition that will make btm a titntter. He combine tue best blood lutes on the trotting turf, ixni t breed vour mttrrs twmre seeing I Ins handsome young stallion. .He will ike the seanoa of IM at the J. A. Maddelejt Stock arn and at Athena. Oregon. Terms $25 manner that owner may deatre, at reasonable C. A.-.BARRETT;, & We Have the Most Complete Line of Fishing Tackle to be Found in Town. HardwtLfe Stock is Complete. X THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in I the City. I THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate 4 commercial travelers. i . ... Can b lecomended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. - t Cob. Maim and Third, Atbkna, Or. Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Seed & Sons, noted for strength and volume of tone. The Henry F. Miller, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the best, and the popular Singer. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terms. Dwelley-Herrick Music Co., 51 East Main Street 4 Doors Above Bridge, Walla Walla, Washington Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing PENDLETON, OREGON. NO. 34160 ByAltamont 3600. sire of 'Chehalis "2:04 Del Norte, 208, Ella T. 2:08, Doc Sperry 2:09, Alamenda 2K394', Pathmont 2:094, Altao 2:09m. and 42 others. By Rockwood 1467,sire of Little Maid 2:18, Blackwood 2:21, Lady Maud 2:23t, Sadie B, 2:28, Rickreal 2:29, Kate Lee 2:29i, Nautilla J. 2:30, sire of the dams of Raven Wilkes 2:154', Hamrock 2:17i, Vanquish 2:19, Tru mont 2:21?, AdaR. 2:21, Bonnie BeU2:24,, Pauline 2:29M By Oregon Pathfinder, sire of Blain 2:264 Young Rattler 2:30, and sire of the dam of Pathmont Altao 2:094". Rosie C. 2:16 the dam of Prince Direct 2A71 Maggie dam cf Ben Holt 2:18, Portia Knight 2:16.- By Paul Jones, aire of the dam of Jane , L.2:19H, and Hannibal, jr., 26 For the season, Uaual return privii?ge. Incase horse is Bold, aervitv ft-e will be returned if marea have not proven tn foal. Ei rvllent rmlturage. and the best of rare taken of mares in aiiy rates. J. A. BADDELEY, Weston, Oregoa INCORPORATED. will Unll is the place you augnt to go for a-drink of High-prade Whiskeys so many kind The Bar is always shinning, neat and clean, and a Gentlemanly -' . Bartender there can be seen. Bine Lunch Countei North Side Main Street, P. II. TIEDEMAN, Proprietor K ' Fine Wines, Liquors xf ' and Cigars ! v BETZ BEER Choice Bottled Goods r ' Club Room. SALOON SAM BOOIIER, - - Proprietor. FIRST RiTMSL H. C. Adams, President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS, Proper attention given to collections. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. F. S. Lb Grow, Cashier, CHARLES GAY, ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars , KRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES, ETC. R. J. BODDY'S MEAT MARKET Fresh Meats. Only trie fcJeSt IS UOOa, CCIII1III9I0IBEICIB Bl I ROGKSPRINGS&GOKRLAND I COAL I SPECIAL RATES : ' . A. M GILLIS, atiiiiiittitiiitisiititititititsititis$3 CiHPY BENE OF &TEEER C. A Barrett, ) P. E. Colburn, y Director F.8. LeUrow.j . $60,000 12.500 i I, M. Kemp, Assistant Cashier , Everything For . House Keeping Purposes" See our stock before yon buy. Baker & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Poetoffice. Pendleton. Ep. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates furnished on all kinds of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena. n ON CAR LOTS I s - ' s Athena, Oregon.