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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1904)
TURN HEARST DOWN BEFUSE TO INSTRUCT DELEGA TION TO CONVENTION. Reaffirms Jeffersonian Principles asd Denounces the Repub lican Party. Portland, April 20. The state demo cratic convention which met here yes terday to nominate delegates to the national convention, refused by a large majority to send an instructed delega tion. The platform adopted contains the usual reaffirmation of the principles of Jeffersonian democracy. The republi can party, its principles and present ad ministration are denounced, as likewise are the trusts. The platform indorses the Isthmian canal, but believes it un safe to intruBt the construction to the republican party. The platform commends the adminis tration of Governor Chamberlain, the the eight hour labor law, recommends regulation of extortionate freight rates to the Pacific Coast, and the enforce-, ment of the anti-trust law, Col. J. H. Raley, of Pendleton, was , unanimously nominated for district at torney in that district, there being no opposition. State Ticket and Delegate. The following state ticket was nomi nated: Supreme judge, Thomas O'Day, Multnomah; for congress, second dis trict, J. E. Simmons; congressman from tirst district, Robt. M. Veatch? of Lane; dairy and food commissioner; S. M. Douglas; presidential electors, John A. JefTerey, of Marion; T. II. Crawford,, of Union; W. B. Diller, of Columbia, and J. II. Smith, of Clatsop. The following delegates were elected to the national convention: Governor George E. Chamberlain, Portland; W. F. Butcher, Baker City, J. B. Matlock, Eugene; JE V. Holman, Portland; 0. E. Ited field, Ileppner; James Gleason, Portland; T. R. Sheridan, Roseburg, and Samuel M. Garland, Linn. Much to the surprise of the Umatilla county delegation, F. B. Holbrook of Irrigon, was nominated for joint rep resentative between Morrow and Uma tilla counties, instead of R. N. Stan field, who had been recommended by the Umatilla county convention. Powerful influence was brought to bear on the convention by the admirers of William Randolph Hearst to have the delegation instructed t" support him in the national convention, but when a motion to that effect was presented it was lost by u vote of 151 to 115. the Hearst men made no further effort to influence the convention, and the delegation chosen is considered strongly anti-IIeaiBt. However, just before adjournment a resolution wns pimped commending Mr. Hearat'B action causing the institution of tho suit against tho coalmine owners of Pennsylvania, which was decided re cently in favor of the people of the United Stales supreme court. Absence of Scab. Stock Inspector J. E. Bean baa been making trips through Umatilla and VValla Walla counties and so far has found but little scab among the sheep. As a matter of fact sheep this year are in excellent condition in evory respect. The clips are turning out good, and prices appear to be very fair. The sheep situation, as fur as Umatilla county is concerned, is indeed most satisfactory. To Buy Yankee Horses. Seattle, Wash., April 20.--A. M. Dom ing, an English stockman from Cape . polony, who has been in Japan for some months, is here, commissioned to pur chase 10,000 horses in the Pacific north west to be sent to Japan. Mr. Deming explains that army demands have drained the country of ull available horses, and that animals are required not only to take their places in peaceful avocations, but to supply remounts for the cavHlry, Mr. Doming will endeavor to get all the horses required in Oregon and Washington, and will locate supply depots, as whs done when England was buying horses here for the African war, Free Garden Seeds. The Pkkhs has on hand for free dis tribution, while they last, a large con signment of garden seeds, received from tho agricultural department, Washing ton, D. C, through courtesy of Senator J. II. Mitchell. Call early and avoid the rush. K. of P. Notice. . Members of Pythian Lodge No. 20, K. of P., Will meet in Castle hall tomorrow at 1:30, to attend funeral of Lester Beale. 0. O. Henry, K. R. & S. Professional Horseahoer. Having secured the services of B. Stewart, of California, I am now pre pared to do your horse shoeing on short notice. OC. Beck. For Sale. Joseph Sherrad has for sale 5 fresh milch cows and three head of yearlings. INSUMMERSCHOOLS MANY HAVE OPENED FOB THE SUMMER TERMS. Terms Will Last Three and Fonr Months, According to Amount . of Money Available. A number of summer schools in the districts of Umatilla County are about to open, or have begun their annual school terms, which last three and four months, according to the amount of money available. Miss Alcy Fobs, of this city, is teach ing north of town. Miss Grace McEl roy is teaching in the Hillsdale district and Miss Bertha Baker has just com menced a school near Huron, on Meach am creek. ' E. W. Black, of Portland, has gone out to teach a four months' term at Nye. The Alba school will soon open, with Miss Myrtle Prosser of Walla Walla as teacher. Ukiah school rah this winter, but will ; probably be closed for the spring. The Eades school, 6 miles east of Ukiah, will begin in 'about six weeks, with Miss letta Andrews of Dale as teacher. Miss Andrews is the Grant county girl who rode horseback 75 miles in winter over almoBt impassable moun tain roads three ' months ' ago to take a teachers' examination at Pendleton. At Gurdane a private school, with L..T. Link as teacher, has been running two weeks. The Ridge school will soon be gin under Miss Lizzie Warner of Pen dleton. Miss Katherine Brostnan began two weeks ago at the Salisbury, school, on upper Butter creek, in the Potts country. The Basket mountain school, one of the largest mountain schools in the county, is about to begin and will have probably close to 40 pupils. C. E. Ewert began a week ago in the Higgins district, six miles north of Pendleton. There will also be a term at Duncan, up the Umatilla river. , , t School district No. 9, on the upper Walla Walla river, where W. S. May berry, candidate on the republican tick et for county school superintendent, has been teaching, has discontinued. Frank Holway and Miss Clara Picket re cently closed the Ukiah school. J. F. Slaughter, teacher at Foster, will close this week. - . There are 107 school diotricts in Uma tilla county. Notice to Rebekahs. Members of Migoonetto Lodge No, 8G, ' will meet at ball at 1:30 p. m. tomor row to attend funeral of Lester Beale. May Gross, Secretaay. I. 0. 0. F. Notice. Members of Wildhorse Lodge No. 73, I. O. O. F., are requested to meet at hall at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow, to attend the funeral of Lester Beale. , , ; : I. M. Kemp, Sec, pro tem. ' Serious Stomach Trouble Cured. I was troubled with a distress in my stomach, sour stomach and vomiting spells, and can. truthfully say that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets cured me. Mrs. T. V, Williams, Luingsburg, Mich. These tablets are; guaranteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this character. For sale by all druggists. 0 Wanted Trustworthy lady or gentle man to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for house of sol id financial standing. straight cash salary and expenses paid each Mon day direct from headquarters. Expense money advanced; position permanent. Address Manager, 605 Monon Bids.. Chicago. Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of William T. Hill, Deceased Notice of Account , . Final Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as administratrix of the above entitled estate, has filed with the clerk of the above named Court her final ac count therein, and that the judge of said Court' has designated Wednesday, June 1, 1U04. at 10 o'clock in the fore4 noon, as the time nd, the County Judge's oflice in the Cvurt House in Pendleton, Umatilla County, -Oreeon. as the. place .where bearing upon said nnat report snail-be bad, and all per sons, interested are. hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be approved and the admin istratrix discharged, and her bondsmen exonerated. Dated this 18th day ol April, 1SKM. Delilah Hill, Administratrix. The Fair Route via Chicaso or New Orleans to St. Louis, is the one that gives you the most ror your money, and the fact that the Illinois Central offers unsurpassed service via these points to the world's fair, and in this connection to all points oeyona, niaaes it to your advantage, in case you contemplate a trip to any point east, to write us before making final arrangements. ' e can offer the choice of at least a dozen different routes. B. II. Trumbull. Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, roruand, Oregon; J. C. Landsey. T. F. A i A., 112 Third street, Portland, Oregon; P. B. Thompson, F. A P. A., Room 1, Colman building, Seattle Wash. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING Paper Hanging, Clothing and Graining. Estimates furnished oh all kinds of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop, east side of 3rd street, above Main J. E. HULL, Athena,'. - Oregon. PROMPT & RELIABLE SERVICE A. L. JONES WANTS LIGHT HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. Mrs. J. E. Hull, FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER . All work strictly guaranteed. Call at residence, Spencer Cottage, Hight street. Athena, - - Oregon. Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F.Sharp, A. W. Botkin. Sharp & Botkin, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS" Special attention given to Female Diseases Calls promptly answered Office on Third Street, Athena. Oregor J. M. HAYES REAL ESTATE DEALER! Houses to Rent. Town and Country Property for Sale. WILL M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public Athena, Oregon Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgages and Contracts carefully drawn; Collections promptly made. Going to Build? Save Money ann Tune by Hav ing C. E. TROUTMAN, Archi tect, make your Plans and Spci fications, BOOH 15, ASSOCIATION BUILDING, PENDLETON, , - . ORE. CqsIi Oivci) Auay io Users of We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heads, ;cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but In Addition to tho Regular Free Premiums the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prize Contests, which will make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired. There will be The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Louis World's Fair; the second relates to Total Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $ao,ooo.oo will be distributed in each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a Grand First Prize Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to "one vote in ' either contest: B3 WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST . - What will be the total July 4th attendance at the St. Lonle World'! Fair? At Chicago, July 4. 1893, the attendance was 2X3.273. For nearest correct estimates received in Woolson Spice Com pany's office. Tolmlo, Ohio, on or before June 30th, 19l4, we will give first prise for the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the ' next oeaxest, etc., etc.. as follows; 1 First Prlie $2,600.00 1 Second Prlre 1.000.00 2 Frlies 1500.00 each o iriiea aou.uu JO Prliw IOO.OO . SO Prises 60.00 -" , 60 Prises 20.00 " ; J350 Prises lO.OO " 1800 Prists S.OO " 3130 PRIZES. Ctstrlktid to tha Public aggrigallng $45,000.00 In additisn t9 6rocirs' Clerks (sit particulars la LIOSl COFFEE casas) making 'COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN WOOLSOri SPICE CO., C3 iuJeh that is good at all times is what the Customer wants Get it at the mm win Sherman &, McLean, Proprietors. Platzoeder fc Minger'a old stand Annual Spring Race Meet Walla Walla County Fair Association at Walla Walla May 25, Four Big' days five races each day. Five Thousand Dollars will be hung in pur ses. Two hundred horses will be in attendance and races orer the finest course in the Northwest. Special excursion rates will be given over all roads. A. KUNKEL & COMPANY Dealers in John Deere Farm Implements Moline Wagons Hacks-and Buggies in Standard Grades. Plows, Har rows, Seeders, Mowers, Rakes, Binders, and Extras. Hog Fencing and Barb Wire. We keep a large stock on hand and can furnish customers with any quantity desired. TWO GREAT CONTESTS of S5.0Q0J0 , PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will be the total popular Vote cast for President (votes for all candidates combined) at tho election November 8, 1904? Ia 1900 election, 13.95j.G5.'I people voted for President. For nearest cor rect estimates received in Woolson Spice Co.'s, office, Toledo, O., on or before Nov. 5. HOI. wo will give first prize for the nearest cor rect estimate, second prize to the next nea-est, etc., etc., as follows: 1 FlrsiPre $2,500.00 1 Second Prise 1. 000.00 , 1 ,000.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 ...1,000.00 1,000.00 2,600.00 O.OOO.OO 6 Prlses- lO Prises 20 Prizes 60 Prlies 250 Prises 18 OO Prises TOTAL. t20.OOO.OO 2139 PRIZES, (CONTEST DEPT.) THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE - HO COOD HORSES ANKRICS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Horses boarded by the day, week or month. Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street. J. F. Wright, - Proprietor. 26, 27, 28 to the one who is nearest correct on both contests, and thus your estimates have two opportunities of winning a big cash prize. Printed blanks to vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es 3 timate is recorded.' 3 Prize $500.00 Cacil .TV. 1. 000.00 200 OO " 1 ,000.00 IOO.OO " l.OOO.OO 50.00 " I.OOO.OO 20.00 " l.OOO.OO IOOO " 2.6OO.0O 6.00 9,000.00 TOTAL, $20,000.00 t which wi shall girt $5,003 a grand total ef $59,003.09. EVERY PACKAGE OF TOLEDO, -OHIO. .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. PIONEER DRUG STORE A. B. STONE. PROPRIETOR . .SPRING IS NOW. HERE. . Spring Yourself for some Blood 'Medicine. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY OPOUND - ED BY DAY OR NICHT- NORTH SIDE MAIN ST. PARKER. & REITZ'S BARBER SHOP 1 SHAVING HAIR CUTTING ; SHAMPOOING 7 AND BATHS CAREFUL WORKMEN, SATISFACTION CUARANTEED, EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET T B A iruy Launury Walla walla, Wash. HENRY KEEN, Agent in Athena. Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning Oregon SnorT line Union Pacific TWO TRAINS JEAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom Pendleton. DEPART TIME SCHEDULES ABRIVK Dailr- . ATHENA, ORE. Daily. ' Fast Mall for Pen dleton, LaGrande, . Baker City, and all points e ist via Hun , tington, Ore., Also ..(q for Umatilla, Hepp- 4.M p m. ner The Dalles, 9:57 a. w. Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, California. Tacoma. Seattle, all Hound Points. Walla Walla, Day- ton, Poroeroy, Lew 9:57 a. m. Iston, Colfax, Pull- man, Moscow, the P- 1X1 Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and all points north. Mixed train valla 7:0a p.m. walla and interme- diate points. J"B p- m' Mixed, for Pendle- ' ' 12:20 p.m. ton and iutermedi- 7:05 pm ate points. SAN FKaNCISCO-PORTLAND ROUTE Steamer sails from Portlard 8 p.m. ever? S days. . Snk Rier Knata. Steamers leate Riparia dail v xcept Satur day. at 4:10a.m. Ramming leave Lewiston daily except Friday, at 7 a. m. For tickets to and from all part of tne country call on or write to H.W. Smith, A rent, Athena