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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1904)
Athena m ercaintiie Co Saturday morning we shall open a large sample line of Ladies Trimmed Skirts, only one of a kind. If you want new ideas for this season's styles come and get pointers, They are the latest productions of one of the most up-to-date ladies' outfitters. Athena MeTcaittlle i Press Paragraphs Chas. Keen is over from Walla Walla. . Eber Luna has returned from Helix. Alex McRae was up yesterday from Pendleton. ! Percy Curts, of Helix, was in the city , Wednesday. John Gross was over from Walla Wal la this week. . ! Frank McElroy spent a part of the week in town. D. D. Earp was in town Monday from Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs.- "Doc." Stamper were in town this week. Miss Edna Owens is spending the week in the country. jtBorn, in this city April 20, to Mr. and Mr. F. O. Rogers, a son. ... - Ira Julian, telegraph operator at Helix, was in town Sunday. Mrs. Lillie Miller has a baby buggy which she offers for sale cheap, County Commissioner Horace Walker was in town Sunday from Helix. ""j-Clyde Willaby has purchased a half interest in the Keen barber shop. '. ' New ads. today Walla Walla County Fair Association, of Walla Walla. . Mrs. A. B. Stone will visit next week with her parents in Walla Walla. Mrs. Lillie Miller is showing a fine line of trimmed hats, just arrived. Mrs. Mclntyre and daughter, Miss Cassie, visited in Adams yesteiday. Mrs. Frank Saling and Mrs. J. W. Best visited Mrs. E. R. Cox Friday. Mrs. Dudley returned last night from a visit to her parents in Walla Walla. Tom Hill, of Helix, who hts been ill with appendicitis, is reported better. Mrs. Jennie St. Clair, of Pendleton, is visiting at the home of Oscar Piper west of town. Miss Essie Fobs, accompanied by Miss Rella Thompson, of Weston, visited in Milton Sunday. Mrs. Claude Reeder is' assisting her mother, Mrs. Owens, in her millinery store this week. W. J. Bang returned yesterday from Walla Walla where he has been for several days past. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barrett will occupy the Hales cottage, recently vacated by Dr. and Mrs Stone. Mrs. Wes Matlock, of Pendleton, vis ited at the Swaggart home north of town Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Milton Ross and Misa Ella Peter. sod, of Pendleton, were guests Sunday of Miss E. A. Stackland. . Don't fail to meet "My Friend From I left yesterday for his home in South India" at the opera house Saturday Dakota. Mr. Grinegar is impressed night. Arthur Shick had a severe spell of sickness Monday night, but is able to be about his usual work again. Miss Lela Huggins, of Pendleton, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Huggins, in this city Sunday. Hugh Bell was up from his Water man farm yesterday and reports every thing progressing down there. Ladies, Mrs. Owens will make over your old bats as good as new. satis faction guaranteed, or no pay. Mrs. Clark Walter, who has been visiting the farm west of town, returned this week to her Walla Walla home Subjects at the Christian church Sun day: Morning, "The Terms of Disciple ship;" evening, "Aro There Few That Be Saved?" SiL4i a meeting held by the Athena base ,ball club the other evening, Dr. A. B. Stone was elected manager and Bert Cartano coach. Tickets that will give you an intro duction to, "My Friend From India" at the opera house, tomorrow night, are on sale at Dell Bros.' A new consignment of trimmed hats arrived today at Mrs. Owens' millinery store. Ladies call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. Fred Rosenzweig has some samples of Franklin county wheat. The stocks look thrifty and give evidence of being well advanced for the season. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jarman have moved into their property purchased from Mrs. Hawes, and are now com fortably installed in their new house. Ed Knight went over to Weston yes terday to assist in repairing the tele phone system which was badly dam aged by the electric storm Tuesday. The funeral of Lester Beale, who died yesterday morning at his home in Milton will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the M. E. church in this city. Mrs. C. W. Gates came up from Pen dleton yesterday and this morning, in company with Mr. Gates, left for a place near Spokane, where their boarding car will be stationed for the present. The Odd Fellows of Milton will give a big picnic at Nichols' grove, near Mil ton, on Tuesday, April 26. Extensive preparations have been made for the oc casion. amp Booher is able to be out again Iter a lone seige with rheumatism. Harop does not move with the alacrity of former days, but hopes soon to be limbered up. Mr. Grinegar, who has been a guest at the Sherman home tor some weeks, with this country and will doubtless re I turn and make this his permanent home. Miss Eva McDonald leaves this even ing for Heppner, where she will spend some, time visiting with Miss Artie Morgan, former class mate in the Wes ton normal school. ' Mrs. I. M. Kemp went over to Milton yesterday and will return today bring ing with her her two little daughters who have been visiting their grand pareets on the fruit farm, George Marquis' school team will play the Adams ball team on the Athena diamond tomorrow afternoon. The teams are evenly matched and the game I nromises to be a snirited one. rT"Will M. Peterson arrived home yester- uajr iruiu jTuruanu wnere lie was a Dele gate to the state convention. It was Mr. Peterson's first visit to, Portland and he was much pleased with Oregon's metropolis. slR)ad Supervisor Clark Walter has finished repairs to the bridge that spans Wildhoree creek, near the Davison place. The bridge collapsed sometime ago and travel has been-interrupted since. ' Charley, the little son 'of Mr. and Mrs. William Russell' who has been ill so long at their home below town, last Sunday submitted to a tapping opera tion for relief from his Buffering. The little fellow is resting much easier since the operation. M. M. Johns will remodel his farm house and his family will soon move out to make their home there during the summer. Bern Bannister and family who have occupied the farm for several years will move to the Ginn farm east of town. Spring arid Summer 1904 MILLINERY We have a large and complete stock of the latest styles in street and dress hats for Women, Misses and Children. Our prices, are as low aa the lowest and you will do well to sail here before mak ing your purchases. We guarantee per fect satisfaction in' trimniing old hats. Your money refund.ed if not satisfactory. MRS. J. R, OWENS, Carden Building, Jlaic Street, Athena Alexander . Brandon, father of Mrs. 0. Q. Chamberlain, died yesterday morning at his home in Plainview, Linn county. . Some twelve years ago Mr. Brandon was kicked by a horse, since which time he had been in ill health. Hon. J. M. Glass, the eloquent plat form orator of California, will address the people of Athena this evening in the Christian church. Mr. Glass comes highly recommended by the press 'as an able and brilliant speaker. Admission free. , P. E. Colburn has lumber on the ground for the construction of an addi tion to his house which will make it one of the most convenient homes in the city. The present dining room and kitchen will be moved away and the new addition will consist of dining room, kitchen, bath room and pantry, with all the modern conveniences. GERKINO FLAT "FLATS." Ed. Smith of Pendleton, was out in this vicinity Wednesday. Deputy Assessor C. O. Henry was in this neighborhood the first of the week. Hugh Walker has sold his Sand Hol low farm, consisting of 160 acres, to Mr. Holcomb. Consideration,'$8,000. r Elder J. W. Jenkins and J. H. Hite man were visiting at the Scott home a few days ago. Dr. Will R. Scott is home for the sum mer vacation. 'Tis gratifying, indeed, to see the readiness in which the doctor adjusts himself to that great muscle developing avocation, farming. Joe Scott left Sunday evening for Portland where he went as a delegate to the democratic state convention, i Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking were visitors on the Flat Sunday. Uno. Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salves you ever heard of Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the beBt. It sweeps away and cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts, boils, ulcers,' skin eruptions and piles. It's only 25c., and guaranteed to give satisfaction by A. B. Stone, druggist. v "I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory results," says Mrs. F. L. Phelps, Houston, Texas. For indigestion, bili ousness and constipation these tablets are most , excellent. Sold by all druggists'. 1"" . ' Will Locate You. Men with families, I can locate you on good government land. Send 40cts. for information to Vinton Graham, Freewater, R. D.'No. 2. " ; Tig i The Best is None too . Good for you That is the way we look at it, and we are always prepared to any time with the best goods, at j the very lowest prices. WORTHINGTON & THOMPSON, :: South Side Main Street. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. Just a! Word Getting right down to the level of cold, hard dollars and cents, it is a paying proposition to order your spring suits from Baglcyi & Ely They may talk about smart clothes all they want to, but you will have to come here if you want to select from the Finest Samples and the highest class of Artistic Tailoring. fit Guaranteed BAGLEY & ELY Agents for Chicago Tailoring Co. and J. L. Gatzert & Co. Next to Postoffice. Athfina Ora . , . . i. I fflf ft ' On Lawn Mowers, Hose and Lawn Sprinklers The Place where the f Filil family Can Trade. ' ' ..,-, ,..; .' .... - ' - ,. ,. ', ' J , .. ' '. ' .:L . ,'...;,.,.., ' , ,;; i