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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1904)
ATHENA PRESS Twice-a-Wkek Tuesday akd Fkiday F. B. Boyd, Publishes. Kntered at Athena postofflce assecond-class nail matter. Subscription Hta: I'er year, In advanot 12.00 Single copies in wrappers, 8. , Advertising Usttoal ixm reading notices, Drst insertion, 10c per ih. Hi communications should be addressed to PRKS8 Athena, Oregon ATHENA, APRIL 22, 1904 A fair sample of the method of boom, ing Hearst for the presidential nomina tion is reported in the papers as having y transpired at the democratic state con vention in Portland Tuesday. A num ber of Hearst adherents from California were present, and spoiled among the delegates in favor of the yellow journal ist. They wanted the delegation to the St. Louis convention instructed for Hearst, but fajled in their purpose. When the motion to instruct the Oregon delegation to support Hearst was pre sented, it met with a quick and just de: feat. It was voted down, 151 to 115. Thus the democracy of Oregon puts its seal of disapproval on allowing Mr. Bryan a life franchise as dictator of platform and policy, by promptly turn ing down his man, Friday. Attorney General Knox was so fearful of giving the trust magnates of Wall street offense by his suit againBt the railway merger that he lost no. time in giving assurance that the "administra tion would not run amuck against the trusts." At conferences held at the White House President Roosevelt Las assured the attorneys and agents of Rockefeller, Morgan et ul that there would be no more suits brought ugainBt the trusts this , year. Probably the promise goes even further than that. Sometimes a measly little type may creep in where it his no business and, 'managing with characteristic deviltry to elude the keen eye of the indefatigable proofreader, cause a greater sensation than the yellowest scare-head in the whole sheet. For example, witness the insignificant little period just a mere dot, a fly-speck that in last Tuesday's edition of the Press brought down the price of the Methodists' magnificent new organ to the paltry sum of $4,501 The county commissioners have ad dressed a letter to all the ex-county and present officials, whom Clark & Buch anan, the experts, allege to have found shortage in their accounts while serving in official positions in Walla Walla. They are notified of the alleged amount of the discrepancies and they are re quested to verify the report and if found correct to settle with the county. The direct primary law will be placed on the ballot to be cast on June fith, und every voter should get a copy of the law and study it for yourself in order that you may be fully qualified how to vote. The bill is at your disposal, and there is no'reason why you should go to the pules unqualified to cast an intelli gent vote on this subject. , The grain farmers of the bunch-grass counties expect this year the largest grain crop in the history of the settle ment of eastern Oregon. While the the rainy spring haa interfered with the spring sown crop, yet as a whole, the crop is reported much in advance of what it generally is at this season of the year. King Menelik has a glorious future before him. He will bring to the St. Louis exposition some ivory, tropical fruits and the like and take back the Cakewalk, the ragtime song, the 'possum and the persimmon. Greater than all, though, would be a phonographic record of one of Wood's speeches. A big gun that is being cast at Read ing, Pa., is to- have a range of thirty milt'R. It may yet come to pass that a shot amy not ouly be heard around the world but fired around aa well. United States Senator Burton, of Kansas, has been found guilty of bribery and sentenced to six months in jail and to pay a fine of $2500. It would appear from the charges against Senator Burton thet he was out for coin, and coin only, and is now getting his re ward. Marquis Ito has been presented with a house in the .Korean capital. After looking at pictures of a few Korean houses we are not disposed to believe that Ito has much to brag about. Athena is setting the pace in street making for other towns in the North west to follow. And it will be noted that other towns are' agitating street improvement. It has been decided that Washington will have a baseball club this season. All doubt ( concerning the team that will be at the tail end is, therefore, removed. College athletes are wanted in St. Louis by the company that has tlw roller chair concession. This looks like a great chance for pushing young men. A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation in. Lees vine, Ind., when W. H. Brown, of that place, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. He writes: ,"I en dured insufferable agonies from Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me im mediate relief, and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." Similar cures of consumption, pneumonia, bron chitis and grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price, 50c. and $1. Guaran teed by A. B. Stone, druggist. Trial bottles free. .THE CLEANSING AND HEALING CUKE FOB CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and plaoiiuit to Ms. Contains no in jurious drug. It 1b quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at once. It Opens nd Cleanses me naitai raseages. Allays Inflammation. COLD 'N HEAD Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Bonnes of Taste and Smell. Large Size, SO cents at Druggists or hr mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BKOTHEKS, SO Warren Street, New York. Everything For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy. Baker & Folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Poetoffice, Pendleton. Umatilla Art Gallery Miss E. A. Stackland Manager. For Thirty Days. For the next thirty days Miss Stackland, of the Umatilla Art Gallery, will make a specialty of photographs at $2.25 per doasen. THE BEST OF MATERIAL PERFECT SATISFACTION. -Th... J) COi.U.IERClAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Prep :atarrh Items in Brief. Fresh Cocoa nuts at Bagley & Elys. Fresh bread, cakes, etc.. on sale at Gay's, daily. Everything for the table at the Blue Front Grocery. For fine groceries trade at Gross St, Wortbington'sj. Latest novelties in belts. Athena Mercantile Co. Ice cream and ice cream soda at Stone's drug store. Ice cream and summer drinks the best at Stone's drug store. C. A. Barrett & Co. sell the only 16in. 2 and 3 bottom gang plows. Manasse has something in new spring styles that will interest you. Try our Gold Leaf Coffee; the best on- the market. Bagley & Ely. ' ' Fresh vegetables and everything good for the table at Bagley & Elys. We pay top prices for your potatoes, butter and eggs. Bagley & Ely. We have the Amerban Hog Fence and barb Wire. C. A. Barrett & Co. Novelty dress trimmings in black, white, or two toned. Athena Mercan tile Co. C. A. Barrett & Co.'s line of hard ware, stoves and tinware is complete. Prices right. The best of everything in groceries are to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right Specials 36 in. wide, guaranteed all silk Black Taffetta,$l per yard. Athena Mercantile Co. An immense assortment of ladies' shirt waist sets just received. Athena Mercantile Co. New line of ladies' fabric gloves, lace and silk mitts, in all the popular shades. Athena Mercantile Co. The newest things in embroidery me dallions at Manasse's. See description of same in the Easter Delineator. Mrs. Florence AUoway is prepared to do dressmaking and plain sewing. Chil dren's clothes a specialty. Next door to A, L. Jones' residence. Dr. Sponogle wishes those owing him to please call and settle as he wishes to close his book accounts at once. L. J. Robinson has leased the paint shop formerly occupied by J. W. Chap man. Mr. Robinson is prepared to do all kinds of painting, including house, sign and carriage work. Price reason able. Young Raglan, 9626, and the black jack Platter, 628, will make the season at their own stables in Weston (Sundays excepted.) Terms, $12 to insure; $8 for the season; $5 single service. Amasa Phillips, owner. Try Our COMPOUND SYRUP of WHITE PINE and SPRUCE By soothing Mucous Mem branes, it cures cough and the most severe colds. . . . PALACE DRUG STORE WM. McBRIDE, Leading Druggist J See C. Sharp Paint, Oil, The Great McKinney Stallion MALROPA NO. 34160 By McKinney 2:11 1-4 Sir of Coney 9:0! I. Yon Bet 8:07, Charley We. X.01, Kinney lou 8:07 Kinney 2:0!l!4 The Roman 2: TO, Dr. Book SfciO. Zolock 2:10 Zombro M act S:13 Tom Smith 2:13; Sweet Marie Z-.UX, and Stt others. 1:11, KetH. fcllJi Mack First Dam, Alice Mann -Full sister to Trumont 2:21 Second Dam, Minnie M. Dam of Trumont 2214 Grand Dam Atlas '2:1 5; Third Dam. Sallie M- - Dam of lMhmont 2:09 (p,) Altao 2.-09!V1', grandam Bill Frazer (p) 234,' Atlas 2:15, Trumont 231., Path mark (p)2:llM, Bttfl Air(p) SUiif. Fourth Dam Sally Come Up - - McAlropa county &lr In 1901. lie has every quality of au Ideal trotting bred stallion, being large, pood bone, good head and well-formed body. He has action, determination and disposition that will make hlin a trotter. He combines the best blood lines on the trotting turf. Von'l breed your mares before M-elntt tins handsome young stallion. He will make the season of liKM at the J. A.Baddelejr Stork farm and at Athena, Oregon. Terms $25 manner that owners may desire, at reasonable J. A. BADDELEY, Weston, Oregon. C. A, BARRETT l We Have the Most Complete Line of Fishing Tackle to be Found in Town. Hardware Stock is Com plete. THE ;.qt .mm Vll IIIUIIULW Ill I tmlm J. E. FROOME, prop. w Only First-class Hotel in the City. W 1 THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate J commercial travelers. w T Can b tecomended for Us clean and X well ventilated rooms. t COB. MAIN AMD THIRD, ATHENA, Or. Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Reed & Sons, noted for strength and volume of tone. The Henry F. Miller, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the best, and the popular Singer- Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianos. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terms. Dwelley-Herrlck Music Co., 51 East Main Street 4 Doors Above Bridge, Walla Walla, W Ashing ton Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing PENDLETON, OREGON. ByAltamont 3600. sire of Chehalis JiiMJi Del Norte, 2:08, Ella T. 2:08, Doc Sperry 2:09, Alamenda 2:09M, Pathmont 2:09, Altao 2:09, and 42 others. By Rockwood 1467,sire of Little Maid 2:18, Blackwood 2:21 J, Lady Maud 2:23U, Sadie B, 2:28, Rickreal 2:29, Kate Lee 2:29W, Nautilla J. 230, sire of the dams of Raven Wilkes 2:154, Hamrock 2:17, Vanquish 2:19. Tru mont2:21M, AdaR. 2:21 , Bonnie Bell 2:244', Pauline 2:29)4 ' , By Oregon Pathfinder, sire of Blain a 36 Young Rattler 2:30, and sire of the dam of Pathmont 2.-09,14', Altao 2m, Rosie C. 2:16 the dam of Prince Direct 2:07 Maggie dam of Ben Holt 2:18, Portia Knight 2:164'. By Paul Jones, 8ire of the dam of Jane L.2:19, and llannibal, jr., 236& Is a black stallion 1H hands high, and weighs 1300 pounds. Tie Is now live years old and Is the handsomest stallion in the North west. He woo first prise Id standard bred class at the walla Walla For the season. Csnal return privilege. In ease horse Is sold, service lea will be returned if roares have not proven in foal. Kx cellrnt imntunxe. and the best of rare taken of mares in any rates. INCORPORATED. THE is tho place you augnt to go for a drink of High-Grade Whiskeys so many kind The Bar is always shinning, neat and clean, and a Gentlemanly Bartender there can be seen. ' Pine Lunch Counter North Side Main Street, P. II. TIEDEMAN, Proprietor K. V7 ine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 3 BETZ BEER . Choice Bottled Goods QA'T-XrYM C1Ut R00m' SALOON SAM BOOIIER, - . Proprietor. i FIRS1 HHTIONEL H. O. Adams. President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. . CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS, Proper attention given to and domestic F. S. L Grow, Cashier, I. M.Kemp, Assistant Cash ler CHARLES GAY ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars FRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES, ETC. . R. J. BODDY'S MEAT MARKET Fresti Meats. Only J. fl 1 ft A. - Lne JDCfcsC IS LiOOa, ROCK SPRINGS SPECIAL RATES A. M GiLLIS, wKL BBIlZlltlBBS9IllCIltIItIII COPv1PY BMK OF RTHEM C. A Barrett, ) P. E. Colburn, Directors & F.8. LeGrow,) f $ 60.000 12,500 collections. Seals in foreign exchange. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serions trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents; All druggists sell the 50o. size. Ely Brothers, 5G Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. ED. BARRETT, " CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates furnished on all kinds of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena. . ii GOFilBERLAND I m m ON CAR LOTS i .9 Athena, Oregon. J