Will kill horses H. A. BAKEETT WILL LOOK AFTER MANGEY EQUINES. Has Authority From State Domestic Animal Commission to Look After Horses Here- . Dr. J. Christie, deputy utate veterin ary surgeon and member ot the state domestic animal commission, was in the city Tuesday, and while here, vested m II. A. Barrett the power to act for the state in cases where mangey horses are reported to him. Owners of horses afflicted with this disoaae will, when it is possible, be not! fled to dip them, the cost of which will be paid by the state,. If owners cannot bo found, or do not dip the animals as required by the commission, then they are to be killed. These stringent meaaures are found necessary, inasmuch as range stock and Indian cayuses, in all stages of the disease, are permitted to run at large, and, coming in contact with valuable horses, transmit the af fliction. The disease has grown to such proportions as to become an epidemic in some sections of Eastern Oregon, snd the state is forced to take action in the matter. Mr. Barrett yesterday disposed of three stray horses in the Geer Spring neighborhood that were afflicted with mange, and which had been running at large all winter, BANK SETTLES Compromises Suits Brought' Against ' It By Depositors. On the basis of 50 cents on the dollar, says the Tribune, the suits of Antone Vey and" Joseph Vey against the First National Back of Pendleton, have been settled out of court, also the case of Joseph Mack against the bank on the same basis, and Susie Marine ogainst the bank, in full. The other cases will probably be settled out of court, al though it is not known at present whether the claimants will accept the compromise offered by the bank. Up to lust night the other cases had not been settled. The plaintiffs were depositors of the First National bank who lost money through the failure of C. B. Wade, de posed cashier. As was publishod i.i the morning paper a month or more ago the bank has been willing to compromise theBe suits. It has ulways been inclined to pay the depositors some per cent, of the amounts lost, but the terms of settle ment were not agreed upon until this week. The Imnlc, individually, is a heavy lost r on HcuuuiYt if the dealings of Wad,-, but is willing that the depositors wli i were fleeced by Wade, during his term as cashier of the institution, should not lose the entire amounts. One of the attorneys stated jwt the other day that Lfvi Ankouy was lowr to the extent of $2i)l),0l)(). " FOR RACE MEET To llu In VVmU Walla May 8S, 8 3, 87 ami 2H. Fivo harness events are a certainty at the spring meot of the Walla Walla County Fair association May 25, 26, 27 und 28, and if the attendance justifies there will be one or two more. The program has been arranged and is as follows: Free for ull, paco or trot, purse, $200. Three-year-old, trot; purse, $150. 2:110 pace or trot; purse $200. Three-year-old, pace; purse, $150. . 2:15 trot; purse, $200. The races will be in half mile heats the best three out of five. Entries for the harness events will close May 10. In addition to the trots and paces, tlino running matches will occur each day, the purses amounting to $2,000 in the aggregate. Entries for the run will ckmo each evening preceding the race. DEMOCRATS MASS MEETING Iters or tht Party In Pendleton. Pendleton, April fi.-The democratic mass meeting at the court house which was called for last evening, was attended by over a hundred representatives of the party who had gathered to help make preparations for the primaries in Pen dleton. .... . Colonel Kaley, in the absence of the chairman of the central committee, oalled the meeting to order and stated its object to be the selection of a number of nominees who should be put before the primaries on Thursday as possible delegates to the county convention. It was decided by the meeting that the residents of the different precincts di vide into groups for the nomination ot precinct tickets. Each precinct then caucused and went to work ou their representation, and in a short time came in with their reports, which were presented to the meeting as a whol. and sanctioned. In tl of tU, proeinti with the exception of south Pendleton, more nominees were named than delegates required, in order that the voters at the primaries could have some choice. The democratic leaders did not think that it would be conducive to harmony and satisfaction In the party that they put out an iron bound slate, which the voter must put in the box or leave alone. The action of the meeting was therefore made as open as possible, so that there could be no dissatisfaction. ONTARIO'S FISH HATCHERY With Annual Product of 28,00 0,000 Chinook Salmon. The state of Oregon owns and operates the largest fish hatchery in the world. It is located at Ontario, Malheur county, on the Snake river, and is now turning out its first batch of young salmon. . About 25,000,000 young Royal Chinook salmon, or sixteen times as many as are annually caught in the Columbia river, will be turned loose at Ontario this spring. The fish are now scarcely more than an inch long and they will go down the Snake and Columbia rivers and out into the Pacific ocean, where they will grow to maturity. Four or five years hence many of them will return, weigh- ing on an average thirty pounds each, and worth to the fisherman five cents a pound. If only one of every twenty returns, the hatchery will more than keep up the supply of salmon. Sheep in Hudson Bay. W. S. Goodman, an extensive sheep raiser and stockman of the Hudson Bay country, has just finished lambing with his herd of 3,000 head, and says he had good success. Next month he will be gin shearing and expects to gather wool from 3,000 head. Mr. Goodman reports that his sheep faired exceptionally well during the winter, notwithstanding the fact that his band was permitted to run loose on the range the greater portion of the time. Serious Stomach Trouble Cured. I was troubled with a distress in my stomach, sour stomach and vomiting spells, and can truthfully say that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets cured me. Mrs,. T. V. Williams, Laingsburg, Mich. These tablets are guaranteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this character. For sale by all druggists. Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salves you ever heard of Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts, boils, ulcers, .skin eruptions and piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by A. B. Stone, druggist. The Fair Route via Chicago or New Orleans to St. Louis, is the one that gives you the most for your money, and the fact that the Illinois Central offers unsurpassed service vw tlieve pi infs t" the world's fair, Hnil m thi fMim-ction M nil points beyond, make it to your advantage, in case you contemplate a trip to any point east, to writ"' us before iimkinj; final arrangenipnts. We can otli-r the choice of at least a dozen different routes. H. H. Trumbull, Commercial Aent, 142 Third atre t, Portland, Oregon; J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third street, Portland, Oregon; P. 11. Thompson, F. & P. A., Room 1,. Cojman building, Seattle, Wash. . House Keeping Roams. Three well furnished rooms for house keeping purposes for rent. The rooms are down stairs, and have bath and tele phone conveniences. Call at Tiedeman residence, High street, west of Fourth. Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received up to 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday, April 9, 1904, at the office of G. W. Bradley, in Athena, Oregon, for the two buildings situated on lot 8 in block 4, in the city of Athena, known as the Fischer property. Bids must be pre sented for the biuldings separate, the purchaser to remove buildings from the lot within 10 days from date of purchase. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. G. W. Bkadley, Chairman of Committee. Wanted Trustworthy lady or gentle man to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for house ot sol id financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and expenses paid each Mon day direct from headquarters. Expense money advanced; position permanent. Address Manager, 005 Monon Bldg., Chicago, "I have U3ed Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory results," says Mrs. F. L. Phelps, Houston, Texas. For indigestion, bili ousness and constipation these tablets are most excellent. Sold by all druggists. Thousand ara Trying It. In order to prove tha great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Gut it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BKOS., CO Warren St, N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, ami I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream lialui seems to do even that Many acquaintances have used it with excellent results. Oscar Ostruin, 43 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 oeata. At druggists or by ni.-J. Will Locate You. Men with families, I can locate you on good government land. Send 40 eta. for information to Vinton Graham, Free water, K. D. No. 2. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTIHO Paper Hanging, Clothing and Graining. Estimates furnished on all kinds of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop, east side of 8rd street, above Main J. E. HULL, Athena, - Oregon, PROMPT & RELIABLE SERVICE -A. L. JONES WANTS UGH? HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully band led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. Mrs. J. E. Hull, . FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER . All work Strictly guaranteed. Call at residence, Spencer Cottage, Hight street. Athena, . Oregon. , Dr. A. B. Stone, ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp, A. W. Botkin. & Botkin, Sharp PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Special attention given to Female ' Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena. Oregor J. M. HAYES REAL ESTATE DEALER. Houses to Rent. Town and Country Property for Sale. WILL M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public,' Athena, Oregon - ; Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgages and Contracts carefully drawn ; Collections promptly made. , Going to Build? Save Money ann Time by Hav ing C. E. TKOUTMAN, Archi- tect, make your Plans and Spci- ,' flcations. ) ' : . ROOM 15, ASSOCIATION BUILDING, PENDLETON. - - . ORE. Th e : P& Fire, Smoke and Water Damaged 76,000 WORTH OF NNE MERCHANDISE and our Loss will Exceeds $15,000 Entire Men and BoysV CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, SOCKS, SWEATERS, GLOVES, OVERALLS, JUMPERS, TRUNKS AND SUITCASES, OVERCOATS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES. Store Opens Saturday. Main Street, nn mil ... that is good at all times is what the Customer wants "KGetit at the ciiy mm Sherman & McLean, Proprietors. Platzoeder k Minger's old stand Everything For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy. Baker & Folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton. A. KUNKEL & COMPANY Dealers in John Deere Farm Implements Moline Wagons Hacks and Buggies in Standard Grades. Plows, liar rows, Seeders, Mowers, Rakes, Binders, and Extras. Hog Fencing and Barb Wire. We keep a large stock on hand and can furnish customers with any quantity desired. p S es Wa -i i i i . i .".I i Modi ware THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE - 11V' WW f 1 17 WW COOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Horses boarded by the day, week or month. Stables on 2nd street, Boulh of Main street. 3. V. Wright, ' - - - Proprietor. THE CLEAN SIN a AND HEALING CATARRH CURE FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to nse. Contain! so in jurious drug. It la quickly absorbed. Gives Kelief at once. &SS& COLD 'N HEAD Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Large Size, 60 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELX BKOTHEHS, 66 Warren Street, New York. re house Sacrflced Ladies' and Children's DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NO TIONS, DRESS GOODS, LININGS, UN DERWEAR, WASH GOODS, GLOVES, CORSETS, TAILOR SUITS, WAISTS, SKIRTS, .WRAPPERS, PETTICOATS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. April 9. toy Pendleton, Oregon KEEN'S .Barber Shop . Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Alassage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. PIONEER DRUG STORE A. B. STONE, PROPRIETOR . .SPRING IS NOW. HERE. . Spring Yourself for gonin Blood Medicine. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY O1P0UND ..ED BY DAY OR NICHT- NORTH SIDE MAIN ST. PARKER & REITZ'S BARBERSHOP SHAVING HAIR CUTTING SHAMPOOING AND BATHS CAREFUL WORKMEN, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET Troylaundry Walla Walla, Wash. HENRY KEEN. Ago.it in At la-mi Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morniDg Oregon b union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DALY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chlcapo.Vwith free reclining chair care, seats free, to the east daily irom Pendleton. DEPART Dally.. TIMS SCHEDULES ARBITE Daily. ATHENA, ORE. Fast Mall for Pen dleton, LaOrande, Baker City, and all poinlseist via Hun tington, Ore., Also for Umat illa, Hepp- 4:53 p m. ner, ice Dalles. 0:57 a. n. Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Point. California. lacoma, Seattle, all .Sound Points. Walla Walla. Dv-I kju, romeroy, lw iston, Colfax, Pull man, Moscow, the 9.57 a. m. 4:53 p. m 'Couer d'Alene dis-j trict, Spokane and all potuu north. Mixed train walla walla and interme diate points. 7:03 p. m. 12:20 p. m. Mixed, for Penrita. 12:20.p.. ton and Intermedi ate points. 7:05 p- m. Wrtr Hoot.. 8AN FRaNCISCO-poRTLAND ROUTE daygmer SaU t"n onlr(1 ! every 5 Snake Elver Route. Steamers leave Riparia daily :x ul Satur day, at 4:10 .m. Keturuin leave Lewltin daily except r nday.at 7. u. For tickets In Hill frnm .It ..... r.r country call on or writ to n. W. Smith, Agent, Athena