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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
Athena Mu cantlle. C& Athena Mrs. Al. Booher was a Weston visitor yesterday. ' Alex. McRae was up from Pendleton yesterday. C. A. Barrett was a Walla WaJla visi tor yesterday. Mrs. Florence Alloway is in Pendle ton this week. . Mrs. J. F. Wright is recovering from her late illness. B. F. Ogle went over to his farm at Ridge Saturday.' Mru. Wm. Graham was over from. Weston yesterday. New ad today Peoples Warehouse, Pendleton, fire sale. Mrs. Lillie Miller has a second-hand baby -buggy for sale. Mrs. Clarence Whiteman visited in Pendleton yesterday. Mrs. Davis visited hereon and family in Weston yesterday. Jesse Ferney, of Walla Walla, spent Wednesday in this city. Harry Turner was a business visitor from Weston Wednesday. Mumps and chicken-pox are reported - to be prevalent in Weston. The buds are burstiug forth and the frog chorus comes to the ear. Joe Bannister is engaged in hauling , brick from the Weston yard. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Le Grow drove over to Walla Walla Tuesday. Abie Jones is assisting his father tern porarily on the express wagon. A. L. Douglas, of Weston, transacted business in our city Wednesday.' Clarence Whiteman made, a flying trip to Walla Walla Wednesday. Lawrence Lieuallen and Earl Kebey drove up from Adams Wednesday. Miss Esther Baker, of Adams, visited with friends in this city yesterday. - Miss Bertha Baker and Nellie Foss visited friends in Weston Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Mclntyre returned yester day morning from a visit in Pendleton. 15. L. Barnett visited at the Kemp home in Milton a couple of days this week. Mrs. Alice Keith, of Guy, Wash., is visiting at the home of her brother, A. Li. Swaggart. John Foss has been elected one of the councilmen of the city of Moro, in Sherman county. Prof. George Peebles, of the Weston normal kbool, was a business visitor in Athena Wednesday. Porter Graham and family were over i Press Paragraphs ; Saturday morning we shall open a large sample line of ladies' Trimmed Skirts, only one of a kind. If you want new ideas for this season's styles come and get pointers. They are the latest productions of one of the most up-todate ladies' outfitters. Mercantile from Weston yesterday, trading with thena merchants. -,, Miss Elsa Rosenzweig went to Pendle ton today and will visit with friends, re turning tomorrow. t V. C. Simpson, the liveryman of Adams, numbered among yesterday's visitors in this city. The ladies' auxiliary of the C. W. B. M. will meet in the Christian church parlors tomorrow at 2 p. m. Dan McKenzie, a prominent farmer of the Adams neighborhood, transacted business in Athena yesterday. . Hamp Booher has been confined to the house for the past two weeks with a-disagreeable case of rheumatism. PCarpenter8 commenced work yester day morning on the new 50xl20-root building for the Athena Lumber Co. Miss Sadie Harris has returned to her home after a protracted visit with rela tives in Lewiston and Grangevule, Idaho. Mrs. A. M. Gillis is confined to her home with serious illness, but Dr. Sharp reports her resting comfortably this morning. J. C. Stamper, who has been tussling with the grip, took advantage of the warm sunshine and come down -town yesterday. -Jerry Swart, who has been operator ifet the O. R. & N. station in Atnena, wm leave shortly for Bolles Junction, where he will act as agent for the company. Mrs. W. J. King arrived home from lone this week, and brought with her the little two-year-old son of the late Mrs. Florence King, who recently died there. Spring ia surely here. The Pekss man has shed his overcoat, "Uncle Bill" Willabjt is about in his shirt sleeves and the song of the lawn mower is heard in the land. Miss Janie Roche left Wednesday evening for Portland, where she will visit with relatives, also be in attendance upon her sister, Mrs. Allen and little daughter Nina. Mrs. Bannister, of Weston, visited her sons in this city today. Mrs. Ban nister recently fell and sustained a frac ture of the right wrist and ia still a sufferer in consequence. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Botkin went down Pendleton on last evening' train. Mrs. Botkin and young son took the westbound train for Portland,. where they will remain several weeks. The subject of the Sunday morning sermon at the Christian church will be "The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit" The evening subject will treat of "The Causes of Our Salvation." A. L. Swaggart is preparing to build an addition to his farm residence, north Co of town.- Mr. and Mrs. Swaggart al ready have a neat and comfortable home, and with the new addition, it will be more so. XMonday, while plowing, Sim Kilgore's team became unmanageable. Six horses tangled up but did not get away, Kilgore stopping them by sending the plow deep into the soil. One horse was badly cut and Sim was bruised up considerably. Mrs. Lizzie Jones wishes to say to her patrons that if they possess hats that are out of shape and soiled, her efficient trimmerMrs. Bush, can with her artis tic taste and skill make them just like new. Give her a tri 1 and be convinced. The force of men at the quarry have made good progress in excavation and the big crusher is now furnishing rock with regularity to the wagons used in transporting it to the streets. At first some trouble was experienced on ac count of wet dirt, which caused the jaws of the crusher to fill up. Athena Circle No. 10 is preparing to attend a meeting of the Milton Circle next Tuesday evening, at which the work of the order will be put on for the benefit of the Milton circle, which is a new organization. About sixteen will attend from here. Little Nita Sargent gave a unique and pleasant party to her little friends Saturday. Egg-rolling was the fun of the hour. Twenty-five little girls were present. The same number of eggs had been hidden, with one particularly pretty one destined for the queen of the party, The children voted it a jolly party. ry-The family horse of Mr. and Mrs. I". E. Colbern took a sudden notion the other day that she was "just as young as she used to be," and after making a sudden turn in the road, proceeded to kick with all the exuberance of youth. She first made a vicious attack on the double-tree, then aspiring a little higher, directed her attention to the ladies seated in the buggy. They backed her Spring and Summer 1901 MILLINERY We are showing the most beautiful assortment of latest styles in Millinery ever exhibited in Athena. The newest thing in Trimmed and Street Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children. MRS. J. R. OWENS, Carden Building, Main Street, Athena. into the ditch, where they wer per mitted to alight withoutany injury being done. Excelsior Temple No, 21, Rath bone Sisters, expect to entertain the Weston temple in their hall next Monday eve ning. The work will be put on by the latter temple, and five new members will receive the initiatory degree. A bounteous spread will be a feature of the evening, such as the Excelsiors are noted for. Mr. Harry . Allen . left Tuesday for Portland in response to a message sum moning him to the bedside of his little daughter, Nina, who lies ill in a very precarious condition with heart disease in the Good Samaritan hospital. Mrs. Allen is also reported to be in a state of ill health, incident to her anxiety re garding Nina's condition. Yesterday being the thirty-ninth an niversary of the birth of George Ban cister, he was treated to a genuine surprise by his estimable wife, assisted by. Mrs. T. J. Kirk and Mrs. DePeatt. He was inveigled away during the day and" in his absence elaborate prep arations were made for an elegant supper..Those present to enjoy George's surprise and Mrs. Bannister's hospital ity, were his mother, Mrs. Bannister, of Weston and a small company of neigh bors: Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd, Mrs. DePeatt, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. E. A. Boyd, Misses Cecile Boyd and Merna DePeatt. SCHOOL NOTES. Mrs. Sparrow, teacher, returned Thursday from La Grande. Mr. Myers, of Oklahoma, who is a teacher of experience, visited the schools Thursday. Tbe .school ball team will probably play, a game on the Athena grounds tomorrow, with either the Weston or Adams team. Prof. Marquis was in Weston last evening. . A Great Sensation. ' There was a Dig sensation in Lees ville, Ind., when W. H. Brown, of that place, 'who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. He writes: "I en dured insufferable agonies from Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me im mediate relief, and " soon thereafter effected a v complete cure." Similar cures of consumption, pneumonia, bron chitis and grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung jtrtlesrpPriWfv Otf.Jand $1. Guaran teed by d. Stone, druggist. Trial bottles free. ' " K - ,; - - . . r . Will Locate You. Men with families, I can locate you on good government land. Send 40 cte. foe ' information to Vinton Graham, Fiiewater, R. D. No. 2. A For Just received 10 Barrels of 1-3 Pint Jelly Glasses, t Will sell this week only, at 30 cents per dozen. 10 Barrels of high grade Tumblers, Will sell this week only, at 40 cents per dozen. The Place where the The BLUE WORTIIINGTON & THOMPSON, :: South Side Main Street. I Just a Word Getting right down to the level of cold, hard dollars and cents, it is a paying proposition to order your spring suits from Bagley & Ely They may talk about smart clothes all they want to, but you will have to come here if you want to select from the Finest Samples and the highest class of Artistic Tailoring. Fit Guaranteed BAGLEY & ELY Agents for Chicago Tailoring Co. and J. L. Gatzert & Co." "NTovf f r "Pncrnffipp. AtTiArm Drfi J mm rem The Best is None too Good for you That is the way we look at it, and we are always prepared to any time with the best goods, at : the very lowest prices. If family Can Trade.