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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
TOIGE-A-VEEK TVICE-A-WEEK PUBLISHED TUESDAY AHO FRIDAY VOLUME XVI. ED. MANASSE CORNER MAIN AND THIRD STS. , New and For Ladies and Gentlemen. . been looking for. They your feet. - e -mm. MISLIN UNDERWEAR In endless variety and latest make up just received ED . MANASSE Agent for Butterick's Patterns. YOUR CABPET will go farther here, and will bring you more satisfaction than at any other store. We mean it, every word of it. Our line has been very much increas ed. It now includes a wonderful assortment of the latest designs and colors in all dependable weaves. Halls, Stairs, Bedroom and Droingroom paterns, and rich Parlor designs with borders, are here in profusion-... About 60 pat' -ems in room-sizelBugSritt Brussels, Velvets, Axministers and Smyrnas are also here mostly in 9x12 ft. size. You'll be glad you looked. We feel quite sure of it and you're always welcome, as you know. Mail orders and in quiries receive prompt attention, and are solicited when not convenient to call. THE DAVIS-KASER COMPANY, Alder Street, next to Postofflce, - - . ' Walla Walla Washington. THE BELL BROTHERS Groceries TIE BELL BROTHER! I South Side Main V - Stylish inrr Just what you have fit and do not hurt DOLLABS Croc rents' Eumishings All of which we will be pleased to show you Street, ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OHEGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 8, HORSE KICKED HIM FRANK NORVESKI 8ERI0USLY INJURED WEDNESDAY. -' Helped Into Town and Becomes De rangedTo Control Him It Took Six Hen ttf Tie Him. f Frank Nowitzki,. a harnessmaKer in the employ of W. C. Miller, was kicked by a horse while riding in a cart from Weston, Wednesday evening In com pany with Cleve Myers, the youDg man was driving along the road, when a board in the front part of the cart dropped downv striking the horse on the heels, causing it to kick. Nowitzki was struck on the chin and in the breast. Myers got him on the cart and appar ently he was not seriously injured. On arriving in town he went directly to Mrs. Miller's. He informed that lady he was not hurt to speak of, and would be all right in a short time. While she was engaged in washing the blood from his face, he began to act queerly and told her to send for Dr. Stone. By the time the doctor stepped in the man was completely deranged, and by sheer force had to be carried to the doctor's office. Here he became so violent that it took six men to hold him down add strap him to a cot. His ravings were such that a gag- had to be inserted in his mouth, And in this position he was carried down to the Athena Hotel. Yesterday morning Mr. Nowitzki be came rational to some extent, and talked fairly intelligently when aroused by Dr. Stone. Today he is much more improved but Dr. Stone says a surgical operation will be necessary to afford permanent relief. v V v Large Corn" Acreage. Harry Adams, of Adams, is io the city today, and reports Bpring T work in progress everywhere it this time, - All kinds of work has been seriously delayed on account of the wet and Stormy Veather. A large corn acreage will be planted in the vicinity of Athena this year. The winter wheat is now growing nicely, standing about five inches high in most of the fields. Pendleton East Oregonian. -, Athena, Oregon. JAPS HAVE Everything Points in Northern Chicago, April 7. A special cable to the Daily News from Tokio says: "Reliable reports were received here today from Seoul to the effect that part of the Japanese fightiDg line had crossed tha Yalu, and established itself in strong po itions there at several points' Reported Engagement Seoul, April 7. Telegrams have been received here saying that the Russians are occupying six of the largest border towns on the Tumen river in northern Korea. The Japanese authorities have no con firmation of the reported engagement between the Russian and Japanese at Kwisang. . Harbin Harbor for Disease. St. Petersburg, April 7. The terrible Death of Christopher Ennis Walla Walla, April 8. At 5:30 o'clock yesterday morning, Christopher Ennis died at his home, 315 Alder street, in his 59th year. He came from Pioche to Walla Walla in 1870, obtaining employment in the market of Dooly & Kirkman soon after his arrival. Through the many changes occurring. in the firm Mr. Ennis was Dismiss Forest Supervisor Washington, April 7. Land Com missioner Richards today recommended the dismissal of Forest Supervisor M. II. Ismberg, of the north division of the NARROW ESCAPE Iruuken Man Ilencued From thn Uiim ' Ml la Rler. ; Pendleton, April 7. Two intoxicated citizens early list evening started in to walk off a burdensome jag, and after proceeding several blocks, decided to take a jaunt down the Umatilla river. They walked along the levee for a dis tance of about two blocks when one of them lost his bearing and tumbled into the river. ' The other was badly fright ened and called for assistance. He was making a desperate effort to save his drunken friend, but he was so intoxi cated himself that he was unable to render much succor. People living in the vicinity were attracted to the river, and in the meantime Marshal Carney was summoned. The officer arrived just in time to save the man from drowning, those who had assembled were them selves too badly frightened to aid the man. The officer finally rescued the in dividual and immediately escorted him and his partner to the city jail. " Wants Small Tract of Land. Lee O. Ham, of Waterloo, Iowa, is in the city, and is desirous of purchasing a small tract of land near town. Mr. Ham likes the town, but it is not probable that he will find what he wants in the way of land, for the reason that at the present time, there is no addition to Athena, affording small tracts. There will be in the future, however, and when such tracts can be purchased, the town will be offering inducements to home builders. Cattle Grower'! Convention. There will be a convention of the cattle growers of Oregon held in Port land, April 16, beginning at 10 a. m., and continuing in the evening. The people interested in this great industry are earnestly requested to be present, as subjects of the greatest importance to cattlemen will be discussed. Athena Sod and Gun Club. lbe annual meeting of the Athena Rod and Gun club wili be held at the office of J. D. Plamondon, Saturday evening, April 9, at which time the an cual election of officers will take place and other important business will be transacted. 190. CROSSED THE YALU RIVER to Early Fighting Part of Corea. sanitary condition of Harbin, which it is feared will lead to an epidemic, is re vealed in a dispatch to Novosti. The matter is of particular import ance in view of the fact that Harbin is the center of Russian military and civil authority in Manchuria. All troops pass through this point, and all provisions and medical supplies are brought here. Despite the dry spring and summer, and the peaceful conditions of the ter ritory last year, there were cases of cholera and typhoid, the further develop ment of which was stopped by the No vember frosts. The chief cause of contagion is the water of the Sungari river, and the shallow wells which are located in unsanitary places. connected with it id 'some capacity until a few weeks before his death. ' Mr. Ennis was ' possessed of great business ability, and associated himself with many enterprises of thn city and county. He was ono of the promoters of the Gilbert Hunt company, the Walla Walla Gas company, the Hotel Dacres, and many others. Cascade forest reserve. The charges lodged against htm have been sustained by an investigation. Secretary Hitch cock will probably approve Richards' recommendation. BASE BALL IN ATHENA AuiHteur Teuin Organization Perfected--Flrst Game Sunday. A strictly amateur base ball team has been organized in Athena, and the first game of the season will probably be played on the Athena grounds SundayJ XT a: t . 1 ... ilT I iiegouauuna are ueing mnue wuu ue Milton team, and it those fail, (the Adams team will be on the. card as op ponents to the Athena boys. The team will be captained by Frank Walsh, a recent arrival, who it is said possesses a left pitching wing with all kinds of springs necessary for twirling purposes. The team embraces some husky lads, who have been tossing the ball around the diamond for several years, and should, with proper coaching, give a good account of themselves. 'The line up follows . Frank Walsh, captain, pitcher; Clar ence La Brache, catcher; Geo. My rick, 1st base; Henry La Brache, pitcher and 2nd base; Denver Charlton, 3rd base; Clarence Burden, s. s.; Fiank Sanders, c. I.; Carl loney, r. f. Stumpf, 1. f. ; Ross Ma- Last Danes of Season. The last social dance of the season will be given tonight at the opera house. The series of dances given this winter have been well attended, and from a social standpoint, successful in every particular. Alf Johnson will furnish a 3-piece orchestra for the dance tonight violin, piano and cornet and the young people are looking forward to an evening of enjoyment. For County Superintendent George A. Peebles, first assistant in the state normal school at Weston, has announced himself as candidate for county superintendent of schools on the republican ticket. Mr. Peebles was superintendent of schools of Marion county for two terms. Big Fire Sale Announcement of the big fire sale of the Peoples Warehouse, Pendleton, will be found in the advertising columns of today's Vbimh. The sale begins tomor row morning, and will continue until the $76,000 stock, damaged by smoke and water, is disposed of. SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 PER YEAR NUMBER 21 DELECATES NAMED HARMONIOUS DEMOCRATS MEET IN PRIMARIES. Balloting Spirited But Best of Feel . ing Prevailed-Iist of Dele gates Named. .An Athena dotaoorat i.always in har-' mony rith himself and everybody else. Therefore when the primary' meeting in North Athena precinct was called to order by Committeeman A. B. Stone, shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday after noon, it was a foregone conclusion that he would preside over a meeting of harmonious men. While the balloting was spirited, the best of feeling prevailed, and the men told off as delegates will go to the democratic county convention at Pendle ton Tuesday, uninstructed and free to assist in choosing candidates for office, such men as they think will best serve the people, in event of election. North Athena is a big precinct and sends a rousing big delegation 13 in number. Their names follow: S. P. Purdy, C. O. Henry, Thos. De- freece, C. T. Smith, Cass Cannon, G.rW. Gross, A. L. Swaggart, Jos. N. Siott, Wm. McBride, J. N. B. Gerking, A. B. Stone, O. G. Chamberlain, York Dell. O, G. Chamberlain was nominated for justice of the peace and George Titts worth for constable. Dr. A. B. Stone was elected committeeman. IN THE SOLID SOUTH Six Delegates Go From Democratic South Athena Precinct. - There are not nearly so many voters in South Athena precinct, but what there are, vote the democratic ticket, with now and then an exception, When Chairman Taylor rapped for order har mony was so thick that it could have been carved in chunks with a pocket knife, and it lasted throughout the entire meeting. Six delegates were named to represent the precinct in the convention at Pendleton, Tuesday next. They are: . . David Taylor, Jerry Stone, Will M. Peterson, A. J. Willaby, Sam Booher Jackson Nelson. David Taylor was named committeeman; O. G. Chamber lain, justice of the peace; George Titts worth, constable. Free Concert. At Miller's furniture Btoro, Monday evening, Johnson's orchestra, assiBted by local talent, will entertain the public with a free concert. The concert is to be given under the auspices of Eilers' Piano House, for the purpose of dem onstrating the splendid quality of their pianos, and that the representatives of the house may meet the people of Athena and vicinity. A special sale of pianos is now on and extremely low prices are being quoted. Seats will bo furnished every one free of charge and programs will be distributed. A Boy Suicides. " 5Tou'll be sorry you made me wear that cap," said 11-year-old Oscar Pear son, of Walla Walla, to his mother as he turned at noon Sunday to go upstairs. A few minutes later a muffled sound was heard and a fall. His mother thought it was the slamming of a door, but asked the father to go up and see. The boy was found dying on the floor, with a bullet hole clear through his head be hind the ear. Woman Defendant. Mrs. William Watson, accused of de frauding the government and public by issuing deeds to homesteads on inac cessible mountain peaks in the west, was arrested in Chicago by United States secret service men, and taken before Commissioner Humphrey for a bearing Monday. She will probably be taken back to Portland, where she is under indictment. Alleys Need Cleaning. Notwithstanding the publication in these columns of the city marshal's notice, for all property owners to clean up their alleys, but very few have done so. To say the least, some of the alleys in Athena are "tierce," and the stench that comes to one's nostrils is still "fiercer." Clean 'em up. County Court Saturday. The county court will convene at tho court house Saturday in regular monthly businou session. At this time there will be several road items of interest come up for disposal. The Press, published twice-a-week, gives you the local news. $2 per year. it -..