ATHENA PRESS F. B. Botd, Publisher EnteredatAthenapoatofflceaaaecond-clasa-nail matter. Subscription Ratass I'er year, In advance "-50 Single copiee In wrapper. 6c. Advartlalng Ktai Local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per i u a. Each lubnequent Insertion, 5c. All communications sbonld be addressed to t ie PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, OCTOBER 23, 190 The work in tbe high, school depart ment is progressing is such a manner this year that the district will be com pensated for the cost of maintaining tbe the department. In the past tbe high school here has not accomplished much, but through the earnest efforts of the present principal and his assistants, a new impetus has been given the work and the standing of the Athena school is enhanced accordingly. There is an increasing tendency of the public to challenge the wisdom of maintaining high schools at public expense. While the discussion of the status and purpose of tbe high school will take a wide range, the question that is of greatest popular and pedagogic interest is stated as fol lows: "Should the public high school be looked on primarily as a school to prepare young men and women for the college and university? Or should it be viewed as an independent school with its own important ends and aims, to which preparations for higher schools must be strictly secondary?" In dis cussing this question it should not be forgotten that the high school and the state university are integral parts of tbe "common school system" of tbe state. The existence of the state university as a part of the state's system of public ed ucation implies the existence of a con necting link between the grammar or intermediate grades and the state uni versity. To leave out any of the rounds in the state's educational ladder would be illogical and unwise. It is plainly obvious therefore that preparation for the state university should be at leust an incidental consideration in arranging the curricula of the high schools. There is little doubt, however, that tbe pre ponderance of opinion among tbe more progressive educators favors the idea of making the high school "tbe people's college" instead of a preparatory school for the higher institutions of learning; that its chief aim should be to provide a more practical training in languuge and the sciences for pupils who are un able or disinclined to attend colleges or universities. It is their beliof that it xhould supply the "finishing touches" 1 1 a common school education, and that preparation for a university should be only a secondary consideration. To the mind of the layman there does not seem to be any reason why the high school eh mid not serve both these purposes. There is nothing incompatible between the idea of a "people's college" and tbe shaping of a curriculum in such a way bh to prepare pupils for a university. The preparatory course should be sepa rate and distinct from the course that is di-nigned to finish a boy's education and prepare him to grapple immediately with the problems of life. Such a combina tion of purpose would seem to constitute tho ideal twentieth century high school. The Tortland Telegram, ever on the i-lert for a "story" from Eastern Oregon that may be colored to suit the fancy of some dude space writer on its staff, is struck in the solar plexus by tbe Sump tor Miner as follows: "Tbe Portland Telegram threw a moral spasm over the steer roping contest at the Sumptor race meet. It says that the bull fighting has no greater cruelties, and questions in a righteously indignant mauuer how a town could "permit the baiting of a maddened steer, wounded, ferociously turning upon its tormentors." With out stopping to explain to the Telegram that the steer was not wounded nor was anyone hurt, it can be readily seen why a Portland newspaper would fail to ap predate this dash of strenuous life - this characteristic western sport. potato race or a pie eating contest would prob ably be more in line with the agricultur al ideas of Portland, but tho smack of the real West, with ita turbulent pas times and its manly diversions is a bit too swift for a community of farmers. Linger among your wine presses, O Port land, yank the lacteal from the bosoms of your kine, plant your prunei and garner your hay crop! but if a vigorous community like Sumpter sees fit to manifest its wild Western ways by roping the festive steer, pray don't be too severe don't lay on the rod of chas tisement too heavily. Governor Chamberlaia's last effort in behalf of the Warner Valley settlers in their contest with the Warner Valley Stock company, has failed of success. When the governor left for Washington he left instructions that when the Unit ed States patent conveying the title to the swamp lands to the state arrived it should not be filed or recorded. The state has already conveyed its title to the stock company and all that was lack ing was the filing of the patent convay ing title to the state. Ordinarily a pat ent or a deed is delivered by the grantor to the grantee. In this case, however, the attorney for the Warner Valley Stock Co. evidently expected delay if the patent reached the governor's hands and he secured tbe document direct from the general land office. The gov ernor had requested the secretary of the interior not to issue a patent to the state until he, as governor, applied for it. This request was refused and tbe patent issued and delivered as stated. If the Warner Valley settlers have any further recourse it must be in the courts. No Bespect for Sabbath Sunday morning's services at the United Brethren church were disturbed by a noise resembling the "tick-tack" sometimes divised by mischievous boys to annoy the object of their attentions, ays the Weston Leader. The pastor did not relish this diversion, and sent one of his flock to the door to discover, if possible, the imps of evil so depraved as to interfere with religious worship on the Lord's Day. The scout found a woodpecker industriously attacking the church walls. Better Than Fills. The question has been asked In what way are Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary cathartic and liver pills? Our answer is They are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect is so gentle and so agreeable that one hardly realizes that it is produced by a medicine. Then they not only move the bowels but im nrove the aoDetite and aid the digestion. For sale at 25 cents per bottle by all druggists. If you desire a good complexion use Moki Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on the liver and makes tho skin smooth and clear. Cures sick headache. 25c and 50c. Money refunded if it does not satisfy you. Write to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buflalo, N. Y., for free sample. For sale by McBride & Co. J. M. HAYES REAL ESTATE DEALER Houses to Rent. Town and Country Property for Sule. Are easily secured by those prepared. The best place to prepare is at The Blair Business College of Spokane, Washington. Send for catalogue. II. 0. Blair, Principal. Public Notice. Nollee Is hereby Riven that I will apply to the mayor and common council of tho City of Atlunm, UrPKon, nt a mci'tlnif thereof to be held on the 17th dny ot Nov,, HUM, for a license to sell nplmuoiiN, mult mm villous liquors in less quantlt lot, than one quart, said liquors to he sold only in a hulldliiK situated on lot 7, in block No. fi, of said city. Dated, Oct. 10, llXM. 117111 tlallo Applicant. IMOTHERHOOE) The greatest ambition of Anipr. loan men and womou is to have homes bkusod with children. The woman afflicted with fomalo dis caso is constantly menaced with becoming a childless wife. No medicine can restore dead or gang, but "Wine ofCardui does regulate derangements that pre vent conception; does prevent miscarriage ; does restore weak functions and shattered nerves and does bring bnbles to homes barren and desolate for yoars. Wine of Cardui gives women the health and strength to bear heal thy children. You can get a dollar bottle of Wlno of Cardui from your dealer. liS Xforbn, Um.iI I.kitVL 1 i.JIti livil In February, ml, I took one bottle of Thedford's Black-Draught. fkadbaen married flftoea veara and had nerer glcn birth to a ehlld until ItookWiiie of C ardui. Now I am mother of a An baby Rlrl which waa born March 81, 1901. 1 h baby woiKha fourteen pounds and I I IMS! a Wf.ll AM ,n mahab 1 Nnw ,v hnvHA 1 V. i ... Now mjr noma la happy and I Barer will ba ithout Win of Cardui in mv bouse again. M.j.w.a6Mmi. symptoms, "lh TUu..r lwiaru r.vT uMn It. . .aj inrni , l ue f. jiMtanooga Moawlna Coipnj, 1 111 uiot, 1 mi. , Mum 1 G O fefi o as .d I i " " " V W W TAKE DOWN .PTO in..!! J...I-I.MH.I.IIWH. ii. iii.iihiii if nim. ill . n ly.JJ'IIMjrrgyv t'i.-r. s..-Jc-f nmnmmmm i n ' ' ""-j '"v imi.iMii,aihi,. w !fl J,,,, llIIMIianilllllll.llllHII.. I .. II .llllllll .1 Mm II A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with a strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable for trap or duck shooting, and an extra interchangeable modified choke or cylinder bore barrel, for field shoot ing, lists at only $42.00. Dealers sell them for less. This makes a serviceable all round gun within reach of everybody's pocket book. Winchester Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expensive double barrel guns and are just as reliable besides. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN. W iiinnirifi,,, iininrf iwl'lltfnirill Jl h'mm HUT BSIlCC br the only concern that ever Addnst. uui riiivaw voi AERM0T0R COMPANY. in recent times Chle&ffot Sun Fran Iko. C.I.: Ft. Worth. Who sella low to Water bupply ooods. ever; and have therefore San Antonio, Tex. I Lin' since '8a. reduced Mo. I BiouiCitr, " of all Dubaqwi.DavaD' lort, Dfll Hoinoi i'mUhALP Ii.Minnpol, . lnn.iToldo,0 i- In low nrices. hand with oin,Nb.;Kuiui Through gratitude, and because we are price makers, and areV Citr, Bint Louii, - ' 7 safest to deal with, and because we are the sole originators I i Peorlfclll.! Detroit. W .!ai" t.j,uuu,., u tu-u.iuuuuc 1S3-53. we prepay 44 iWiion,aeM.i tus anoears bnt iwiiniora, n, int our latest I Mill, Pump or New York can II beautifully illustrated catalogue of np-to-date ideas, Fmmmm TH2 STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. Works, Camden, N. J t I fchtii1?US. 5 mHrW-n. on't Cauess at It Wm cili : Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to m us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuaole information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service, call on or address, J. S. LIDSEY, T. F. & r. A. B., H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agent. 142 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE 1 REPEATING SHOTGUNS iir - voluntarilv reduced onces. or originated a new idea in Idea in windmill ana , ' the farmer sells is low. Bvervthlno' 1 him ? We have rcDeatedlr refused to ioln. detested windmill combination, and have. 1 the cost of wind Dower to 1 what it was. ' that is good in the modern steet windmill ana I ITS WINDMILL BU8INBS3. We believe I hieh erades and laree sales. We make short J long power stroke pumps, with best seamless i idei ireieai 10 so Drancn oonses. oenanowtw as once, uur imitaiors may noi nave i In plans. No one knows too best Price until b know ours. STEEL PEfiS I Rfl Cttulas Fine, Medium and lOUOlyieS Broad Points. MHiBa A -" .www- Sold h. Ill Slnlinnore 1 ttL PtN CUt 28 Jehu St., New York. but if you are going east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accomodations offered by the IHif is Central Railroad. Through Toit.'is Cars via the Illinois Central frorr t INCORPORATED. VVNrVWWVVVVVVNVAV Athena Fire Insurance Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. G. CHAMBERLAIN Agent Notary Public and Conveyancer. THE PROPER THING to do, is to have Chapman, the dec orator, do your pa per hanging and painting. Satisfac tion and first-class work guaranteed. If your buggy is in need of paint, take it to the painter, CHAPMAN, Third St., Athena. --The- COMMERCIAL' LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. KING BROTHERS Prep Everything For House Keeping Purposes See our Btock before you buy. Baker & Folsom The Complete House Furnishers, MaiD St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton. Going to Build? Save Money ann Time by Hav ing C. E. TROUTMAN, Archi tect, makyour Plans and Spci flcations. ROOM 15, ASSOCIATION BUILDING, PENDLETON, - - - ORE. THE CLEANSING AND HEALING CATARRH CURE FOB CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. Gtree Relief at once. It Opens and Cleanses mo nasai rassases. AllSTS Inflammation. COLD N HEAD Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Large Size, 50 cents at iwiiggisis or oy man ; u rial one, m cents oy man. ELY BROTHEKS, 66 Warren Street, New York. Hie headquarters For THE jROSS & WORTIIINGTON, is tho place you augtit to go for a drink of High-Grade Whiskeys no many kind The Bar is always shinning, neat and clean, and a Marble-top Bartender there can be seen. OPEN DAY North Side Main Street, M. J. BAGLEY The Best General Merchandise Morris Bldg., CHARLES GA.Y ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars CLUB ROOM IN CONNECTION FIRST KSTMSL H. O. Adams, President, T.J Kirk, Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS, - Proper attention given to and domestic F. 8. Lb Grow, Cashier, f ROCK SPRINGS I SPECIAL RATES 5 COAL 5 A. M. GILLrlS, Athena, Oregon. S - itiiiiiiiiticaiii aaBitiiciS ...ATHENA LUMBER COMPANY... H. H.CURTIS, Manager. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of your patronage. We will give you entire Satisfaction. WE KEEP OH HAND A LARGE STOCK OF ROSLYN COAL OFFICE m YARD, KAiOTEFlT, KlIST CF BAILRSA3. CCEfiESFCXSCXCC KSFtClFUUY DUCniD UE Fro :: Next Door to Post Office. Lai AND NIGHT P. II. TIEDEMAN, Propritor. in Groceries and Athena, Oregon BERK OF STHMi C. A Barrett, ) J P. E. Colburn, J- Directors j F.8.LeOrow,, i $ 60,000 5,000 collections. Deals in foreign exchange. I.M.Kemp, Assistant Cashier J It GOSyiBERLAND i ON CAR LOTSf ft s S