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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1903)
Dress Goods. All the Latest Novelties in Do mestic and foreign Weaves Wide width imported fancy Zebelines, all colors and mixtures, from $1.25 to $2 00 per yard. Satin Berbers, 54 in wide, all colors, 91 10 per yard. Imported Cheviots, CO in wide, all col ors, $1 per yard. Unfinished Worsteds in all the new shades, 85c per yard. Double width all wool Serges, in all colors, 65c per yard. Double width Cheviots, all colors, C5c per yard. Double width all wool fancy Zebelines 60c per yard. Solid color Etamines, all wool, 60c per -yard. . - Heavy all wool Homespuns, COc per yd Heavy rainy day Suitings, 45c per yd. Full line of the celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods, 38 in wide, all colors and patterns, 85c per yard. Heavy Serges, 8G in wide, all colors, 35c per yard. New Pebble Cloth suitings, 36 in wide 35c per yard. ' Fancy English checks, 36 in wide, 35c per yard. Mohair Brocades, 36 in wide, all col ors, 25c per yard. Double fold heavy wool suitings, mix ed greys, mixed blues, mixed reds and browns, 25c per yard. - Double fold Homespuns, in light and and dark greys, only 25c per yard. New double fold German plaids, 15c per yard. Double width Cashmeres, all colors, 25c per yard. Black Dress Goods. Unfinished Worsteds for tailor-made suits, 54 in wide, $1 75 per yard. Herrinbone Cheviot, 54 in wide, 81 50 per yard. An immense variety of 54 inch high grade imported Novelties, in all the la test weaves and finishes, $1 25 per yard. Extra heavy Drap de Alma, 91 85 per yard. Heavy all wool Cheviots and Serges, 44 in wide, 85c per yard Black Sicilian, 38 in wide, 85c per yd. French Henrietta, 88 in wide, 65c per yard. Pebble Cloth, 38 in wide, 50c per yard. Pure Mohair, 38 in wide, 45c per yard. Etamine, 36 iu wide, 35c per yard. Silks. Black Taffeta, 19 in wide, 65c per yd, Black Taffota, 20 in wide, 85c per yd. Black Taffeta, 24 in wide, guaranteed, 91 per yard. Black Tafiuta, 27 in wide, 91 per yard. Black Taffeta, 36 in wide, 91 50 per yd Taffeta, 20 in wide, all colors, 85c per yard. Changeable Taffeta. 18 in wide, 85c per yard. Special Black Peau de Soie, 20 iu wide, regular 91 quality, 85c per yard. Black Peau de Soie, 20 iu wide, regu lar 91 25 quality, 91 per yard. Hutins in all color and black, 50c per yard. Extra heavy satin, Due-hens, all silk, 91 per yard. Indian silks, 24 in wide, all colors and black, 50c per yard. We have quite a lot of high grade silk remnants, some of them are waist leng ths, and some shorter. Whilo they lust we will sell them at one-third of regular prices. All the now aud BUplo shades iu vel veteens, 50c per yard. Black and colored silk velvets, 91 per yard. Fancy colored waistings with Oriental stripes, 35c per yard. French Flannel Persian effects, 50c per yard. White Flaked Etamine waiating, all wool, 48 in wide, 91 DO per yard. Great variety of heavy white Waist ings, from 25c to 91 per yard. Linings. Kid rituKhed Cambrics all colons and black, 5c per yard. lilui-k l'erculiiic, 3C in wide, lOo yd. Extra quality Percaline, black and colors, 36 in wide, 12Vc per yard. Black Near Silk, 36 in wide, 15c yd. Black Satteen, mercerized, 36 in wide, 25c to 35c per yard. Watered Near Silk, 36 in wide, black aud cream, only 25c per yard. Extra quality Near Silk, in black and colore, 36 in wide, 20c per yard. MEttffllt Ladies' Corsets We carry all the new shapes and pop ular styles in the celebrated F k C Corsets. For comfort, durability and elegance of form they are unsurpassed. F40 Girdle, straight front, in either black satteen, pink or blue Batiste, 91.25 per pair. F k C popular medium length, 4 hook in pink or blue Batist, 65c per pair. F & C stylish French shape, lace trimmed, 4 hook, French Cotelle, in black or drab, 91-25 per pair. F k C satin Corset, medium shape, bias and gored, 4 hook, low bust, long hips, 91.50 per pair. F k C American Beauty, fine satin straight front, 5 hook, medium length, in black, white or drab, 91.25 per pair. F k O No. 679, in white, only medium length, straight front, extension hip, just the thing to wear with tailor-made suits, 91.75 per pair. F & O Model Waist with adjustable shoulder straps, 6 hook, bizea 19 to 28, 81 each. Special in drab, only F k C, regular 50c corBet, made of good, heavy drilling, 4 hook medium length, 85c per pair. F k O Nursing Corset, all sizes, in black or drab, 65c per pair. Best quality Nazareth waists, in either bleached or unbleached, 25c each. Ladies Underwear The Munsing Underwear is the best made, best fitting, most comfortable, durable and satisfactory underwear at popular prices that modern machinery and skill can produce. . Before purchas ing it will pay you to examine this popular brand. We have the full line in both ladies and children's, either in 2-piece garments or union suits. Make your purchase before the line is broken. Lot 1 Ladies' vests and pants, heavy Jersey ribbed, fleece lined, all sizes, 25c per garment Lot 2 Ladies' extra heavy vests and pants, derby ribbed, heavy fleeced, 35c per garment. Lot 3 An odd lot of Ladies vests and pants, regular 65 and 75c grades, 50c per garment. Lot 4 Ladies' wool ribbed linen fleeced vests and pants, all sizes, 85c per garment. Lot 5 Ladies' heavy derby ribbed fleeced union suits, high grade, from 81.50 to S3 per ouit. Lot 6 The Melba ribbed ladies' combination suits, goods always sold at 85c, now 65c por suit. Lot 7 Children's vests and pants, heavy fleeced, from 18 to 25o per gar ment. Lot 8 Chydron's wool ribbed vests and pants from 45 to 75c per garment. Lot 9 -Children' union suits, heavy ribbed, ' cotton fleeced, 40c per gar ment. Lot 10 Children's wool union suits, all sizes, from D0c to $1.50 per suit. Lot 11 Ladies red flannel vests and pants, Cochineal Dye, strictly all wool, 81.35 per suit. Ladies Hose 50 dozen fust black Hose, 40 guage worth 15c per pair, 10c per pair. 50 doz. extra heavy, high spliced heels and double toes, 15c per pair, two pair for 25c. Ladies heavy ribbed cotton hose, fast black, 25c. Ladies' fine Cashimere Hose, regular 155c quality, 25c per pair. Children's heavy ribbed hoee, all siita 5 to 8, 10c per pair. Extra heavy " boys' bicycle hose, regular 20c grade, 15c per pair. Children's heavy cashiraere hose, all sizes 5 to 8, 25c per pair. Infanta hose, fine cashimere, in black, blue, pink or white, 25c per pair. Ladies' fleeced cotton hoae, 20c per pair. Ladies' Our Line of Black Beaver Box Goats All Sizes SSo5 (! The above cut represents one of the latest productions in the 29 inch long Castor Beaver Cloaks, a garment intended to sell for $10, our price 87.50. New novelty garments, in the latest fads and colorings, from 910.50 to 920. Children's Cloaks in endss variety;' sizes from 4 to 14 yean, from 82.75 to 96.50. Ladies' Capes, made of fine, all wool beaver, 30 to 36 in. long, 85 each. Plush Capes, new this season's purchase, 34 to 36 inches long, 84.75 each. A fine assortment of Plush and Beaver Capes, elegantly finished, from 87.50 to 812.50 SPECIAL We have about 150 ladies and Misses' black and colored Jackets which we have divided into three lots, and are putting the knife in so deep that the prices are ridicu lously low but they must go. , ( LOT 150 Ladies' Jackets of heavy Beaver and wool Cheviot goods, that cost to make from 83.50 to 85, go for 81 75 each. ' . LOT 250 Jackets and Capes, good, heavy, warm garments, many of them cost from $5.50 to $7.50, go for $2.75 each. LOT 3 A lot of high grade Walking Jackets and Capes, many of them silk lined and elegantly trimmed, worth from 88.50 to 812.50, go for 84.75 each. , Hats for Men and Boys Be sure and ask to see our Men's Hats. We can suit you in price and quality from 81-25 to 83 for the celebrated Gordon, the best 83 hat made. ... Good, warm winter caps, with ear caps, in plush or heavy cloths, from 65c to 81.25. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Our line of Oyer--coats must be seen to . he appreciated. Men's. heavy Kersey Overcoats, in gray or brown . mixtures, well made and good value, at 86-50, our price $4.75 Genuine Irish Frieze, in either gray or black, telvet coUar, and good serge lining, $8.50 We have a great variety of the latest, up-to-date garments in new, all-wool fab-, rics, from $10.50 to $15.00 Big lot of Storm collar, extra long Ulsters. ' Great value for Copyright itoa by ' KwH.NATHAN tHjCKEM CO, B BEAUCAIRE $8.50 the CROMWELL Men's Clothing The best assortment and most up-to-date stock of ready-to-wear clothing ever shown in Umatilla county. No matter whether you want a suit for 85 or one for 815, we will give you the best that the price can buy. Men's heavy wool suits, made up in good style and equal to anything sold in the large cities for 810, we will sell at 87.50. Men's new Tweeds and Cheviots, made serge line, latest style and newest colorings, 810. A new and elegant line of high tailor-made fancy Tweeds and unfinished Worsted from $12.50 to 820. I i Black Clay Worsted suits, lined with fine Italian cloth, sizes from 35 to 44, from $10.50 to $i0.00. Boys' and Youths' Clothing Heavy weight school Suit, Oxford jacket and knee pants, sizes from 4 to 12, per suit, $2.00 Heavy Cassimere and fancy worsted suits, either in 2 or 3 pieces, for i to 14 yrs, per suit, $3.50 Fine all wool Serge suit , 2 or 11 pieces, well made and very desirable, price per suit, only $5.50 New Overcoats, all sizes from 4 to 12 years, neat styles, good material, from $4.50 down to $2.50 WW 1 ' iL 6s4 . fcTJ Cloaks New Gray and Castor Heavy Covert Cloth Jackets SUH.NATMK tFU'HIR Navy Blue Diagonal 3-piece suits with long pants, sizes 10 to 15 years, per suit only $3.75 Fine mixed Cassimera suits, 3 pieces, long pants, new and stylish, size 10 to 15 years, only $6150 Some extra fine, high grade suits, tailor-made garments, 14 ' to 20 years, per suit 88.50 to $10.( 0 Boys separate pants, either Corduroy- or Cloth well made, short or long, 92.50 down to 75cts 4.75 Iff 4 Ua-' w n Mens' Shoes. This is the department we are proud of. If you want a plow shoe for $1.40 or a fine dress shoe for 83.50, 84.00 of 85.00, we have them. Box calf Vici kid or Valour calf dress shoee in all the latest lasts, $3.50. Heavy sole Box or Valour calf, fine street shoe, 83.50 per pair. Heavy Blucher cut, fine French calf, wide extension sole, 85.00 per pair, Douglas Patent kid dress shoe, 83-50 per pair. Douglas Vici kid, perfecto last, exten sion double sole, $3.50. Buckingham k Hecht, high cut, hea vy sole, just the shoe for mountain wear, $3.50 per pair. Buckingham k Hecht high cut oil waterproof boot, $5.00 per pair. Full line of Richardson's eeamless shoes, with or without caps, in congress or lace, single or double sole, $2.50 to $3.00 per pair. Men's foot form stout calf skin uppers with good stout soles, $2.50 per pair. ' Men's Blucher plow shoes, 81.(5 to 82.00 per pair. Men's Brogans, heavy oil grain, 81-40 per pair. Boys Shoes. Boys' Vici Kid dress shoes from 82.00 to 82.50. Boys' Cadet calf shoes, winter weight, 8 1.75 to 82.25. Boys' and Men's Leggins, all sizes. Ladies' Shoes. . We have put in a full line of the celebrated Utz and Dunn ladies' Bhoes, all sizes and all widths. Latest last, fine Vici Kid upper, double extension soles, patent leather tips, from 82.75 to 84 per pair. Latest styles, fine Vici turned shoes, patent leather tips, 82.50 to 83.50 Ladies' fine Calf shoes 81.75 to 82.50. Old ladies' Comfort shoes, Dongola uppers, solid oak tan soles, 81.50, Ladies' felt-lined Dongola foxed shoes ' 81-50 per pair. Misses' Shoes. Everything you can wish in Misses' ' shoes,, either Calf, Dongola or Kid. ' Size 1 to 13K, 8125 to $1.50 per pair. Size 1 to 3, 81-50 to $1.75 Children's Shoes. Kid or Calf, 8 to 11, $1 to $1.35 per pair. Babies' Kid turned shoes, fiat heels and patent leather tips, size 3 to 6, 75c per pair. Children's fine patent leather sboes with gray, soft finish kid tops, size 3 to 5, $1.25 per pair. Size 1 to 7, $.50 per pair. Babies' soft sole shoes and mocGasins, in white, blue, pink or red kid, from 25 to 65c per pair. Men's Underwear. Derby Ribbed Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, 40c. each. Extra Cotton Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, 50c. each. - Natural wool heavy weight Shirts Drawers, 81-00 each. Natural wool double breasted Shiits and double seated Drawers, 81.50 each. Wool fancy striped Shirts and Draw ers, $1.25 each. Fancy colored wool fleeced Eagle brand extra heavy Shirts and Drawers, 81.75 each. Men's Socks. Men's Wool socks, 15c. per pair. Men's heavy yarn socks, brown, blue -or gray, 25c. per pair. Men's mottled blue, black and white or brown wool socks, 30c. per pair. Men's Rocktord knit cotton socks, 10c per pair, 3 pair for 25c. Men's black cotton or tan socks, 3 5c. or 2 pair for 25c. Men's fancy stripe and mercerized hose full regular made, worth 50c per pair, 85c. or 3 for $1.00. Men's gloves, either lined or unlined, from 25c to $2.00 per pair. Sweaters. Men's heavy ribbed grey Sweaters. 50c Men's fancy weave, Honeycomb Sweaters, 85c each. Men's heavy ribbed all wool Sweati-ra in blue, red, black and white, $1.25 eae'i. Fancy wool Sweaters, striped, bla and green, navy and red, red and wbi' $1.75 each. Men's wool Sweaters, solid colors and white, $2.00 each. A fine assortment fancy grade Sweat ers, from $2.25 to $3.50 each. Boy's Sweaters, all colors, all siVh from 2 to 18 years, costing from 50c to $1.75 each. I nil i f 1 A? h a ? V ) Domestics The Largest Stock Ever Shown ' In Athena. , wit ynir. v'.ui inoini Outing Flannel in good weight, dark bright 6i plaids, 5c peryard.' Outing Flannel in light or dark checks or stripes, regular 10c quality, 8&c per yard. Best quality fleece lined Flannelettes A great variety of patterns and color ings, 10c per yard. Good quality of Dress Ginghams, regular 10c grade, 6c. " ' German Prints, 3U inches wide, per fectly fast colors, a heavy weight, B per 'yard. All of our new fall dress Calico, silver grays, indigo, blacks and whites, 5c yd. Red soft-finished Mills, 30 inches wide, 12c per yard. Heavy weight Cheviot Shirtings, 30 inches wide, 12Jc per yard. Wide width Percales, winter color ings, regular 12c grade, 10c per yard. Unbleached Canton Flannel 8,c per yard. Extra heavy unbleached Canton Flan nel 10c per yard. Bleached Canton Flannel 7c per yard. Extra heavy Bleached Canton Flan nel 10c per yard. India Linon 5c to 25c per yard. Victoria Lawns 6c to 35c per yard. Double width Flannelettes. Just the thing for Kimonas. Satia striped Mommie cloths, 30 in. wide, very stylish, 20c per yard. Black Sateens, 30 in. wide, from 10 to 25c per yard. Colored sateens, in all the new shades, 16 2 3c per yard. flannels White Domet Flannel, 27 in. wide, 7Jc per yard White Domet Flannel, 30 in. wide, extra heavy, 10c per yard. Grey or red Freize Flannel 10 and 12)c per yard. . All wool white Flannel, 21 in. wide, 25c per yard. All wool very heavy California Flan nels, red blue or grey, 50c per yard. Blankets Cotton Blankets, 10x4 size, 83c per pair. ' Cotton Blankets, lls4 size, $1 per pair. Cotton Blankets,' 12x4 size, extra heavy, $1.50 per pair. Cotton chain, wool-filled 10x4 Blank ets from $1-75 to $3 per pair. All wool Blankets, all sizes and all colors, from $3.50 to $6.50 per pair. Slumber robes, in fancy designs and plaids, from 95c to $1.50 each. Contorts Comforts, dark colors covered with robe calico, 7 lb. weight, 95c each. Comforts, good cottou filling, 83 lbs. $1.35 each. Comforts, extra fine white cotton filling, $1.50 each. Comforts, large size", white filling, $1.75 each. Comforts, fine silkoline cover and filled with one piece extra snowflake cotton, $2.50 each. Bed Spreads White Crochet Bed Spreads 85c to 81.50 each. Marseilles pattern white Beo" Spreads, 81.75 each. Extra large fringed Bed Spreads, $2.50 each. Pique Bed Spreads, elegant designs, $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Cotton Batting 2 rolls to the pound r2J-a'c per lb. 2 rolls to the pound. ido per lb. 2 rolls to the lb., exua fine, 28c per pound. Silkoline and Cheese Cloth Cheese cloth, all colors, 36 in. wide, 6c per yard. Extra fine, double fold Cheese Cloth, all colors, 10c per yard. Japanese tinsel Silkoline, 8' and 10c per yard. Silkoline, new designs and colorings, 36 in. wide, 12?c per ard. Best grade of Carpt Warp in all colors. Portit res We have an odd lot f fine wool Da mask, S1 yards long, in green and gold, blue and gold, scarlet and white, that are worth $5 per jair. Your choice for $3.50 per pair, or will sell them single at $1.75 each.