Sffl into my new Store room, rner of Main and Second Streets, few Goods are arriving and vrt are fast getting thm set up ready for your inspection. I invite you t visijmy new store. Whether you wish to buy or not, you are welcome. i . Press Paragraphs German Dill pickle at Bagloy's. New crop. . E. L. Baroett waj ii Pendleton this week. Sheriff Taylor was up from Pendleton Tuesday. . W. C. Miller bad business ia Pendle ton tbis week. Ora Rhodes is down in Crook eouaty on his homestead. -. -. Mrs. I. M. Kemp is in Col ton, Wash., visiting her mother. Wild ducks are furnishing sport for gunners on the Umatilla. D. C. Kirk and wife were ever from Weston Tuesday evening. Jas. A Nelson was up from his farm near Pendleton Wednesday. Tharp Bros, will have their chep mill in operation by Monday next. J. W. Smith will leave this week for his mining claims on Snake river. A number of Athena yotrag people will attend the ball at Milton tonight. Mrs. C. W. Gates came up treat Pen- dleton and visited a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tharp and Mrs. Frank Tharp were in Walla Walla Sun day. Miss Orpha DeLong of Walla Walla visited Miss Mabel Tkompkms this week. Miss Jessie Hamer'of Helix, took the train here Thursday for Spokane, where she visits a sister. F. S. LeGrow's handsome cottage is nearing completion and next week will be ready for oceupancy. J. M. Hayes this week sold the Mas teraon cottage in the north part of town to J. W. Hopper for $600. George Curry, known far and wide as an expert meat cutter, is behind the eounter at Sherman's meat market. Subject at M. E. church for next Sun day morniug, "Heaven;" text, Acts7:55. Evening subject, Grace; text, John 1:17. While working with a telephone wire Sunday William Mosgrove fell from a step ladder and severely sprained his arm. Uncle Jack Criglar has recently bee a in Walla Walla receiving surgical treat ment. His condition is said te be mueh improved. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thorapkins, Mr. and Mrs. George Gross and a number of ethers are attending the Spokane fair this week. The yeung son of Chas. McLean who was taken to Hot Lake for his health, is improving. Mrs. McLean returned from there yesterday. Through J. M. Hayes, Frank Berlin has purchased the C. W. Hollis farm north of town, The place contains 320 acres of wheat land. A fine consignment ef new miiiinesr kas arrived at Mrs. Owens'. Great re duction in street hats. Remember, coun try produce is taken in trade. VUUUUU The family of J. B. Saylpr will soon move up from Butter creek and will occupy the Taylor cottaget soon to be vacated by Mr. and Mrs. LeGrow. The Tendleton merchant's carnival ia in progress- tbi week. Livestock and produce is .being exhibited and with the addition of good shows, Pendletoa is giving good attractions to the public. Mrs. Lillie Miller has just received a new line of untrimmed hats, latest shapes in beavers. Orders taken for any kind of hats, from $2.00 to $5.00. Chas. Gay is puttiag in partitions and shelving in the building vacated by N. A. Miller. Charlie will move his pop ular resort to this location next week, Henry Dell will go down to Crook county tomerrew. Before returning "Doc" will leave his mark on the land scape in the shape of a "shack" on his homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Caton and Theo dore Russell desire through this meant to express their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses extended them in their recent sad affliction. The family of Rev; Jenkins, the new pastor of the Christian church, arrived from Hood River Monday. They will occupy Mrs. Rfclntyre's property in the north part of towa. Frank Lockwood recently sold to Freborn & Coyle, of Walla Walla, three quarter sections near Hillsdale for $9, 000, and eae quarter section on Gerking Flat to Vic Harris for $6,000. . Mrs. M. M. Jehns and sons left Wednesday for Walla Walla, where they will spend a couple or more months. Mr. Johns will attend to business here and will follow them the last of the week. A. L. fcwaggant this week sold to Louis Audette a registered Poland China boar for $25. Mr. Audette had investigated iate the merits of other thoroughbred herds and wisely seleeted the Bwaggart stock. Adams pulled off a horse race Sunday aternoon. Louie Audette's mare, rid den by Jap Harden, was the winner ahead of two others. The Audette mare showed up so well before the race that few bets were made. Fred Baddeley, Ben Dupuis aod Bert Marsh, Weston boys, had a spill-oat on Third street Sunday. The horse turned quickly and over went the buggy. The boys picked themselves up out of the mud and proceeded on their way. J. M. Mansfield, nephew of Frank and B. F. Maasfield and uncle to H. H. Curtis, is in town from Mitchell, Sher man county. Mr. Mansfield notes many changes sinee he was last here, 23 years ago. He is aseompanied by his family. A number of Athena people attended the fruit fair at Walla Walla Sunday. Rain interfered somewhat with the pro gram but many considered the concerts given by Ellery's Royal Italian band well worth the time and expense of the trip. County Superintendent J. F. Xowlin has completed his apportionment of the state and eeunty school fund and is now Rust ready to send the warrants for the amounts to the different districts of the county. District No. 29 gets the sum of $1,024.64. ; . ... ; Sraot & Carpenter's Casino Cirens is billed for the 'Athena " opera' house for Monday evening, Oct. 12. If press re ports can be relied upou, this is the funniest of all funny shows. There is not a dull moment from start to finish, Popular prices. Yesterday an operation was success fully performed for appendicitis, upon Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton, Jr., at her home near this city. Dr. Cole, of Pendleton, was the chief surgeon, assisted by Drs. Sharp,. Botkin and Stone of Athena and Dr. Kirby of Pendleton. The Christirn church of this city has secured the services of J. V. Updyke, an evangelist of national reputation, to hold a series of meetings in the month of November. The exact date of Mr. Updyke's coming is not known at pres ent, but will be announced later. Lawrence Lieuallen was up from Adams Tuesday and his team, which was hitched te a rack on Third street, concluded not to wait for him. They were unhitched from the hack and broke away and lit out for home. The horses were recovered without any damage be ing done. A grand harvest ball is announced for Friday evening, Oct. 16, to take place in the Athena opera house. Floor commit tee consists of popular young men from the various contiguous towns. Music by Johnson's ever popular orchestra of sev en pieces. Supper at Athena Hctol. Tickets to dance $1.00. H. H. Curtis has purchased the old Christian church building and two lots for $400. It is understood that Mr. Curtis will use the material in the build ing for lumber sheds on his Main street property west of the Barrett implement warehouse, and that be will build a cou ple of cottages on the lots. East Oregonian: Louie Ringel and Gertrude Kloepzijr. of this county, were married yesterday evening at 4 o'clock, by Rev. Robert Warner, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Charles Rohr- IT'Goi'FRNESsl I AT RIGHT PRICES ! ft H Elskamp's,new Harness Shop is stocked with everything in the J Harness and Saddle line. Repair- J ing neatly and promptly executed. SHOP ON SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET E H.J. ELSKAMP, PROPRIETOR 5 ffiii man, in this city. Mr. Ringel lias just purchased a farm near Athena, and left with his bride yesterday to reside per manently there. The big black team of the Athena Truck Co. took a spin Tuesday morning from the rear of Miller's new furniture store, and for a time bed mattresses fell below par. The truck was loaded with mattresses and at every jump the team made up Main street a mattress would fall to the ground. No damage done. . Philip Stumpf, who with Austin and James Fobs, went down to improve their Crook county homesteads, returned home Tuesday.' On their arrival they found that they had been wrongly locat ed. The quarter sections allotted them were not satisfactory and they relin quished their rights. The land they found in their possession was good for its kind, but a very poor kind. -; Frank Nelson, a bright boy who' has many friends in Athena, is at the Walla Walla hospital where on Monday of this week he underwent a surgical operation. Over a year ago Frank was struck over the heart while boxing. The blow re sulted in a bruise which later developed into a running sore. In the operation the surgeon removed a portion of the breast bone which had decayed. , J, W. Jenkins, the new pastor of the Christian church, announces the regular services at the church as follows: Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. in. preaching at 11 a. m. and 7;30 p. m.; midweek prayer meeting on each Wed nesday evening at 7:30; young people's prayer meeting each Saturday " evening 7:30. All not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited to attend these ser vices. Bluford Stanton died at his home in Milton Saturday last, of cancer. He had been a sufferer , for about seven years... Mr. Stanton came to the coast in 1853 and to Umatilla county in 1878. He was a brother of S. C. Stanton, of this city. He was the father of three children, and leaves a wife and four brothers. , He was a veteran of the In dian war of 54-56 and just previous to his death received a pension of $8 per month. Mr. Stanton was aged 68 years and 27 days. SCHOOL NOTES. The pupils of the various grades at the publie school are this week taking the regular monthly tests. The teacher of the primary department has received the new supplies and they are very much enjoyed by the children. The school was favored with an offic ial visit Wednesday, from Directors Caton and Giilis. "The total enrollment of pupils has reached the sum of 195. The different grades will have rhetor icals every third Friday throughout the school year. Visitors are always wel come. ' ' '"" ' v The rooms of Missel McKenzie,' Rm onzweig and Cannon are being decorat ed with pictures, In Miss Cannon's department the studies of Millet seem to be most popular. V Owing to the crowded condition of the seventh grade, the fifth will be sent into Miss Cannon's room and a part of the seventh to Miss Craigen. i This week 12 new pupils were enrolled in the various grades, Miss Edna Owens and Earl Dudley entering the High school department. k Resolutions. We, the committee appointed by Athena Circle, No, 10, W. O. W., would respectfully submit the following: Whereas, it has pleased the heavenly Father to remove from the home of our sister, Mrs. Katie Stumpf, her little son, therefore be it Resolved: That we, in behalf of the Circlet, extend to our sister our sympathy and condolence in her hour of sorrow. Resolved : That a copy of these reso lutions be tendered our sister, a copy be spread on the records and a copy fur nished the local paper for publication. -Mrs. Ann Taylor, Mrs. Elvina Norris, Mrs. Mary Foster, Com. Resolutions of Condolence. Hall of Athena Circle, No. 10, W. O. W. We, the committee appointed to express our sorrow for the loss recently sustained by our dear sister, Mrs. Kate Caton, of her beloved daughter, do here by tender these resolutions: Whereas, Sister Caton has been called upon to bear the loss of her first born, one who was ever a joy and a loving daughter to her, therefore be it Resolved: That we, as true sisters, neighbors and friends, with hearts full of sorrow and sympathy, too deep to ex press by mere words, do commend her to that only true source of comfort and solace, which we so well know is her stay, our Father which art in heaven. Resolved; That a copy of this be sent our sister, a copy be recorded and a copy published. Mrs. Ann Taylor, Mrs. Elvina Norris, Mrs. Mary Poster, Com. Umatilla Art Gallery Button or Pin ! WitiV j Each ' $3.50 Order until' October 11 THE BEST OF MATERIAL PERFECT SATISFACTION. WE ARE AGENTS FOR PENDLETON WOOLEN BLANKETS Ever hear of an Indian Cozy Corner? Indian decoration is now the fad of the hour. Indian atmosphere is easy to attain with Pendleton Blankets.. We have just received a varied assort ment of these genuine Red Man's Robes and they will soon be on exhibition. Not mere fanciful ornaments to lend a touch of luxury to the homel For cover let, or couch cover, slumber robe or wrup, these soft, fleecy blankets are ideal. How their uses multiply! You'll think of a dozen others for yourselves. The FAIR Store. Our fall stock is now complete, We have added over $10,000 worth of new goods, and are confi dent of our ability to please, We invite you to call and inspect our stock, whether you wish to buy or not We want you to see what your home town has to offer. We have everything, at prices that testify to buying for cash in large quantities c ? ... yyi $ ED. MANASSE CORNER MAIN j Our Fall Stock is Now Complete In Dress Goods We Show Latest H Styles with Trimmings to Match UNDERWEAR In Mus- lin, Outing Flannel, etc a iiuoiL,n i i ui an, in Wool and Cotton. SHOES To suit the most fastideous; all sizes. CURTAINS In Tapestry, H Best duality at 1 w. r f-v n ji a O tU. IVI A Agent for Butterick's Patterns. n RVlQT'n a'nt Oil, UCU U, UllalJJ . 'R A AND Live Stock Show Walla Walla Under the auspices of the WALLA WALLA COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION $10,000 Purses and Premiums. NEW TKACK and GROUNDS FASTEST HORSES HAVE Kuiitat ucontofn.io.ooo. BEEN ENTERED- BEST IN THE NORTHWEST UigHiiilo Live Stock Exhibition Reduced Hates on AH Railways, Don't Fall to Attend. JUDGE THOS. II. BRENTS, R. B. CASWELL. President. . Secretary BMmmmmmmnmmmmmmmimmmKmmmmmB&mmmmmm ma ihmu Painless Dentistry New York Methods used for performing Painless Operations. Teeth Without Plates, Gold Crowns and Bridge Work. The latest of these operations. This is the most satisfactory and perma nent of all methods for preserving and re placing the Teeth. Teeth Extracted Painless by an absolute safe, harmless and pain less anesthetic. Don't cause sickness, sore mouth or bad after effects. PLATES THAT FIT All artificial teeth guaranteed to tit and give perfect satisfaction. Prices reasonable; work warranted. DR. 8PON0OLE, Surgeon Dentist, New York Dental iSchool, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dentistry. Bank Building, Athena, Oregon. artment no Vi AND THIRD STS. 5.W. 3 Clothing . Overcoats Shirts Lowest Prices k i a "n r l A fc L Gla'ss, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing PENDLETON, OREGON. B OCTOBER 19 - 24 THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. IS. FROOME, pkop. Iff Only First-class Hotel in me city. Iff " : THE ST. NICHOLS 4 1 the only oue that can HwoiiiiiioilHt.' 4 commercial traveloi H. i w ! Can tn tecomeiided for ll clean and X well vcutlluted room. : Cea. Maim and Third, Atbbm a, Or. $ Store. Where Whole Families flan Tin TVipiv Tiading.