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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1903)
.TIIENA PRESS f. B. BOTO, PUBLISH. KntertdatAthena postofflce as second-clan usil matter. . . s - Subscription Ht: Per year, In aTanc 1-50 Blngle copies l wrppr,lc Advertising "Rwtaaw Local reading notice, first Insertion, 10c per ih Each subsequent insertion, 5c. i II communications itaonld be addressed to I ,r PRES8 Athena, Orejon ATHENA, OCTOBER 9, 190H Mayor Taylor and the city council will, if the wishes of the citiaens and property owners of Athena are taken into consideration, stand for nothing but open streets, in any ' compromise they may make with the O. R. 4 N. Co. As the matter now stands, the railroad company and net the city owns the site f the city . waterworks tower. This tower was placed on ground which at the time was supposed te be occupied by Garfield street, a public thorough fare. Since the railroad claims the ground in question, the city is in duty bound to acquire title, but in doing so it should not in the least countenance any move on the part of the railroad company to keep Fourth street closed or to in any. way interfere in its con struction, improvement or "uniformity with other streets of the town. The railroad company, for reasons of its own, will probably in the end offer a compromise by opening Garfield street and and precluding the opening of Fourth stieet north froin the company's right of way. This is what the city should guard against. People liviig north of . the railroad trucks on Fourth street have just as much right to an open thoroughfare as those lesid ing on Third and Fifth streets. When you clog up the extension of a street you stagnate improvement and growth in tUsit direction. Let nothing Htand in the wny t'f street opening ie Athena. It in wiid tlmt Secrt'tHrv Cortelyou line found that work done in lie govern ment printing nrtlce for the various de- p irtmontH him cost far more tlmu would liijve been charged by private concerns outside. The cause is said to be the limiting of the work that can be done in the government printing office, and other arbitrary regulations concerning the doing of the work. One instance is given in which a department official ob t.iined an estimate for some work from 1h gerern merit printer. He thought the price was high, and he asked for bids from outside concerns. II obtain e l a much lower price, and the contract was given to a firm in Baltimore. There appears to be a disposition on the part of organized labor to dispute the attitude assumed by President Roosevelt with respect to the case of Foreman Miller of tlu government book-bindery. It was Huid at the time this subject was up for diietiMiou, that the unions would make a mistake if they fought President Roosevelt. The employes of the gov ernment printing erttce may yet have rouson to wish they had let that caie drop whon Miller was reinstated. The investigation conducted by Secretary Cortelyou was the direct result of the Miller controversy. There is evidently a vast difference between a boxing contest and a real prize fight, when it comes to entertain ing a ciowd. The 10-round contest giv en in Athena Friday night was excelled by a 3-round preliminary, so far as "mixing it" was concerned. Judging from comments overheard, boxing con tests are too tame for Athena sports, and unless it can be arranged in future for a little more "boring in," door receipts will not be sufficient to pay for towels nnd water bottles. The Friday night contest was clearly within the limit of the law. The limit was not strained in tUo least. Even good boxing was elim inated. In an article entitled, "Aggressive Forest Reservation," which appears in the North American Review, Mr. James P. Kimball make a vigorous protest Hgitmtit the wholesale sequestration from the public domaiu of vast areas, ftuiuetimos in units of thousands of square miles, as forest reserves. The ostensible object of such reservations is to protect the forests, but it appears that reservations made include regions which are destitute of forest in any measured sense of the term, and some which are even above the timber line. The extent of the forest reserves, Mr. Kimball says, was 71,697 square miles in 1000, and with additions made in 1902 by Presi dent Roosevelt it now foots op 80,000 square miles, an area equal to the com bined areas of the New England states together witk the area of Maryland. The process of reservation involves great hardships to those who happen to have made homes for themselves in the regions set apart, for they can use their property only as they are permitted to do by the regulations of the interior department, which are at times, Mr. Kimball avers, administered arbitrarily and even unlawfully. Not only so, but the industries of stock raising and wool growing, which have done so much for the west are threatened with ruin. Another attempt to scale Mt." McKin ley in Alaska has failed. It looks as if the job would have to be turned over to the woman who has just started to cap ture one of the untrodden peaks of the Andes after scaling all the difficult mountains of Europe. ;. - The German state gives to one uui versity more than the British govern ment allows to aU the universities and university colleges in England, Ireland and Scotland together. . . , The American investment in religious and educational institutions in Turkey is $6,500,000, and more than 920,000,000 has been spent in mission work covering nearly a century. The Northern Pacific goes right ahead replacing , wooden with steel bridges, straightening curves, cutting down grades and chasing dynamiters. Cabbage for Saner Kraut I am prepared to deliver cabbage in Athena. Leave orders at M. J. Bagley's. .... F. A. Williams. For Sale. ,; 0. A. Fischer offers his three store buildings at a bargain fifty foot front age on Main street for $2100. This is a desirable property, having the advan tage of good location and brings in a rental of $35 per month. For Sale. I have 40 acres of corn fodder cut and bound in shock, 1 mile from Athena, which I will sell for $2 60 per acre. ' A. L. Swaggart. At Auction Sale- On SHturday, Oct. 10, tlie old school hoube building in District No. f2, will he sold at auction to the highest bidder. Sale will tuke plucu tit Union wliool house. John VALKKR,Clmirmnn Board of Directors. If you desire a good complexion use Moki Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on the liver and makes the skin smooth and clear. Cures sick headache. 25c and 50c. Money refunded if it does not satisfy you. Write to"W. H. Hooker it Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for free sample. For sale by McBride k Co. J. M. HAYES REAL ESTATE DEALER. Houses to Rent. Town and Country Property for Sale. Are easily secured by those prepared. The best place to prepare is at The Blair Business College of Spokane, Washington. Bond for catalogue. II. C. Blair, Principal. 3u MOTHERHOOD The greatest 'ambition of Amer ican men and women is to have homes bitted with children. The woman afllicrcd with lenialc dis case is constantly menaced with becoming a childless wife. No medioiue can restore dead or gans, but "Wine of Cardul does regulate derangements that pre vent conception: does rYAnt miscarriage; does restore weak functions and shattered nerves and does bring babies to homes barren and desolate lor years. TV'ine of Cardui gives women the health and strength to bear heal thy children. You can get a dollar bottle of "Vlno of Cardui from your dealer 0 l I In 1 1 Market btreet, I vl l ? V 11 ' ' Ui(TV 'I I . w MomphlTenn., April It. IS01. I I I W l ' 1 ' -Sk 2 V ( H J,n February luoi, I took Ono bottle or i if S A ' '" ,v1rIV v V. V JT marked flft ire.r. and had tW I I. V V) VjV IJ X X 1 v2 gin birth to enild until ItookWlae I V V ill li U I aK XiVJ t..A VgV-T O' Cardui. Now I am mother of a I V irL MH rlTA tNS by elrt which waa bora laaroh at, 1WK 1 AXf L V JtJr I Z V iV5 "- , The baby wKha tourteen ponnda and I 1 ' iiNL.i n-' 11 A V f lwl aa wU aa anjr perwa eould I 4. A f AL 11 X i". I Now my home t. hapiT and 1 new wlU 8 SNJ'V fv I 1 I be without Wine ot cVrduilBmT house i -JkVs V&- , !. Un, J. W. O. SMITH, n - QJ j9 JJ Kor ailTtce and UtiCtur, ad.lrM, flrtnt 1 v2l? Jimm ' , 1 h Cjattaoooa M.Uan. Comsat, H o o u o ex Cj c 3 W TAKE DOWN ( "... , iii mm I f UK. M 1 I V A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable for trap or duck shooting, and an extra interchangeable modified choke or cylinder bore barrel, for field shoot ing, lists at only $42.00. Deslers sell them for lest. This makes a serviceable all round gun within reach of everybody's pocket book. Winchester Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expensive double barrel guns and are Just as reliable besides. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN. All aoaiwai till I rfilliCa VolnnUrii reduced Dricei aCRMOTOB In recent timet lllVt.w COMPANY. CaltMoi Sea fm ' rt.WMtkf InlB.Nab.lKuUM .W "i I Citr.SntLotiii, . M.(SixCUr,5 DulnqifltDvea. ( Bantu to deal .. of all i tower, I Y.-!ZZL 1 HAL" k ami.) imnu.! ) . . ,h . MtwTark ciijj ms a oeaouruii liiastratea eauioirrje or op-tOHiaie rae I I'm i aniMiari bnt i prim oar nun LVsT lllMUI,raaVIRlClaiiaMUIWiWli fflRBRi tft2Tf iT33 mm THE ITANDARO PENS EVERYWHERE. WorVt, Cimdea. W. I. ESTERBROOK on't uess at It cifis Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to rr.-e us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service, call on or address, 3. S. LIDSEY, T. V. & P. A. B., H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agent. 1 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE REPEATING SHOTGUNS SSIPEC by the eolreeaeerB that ever orieintted a new Idea in Wiodm Water Supply Good.. Ererythlnf the farmer sella la k Wha sella low ta bla F 'We have repeatedly refuted to and have therefore defeated windmill combination, and ainea 'So, reduced the cost el wind power to ) what w I cinatortl 1 I mrongn grautude, ana necaoae we are price maaera. that is good in the modern ateel windmill witn- ana oecanse we are tne aoie on th world HAoaivanus) ITS WINDMILL BUSMIIt nn.. Ul.v. nninn. !lh haitt anea. our imiuiara anav mvt Dai pi ana. no mnm mtnwm uh j-, - i STEEL PENS 150 Styles SVSlg?, STEEL PEN CO. ts jm st., t. 1 and! 1 ' We believe j make short I THAN I 1 I aeamleu I 6 inch at now tor but if you are going east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accomodations offered by the Illk is Central Railroad. Through Touns Cars via the Illinois Central frotr i INCORPORATED. i Athena fire Insurance Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. G. CHAMBERLAIN Agent Notary Public and Conveyancer. THE PROPER THING to do, is to have Chapman, the dec orator, do your pa per hanging and painting. Satisfac tion and first-class work guaranteed. If your buggy is in need of paint, take it to the painter, CHAPMAN, Third St., Athena. -Tha- COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. KING BROTHERS I'rrp Everything For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy. Cakcr & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton. Going to Build? ' Save Money ann Time by Hav ing C. E. TROUTMAN, Archi tect, make your Plans and Spci flcations. BOOM IS, ASSOCIATION BUILDING, PENDLETON, ... ORE. S3asal 8ATARRI In' All its etaen. Ely's Cream Balm C Vire, motUee anil lie:.' I the ilii.v 1 ni'-tutirr.' It cimctarrh aiul s mi .t culd In the lit .d Cn uu l:ilni it placed into the noetrils.Bpreads -r Ihfl mtiiiliruiio an I is absorbed. Belief ia im- 1. .. J .; cure (' !li'-rs. It is uot drying does ;.:. .i!M iiuM;njn. Iirc Sizr, 50 cents at Srag- ..-1. ih.t!t; Trial S.'xo, 10 cents. r- iriir.i:S.M Warren Street, New York 'If-. c3 COPwIP'Y te-ttU headquarters For E-3 1ROSS & WORTIIINGTON, 1 till m IP mt El is the place you augnt to go for a drink of High-Grade Whiskeys b many kind The Bar is always shinning, neat and clean, and a Marble-top Bartender there can be seen, OPEN DAY North Side Main Street, Me J. The Best General Merchandise Morris Bldg., CHARLES GAY i '. -ii J .. V ...Dealers in... '- '.J i,; Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars .. ' ; CLUB ROOM IN CONNECTION FIRST HSTMHL H. C. Adams. President. A T.J Kirk, Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK. SITBPLVS, Proper atte'ii ioi' ;lv -n to Rr.d lomestic F. 8. Lb Grow, Cashier, j ROCK SPRINGS EES GOAL f SPECIAL RATES "ON CAR LOTS ! J A. M. GIIvL-IS, Athena, Oregon. Z icawitiw.wi iEieiciBiiii" ...ATHENA LUMBER OGMPANY ... H. H. CURTIS, Manager. We respectfully sol cit li willp ve ot WE KEEP OH K .KD A LARGE STOCK OF ' OSLYN COAL OFFICE AND YARD, MAIN STREET, WIS! CF 8AIL8CAD. IDSEESPlntDlL'E RESPECTFULLY SOLICITia rdiii :: Next Door to Post Office. AND NIGHT P. II. TIEDEMAN, Propritor. BAGLEY in Groceries and Athena, Oregon BMK OF ETHENE I C. A Barrett, ) 1 P. E. Colburn, V Director h F.S. LeGrow,) B $ 60,000 5,ooo collections. Deals In foreign exchange. y , I. M. K MP, Aaaislant Cashier g & GOIJBERLAND I eral share of vorr patronage. We entire Satisfactisn.