USES OF THE BUKRO. Hardy Little ' Creature That " Has ae Much In the Wert. Haa 0aa Imort Favvtor la. th DeTtlomMt at WaM, Rllrrya - : d Bosldtaff Eater prise. Carrying wvhialcy on steep moun tainsides from cabin to cabin, t rant porting lumber to points where rail ways are out of the question, trudg ing to the secluded mines laden with picks and shovels such is the life of the mountain burro. A few of them have dwelt under the shelter of the stables of the wealthy, some of them have had their lota cast with a circus, others have gone into the depts of Pennsylvania mines, alto gether away from the sunlight, but for the most part the burros are resi dents of the fast-developing west, says the New York Times. Just how much credit man is will ing to grant the burro for the west ern development depends somewhat upon the man. The humble burro, like the mule, has been accorded too many hicks and cuffs and heavy loads from time immemorial. In early days the ass is given credit for more intelligence than the horse, and it has long been contended that th mule's intelligence haa been much depreciated, but in this mongrel the burro his appreciated qualifications consist wholly in surefootedness, sturdiness, and the fact that he is easy to keep. In Minnesota, Idoha, California, Arizona, Washington, and in Colorado, .outside of Denver, bur ros are to be found in large numbers, in fact, in all the western states were mountain exist end mining is carried on. Although there Is little use" for the burro in the eastern part of the country, it once became a fad in New York for the children of rich parents to own white burros as pets. They hitched them to carta and miniature vehicles and for a time the burro be came very popular. Carloads of them were shipped to the eastern markets and sold for as much as $130 and $200. Only white burros brought this price, however. It was not fashion able to own one of another color. But v.lth Shetland polnea available, this fad could not laat long. The ponies presented a so much neater and pret tier appearance that even the chil dren tired of burros. In the west the burn may be bought as low as five Hollars. The majority of them bring not less than $10 to $15. In the localities' where they are extensively sed one man may be found with a hundred of them nt,hii command, llurroa vary in color, na they also do in weight. They may be found weighing 1,000 pounds. Again, they may weigh but C50 pounds. A good-slued mule will weigh 1,800 pounds, thus, in compari son, being double the weight of the burro. The burro is ai slow creature, sel dom covering more than four or five miles nn hour, and is not to be hur ried. In some respects he may be termed stubborn; in others he is not. When a burro gets old he sometimes is inclined to be ugly, but in the main he is much gentler than a mule When he does become ugly he uses his teeth just as freely ng his heels. The burro wil live to be 30 years of age, and still be of service as a pack animal, which is better than can be expected of a horse. There are really few. animals to which the bur ro could be compared in hardiness. This has long been one of the char acteristics of the species to which he belongs. A burro team will carry upon their backs a 1200-pound load with apparent ease. Though they en gage in such hard work and are of suoh great service to residents of the mountainous regions of the west, they subsist on comparatively little. Often they collect their own food by brousing about the bushes upon the sides of the mountains. Like the camel, which la also used as a pack animal, they look lank and bony. It is difficult to find a fat burro. The u to which thia sturdy animal is put in the west are too many to enumerate. The milk peddlers carries his load to his mountain customers by means of his faithful burro. He strops a keg securely to the beAst's back, together with his milk cans and pint and quart measures. The lumber which ths burros trans port Is usually carried from the log ging camps, in the cleared areas, up the mountains to the mines, and the construction of many valunble mines fsave thus been made possible, where, inSr the circumstances, they would have been practically impossible. With bent heads, the burros climb the Mopes with a great piece of timber on each nide of their backs. These timber ere often two and three times as long os the burro that carries them, and may be two or three inches in thickness. Th roar nnA. r,f VB ! bards drag upn the ground, whil. - he forward ends are in tin air. T!m-o tibers hide from the viow a goodly part of ach burro's body. Twenty five of these animals thus half luden beneath the loads which they are dragging, trudging up the mountain sides, is one of the sights oi the en tire west. """Wheat Market. Wheat today is 62 cents. Theie are no sales being made. For Sale C. A. Fischer offers his three store buildings at a bargain fifty foot front age on Main street for $2100. This is a desirable property, having the advan tage of good location and brings in a rental of $35 per month. Tor Sale. I have 40 acres of corn fodder cut and bound in shock, mile from Athena, which I will sell for $2 50 per acre. A. L. Swaggart. At Auction Sale On Saturday, Oct. 10, the old school bouse building in District No. 52, will be sold at auction to the highest bidder. Sale will take place at Ueion sohool house. John Walker, Chairman Board of Directors. If you desire a good complexion use Moki Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on the liver and makes the skin smooth and clear. Cures sick headache. 25c and 50c. Money refunded if it does not satisfy you. Write to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buflalo, N. Y., for free sample. For sale by McBride k Co. THE SURE WAY to prevent pneumonia and consumption is to cure your cold when it first ap pears. Ackers English remedy will stop the cough in a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Always a quick and sure cure for asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. If it dors not satisfy the druggist will refund your money. Write to us for free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co., Buflalo, N. Y. For sale by McBride & Co., druggists. Items in Brief. Ayrteof Daverlosa with 8 now Ks. 61ft canned apricots; add sugar, lemon juice and dissolved gelatine. When cold fold In whipped cream. Arrange snow eggs and quartered apricots alternately in a mold and cover with the mixture. Snow eggs ore formed of whites of egg and pow dered augur made firm in hot water, then cooled. Ilousekeepsr, A Thoughtful Mali. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., Knew what to do in the hour of nwd. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's Now Life rills and she got relief at once and was dually cured. Only 25c, at G. C. Osburn'a drug store. Try the uew market for the best in meats. You can see a full line of ranges at Barrett's. C. A. Barrett k Co. have agency for corn binders. , Everything for the table at the Blue Front Grocery. Get your tinning tackle of Gross & Worthington. For fine groceries trade at Gross & Worthington's. C. A. Burrett & Co' have all kinds of machine extras. Go to the Pioneer drugstore for Cas tor muchine oil. Big lot ladies' soiled Shirt Waists lOo each. A. M. Co. The "General Good" cigar is having the lead at Gay's. New line of Men' Golf Shirts just re ceived at A. M. Co's. Get our prices before you buy your groceries. A. M. Co. Ice cream soda and soda drioks of all kinds at McBride k Co.'s. 200 yards Torchon keep, all width?, 5 cts per yard. A. M. Co. The leading brands of tobacco and cigars are sold by Gay, The famous Superior brand of candies is to be found at Bugley's. AbU to see some of those exclusive dress putterns at Manasse's. Ladies' funcy and lace atripped hose at reduced prioes. A. M. Co. - Job lot of men's straw hats, 10, 15 and 25 cents each. Athena Mer. Co. 'White as snow" is the term applied to Fendleton Steam Laundry work. Ladios' tan shoes and Oxfords marked down to half price at A. M. Co's. Just received, a new lot of Preferred Stock canned goods at Bagley's. A complete lot of Boys' Linen and Gillateer suits half price. A. M. Co. Don't fail to see the new Fireside and Domestic sewing machines at Bagley's. Bring your produce. We will pay the highest market price at all times. A. M. Co. The best of everything in grocenosare to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right The entire line of Summer wash goods marked down, regardless of coBt at A. M. Co's. Get our prices on barb and woven wire fencing before buying. Umatilla Implement Co. The new fall shades and Blacks in la dies' undressed Kid Gloves have arrived ut A. M. Co's. The Mitchell wagon pulls eHsy and holds up tli loud. C. A. Barrett & Co. sell the Mitchell. We can sell you the "Dutchman" or "Cantou" plows. You know the merit of theae. Umatilla Implement Co. We will have a sample combine har vester to Bhow you in a short time. Umatilla Implement Co. For sale. The DePeatt Main street lot and otllce building. Inquire of Mrs. Minnia DePeatt, Athena, Oregon. There will come a time some day when you will want your house papered and painted, and when that time does come figure with J. W. Chapman. Up-to-date painter and paper hanger. Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. "Force," a ready-to-sorve wheat and barley food, adds uo burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigor ates. IT'S JUST A COUGH that gets your lungs sore and weak and paves the way for pneumonia or con sumption, or both. Acker's English lleiuedy will stojF the cough in a day Hnd heal your lungs. It will cuie con sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Positively guaranteed and your money refunded if you are not satisfied. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker 4 Co., Il. jl' I . XT V Va aula tv Ml?ri,lrt .t Co. I iiNo iiio Oregon mxd Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars dully to Omaha, Chicago; tourlHt sleeping car dully to Kansas t'lty; through Pullman tourist deeping cars, personally constructed, weekly to Chicago, Kansas Clly; reclining chair earn, seals free, to the east dally from renqietqn. DKPART IIME ARBIVK Vrtly- ATHENA, ORE. Dally. Fast Mall for Pen dleton, LaUrande. Baker City, and all points east via Hun tlngton, Ore., Also s.ia . frUmatllla,Hepp 5:I0pra. nel The i)alfegi 8:5o a. m. Portland, Astoria, Wlllamet( Valley Points, faliforola, Tacomu, Seatl le, all Hound Points, Walla Walla, Pay- ton, Poraeroy, Lew- s-fio a m. Istoo, Colfax, Pull- . , a. m. raan . MoHCOW( lhe 6:lo p. m Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and all points Dorth. Mixed train walla 7:10 p.m. walla and lnterme 7'io p. m. dlate points. Mixed, for Pendle 11:40 a.m ton and Intermedl- ll:50aa m. ate points, Water lloutci. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND ROUTE, Steamer sails from Portland 8 p. m. every 6 days. r Snake River Route. (Steamers leave Rlparla dally at 4:o5 s. in, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. Returning leave Lewlston dully Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a. m. For tickets to and from all parts of tn country call on or write to J. Swart, Agent, Athens. , Take the .'. WASHINGTON & . COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY In Connection with the 1ST ox,"blxox,xi. Pacifio TIME TABLE. No. 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays arrive 8:50 a. m. No. 12 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays depart 9:05 a. m. For further information apply to FRED KERSHAW, Agent, Athena, Oregon Or to S. B. CALDERHEAD, - G. F. k P. Agt., Walla Walla, Wash. C&-LOWEST RATES PIONEER . DRUG STORE A. B. STONE. PROPRIETOR Paint Time here at last We Sell It PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND ED BY DAY OR NICHT- NORTH SinF. MAIN ST. V. - WILL M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public Athens, Oregon Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgages and Contracts carefully drawn; Collections promptly made. S. F. Sharp, Sharp A. W, Botkim. & Botkin, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena, Oregor Foley9 s Honey ad Tar for childrca,safe,sure. Afa opiates. SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 14th We hare School Books, Tablets, Pens, Pencils, etc. The only place in town where you can buy School Books McBRIDE & COMPANY Leading Drag-gist PARKER & KEEN'S BARBER SHOP SHAVING HAIR CUTTING SHAMPOOING AND BATHS CAREFUL WORKMEN, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET R. J. BODDYS OLD RELIABLE MEAT MARKET Is again cpen for business. He invites all his old customers to call and see him. Take new ones with you. Only the best the market affords is kept in stock. ra n .P n n a m i fra k that is good at all times is what the Customer wants Qet it at the CITY MEAT MARKET C. H. SHERMAN Proprietor Platzoeder & Minger's old stand Thousands are Trying It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Catarrh aud Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BltOSi, 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Creatu l?alm seems to do even that. Many acquaintances have nscd it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 15 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nof any iniurious drug. Price, 60 oeuta. At druggists or by nir J. Bowman Photo Studio Main Street, near bridge. Work. PENDLETON, ORE. Carrier Millinery Largest Stock of Millinery in Umatilla Co. Next to People's Ware House, PENDLETON Guaranteed to Equal any $100 Machine on Market "T1TE CIIICVGO" TYPEWRITER 885.00 THE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER CO. 613 5U Market Street, San Francisco. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE I PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, 1 you want one of our Circular Catalogues, drop us a p$stdl card and we'll see that you get it. A great . . mm- IN. SPLENDID BARGAINS IN ALL OF OUR MANY DEPARTMENTS Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Peau de Soies, Velvets, Vel veteens, Dress Linings, Dress Trimmings, Flannels in cotton and wool, Table Linens, Towels and Towelings, Laces and Embroideries, Lace Curtains and Portiers, Sheeting and Shirtings, Cotton Battings and Calico, Gingham, Underwear, Hosiery, and in our Woman's ready-to-wear Department, women's and childrens fine Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Wrappers, Petticoats. Nothing missing; it's all here. Our Men's Department offers the grandest opportunities lo save money.ever offered in Eastern Oregon. Jn's Suits and Overcoats from the cheapest to the best and same for Boys, and along with them all the fixin's and trimmin's, whether inside or outside. The best values for Boys and Girls Shoes ever sold in Oregon, and we're hsre to prove it. Shoes for Men and Women in immense variety at right prices. Come to the Peoples Warehouse, where it pays to trade. We've almost forgotten our most important items; BLANKETS, FINE COMFORTABLES, TRUNKS AND VALISES The variety almost endless and the prices the lowest ever offered for such goods. You ought to see them all to appreciate them. , Send For a Circular Catalogue. S35Q.00 S Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars Given Away Absolutely Free With every dollar you buy at The Peoples Warehouse from now until October 31, 1903, you will be given a ticket, we keep the duplicate number which entitles you to a chance to win one of the following ; SIX PRIZES SIX PRIZES 1st prize is a Wilson Moline guaranteed Top Buggy, rubber tired. $165.00 2nd prize, round trip ticket to St. Louis Exposition, 75.00 3rd prize, choice of any Ladies' Tailor Suit, Cape or Jacket or Fur, 50.00 4th prize, choice of any man's 830.00 Overcoat in our store, value 30.00 5th prize, choice of any man's $25.00 suit of Clothes, value 25.00 6th prize, choice of any $5.00 Stetson bat in our store, value . ft.00- If you buy goods to the value of $1.00 you secure one ticket. If you buy to the value of $5.00 you secure five tickets and so on for any amount you purchase you receive a corresponding number of tickets. Your goods do not cost you one cent more. Drawing takes place Saturday, 4 p. m., October 31, 1903. ' . - 1; T .. Sufferers v Frena . Elidnoy and Bladder Oisecises " No matter how long you have suffered, FOLE-Y'S. KIDNEY CURE will help you. This we will GUARANTEE. . It has cured many cases of Bright's Disease and Diabetes that had been thought incurable, however we do not claim that it will cure these diseases in advanced stages as no medicine can make new kidneys for you, but sifciw-31 "-"" - ..l...liri-3 ftjj tfs . will positively cure every case of kidney and bladder trouble" if taken in time, and even in the worst a - ,, H . ... ...... Diabetes it always gives com fort and relief. Remember when the kid neys are affected the work of destruction never ceases, so commence taking FOLEY'S ICIDIEY CUBE at once and avoid a fatal malady. FOLEY'S ICIDfJEY CURE is made from a prescription of a specialist in kidney diseases and was used for years in prh vate practice before it was put on the market. Thomas Maple, Birbeck, 111., writes; 'I had very bad case of kidney trouble and my back pained me so I could pot straighten up. The doctor's treatment did me no good. Siw'FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, advertise and took one bottle which cured me anJ I have not been affected since. I gladly recommend this remedy." Threi Physicians Treated Kim Without Success V. L. Yancy, of Padu,cah, Ky., writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in southern Kentucky treated me without success. I then took FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. The first bottle gave imme diate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." Scffired Twsnty-FiTS Ycsrs Seymour Vebb, of Moira, N. Y., writes: "I had been troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had tried several physicians but received mo relief nntij I bought a bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. After using two ponies was absolutely cured. I earnestly recommend FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE." , '.' two sizes SOo aJ $1,C9 SOLO m nECOL'aEHSED BY ZZZZ McBRIDE & GO- THE PALACE DRUG STORE. SOUTH SQ MAIN STREET