The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 07, 1903, Image 4

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    nnim nnwH snakf
Proposed Line Will Give aa Outlet
to a Bich Mineral Country
Tn ftrsarnn onH Triftho.
" -t3-
Articles of incorporation of the,Lew
jeton & Owyhee Railroad company were
ant to Spokane to be filed for record,
by M. 0. Reod, a prominent attorney of
Colfax, wlro is president of the dcw road
which is to be built from Huntington,
Oraeon, down SDake river to Clarkston,
Wash., or Lewiston, Idaho, the final
destination not having been definitely
ttled. Clarkston is just acrosB the
river from Lewiston.
The capital stock of the company is
s nnn nnn rtirMAil into 30.000 shares
WfVV","".', ' - '
f the par value of $100 each.
The route of the proposed road is set
farth as follows: "This railroad lfl con.
acted with the Oregon Short Line rail
raad of Huntington, Or., which point is
alio the terminus of the Oiegon Railroad
A Navigation company's line of road;
aaa attending thence down to the Snake
liver, on the Oregon side, through 13a
kar, Uaibn and Wallowa counties in the
state of Oregon, and perhaps into Lew
iitea, through Nei Perce county, Ida-
bo, a distance of some 200 miles; extend
ing along the well-known mining dis
trict known as the Seen Devils district,
in Idaho and the Iron Dyke, Cornucopia
and Imnaha districts in the state of
Oregon." -.--- , -
The company has just completed the
purchase of the right of way of the
Northwest Railroad company, which be
gan building a line down the Snake river
from Iluntington several years ago, and
had graded about 80 miles when work
was suspended. The right of way es
tends from Huntington, a distance of 60
miles. M. O. Reed, who was elected
president, returned a few days ago from
. Erie, Pa., and New York, where be pur
' chased this right of way and grade and
sneceaded in interesting New York cap
italists, who agreed to take $400,000 of
the bonds at 5 per cent, for 30 years
Work is to begin On the road as soon as
possible and it is the intention to have
the first 60 miles completed by May 1
The completion of the first CO miles of
iU. .nnrl ...111 ir a nnllnl 4rt IYin iJf
IUO iUaU Will glVO U UUUCk duiiiv
the rich mining districts of Idaho and
Oregon, It will tap the mineral belt of
which Mineral City, with its 100-ton
smelter, is the center, and this district
alone promises 100 tons of freight duily
It will also tap Eagle Valley, a rich agn
cultural district, and give an outlet for
the products of the valley. At a die-
tance of 58 miles from Iluntington the
road passes through the property of the
Iron Dyke mine, which promises 125,000
tons of ore for shipment as soon as the
.wad is built. A largo amount of rich
one is also waiting shipment in the Bev
en Devils district, and the building of
this road will put new life into all the
wining districts along the river.
One of the grtat advantages of the
aaw road will be the closer relationship
rt will create between tne nortu ana
icatli of Idaho. It will bring the "Pan
Imnaie" 200 miles nearer Boise, the
aapftal of the state, and it is thought the
agitation for a division of the state
waiau has been made by the north half
because of the difficulty of reaching the
aaaital, will be abolished by the building
of this road. ' It will open a rich district
where livestock, mining and farm pro
ducts are abundant, and will give a new
cutlet to tho East to the fruitgrowers of
the upper Snake river, whose fruit to
f'noh the eastern market must no via
either Spokane or Fendleton.
Notice to Tm-Payern.
Pendleton, Oregon, Aug. 8, 1003 -No
, . line is hereby given that the board, of
.. i n utilization of Umatilla county, state
'. Oregon, will meet at tho ofllce of clerk
t f said county on the last Monday in
August and publicly examine the assess
ment rolls, correct all errors in valuation
description or qualities of land, or other
property. It is the duty of all persons
interested to appear at that time and
place. If it shall appear to the said
board that any lands or other property
sue assessed twice, or in the name of a
iirou or persons not the owner thereof,
or assessed under or beyond its value,
' iir any lauds or other property not as
sussed, the Buid board shall make proper
corrections. . C. P. StuaiN "
County Assessor.
Teacher Are Kvnrce.
J. A. Paxton, the school superintend
eat of Baker county, has warned the
country districts of his county that
Uaehera will be scarce this year and thct
diroctora will do well to hire their teach
ers early. The prevailing salaries will
be from $40 to $50 for country schools.
Km Ituuia for the liicreano. ' W
E. II. Sjwrks, of tho Black Butte
Livestock company, of Crook county,
has 4500 sheep in Lake county for sale.
His company controls quite a range in
the Cascade forest reserve, and is allot
ted pasturage ft 12,000 sheep, the same
as last year, allowing nothing for in
crease, consequently it became neccsnary
to dispose of all the increase. The same
condition prevails iyitu Morrow A Kee
nan of Prineville, who have 2000 now in
Lake for sulo. Mr. Sparks gave out the
impression that 70,000 sheep were about
the increane of Crook county. Most of
tua shi'cptuoa of that county wera allot-
ted range for a certain number of abeep
on the reserve, about, the same as last
year, but nothing allowed for increase.
These" Crook county people are offering
their sheep at 92 and $2.25 for lambs,
and S3 to $3.25 for ewes. Muttons are
worth from $2 50 to $3. ,
Items in Brief.
Subscribe for the Bkess. ;
Brewer'a cider vinegar at Bagley's.
Oh, Myl "90" coffee at the Blue
Front. - '
Try the r.ew market for ' the best in
Castor Machine oil at the Pioneer
drugstore. ?
Everything for the table at the -Blue
Front Grocery. "
Get your fishing tackle of Gross &
For fine groceries trade at Gross &
Worthington 's. ! ; '
C. A.. Barrett 4 Co, have the Buffalo
Pitts harrows.
C. A. Barrett & Co. have the Deering
line complete. y
Go to the Pioneer drugstore for Ca
tor machine oil.
Big lot ladies' soiled Shirt Waists 19c
each. A. M. uo.
The "General Good" cigar is having
the lead at Gay s. ; "
A fresh lot of canned (roods just re
ceived at Bagley a. ,
New line of Men' Golf Shirts just re
ceived at A. M. Co's.
A good cow for sale. Call on McBride
Falace drug store.
Get our prices before you buy your.
groceries. A. w. uo.
Superior crackers, the best ever, 10c
per lb. chick Uo. ,
'" Ice cream soda and soda drinks of all
kinds at McBride & Co. 's.
Qi neat line of children a ready-made
aprons at The Fair.
200 yards Torchon laces, all widths, 5
cts per yaru. a. jxi. jo,
The leading . brands of tobacco and
cigars are sold by Uay.
The famous Superior brand of candies
is to be found at Bagley's.
Ask to see some of those exclusive
dress patterns at Manasse s. '
.... The celebrated Prescott flour a solid
car think of ltl Shick & Co,
Ladies' fancy and lace atripped hose
at reduced prioes. A. M. LO, ,
You will find satisfaction as well as
saving in buying at The I air.
Farmers, you can get Castor machine
oil at the 1'ioneer drugstore.
For your fishing tackle, go to Barretts
An up-to-date, complete line.
Job lot of men's straw hats, 10, 15 and
25 cents each. Athena Mer. Uo.
A full line of "Rising Star" shirts
have been received by Shick & Co.
"White as snow" is the term applied
to Pendleton Steam Laundry work.
Ladies' tan shoes and Oxfords marked
down to half price at A. M. Co s.
Just received, a now' lot of Preferred
Stock canned goods at Bagley s.
! A complete lot 'of Boys' Linen and
Gqllateer suits half price. A. ra. oo.
Don't fail to see the new Fireside and
Domestic sewing machines at Bagley a,
1 sKing Bros. have a good set of light
harness whicli tuey oner lor saie eueap
TIia warmest babv in tho bunch
Caralol cotiee, 25o per lb. Shick & Co
Bring your produce. We will pay
the highest market price at all tunes
A. M. Co,
The best of everything in grocenesaro
to be found at the Blue Front, at prices
that are right v
The entire line of Summer wash good
marked down, regardless i of cost at
A. M. Co's. "
Get our prices on barb and woven
wire fencinn before buying. ' Umatilla
Implement Co.
i Mrs. Yusburir Johnson has a good
sewing machine which she offers for
sale cheap.
The new fall shades and Blacks in la
dies' undressed Kid Gloves have arrived
at A. M. Co's. ?
All those knowing themselves to be
indebted to Mrs. Yusburg Johnson, will
please call and settle at once. ,, ; ;
C. A. Barrett ifeCo. will have complete
lino of McCormick, Hodge, Deering and
Buffalo Pitts extras. - -----
We can Bell you the "Dutchman" -or
"Canton" plows. You know the merit
of these. Umatilla Implement Co.
We will have a sample combine bar
vester to show you in a short time
Umatillu Imploment Co.
For sale.-The DePeatt Main street
lot and olllee building. Inquire of Mrs
Minni DoPeatt, Athena, Oregon.
Our line of poultry, hoe and fluid
fencing! is complete. We also have
the best barb wire. C. A. Barrett & Co
There will come a time some day when
you will want your house pspered and
paiuted, and when that time does come
figure witu J. w. cimpman.. vp-ip
Urtte painter and paper Hanger t ..
Strength and vigor come of good food
dulv digested. "Force.'ra ready-to
serve wheat: anj lirlej food, aiida no
burden,' but sustains j ''nourishes, in vigor
that geta your lungs sore and weak ami
paves tho ay for pueuniouia or con
sumption," or both. Acker'a , English
Remedy will atop the cough, iu a day
and heal vourliuus. It will cuie con
sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles. Positively
guaranteed and your money refunded if
you are not satisfied. Write to us for
free surnple. W, II. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by McBride &
Kilui-.-Ue lour l!wl Willi 'uoreiU
Cutiily Uinrtl'', cw t-onsilpatioft forovor.
kW,av- if v.. tr O lull. rtriiKirisin wlimrt "uniej.
t' lure t'onactpntlnii orevrr.
IV lie I'abiarets C'.imlv Ouliartift HVs or
If C, C. C. fail to Cure, arogsu: refund wana
- Bedaeed Bt Ffwra-th Kaat. .
Commencing February 15 and con
tinuing until June 15 there will be low
rates in effect from the east via the
Illinois Central R. K. to all Washing
ton, Oregon and Idaho points. If any
of your friends or relativea in the east
are coming west while these rates are in
effect, give us their name and address
and we will make it our business to see
that they are given the best possible
service. We operate through person
ally conducted excursion cars, and, in
fact give you the benefit of the latest
conveniences known to modern railroad
ing. We have 15 different routes be
tween the east and the West, and are in
position to give you the benefit of the
best combinations. Write us and we
will give you full particulars. B. II.
Trumbull, Com'l. Agent 111. Cent. R.
R 142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Itobbed the Grave.
A startling incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia, as' follows:
'I was in an awful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians had give me
uo. Then I was advised to use Electric
Bitters; to my great joy the first bottle
made a decided improvement. I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and am
now a well man. I know they robbed
the grave of another victim." No one
should fail to try them. Only 50 cents,
guaranteed, at G. C. Osburn's drug
store. ' ,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
Jewell E. Finley, ) To Joseph Finley
Plaintiff, vs. .loseph the above named
Finley, Defendant. ) Defendant.
In the name or the state or uregon
you are hereby notified and requested
to appear and answer or plead to the
complaint of the plaintiff tiled against
you in the above entitled Court and
suit, and you will do the same on or be
fore six weeks from July 24, 1003, the
date of first publication of this sum
mons, and tne time on or betore woicn
you are to appear and answer or plead
is September 4th, 1903, the date of the
last publication of this summons.
i 1 1 1 i i . i . j i
' Ana you win ibkb nuuee ujhi yu
fail to so appear and answer or plead,
Plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded
and prayed for in her complaint; viz.,
for a decree of the Court dissolving the
bonds of matrimony between Plaintiff
and defendant and for the care and
custody of the two minor children of
Pliintmand Defendant, and for other
equitable relief and for plaintiffs costs
and disbursements.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order of Hon. W. R. Ellis, Judge
of the above entitled Court, duly made
on the 23rd day of July, 1903.
Will M. Peterson,
; Attorney for Plaintiff.
L. W. Reed, of Gibbon, Oregon., will
pay $10 reward for information leading
to recovery of a 3 year-old bay stallion,
lirand L R on left shoulder, and a 4-
year-old brown mare, brand L K on left
..h.....,,.,, i, mi, mi i i.....!..!!,,,!. ..m.iimaii ... iM.i. rvP7-Zfr- 1 i 7
fi . .Write i y.ii-rt'uwv-rtrfs;j
- ij-t-t ... 1, -onr-finn- 'i-inrTT- it- lir --a-...-
I .53SiiL2SE5Sr. : i ...ihjmi iiinilii.i.iii.ii.i. ,,,h.w.i,.i i.p.w wu.w
m i
Wnn, , inn, .,.,!,. V.
Bowman Photo Studio
P.0 111 AT Mi'llinnmT Iest Stock of MUUnery in Umatilla Co.
VCil i. lJL XIX11JJ.JJ.U1 J
Guaranteed to Equal any
$100 Machine on Market.
Id the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
Maud J t hnaon,
To Albert S. John
son the above named
Plainti'r. va
Alberts. Johnson, -defendant
JJefe idar.t.
In the mine of the State of Oregon
you are h.-i by required to appear and
answer or plead to the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
and Court, on or before sir weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
summons, which first publication is on
the 17th day of July 1903, and the day
on or before you are required to appear
and answer or plead is the 28th day of
August, 1903, being the day of the last
publication of this summons prescribed
in the order therefore. 1
And you will take notice that if you
fail to appear and answer or plead on
or before the said 28th day of August,
1903, the Plaintiff, for want thereof,
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for and demanded in her com;
plaint, vizi For a decree of the Court
dissolving the bonds of matrimony be
tween Plaintiff and Defendant, and for
the restoration of Plaintiff's maiden
name, and for plaintiff's costs and dis
bursments in this suit, and for other
equitable relief. J
This summons is published by order
of Hon. W. R. Ellis, Judge of the above
entitled Court, duly made on the 16th
day of July, 1903. ,. - -
Will M. Peterson,
Attorney for Plaintiff, i
, Summon. - v ;
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County. '
Cordelia HaVes, To William H. Hawes
Plaintiff, vs. Wil-1 the above . named
liam II. Hawes, f defendant. , '1
Defendant. J
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
herein filed against you in the above
entitled court and suit, on or before six
weeks from the date of the first public
ation of this summons, which first pub
lication is on the 26th day of June, 1903,
and the day on or before which you are
to appear and answer is the 7th day of
August, 1903, being the last day of
And you will take notice, that if you
fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff
will apply to tne said court lor tne re
lief demanded and prayed for in her said
complaint: viz., for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony between plain
tiff and defendant and divorcing plaintiff
from defendant; and for the care and
custody of Don Ernest Hawes," the
adopted minor child of plaintiff and de
fendant; and for the restoration of plain-
tifrs maiden name Cordelia Handera
and for plaintiff's costs and disburse
ments in this suit, and for further equit
able relief. - I
This summons is published pursuant
to an order of Hon. W. R. Ellis, Judge
of the above entitled Court, made on
the 25th day of June, 1903. fc
i . , Will M. Peterson,
i Attorney for Plaintiff
Public Notice.
. Notice is horebv alven that I will apply to
the Mayor and common council of the Jity of
Atnoua, uregon, ui a mecuus; mereoi i uv
held on the liitk 1uv of AukuhI. l'JUS for a
license to sell Hplrituous, mult and viiiouh
liquor In less quant ities than one quart, said
liquors to be sold only In a building situated
ou tne east one-nan oi ioijo. , in uiouk iu,
6, ot said city. Bam Jiooher,
Dated, July 17, l!X)3. ' Applicant,
that is good at all times is what
' the Customer wants
Get it at the
Platzoeder Ss Minger's old stand
A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with
a strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable for
trap or duck shooting, and an extra Interchangeable
modified choke or cylinder bore barrel, for field shoot
ing, lists at only $42.00. Dealers sell them for ,.
less. This makes a serviceable all round gun within
reach of everybody's pocket book. Winchester
Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expensive
double barrel guns and are just as reliable besides.
Main Street, near bridge.
to People's Ware House, PENDLETON
512-51 i Market Street, San Francisco.
of suffering from indigestion if yoa eat
what you want, or of starving yourself
to avoid such distress? Acker'a Dys
pepsia Tablets taken after eating will
digest your food perfectly and free you
from all the disagreeable symptoms of
indigestion and dyspepsia. . Eat what
you want at any time and take an . Acker
Tablet afterward. Positively guaran
t'eod." Your money will always be re
funded if you are not satisfied. Write
to us for a free sample. W. II. Hooker
t Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ,:
. . R. J. BODDY'S;
Is again open for business. : He invites
all his old customers to call and see him.
Take new ones with you.., f Only the
best the market affords is kept in stock.
',' ' '. '" J ' ' .",r . ' ."' :3'- "' . ".'' " :,'-.!' .
A 1 1
ladder Disease
Fokf s Kidney Cure will positively cure any case'of.
Kidney or Bladder disease" tfiat is not beyond the
reach of rriedicm
If you notice any irregularities commence taking
Foley' 'j (Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady.
A Merchant Cured After Having CIvco Up Hope. -
Foley & Co., Chicago.
Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney aad
Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous
preparations without getting any relief and had given
up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE was recommended to me Aftei using one
bottle I could feel the effect of it,- - and'-tftej-taking
si fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidney and
Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past
twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, w. Va.
fncB0IDE & CO. THE
OUR - . i
Is Sizzling and Fizzling and Bubl-
-': " ' " ing with the v . ! -
None but the Best Quality, of
, , . .Materials Used. ,';
" Try Our j
h i' ' Sundays Only, ;
Leading UraggUU
v.. Take the.V.';.
; '; .- , .... -(a . .' v ;
Iri Connection with the
IIST ox,tilj.ox,ja.
No. 11Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays arnre 8:50 a. mA- i . -No.
12 Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays depart 9:05 a. m.
For further information apply to
- . - Athena, Oregon
G. F. & P. Agt., Walla Walk, Wash.
Thousands are Trying It ,
To order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective eure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared .a gonerous trial size -tor 10 cents.
Uet it or your aruggiss qt senu ceura w
ELY BROS;, 56 Warren St., N. T.' City.
f; J suffered from catarrh of tha worst kind
ever since a boy, and I never, hoped for
euro, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do
sven that. ; Many acquaintances have ns?d
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostriua,
45 Warren Ave. Chicago, I1L ft
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
euro for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
60 cents. . At druggists or by mriL
A Veteran of tha CIvH War Cured After Tea Years
of Suffering.
Jt. A. Cray, J?P., of Oahyille, Ind., writes:
"Most of the time for ten years i was confined to my
bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so
severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted
the best medical skill available, but got no relief until
FOLEY'S KIDNEY fURE was racomn-r aded to me.
I am graft ul to be aF z to say that it entire' - cured me."
Uc Fits Oubstitulos
Tivo 'Slzeay GO-Sonic-
Attorney-at-lAV, Notary Public
Athena, Oregon
Deeds, ' Wills. Leases. Mortgages and
Contracts carefully drawn; Collections
promptly made. .
L. J. McAtee,
Painting, Paper Hanging and
- ....Graining.,..
A Specialty of Inside Finish
S. F. Sharp, ' 1 A. W. Botkih.
- ' Sharp &Botkin,
Special attention given to Female
, Diseases,
Calls DromoUr answered. Offli-p on Third
Street, Atlieua. Oregor .
itoir Line
Ukion Pacific
Through Fullaian standard and sleeping
care daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist Bleeping
car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman
tourist uleeping cars, porsonully constructed.
Weekly to Chicago, Jt annas City; reclining
chair cars, seats free, to the east daily from
- Dally. ,
Fast Hail for Pen
dleton, LaU rondo,
Baker City; and all
points eist via Hun
tlngton, Ore., Also
5:10 p m.
tor umauiULiiepp
ner. The Dalles,
Portland. Astoria,
8:5o a. ir.
Willamette Valley
1).-, . ... Ite lA.M...
Tacoma, Seattle, all
boudq roims. .
Walla Walla. Day
ton, romeroy, uew
8:50 a.m.
lsion. uouax. run-
man. Moscow, the
5:lop. m,
wjouer a'Aiene qis-
trlct. Bnokane and
an poinis norm.
Mixed train walla
7:10 p. m.
valla ana lnterme
diate points.
7;lo p. m.
Mixed, for Pendle
11:50 a.m.
? 'i r
ton ana lniermeai
ate point. .
11:50 a- m.
Water Routes.
Steamer sails from Pertiar d 8 p. m. every 5
Snake Hirer Eoute.
Steamers leave Rlparla dally at 4:o5 a. m.
Sunday, Tuesdny, Thursday. Returning
leave Lewiston daily Monday, Wednesday
and Saturday at 8 a. m.
- For tickets to and from all parts of tue
conntrv call on or write to -
i J. Swart, Agent,
', - . Athena.
I'll YCihv