ATHENA WILL 3 NOT CELEBRATE GIVES HEPPNEE 8UFFEEEE3 I TOVRTU OP JULY FTJ3JDS. ' Th6 Celebration; Oat of Sympathy for Heppner People in Their Dire ' :y Caiimity,vii Abrogated - Athena will not celebrate. The big red posters bare been taken down and ber 4th of July fund, amount ing to $425, has been taken to Heppner by Mayor David Taylor where it will be distributed in altering to some extent the direful need of the sufferers of the calamity-stricken town. The action of annulling the celebration was taken in citizens' mass meeting at the opera house Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. Mayor Taylor called the meet ing to order and Dr. A. W." Botkia was made secretary. A large number were present, -and -all who expressed their views on the matter were without ex ception favorable to calling '.the celebra tion off and tendering the fund to Hep pner's needy sufferers, and to solicit more money. On motion the Fourth of July, finance committee was - given authority to "carry out the wishes of the meeting. A 'motion was then made that Athena do not celebrate, and with out one dissenting vote, carried. At noon, Tuesday,: four hours after the meeting, the.Jund amounting to $125 was turned over to Mayor Taylor, and in company with Chas. Smith and Matt Johnson, he left for Heppner by private conveyance. i j Th Cuntrlbutois. ' , s t Following is the' list of people sub scribing the -amount set opposite their nftmes:, : ' . Athena Mercantile Co .'..$20 00 Fair Store ........ . 15 00 McBride & Co 10 00 O Q Chamberlain 5 00 Dr Sponogle. . : 2 50 O A Barrett & Co . 10 00 M J Bagley 6 00 W M Peterson.... , .... 260 Paul Arnolds 2 50 Charles Norris 2 50 J W Chapman 100 David Taylor. 5 00 OHSherman.. 500 H II Hill 100 Dr A B Stone ; 10 00 Ed ManaBse 10 00 Sam Booher 15 00 Snick Co 15 00 WSBuel 2 50 Will Wells.... 5 00 Gross & Worthinglon . ,i : 6 00 A M GUI is .; 10 00 HH Curtis...; 2 50 E R Cox 2 50 A J Parker ' 2 50 First National Bank 5 00 Chas Gay .n . . . . ... 6 00 Athena Truck Co , 2 50 Henry Keen................. 220 Charley Hoy 2 00 Chink Brke 100 Kine Bros 10 00 A Kunkel & Co . . . ; . . . . . . . . ..... 2 00 Sharp fe Botkin , .. '2 50 Sam Spenocr. 50 Tharn tiros .m. , PHTiedernan. L)hn Froome. . Bill King...... EL Barnett... Athena Hotel.. T J Kirk RJ Boddy.... Mrs Owens. ... Wm Tompkins. J II Hiteman. . 2 00 10 00 10 00 2 50 2 50 750 20 00 5 00 2 50 5 00 2 00 Frank Mansfield 2 50 VV H Rrteder 20 00 N A Millor 6 00 Alex Mclntyre.... 1 00 Nic Taitenger... 1000 Sam Purdy 10 00 Hob McKee 5 00 Goddess of Liberty 10 00 s o a verm ' , auu W R Taylor 2 50 W D Davis 100 OC Beck.......'........ 100 Ail Pinlterton. 100 'Hen Ogle 5 00 ..MrsCHawes 100 W E Armtield.... 2 60 T.J Fobs , 100 i .'has brown. 1 00 I'EColbern...... 100 II Coppock.,. t. 850 f;tnies Zerha. , 1 00 N B Gerking 5 00 '(Juledonian Society..... 77 00 Ohas Barrow 1 (X) s: James Hendemon 100 ;Vm McKinzio.... 100 Fred linstmzweig 2 50 .') ami's Bell 5 00 Athena Press 8 75 .V,U Willaby 6 00 M ose Taylor 5 00 v : A Stone 1 (X) Ullinn Purdy 5 00 JAFengor 2 00 . Master Austin Feoger 50 Total .486 80 Subscriptions will continue to be re ceived for the Heppner fund. Persons desiring to contribute may give the .'. money to either C. A. Barrett or Wm. "' Mosgrove, members of the Fourth of t July finance committee. Met Death Aloae. The body of M. P. Cargill was found by George Fourth, a 10-year-old boy, at the mouth ol Coombs canyon, at 0 o'clock yesterday morning, Mr. Cargill left Pendleton on horseback Moaday evening,, and in attempting to cross Coombs cauyou was caught and drown ed by the cloudburst which occurred in the hills west of Pendleton Monday night. Ilia body was washed eight miles down the canyon and lodged in a heap of drift at the mouth. GRADUATE IS H0N0RZD- Homer Watts Gees te Chair of Mathe matics Southern Normal School. Homer It Watts,' member of the pres ent graduating class of the University of Oregon, has been elected to the chair of mathematics in the Southern Oregon Normal School. Mr. ' Watta spent two years at the Weston Normal School, taking advanced work in. mathematics. He was graduated from the Oregon State Normal School at Monmouth in '97. Later he was enrolled for one year in the civil engineering department of Throop College, Pasadena, Cal. Mr. Watts entered the State University in the fall of 1900, and during that session took advanoed work in mathematics un der Professor George Lilly. ' Since hie enrollment in the university be has been prominently identified with all student- body enterprises, and has held a posi tion on the varsity football team, cap taining it last season. Mr. Watta will deliver the class-day' oration, bis sub ject being "The Zenith of America." , "Isb," as he is known to the student body throughout the state and to bis friends at home, is 27 years of age. He is the son of Tbos. J. Watts and a brother of M. L. Watts, of the Athena public school faculty. He has within him the bone and sinew of a farm- grown lad, is energetic in all the word implies, and starting with bright pros pects thus early in life, will surely reach the topmost round in life's ladder." WIND - AT -WALLA WALLA. Vproatad Trass, Twisted Warehouses and Damaged Fruit. A peculiarly destructive and violent wind and dust storm visited Walla Walla Monday evening, blowing about forty five minutes. According to the records at the. weather bureau, the wind main tained a velocity of thirty-eight miles an hour for twenty minutes and attained a maximum of 48 miles an hour at one time. The wind came almost directly from the east, a strange phenomenon in this country. , " . , , .Large trees were uprooted in different parts of the city, electric light, tele phone and telegraph wires temporarily paralyzed and several structures blown down or damaged.' ; Growing fruit was blown from the trees in considerable amount. f The warehouse of the Washington & Columbia "River Railway, off College Avenue, was twisted out of alignment during the storm, and is practically a wreck. :..rl- - -; -. In Athena the peculiar and rare oc casion of a dust storm coming from the eait was notable. Aside from this peculiarity; there is nothing to report, for the threatening clouds did not give down a sprinkle of rain, and the wind was not of sufficient velocity to damage. The League Butted. The Inland Empire League has again died a natural death without complet ing the series of games scheduled. This time Dayton squawked first on paying a salaried team. A "bush" league can not be made to pay in the first place, and in the second, independent games are better relished, anyway. Pendleton and Walla Walla will maintain indepen dent teams. MeRwen Sleeted Director. . -At the school meeting Monday at 2 p ni.i A. B. McEwen was elected school director in place of Wm. Reeder who retired at expiration of term. O. G Chamberlain, present incumbent, was re-eleetod clerks - ,. Not Authorised. F. I. Dunbar, secretary of atate, gives notice to fire insurance agents that the 'Union Fire Insurance Co. of Chicago" is not authorized or licensed to transact business in Oregon. WITH THE CHURCHES : BAPTIST CHUKCII, C. 11. Luninr, 1'un tor Sunday School 10 a. m. Trenching every 2nd and WW tiunday at 11 a. ni. : SI. K. CHliRCH, Corner 3rd und Adams W. E. ArmHcld, Pastor Sunday School 10 a, m. Preaching 11 a. ui. Class Meeting 12 m. Junior. League 3 p. iu. Ep worth League ':00 p. m. Preaching 8:00 p. in. Teachers Meet tng Wednesday TI801 Prayer Meeting Thurs day evening 7:30. CHURCH UK CHRIST, Coruer of 2ud and Adums-C. A. Bias, Pastor-Bible Hchool 10 a. in. Preaching und Communion Services II a. iu. L'hrlMtuu Kndeavor l'rayermoetlng 0:30 p. in. I'reM'Ulug service 7:30 p. in. Mid Week Meetings. " Prayer moo ting, Wednesday 7:30 p. m, Ladies Aid, Thursday ii p. m. Christian Woman's Hoard of Missions, each second 8auday in the month 2:30 p. in. Church Olllcers' Meeting, each first Saturday lu the month 2 p. lu. A cordiul tuvltatlon to our services Is extended to all. 1 t :. ttedueed Bates From the Kast. Commencing February 15 and con tinuing until June 15 there will be low rates in effect from the east via the Illinois Central R. R. to all Washing ton, Oregon and Idaho points. If any of your friends or relatives in the east are coming west while these rates are in effect, give us their name and address and we will make it our business to see that they are given the best possible service. We operate through person ally conducted excursion cars, and, in fact give you the benefit of the latest conveniences known to modern railroad ing. We have IS different routes be tween the east and the West, and are in position to give you the benefit of the best combinations. Write us and we will give you full particulars. B. n. Trumbull, Com'l. Agent III. Cent. R. R., 112 Third St., Portland, Ore. Attention Water Consumers. The hours for lawn sprinkling are from 6 to 8 a. m. and from 6 to 7 p. m., daily, excepting Sundays from 6 to 7 p. m. only. Sprinkling from open hose prohibited at all times. I request pat rons to observe these rulea. Wm. Gholeou Water Supt. 1776 GRAND Celebration at Milton; Or; The 127th anniversary of our nation's birth will be cele brated at Milton this year in a manner fitting to express our appreciation of the blessings we enjoy as citizens of .this glorious nation. : There will be Parades, Speeches, Music, Dancing, Sports, Races, Baseball Games, Fire works, etc., in fact no effort will be spared to make this the grandest celebration ever held in Umatilla County." Come and Help See Large Bobbed the Grave.. ! . ' A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: ''I was in an awful condition. ' My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in ' back and sides, no appetite,, growing weaker day by day.. Three physicians had give me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my great joy the first bottle made a decided improvement. I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know tbey robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents, guaranteed, " at G. C. Osburn's drug store. Hot for CuUfornta. For Prespyterian General Assembly meeting, Los Angles, Cal., May 23 June 2, 1903. Tickets will bo on sale, via steamer leaving Portland May 10, 11, 15 and 16; via rail leaving Portland May 15, 10 and 17. Final limit, July 15th. Stop overs allowed in California in either di rection. Fare for round trip, via steamer in both directions, $43.10, cabin passage including meals and berth; via rail in both directions, $45.40, first class, or via ocean steamer to San Francisco, thence Southern Pacific to Los Angeles and return to Portland or vice versa. 1 IT'S JUST A COUCH that gets your lungs sore and weak and paves the way for pneumonia or con sumption, or both. Acker's ' English Remedy will stop the cough in a day and heal your lungs. It will cure con sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles." Positively guaranteed and your money refunded if you are not satisfied. Write' to us for free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by McBride fc Co. ' Notice of 1'lnal Account. ' Notice is hereby given that Orange G. Chamberlain, administrator of the estate of Barbara DeardorfF, deceased, has, on this the 4th day of June, 1903, filed his final account and report in said estate in the County Court for Umatilla Coun ty, state of Oregon; and that the County Judge, by order, has appointed Mon day, the 6th day of July, 1903, as the time, and the County Court room in the County Court house of Umatilla County, Oregon, at the city of Pendleton there in, as the place where any and all ob jections will be beard to the said final account and the settlement thereof. First publication of notice, June 5, 1903. Will M. Peterson, O. G. Chamberlain, Atty. for Estate. Administrator imp TAKE DOWN if I fSflffw J . -V 1ST t i A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with a strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable for trap or duck shooting, and an extra Interchangeable, modified chokeor cylinder bore barrel, for field shoot ing, lists at only $42.00. Dealers sell then for less. This makes a serviceable all round Run within reach of everybody's pocket book. Winchester - Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expensive double barrel guns and are just ss reliable besides. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN. I ... . , Bowman Photo Studio P.QliMAT HflllinmTT Largest Stock of Millinery in Umatilla Co. yCAl X AOl lUllHUOl J NexttoPeople's Ware House, PENDLETON . 4 ' . .? t, . . ... ;.,,.. ... i ..... -N ... ..' ' Guaranteed to Equal; any $100 Machine on Market 1903 July Us Celebrate Posters If you desire a good complexion use Mold Tea, a pure herb" drink. ; It acts on the liver and makes the skin smooth and clear. Cures sick headache. 25c and 50c. Money refunded if it does not satisfy you.' Write to W.' H.; Hooker A Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for free sample. For sale by McBride & Co., druggists. ' " Foley's Honey aim Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. STATIONARY AT YOUR OWN PRICE PIONEER DRUGSTORE a: b. stone; proprietor PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULIYIGOMPOUND-' EQ BY DAY OR NIGHT- NORTH SIDE MAIN ST." that is good at all times is what the Custotuerlwants Get it at the Clltlllllliv C. H. SHERMAN v Proprietor Platzoeder & Minger'a old stand REPEATING SHOTGUNS Main Street, near bridge. Work. PENDLETON, ORE "TOE CHICAGO" TYPEWRITER S35.G0 THE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER CO. ; 612 511 Market Street, San Francisco.' Mm rr-rr--" iWHAT'lS THE'USE fe of suffering, from indigestion if you eat what you. want, ex of starving yourself to avoid such distreasf Acker' Dys pepsia Tablets taken after eating -will digest your food perfectly and free you from 11. the- disagreeable symptoms of indigestion -and: dyspepsia, i atvwhat you want at any time and take an Acker Tablet afterward. " Positively guaran teed. 1 Your money will alwayB be re funded if you are not satisfied.. - Write to us for a free sample. .. W H. Hooker St, Co.', Buffalo, N. Y, . L PARKER & KEEN'S J i BARBERSHOP r-'SHAYp.::-.--' ! hair iumoS - J SHA'aFCOIHO "f''. . : AND BATHS 'careful wq rkssoC r SATlSf aeticii GUARANTEED, EVERYTHING FIRST'CLASS X ' ' ''. 'SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET HIM LOOK PLEASANT is easy enptigh, for when he opens . his package of laundry work, after, being ! ' . it X sent to the Domestic laundry, the man who loves faultless linen and up-to-date laundrying always wreathes his face in smiles. During warm weather ouf methods of laundrying iinen and color ed shirts, white vests, etc, shows itself in the length of time thoy keep fresh and clean., . ,. j ; Domestic Laundry Pendleton. A, J. Parker, Agt. Athena To Itidiiey:- MAKIHG ' i L I 4 i r 1 1 IU l UiVT No matter how long, you have suffered, FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE will help you. This we will GUARANTEE It has cured many cases of Bright' s Disease and Diabetes that had been thought incurable, however we do not claim that it will cure these diseases in advanced stages as no medicine can make new kidneys for you, but jAL L!2J uvJ K u will positively cure every case of kidney and bladder trouble if taken in time andean in the woVst Ht Cou!d Mol SlrtlghUn Up vases ut oiiguk s uncase auu Diabetes it always gives com fort and relief, ' , Remember When neys are affected the destruction never ceases, so . commence taking FOLEY'S ' IUOHEY GUflE at once and. avoid a fatal malady. ' "FOLEY'S lUDflEY'cURE ! is made from a prescription of a specialist in kidney diseases and was used for years in pri vate practice before it was put on the market MCBRIDE & GO. THE r OUR SODA FOUNTAIN Is Sizzling and Fiizliog and Bubl- mg with the ' ; MOST DELICIOUS DRINKS None but the Best Quality of ' Materials Used. " Try Our SIBERIAN fLIPP '--' Sundays Only. ' McBRIDE ii COMPANY Leading Drafglsts ' ; ' . Take the . WASHINGTON & i:C()LUlYlBIA RIVER ..RAILWAY In' Cohriection with the ' ' ISTox'-biloi'XL ' TIME TABLE.' ( ; .'; . No. 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays arrive 8:50 a. m. 11 ;' No. 12 Mondays, Wednesdays , and Fridays depart vvo a. m. . . For further information apply to ' f FRED KERSHAW, Agent, . - - - Athena, Oregon Or to S. B. CALDERHEAD. G. F. P. Agt., Walla Walla, Wash. Thousands are Trying It. ;, In order to pwre tbe great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, th most. effectWe cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre nared a oenerous trial size for 10 cents. Get i of your druggist or send 10 cents to k ELY BK0Stt 56 Warren St., N." Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of tha worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped lor cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that... Many acquaintances have, used it with exoellent results. Oscar Ostruin, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged curajor catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. At druggists or by mr 1L i ii Afin n Sufferers From onil .Bladder BisGase a -nr -""3 LsmJ a- n ' Thomas Maple, Birbeck, 111., writes: "I had a very bad" case of kidney trouble ahd my back pained me so I could not straighten up. The doctor's treatment did me no geod. . Saw FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE advertised and took one . .,' bottle vhich cured me and I have not been affected since. the kid- I gladly recommend this remedy.r ; - ; work of Thre Physicians Trialed Bin Without Succiss" , V. L. Yancy, of Paducah,-Ky., writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in southern Kentucky treated me without success. I then took FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. The first bottle gave imme diate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy," , Suffsrcd TwsntyF.i Ytars Seymour Vebb, of Moira, N. Y., writes: "I had been . troubled with ray kidneys for twenty-five years and bad tried several physicians but received no relief until I bought a bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. After using two bottles I was absolutely cured. -1 earnestly recommend FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE." TWO SIZES SOLD O .CC8Zi:EKSED by PAUCE DRUG STORE, SOUTH SIDE JMIH STREET WIT J. M. PETERSON - , Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public ; , Athena, Oregon ' : , ; . j j Deeds, Wills; Leases, Mortgages and Contracts carefully drawn; Collections promptly made. Painting, Paper Ilanging and ....Graining.... .t A Specialty of Inside Finish S. F. Sharp, A. W. BOTKIH. . ----- Sharp a. T4V: - - . PHYSICIANS.AND SURGEONS ) CI n , 1 w X- T? 1 . Diseases. ., ": Calls promptly answered, unlet on i Dira Street, Athena, Oregor . - OREGON SIIOTJLINC iaD Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY v Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally" constructed, weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and Memphis; reclining cha'.rcars, seats free, to the east daily from Pendleton. .: L So l Mo DKPABT. XIMB SCHEDULES ' ARRITK ' P811?- ATHENA, f . PRE. . Dally. Fast Mail for Pen dleton, LaGlrande. Baker City, and all ' ' point east via Hun tington, Ore.Also , , - for Umatilla, Hepp 5:10 p m. neri - xhe Dalles, 8:5o a. n. Portland, Astoria, , . . . Willamette Valley ; ' Points, I'allfornla, , Tacoma. Seattle, all. i Hound Points. Walla Walla, Day- ton, Pomeroy, Lew- q.zjx n, iston, Colfax, Pull- ... 8.S0 a.m. ,an; MogcoWi tne 5;lop. m, '. Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and .... ,i all points north. Mixed train walla 7:10 p. mi walla and lnterme- 7-i0 p. m. ; si diate points, . ' j - ., ; ! . Mixed, for Pendle 11:58 a.m ton and intermedi-' 11:50a-m. V ate points. . . . , . . Water Jtoates. - 'SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND ROUTE, Steamer sails from Portlard 8 p.m. every 5 days. ' 1 w ' Snake Biver Route. , : Steamers leave Riparla daily at 4:o5 a. ni. except Saturday, returning leave Lewiston , : For tickets to and from all parts of iue ' eoaotry call on or write to , . ; ' 3, 8wart, Agent, Aihena. 13 un EGo and $1.C3