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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1903)
IV ov:.yreffliL'-..TOmwvfiiio.. COMMENCED Goods are being sole regardless of cost ' Everything in my entire store is included in this sale. It you are in need, of anything in the line of home furnishings, now is your time to buy. My removal sale lays all other prices to one side and the opportunity of a hletime is offered you. I call your attention to a few articles, giving regular price and removal sale price. If you don't see what you want, perhaps I have it at my store. You will find articles of every description included in this sale, and you will find the prices lower than you expected, often a: saving 'of SO per cent from regular price.' 1 invite you to come early while there is a good assortment to choose from. No goods reserved." When the goods I now have on hand are sold then this sale is ended. Goods sold for cash only. ' First come; tint served. -. t n ; ;; . . .- 1 ' J ' Sideboards F i Like cut, made of solid oak with swell top draws, one drawer nicely lined with felt for silk weare; the top of base is 20x44 inches and the back is fitted with 18x40 beval plate mirror. , Regular price $32, removal sale price ; i $26.00 All other sideboards at correspondingly low removal sale prices. ' . . 2-ply Ingrain Carpets, regular price per . - Removal sale price.'.:. .;. . r: . i . ; . 2-ply Ingrain Carpets, regular price pet iteniovai saie price. . ..... ... ......... 2-ply Ingrain, regular price per. yard. . .. . Removal sale price 2 ply Ingrain, regular price . . . . ,'; 'J. . . , . Removal sale price,. .'. . 2-ply Ingrain, Tegular price ........ .... Removal sale price. .,; . k ; . Miller the Riistler,5 ; Press Paragfaphs . .' Walkover shoes at Shiek & Co.'s. Dt B. Jarman is in Spokane this week. ' ;' ' ; . ' ; ',. ' : Miss Edna Owens is visiting in the valley. : H , : . ' Charles Norris was in Walla Walla yesterday. , Tom Purdy was in town from Port land Saturday. . Mrs. A. L. Jones visited Pendleton friends this week. ; . Brick for N. A. Miller's new store are beginning to arrive. George Rosenzweig is cash boy at the Athena Mercantile Btore. , Three children of John Walker are ' rfeported ill with scarlet fevej. -' Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Jones, of Pen dleton, spent Sunday in Athena. ' ; " Mrs. Samuel McBride, of Walla Walla, is visiting Athena friends. ; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boddy have re turned to their mountain ranch. Miss Bertha Baker is being tempor arily employed in the Fair store. Will Henry was over from La Grande this week on a visit to his parents. : Mrs. Worthington, "and aoni Emery, are in the country visiting this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. h, bimpson are spending the week at Bingham springs. The Pbess thanks Mrs. Alice Cox for - a boquetof handsome roses th'is morning. . n: ir t c: T : 1 ' x-w " is visiting at her brother's home in this . city. ' ' ' ; -. . fLttorney Will M. Peterson will leave r shortly for Wallowa county on a recrea tion trip. 1 Herbert Manasse, who has been aeri ' ously ill, is improving and will soon be .well again. . ' A Ere resulting in $10,000 damage to the Peacock mill at Milton took place yesterday. Mrs. Duncan, who has been visiting at the' Dudley home, has returned to Vancouver. .' V, An offering for the flood sufferers at ileppcer will be taken in the Christian ON MONDAY, iV U?if tijff v j,.v BEDROOM Bedroom Suit, regulat price. . . . . Bemovalsale price .......... Bedroom Suit regular price Removal tale price ( .. Bedroom Suit, regular price.... . Removal sale price Bedroom Suit, regular price Removal sale price.. Bedroom Suit, regular price Removal sale price ....... i . , Bedroom Suit, regular price Removal sale price .,.".-..,. , Bedroom Suit, regular price. , . ,., Removal sale price Bedroom Suit,egular price Removal sale price Bedroom Suit, regular price Removal sale price ....,. ;. , yard . r. yard. . church at the, morning service next Sunday. Members' of the church and others charitably inclined please take note. The families of Chas. and Henry Keen re been spending the week at Bing ham springs. - . mi.. uuwv .U.VCU iajua mo Ar . . li acasn prize lor Dest wauzers at ine Mrs. Culley and daughter, Juanita, of Walla Walla, are visiting Athena friends this week. ; Two hundred up to date hymn books have been received and installed at the Christian church. - Misses Ona Marsh and Bertha Long, Normal school graduates, were over from Weston Tuesday. Mrs. Proudfoot, of Walla Walla, was the guest of Miss Myra Owens Friday and Saturday of last week. . . Robt. Hudspeth came over . from Harney county this week. He will take his family back with him. " . kf. Craig Wilkinson," who "had ' his leg injured some time ago by a horse, is im proving as well as could be expected. "The Caledonian Society has made Dr. A. W. Botkin a present of a fine, gold medal, emblamematic of the Society. . "fMra. H. H, Hill and Miss, Edith Mc Bride are this week' attending the Ep worth League convention at Waitsburg. J. F. Tout, of Centralia, Wash., will occupy the pulpit at the Christian church morning and evening June ,21st, Pay up. Those knowing themselves indebted to Mrs, J. R. Owens are urg ently requested to call and settle , at once. : - -; ": Grandma Stone has added to the value of her residence property in the north part of town by placing 100 feet of new sidewalk. : )CBilly Wells can supply you with the famous Olympia and Milwaukee beer. "Better than ever" is the standard of both brands this year. The annual state convention of the Church of Christ meets at Turner, this state, June 19-29. C. A. Fias and per haps others from Athena will attend. - Mrs. Rosenzweig and George arrived borne by team last week from their Franklin county ranch. MisaElsa will ...... , . 100 rr. ' 85c : 85c 75c ti 63c ..V.i. 50c 42c 35c i..., 28c Sale JUNE FIRST SUITS. ... .. . ,t . , ,?t .7J. 1 Off .7.v..r.. !12 50 19 00 -?15 00 -24 00 :M9 00 28 00 25 00 - 34 00 28 00 40 00 84 00 ,'45 00 ,38 00 56-00 . 45 00 72 00 69(0 w 4 Wallpaper Notice removal sale prices on Wallpaper Wallpaper, regular price per double-roll " l(te,removal Bale irriee,,.; irrr, - " Bur Wallpaper, r'egulaf price per roll 15c, re moval sale price s 7Kc Wallpaper regular-price SOc per roll, removal sale price. r.Tr.T.'.TTt . f 10c WBllpapery regular price 25e pur mil, removal sale price. 15c Wallpaper, regular price 80c per roll; removal sale price :;y . T , .,,,,,; 80q Wallpaper, regular price 85o per roll, removal sale price..;.. . ..",;;.; . 25o Wallpaper, regular price 40 per roll, . removal sale price. 80o AtheriaV Oregon return in a week or two after .having finished a short term of school. ir that .vicinity. . :;t t, a :, J.. W. Smith is heme from the Snake river mines. Jesse .had much the ap pearance of a Rip Van Winkle before he had his winter crop of beard removed. Pfcjvira. Hardv Mansflfilrt anil ima rliil, 'dretl ara over 'from Wftllo' m mt . - I Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield are well pleased with their ne w home across the moun tains. ' ' J . , f SQin. Alice Cox will: leave; tomorrow 'oNAstoria, where she goes a a. delegate from the Friday Afternoon club, to at tend the convention of the Federated clubs. . .,. '.:,;,' The "Blues" of the Christian Sunday school will entertain the "Reds" on Saturday evening, June 27, at the church. A treat is expected by the vic torious "Reds." ,. s ... - - Mr. and Mrs. Whipple, with their danghetr, from Kansas City, Mo., are visiting at the Coppock home. Mr. Whipple is an 'uncle to Mrs. Coppock and Mrs. Brandon. " 4 A..L. Swaggart, Milt Swaggart, I. M. .emp, u. w. Uradley, Mayor Taylor, Chas. Smith, and Matt Johnson drove to Heppner to assist in clearing away the wreckage and recover bodies. f I . E. L, Barnett has raised his business building, at present occupied by M. J. Bagley'a grocery, tccoriformT with the Main street grade. . A new sidewalk has also been put" down ' id irotit of the place.. . , r. .... .r - , L. W. Reed, of Gibbon, Oregon, will pay $10 reward for" information leading to recovery of a 3-year-old . bay stallion, brand LR on left, shoulder,. and a 4-year-old brown mare, brand L R on left shoulder. " -J '::-ii ; . ' W. L. Saling, cousin of Glen Ealing of this city, with his wife, was drowned Sunday sight in . the ' Ilappner flood. Mr. Saling has been school superinten dent and assessor of Morrow county, and was highly esteemed. - .,'. NAt the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1 Harden in this city, Wednesday of this week, Mr. F. J. Criglar and Miss Nel lie Bush were united in -marriage by Justice of the Peace O. G. Chamber lain. The couple are well and favor ably known in Athena, where they 'have a host of friends. , ,: j f : The" board of directors did not elect teachers' last night but have deferred their Selections until Monday sight. ' It is known however that M. L. Watts is ths choice of the board for principal, and his election is assured. In the good old Summer time go to Colorado Young .People's Society of Christian Endeavor,' Denver, Colo., July 6 to 13. July 5 and 6 the O. R. & N. will sell tickets to Denver and return for $40.00, good returning until August 8- a S. ;; '.! ; ' ; Teachers 1 Don't overlook bis: An nual meeting National Educational As sociation', Boston, Mass., July 6-10, 1903. Tickets on sale June 24, 25, 26, 27 via O. R. & N. to Boston and return at $87.50, Return trip , to be' completed within 90 days from date of sale. , At the M. E. church next Sunday morning 's will be conducted Memorial services ' for Heppner's dead. Text: "Iiird, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is, that I may know bow frail I am." Psalms 39-4. r Evening, "Christ's Advent in the lesh," Text, Gal". 4:4-5. ' Pr.Cifvin'BSiob of.this city and Miss 'Gertrude Bnrobam were united in marriage at -Walla :.Walla yesterday at high noon. The wedding took place in the presence of relatives of ' the bride and grootuDr. Stone is well known as a ris'Hg' and popular young ! physician and proprietor of the Pioneer drug store of this city and the bride is one of Walla Walla's most accomplished yotmg ladies. Dr. and Mrs. Stone are at home in the Hales residence on Third street. The entertainment given for the ben efit of the Baptist church Wednesday evening was well attended. Mrs. Areta Plamondon, who had the entertainment in charge, presented very creditable program. ( Among he 'most 'pleasing features was the repetition of the ' drill bythe young T ladies" ol the Christian church :,and. the singing of a young ladieeVquartetto. The. recitations and instrumental solos: were exceptionally jjood rid' were well received by' the aijdience. The proceeds amounted to $34,- v- ; .. li; ' ! - - . ; For Sale, Cheap. First-class cookhouse, .derrick table and fixtures; water tanks and tool cart. .HI . P. A Williams, ' S f -'t;' 'Weston,Ore. in "To Cnra-Conititwtlon rnrnrxr, TtLkn f :nmlv Put.hnrfcin Ilk .1 Vb. ; IS C. C- C; nil 10 euro, druggists refund mnnaK. J. R. SPONOGLE, DENTIST Bank Building,' ; Athena, Oregon. ' Hacal CATARRH .. . In all its Itages. - Ely's Cream Balm deantta, soothe and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drivel sway a cold In the head oulckly. Cream Balm Is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and U absorbed. Belief Is im mediate and cure follows. It 1 not drying doea not produce sneezing. Large Size, 59 cent at Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Biae, 10 cents'. ELY BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New York hi i 'J"-ri TEETI t - :,- .. . :r I f -.,! ..... ..... WMM:. v. . ' if ' H ' H v . ' ''V. '''' . Our Shirtwaists Department is full of rich, tasty and desirable pat terns as now. All waists are well made, fucked and box pleated, new full puffed sleeves an 4 stock eollar. Prices from 50c to $5.00 Items in BrietV" Oh,' Front. My! "99" coffee at the Blue Try the new market for the best in meats. , . ' Everything for the table at, the Blue Front Grocery. Get your fishing tackle of Gross & Worthington. , For fine groceries trade at Gross & Worthington 's. t ; C. A. Barrett & Co. have the Buffalo Pitts harrows. C. A. Barrett & Co. have the Deering line complete. The "General Good" cigar is having the lead at Gay's, , . A fresh lot of canned goods just re ceived at Bagley's. A good cow for sale. Call on McBride Palace drug store. Superior crackers, the best ever, 10c per lb. Shick & Co. Ice cream soda and soda drinks of all kinds at McBrHe & Co.'s. A neat line of children s ready-made aprons at The Fair. , The leading brands of tobacco and cigars are sold by Gay, Latest craze, long bead neck laces in great variety. A. M. Co. 'The famous Superior brand of candies is to be found at Bagley's. Ask to see some of those exclusive1 dress patterns at Manasse's The celebrated Prescott flour a solid car think of it! Shick & Co. , You will find satisfaction as well as saving in buying at The Fair. ti- , For your fishing tackle, go to Barretts An up-to-date, complete line. ,. ; , . A full line of "Rising Star" shirts have been received by Shick & Co, ".: i : "White asanow" is the term applied to Pendleton Steam Laundry work. - Beadings and laces in all the novelty effects in great variety. A. M. Co. ovalty silk waistings have just ar rived at Athena Mercantile Go's. . Just received, a new lot of Preferred Stock canned goods at Bagley s. Take a look at the men's new spring suits just received, A. M, Co., New line of ladies' lace-striped fancy hose just opened. . Athena Mer. Co. Don't fail to see the new Fireside nnd Domestic sewing machines at Bagley's. Durinif the Pioneer picnic take your meals at the Marshal House. ' King Bros, have a good set of light harness which they offer for sale cheap. Celebrute the Fourth in Athena and you will celebrate right. ' '. , " The warmest baby in the bunch, Caralol coffee, 25c per lb. Shick & Co. The latest novelties in white goods, table cloths, waistings, juBt received. A. M. Co. " " - - - -- The beat of everything in grdoeries'are to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right . . Get our prices on barb and woven wire fencing before buying. Umatilla Implement Co. Mrs. Yusburg Johnson has a good sewing machine which she offers for sale cheap. : All those knowing themselves to be indebted to Mrs. Yusburg Johnson, will please call and settle at once. C. A. Barrett & Co. will have complete line of McCormick, Hodge, Deering and Buffalo Pitta extras. We can sell you the "Dutchman" or "Canton" plows. You know the merit of these. Umatilla Implement Co. ' ' We will have a sample combine har vester to show you in a short time. Umatilla Implement Co. , ' For sale. The DePeatt Main street lot and office building. Inquire of Mrs. Minnie DePeatt, Athena, Oregon. Our line of poultry, hog and field fencing is complete. We also have the best barb wire. C. A. Barrett Sc Co. There will come a time some day when you will want vour house papered and painted, and when that time does come figure with J. W. Chapman. Up-to-date painter and paper hanger. . Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. "Force," a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates. Manufacture of Bargains Where Families Can Trade BUY OF THE PEOPLE UATED TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS, BOTH ECO. NOMICALLY AND EXPENDITIOUSLY. , 10 percent off t On all Dress Skirts. Tailor-made in plain, plaid and slot seam effect. famous Banner brand 100 kv1 to choose from. Prices from - ....... $2.25 to $7.00 E D. MAN A S S E CORNER MAIN AND THIRD STS. v ; When you want the best H IOVELTIES , . Consisting of Summer Dress Goods, Shirt. ; Waists, -Neckwear, Shirts, ' Muslin Undenvear, Trimmings, '. Sweaters for Ladies, Fancy Hose,' , Lace ' Gloves, , Necfe ' Chains, etc:, come jind make your 'Selections. Shoes for Men Women and Child : ren. ? The largest stock in town ShoesforMen ED. MAN ASS E j v Agent for Butterick's Patterns. . See C. Sharp Paint, ' Oil, ' ' vtt fi-nti ; It Pays to Till: PEOPLES iyVAR EH0USE . V.:: ".v;PendletonL Go rrif art S h o es Cent $i 50 a pair. They bring o.ther kinds, too, and . they FOR WOMEN. ; :: .. Dongola Kid, flint soles, milled edges, patent tips. Fine Vici ' ' Kid, whole vamps, extension soles. Nice, light Kid, thin sole ' drafts shoes. Extra fine kid-tip pannil, opera heels. .-v. ' FOR MEN . Best Galf, "pebbled tops, new toes. Velor Kid, light, soft, dressy. Vici Kid, plain or tip toes,, Colt Cong for tender feet of; these; i t.. j2.50 Butterick's Quarterly Catalogue sent free on request SPECIALSALE TO CLOSE OUT All Hats and Millinery Goods to be sold at 25c on the dollar FIRST C0iEf FIRST SERVED BON MAROHE SOUTH SIDE MAIN ST. WHO ARE iibbl style, - The M'W C? z J 1 i m. and latest Assortment in s Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing PENDLETON OREGON.1 . ' X Trade at -; : ! ease to the feet. We have are the beet 82.50 shoe on earth. shoes for only the i 1ST. hichols hotel I J. E. FROOME, pbop. t Only First-class Hotel in cue Ksixy. THE ST. NICHOLS la the only one that oan accommodate commercial traveler. ' 1 "v w fan b lecomeuded for lta clean and , well ventilated rooms. .. I Cob. Maim andThibd, atbeha, Or. Here !s a Snap ' Fifty Ladies' Shirtwaists, ranging in price from 75 cents to $2.35, which we are closing out at the low price of . . . 48 cts. and Boy