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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1903)
ATHENA PRESS F. B. Boyd, Pvblibhsk. G o tered a t Athens postofflce as second-cliuM Subscription Ht: er'year, In advance , . tlM . Single copies In wrappers, 6c. . . Advertising Kates! . Ldt9H reading notlcei, first Insertion, 10c per tiaei' Een atquDtlusrUoa,&c ... li communications should be addressed to ' 'PRESS Athena, Oregon t THEN A, JUNE 19, 1903 THK HKPPNER HOKROB. The nwful terror that came to Hep pner Sunday night is the worst calamity that has ever happened east of the Rocky mountains, from the cause of elements. We ead of the awfpl catastrophes in the Eastern and Middle ' states with a miad composed and dulled i. i i . . c ' t . because of the frequency of tbeir occurrence, sup plemented, perhaps, by the thought that in those localities the death-dealiDg cyclone and the submerging flood have become a part of the climatic conditions But now, that the storm mantle has ruthlessly been thrown, aside, and al most at our Very door scores of people have perished, with a terrible, sinking awe, Use realization of what ; is .transpir ing in those eastern states nearly every week has been buried in the minds of all.; Tho cloud burst that broke over Heppner and caused death and devas tation in one of several that has appear ed in tbit community in past years. ' Tlifl others' were of small violence com pared to that of Sunday night which came down the ...canyon in which the town is.nituutfd, j but conclusively dem onHlratos that, dome powerful influence, minerxl or otherwise, Is' secreted in that locality, und tum'influence makes itself felt in the relative action of electric storms and accompanying cloud bursts. ueppuer, wun its iuu people, was favorably situated to receive the dire destruction that visited it. In Willow creek basin, a veritable cinyoc, the prosperous little city has been growing for years, It nestled at the confluence of three canyons that drain high foot hills in the Blue mountains, 60 miles southwest of Athena. The cloud burst occurred on the hillside slope of these three canyons, and before the Heppner people realised it, a seething billow of turbulent water in a wall 5 to 7 feet high was hurled with mighty, grinding, tear ing force against the lower portion of the town. Huge boulders, trees that hid stood for centuries, and all else movable, came without a 1 moment's warning, racing unfettered and un checked along' its path of destruction. Houses were , crushed into kindling wood or whirled along the crest of the fl iod. Terrified inmates frantically ap pealed to those on higher ground in t-uin for help; in the lushing mass of water and wreckage fathers, mothers ai)l children waged a useless battle for lifu's existence. Few, indeod, who felt the clasp of those icy waters live today to tell of tbe experience, and those who do were saved by, accident, only. In kss than an hour the flood had passed and darkness came to shield the horror of nature's tragedy from tho eyes of the living. . But man's anxiety to know the fate of those dear to him could not be denied, and by the light of lanterns through tbe long night willing hands delved in the mud and wreckage tor the dead. When the grey dawn of morning came 160 bodies -had been recovered, and the terrible news and a call for help hud been sent by carrier to the outside world. The adjoiuing counties respond H, and as quickly as horse ! .flesh could over them, hundreds went to Hep pner's assistance. The work of recovery goes on day and night. About 200 isf given in the list of dead. Others are yet to be found, and yet others will per haps never be found. Over the grief -stricken picture of orphans, widowed mothers, broken families and ' the un identified dead, it is better to draw the veil of silence than to attempt to depict the wails of anguish and heart-throbs of sorrow. . ' The Lewiston Tribune gives voice to tho following "outside view' of Oregon polities: "Hermann has been elected to congress to succeed Tongue on the promise that, although be is said to b unfit and discredited, the party will nominate a better man next time and so the people were importance! to stand by the party regardless of its failures and mistakes. . Another controling fac tor was that Hermann would be able to get a share of administration spoils for his district, while a democrat would have po right to ask favors of tbe gov ernment. Thus our extreme party poli tics leads to the elevation of unfit men to the high places and prevents the fit man from taking any part in the shap ing of public aflsirs. Still we prize our politics very highly and seem willing to pay several prices to have the public service abused and plundered." Tbe board of army engineers that re cently visited the obstructions in the Colombia river, between The Dalles and Celilo, has decided to abandon the Harts plan for ppening th rjver at that point, and in lieu thereof will prepare plans and estimates for a continuous ship canal from the foot of the dalles rapids to the head of Celilo falls. The Hfcrta plan contemplated the construc tion of a submerged dam in the Colum bia, with a view to draining out Five Mile rapids. The river was then to be opened around other obstructions by means of two or three short canals. The engineers visited the scene of the pro posed improvement, and, after studying the natural conditions andsurroundings, concluded by unanimous vote that the dam proposition was altogether imprac ticable. , A man once got a dun through the pfjstoffice and it made him mad. He went to see the editor about it and the eflitor showed Lim" some duns he bad received himself, one for the ink, one for the paper, one for the plates and several others. "Now," said tbe patient editor, "I don't get mad when these come; I knew I owed these and relied on you and others, who owe me, to come in and pay me so I could pay them, You see we all depend on someone." The mad subscriber saw the force of tbe argument and said he was sorry tbat he had let the bill run so long and paid three years in advance. Wonder if there is any more men like Ibis ore stillliving? ... The bond of sympathy for suffering humanity was exemplified by the action of Athena citizens taken in mass meet I ing Tuesday morning. The giving of the Fourth of July fund to assist tbe Heppner sufferers will redound to the I good name and generosity of Athena. It is a step well taken; inasmuch as it does not seem compatible with good citizenship that hilarity should abound when so much sorrow exists in a near by community. Pendleton ended the ball season by putting on the usual finishing touch of a rowdy scrap. An attempt was made to horsewhip Umpire Ripley after the game. Later, "Bob" Wilner and Dru hot, the California pitcher, had a fight. It's the easiest matter in the world to get along with Pendleton when it comes to baseball. Simply cut her out. Although every one who enters the court room where tbe Kentucky feud is being investigated is obliged to check his weapons the wise man who has business there will wear a piece of boil er iron on his back. Nineteen Pendleton citizens met last night and voted to carry on the cele bration preparations. The vote stood U to 5 on the first ballot. It was later made unanimous. REPORT OF THE CONDITION oy THE FIRST NATIONAL BAM OF ATHENA No. 4516. '. AT Athena, in the State of Oregon, AT THE Close of Business, June 9th, 1903 7 UE80VRCK8. ' lioaim and dlswmiU IU337TSH 4t!77 1240000 HI 87 1 00000 21M2S B048 79 umo SH7S 80000 nsm 12 tut oo 62500 Overdraft secured and nnwciiretl U H twmilH to 8wuru circulation lorks, aecurlt tea, etc. lUttiKiiiR-nouse mrnuure nxiurva Other mil estate owned I Hie from State Hanks ana Hankers I Hie from aiv'd reserve aaenU. Check and other cash Items Notes of other National Bauks ('motional paper currency, nickels and cent. Specie uea in n lima wun v a t reasurer (5 per cent of circulation) Total LIABILITIES. $ its won Capital Mock paid lit $.'i0000 00 purpius muu Undivided profits, leu expenses aud taxes mid National bank ttntea outstanding I)ue toother National Hanks Due to Mtate Hanks and Hankera tsa 22 I2S0000 1 906 4 its as 817O0 87 ltSSSW Individual deposits subject to check Demand cert 1 Ilea tea of do cpoait lldlUK Cashier checks outstanding Total 9 ITS t 11 Rtateor Oregon, l.. County of Uraatllla ( " I, K. 8. 1-eUrow, cashier of the above-named bauk, do solemnly swear that the above state ment la true to the bext of tuy knowledge ano belief. f. 8. l.K ti how cashier Hubserlbed and sworu to before nie this 1Mb day of June, 1WH. K. U Harnett, Notary publlo lor Oregon. H. C- Attains ) CouHKCr Attvxt 1. E. Oolbern f Director C.A.UanvU J Mj; j3eH is Fire Insurance jj I S fL -$'fk About an unexpected guest. I . ! ' i "15? vvvfs MTbee', Mthii,f ta ih . !; j i .I'Ayvilcy v. 1 IjYj " )fiS "There's somethinf better far " ' ' " -r ---- (G ' JjtH than meat" J..,"-. '.. -""I ' ' SX Ttf&m rir40"" - ; ! ONLY THE BEST COM-. ; ))) ISP When helped to "Force " hf I I JANIES TO INSURE IN j tS T ltST?A T ;i 0.0. CtoERlAIPf Agent i; 1 I if ) I J' (f "" - ' Notary Public and Conveyancer. ! '. Tie Rwdf-to-Serrt Creal . . r, : , , , , . ' j Ke-To-Bac fof1 Ktfty Ceats. ready for any emergency, Farmer txre EaUntf " Foroe." "Thanks for 'Force.' I eat it three tunes a day. Folks call me 'Sunny Jim.' Took some to the country with me on a visit and tbe farmers out mere are eating ' Force' now. "Will Rrrr." W 7 ATHENA AND A.KUNKE f arm liiio cmcnt Dca crs n a rum VMM Piano Cutting v lrlachincrst Stands unequaled and without a peer. We carry the full line of Piano; Machinery., See us for fence Wire HA WES BUILDING, Main Street, ATIIENA, OREGON " - A Thoughtful Man. ' ' M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., Knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Fills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c, at G. C. Osburn's drug store. Going to Build? 4 Save Money ann Time by Hav- ing O. E." TUOUTMAN, Archi tect, make your Planl and Spci rlcationSj " llOOM 15, ASSOCIATION- BUILD1NO, PENDLETON. - -' . ORE. For House Keeping Purposes tea See our stock before you buy. Baker & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Postoflice, Pendleton. everything Deering Bind ers for Grain and Corn. McCormack Headers and Extras Hodge Etras and Piano Headers' Binders and Mowers and Rakes WE CARRY A MOST V . , ' . ' . B Guaranteed tubauto hajut cure. Biakes weui, IvSa I "nen atron' Mx laire. ". AH drurfcuoa ET m p n nPFR .f .,-, L&:C PENDLETON rf'i r-f - rSPTjOi .ill a iifWII WW1 cifb Coast to Chicago and 0. I i Jiini. fiijii:iiiii, j.LiwMPiwijiAiwi W ' .ayWit W "jV" c us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some , valuable information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains in the world. , ... For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service, call on or. address, (. ; . ' . y J. C. tlDSEY, T. P. & P. A. B H. TEUKBUIL, Com'l Agent J42 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE FIRSJ N&TIOMRL IT C. AHntna Prnldfflt. i T.J Kirk, Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK, 8TJBPLT7S, . Proper attention glTsa to and domestic t F. . La Grow, Cashier, SST'"pl ' INCORPORATED COMPLETE LINE OF HARDWARE. ETC ETC to do, is to have Chapman, the dec orator, do your pa per hanging , and painting. Satisfac tion and first-class work guaranteed.. If your buggy is in need of paint, take it to tbe painter, CHAPMAN; Third St., Athena. DAMHER 8ALVE ut.m.rth..ltngww.tnth.w.rld. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, 'FEED' - - and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded byihe Day,. Week or Month.- KING BROTHERS Prop J t9sS(rtSal a? but if you are going eitt write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accomodations offered by the Illiols Central Railroad. Through Tourist Cars via the Illinois Central from Pa- Qncinnati. Don't fail to write m -. BMK OF STHEHE g n. A RuKvaU.l V. E. Colburn, VDlreetore $60,000 5,000 eoUeetlPRS. PfJin foreign siohaoga. I. M.Ksmp, Assistant Cashier ! Hie Sole Most goods for s 3ROSS & wortiiingtonS IS E - sis tho plaoe you augnt to go for a drink "99 i. i n r The Bar is always shinning, neat and clean, and a Marble-top . . . " Bartender there can be Beoq. OPEN DAY North Side Main Street, -f I M. J. BAGLEY .-. U'li'K .'.-:.:-? :A't,--rS vi i-r! -s '-'. w'f ,,t. v i I The Best in Groceries i ' ;: ; ft j ' - ' and ' ' ' "' ' ', I I THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE.-' 150 Style TMdSRtST- , - CM k til Slllanw. WsrkS. CsW. I. ISTE8BR80K I Rock Spri tigs '--X-:' Special Rates GOAL m .. .... m S A. M, GILLIS, Atliena, Oregon. 5 atificititiiiiic8iiiaciciitif)iiiiiBa CHARLES GAY ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars CLUB ROOM ...ATHENA LUMBER COMPANY ... . . . H. H. CURTIS. Msnsger. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of your patronage. We will give you entire Satisfaction. , WE KEEP OH HAND A LARCE STOCK OF ROSLYS COAL $m Axa w kahi mm, wist f sjulssao. csmspcmsE rispwtfuuy solkiteo TffiSlt v Agents for 99 (T ffffCB Starch, Soda, Extracts, Teas, Baking Powders, Etc. the least Money. Next Door to Post Office. Lai of High-Grade Whiskeys so many kind AND NIGHT P. H. TIEDEM AN, Prr?pritor. mmm mm a sasaw 111'. '?&b: STEIL PEM CPs 6 ieha St.. Hew Verk. OBltllltflllll : k Cumberland on Car Lots ; IN CONNECTION m H