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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1903)
VOLUME XV. ATHENA, UMATIIXI COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 12, 1903. NUMBER 2 V (! r " y rl,f tmc iirv niTii a I m i ilia yi aB h mm tm ir na ma m: m a la 11 ... QPCPI A I 200 yds Mill Remnants, from 8 to 20 yds. in a piece, of New Dresa'Ginghams. . Regular 10c grade. OF LUlilL , Great variety of Styles and Colorings. While f bey last they are gbjgat 7 cents per yard. WE ARE NOW SHOWING ALL THE VERY LATEST-' NOVELTIES OF lilE SEASON . Wash Dress Goods In all the latest novelties. French Ginghams, 86 in. wide, guaranteed fast colors, sold everywhere at 25 cts., -..', Our price 20c. Tail de Norde and Amasking Dress Ginghams in great variety, sold every where at 15 cts., - ' ' ' Our price 12 1-2. An immense line of new Dress Ginghams, all colors, worth 124 cts. per yard, .-.. - I Our price 10c. A large assortment of good quality Gingham dress styles, always sold at 10 cents, ' ; . Our price 8 l-3c. New Lawns in great variety of styles and colors,, . , ;; Only 6 l-2c. , American Calicos, new styles, all colors, . J . 5 cts per yatd. WE HAVE A VERY LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GRANITE GLASS WARE. WE LEAD IN GROCERIES. BRING- US YOUR I ORDER t AND SEE fl 0 n. VUUU 25c to - Let us NOVELTY WAISTINGS Brocade Silks with Brocade or lace stripes, ... . $1.75 per yard. Best sewing Silk waistings, all colors, 75c per yard. New TaiTeties, all colors, regular $1.00 quality, 85c per yard. Egyptian Tissue, perfect in design and colorings. . ' $ - 60c per yard. Fine Novelty Waistings in Bro cades, stripes and fancy figures, 45c per yard. Mercerized Zephyrs, Linens, Bro cades and Stripes, 25c per yard. . Fancy white goods for waists in Bedford Cord, ; Persian and lace effects, from , " 15 to 35 cts. per ayrd. Allovers, Applique and- Oriental Trimmings in great variety. i The Swellest and Most Complete 9 V U r (V rLn -ii! 1. 1 n to be found in Athena is now on -display at our store i Prices from Walkover Shoes are Growing More Popular Each day. We have a Large Stock to Select from Remember we are Headquarters; for ; s i, I1! iv 4Fb f?" !Ml H tF Save you Money Men's furflishipas ". S :" : ' New Golf Shirts' ixk great variety. Ask to see tbe new Shirt with two collars and cuffe. They are chocked at $1.00'; ; ; ; , viiU i ' , . Our price 65c. ' New wear in all tbe new styles; 100 different shapes and colors to select from, any price and style you want, From.25 to 65 cts. each Our men's 6olf Suits have arrived and the prices are so low that any- one can afford a good,, stylish sum-, mer suit. t We have them , From $6.50 to $10.50... ' ' ' :. - 'f' 1 $ f All the new shapes in Hats and all ' grades. You can buy the celebrated i Gordan Hat, in any style, ; " - - :--V.. ; r i'" - r; For $3.00 The Rawhide forl8160. vWe.Alsoi have a large assortment' of tew, up-to-date styles R 'vv at $1.75, ". About 100 odd Hats, some slightly soiled, worth from $1.60 to $2.50, f Your choice for 75c each m0M Lot of " S . . y v on themn nrrrv r - i a 1 e b a i ft- l ill-, 'f m . bk y mo m: Shoe Department . We are determined to give you the best'- value the market affords." All we ask is ant inspection of our new stock." It is ' the most comprehen sive ever shown in this section; eith er in roents or women's, high cuts or low cuts, in all the best and most re liable -makes. .Ladies' turned Kid Shoes, new last, , ; ! $1.50 to $3.50 per pair. Ladies'. fine Kid Cuban heel, er tension soles,. ;From $1-75 to $4 per pair. f Strap Slippers, plain or beaded. From $1.50 to $2.50 .' Men's Celebrated Douglas Shoes, In all the new styles, in both the 5 $3.00 and $3.50 grade. y ; " i We have now a full line of the Sek'- Celebrated Perfecto, in Box Calf, Valour Calf and Vici Kid, on all the new lasts. The best shoe Jever shown. , , WARE, CROCKERY AND IlIOW MUCII YOU SAVE. The tournament SPORTSMEN SMASH BLUE ROCKS ; ' I1T ATHEITA. Twenty One Shooters Make General "' Average of 659 Per Cent . ..Stephens High Man." -ap fc.r t .; , , , . ..... TfiA first nnnnnl oVinntintr tnnrnampnt was given Friday and Saturday by the Athena "Rod and Gun Club. It was lwell patronized by Pendleton shooters, I all ot whom did all they could to rnake the affair a success, Stephens, of Pomeroy, was high man, breaking 212 birds out of 225 shot at, having a per centage of 94.1. Stillman of Pendleton, was second with 196 out of 225 shot at, and Spence and Wait, of Pendleton, tied for fourth place with 188 out of 225, their average being 83.4. Baker, of Dayton, was third with 87.2. The local boys shot remarkably well considering the length of time they have been organized. Dr. Plamondon made an exceptionally good score. He broke 167 out of 205, his average being 81.3. Following are the names 'of the shoot ers, , tbe number of targets shot at, number of targets broken and individual averages: . NAme." ' Shot at. Broke. TerCcnt. Knettle 225 185 ' ' 82.1 Broke. .185 . .212 96 -91 . 196 188 188 88 80 167 119 5 96 . 27 . .. 71 , Stephens ..... 225 Baker 110 Garrett... .... M0 Boyd:."....... 175 Barrow 80 Stillman 225 Wait 225 Spence ... A ..' 225 Thompson..;. 110 So well... 110 Plamondon ... 205 Githens 175 Miller, 30 Clarke 115 94.1 87.2 64.9 51.3 41.4 87. 83.4 83.4 79.9 72.7 81.3 67.9 16.6 83.4 '54. 61.6 47.5 62.5 85. 45. Le Grow.., 50 mix:;::.; ;... nz Barrett.,.... 40 19 Simpson...,. 115 .. 72 Spencer,'.,..... ,20 : 7 Foss 20 V 9 ! Totals " :j-.x i 2745 2043 1385.2 Twenty-one shooters, general average, '6S9 per cent.' " , rtSXHE, PIONEER PICNIC Kiath Jknaaal BunIoa Kow la Sctslva I g M TV BIIVUi 1' A ntnfTi annual Miminn r.9 ffiA Or gon Pioneers of Weston, Ore., is now in progress at Weston, having commenced yesterday morning A large comber of people from all over 1 the 'country are in attendance. The entertainment and hospitality of fered fcy Weston is noted by all. Athe na people are participating in the pic nic. Today's program will include; 10 a. W-uw'f'. ; . ,'. , i . . Band Chorus , Glee Club Pioneers' Lore Feast 20 minutes . for speeches by pioneers. Motion Song. , , . . . .School Children Muaicw.-. ... . .... Orchestra aTmk We have just received Get oar prices before buying The IJ m at i 1 1 a I m p I e m e hi Chorus ! . , . . ... '. :'. : .'. .V. .... .Glee Club Music ;.. .... Band Sports. 320-yard hurdlo race, stand: ing broad jump, 'running high jump, 50-yard dash. . 1 :30 p. rn.Music Band Chorus.... ;...Glee Club 2 p. m. Memorial Sermon. . . . . .r: . . . .Rev. Andreas Bard of Walla Walla Song, Battle Hymn of the Republic, . School Children Music. .wn. . .... .'. . . . .Band Sports.-330 pMro. Ball ame, Ad ams -vs.- Milton: saca race, 4u-yara aasn. s f.-; .. . ', i , t 74. Tomorrow. 10 a. ru. Music. . .... ....Athena Band Song.... ..... . ...... ..Double Quartette Motion Song, "Dairy Maids," .School Children Song ................. Double Quartette Music. .. . , Orchestra Sports.200-yard dash, wheelbarrow race. . .." . : . ' ' .' 130 p. m. Music. . . ...... ..... . , .Band Song.... . . . . .. ...Double Quartette Address. ... .Hon. Levi Ankeny Song. Double Quartette "Arkansaw Traveler," as fiddled by. ...."Bill" Fletcher Reminiscences, Short Speeches by , . . . .... .... .V.. .... .... Pioneers Music........ .... ...... 7.-. ..Band Sports. 220-yard hurdle race. 850 p. m. Baseball, turowing pan, yard dash. . . .. , , Cow wai th Th if .;;;.;:; -. The Olex correspondent of the Arling ton Appeal writes: A certain woman of this town has been under the impres sion that someone was swiping - the clothes from her lineB, and with that idea in mind she watched three nights for the thief. . The mystery has been explained, however, and the thief was found to be a poor innocent cow that was wearing a barbed wire yoke, and who had been passing under the line, taking, unintentionally, garments both unsuited for and unworn by her. Elgby-Clovr Combined. In Umatilla county during the pend ing harvest season will be in use three of the combined harvesters manufactur ed by Rigby-Clover Co. The .other 9 machines manufactured by the company this season have been sold in other counties north and east. The three re ferred to will be in use as follows:., Alex McKenzie, on his farm adjoining Ad ams; J. N. B. Gerking, near Athena; John Leedy, near Helix. "" Athena, Too. " Spokane Chronicle: Can't we have so'me system about the dandelion in dustry? If only one lawn owner in a thousand thinks it worth while to try to get rid of the dignified old weed, why not quit, fighting altogether and begin sowing dandelions in the front yards and weeding out the blue grass and clover? That might give uniformity, anyway. . II Bathboae Temple. t ' Vf Following are the new officers of Rathbone Temple: M. E. C, Ellon Tharp;P. C Areta Saunders; E. S.t M. Garrett; E. J., Lillian Dodson; Man ager, Anna Foss, M. R. C, Ura Tharp; Mistress of Finance, Nora Harnett; Protector, C A. Gay; G. O., Cordellia Hawes; Representative to Grand Tem ple, Anna Fom . PENDLETON, ATHENA,' CANTON and DUTCHMAN a car of Barb and Woven Wire Fencing. HOT NORTH WINDS PUT TO FLIGHT HEEE BY BAIN LAST EVENING. ' Baleful Breezes From the North Saps - . life .from Grain on , :.f ; Light Soil.' . , ,! This is a critical stage with the wheat crop, and especially the crops on the light soils of the Walla Walla valley and in tbe north and west districts of Uma tilla county.f In the immediate vicinity of Athena,,, the crops have stood: the prolonged dry weather remarkably well, and since the rain there is now no fear, but out in the Juniper and Cold Spring regions there is a different tale to tell. Conservative " wheat raisers of "that section of the country place the loss al ready at T50 per cent and, without rain and the continuance of north winds for .a few more days, the growing wheat crops Will be totally unfit for bay, even. " Over in the Walla' Walla country seven days more will probably tell the story.' Unless rain comes within that time the crop of 1903 will bo reduced materially, and if none comes for two weeks, there will probably be no more tlnn enough crop to pay expenses. Everyone is watching the situation with an interest that tinges pn eagerqees. Favorable conditions from now. on favorable conditions meaning opportuno rains and not hot winds, would bring a 75 or 80 per cent crop over most ot Eureka Flat and the valley, proper. Rancheis from the Flat expect to fall . a quarter short now. : It would not take much more bad weather, they say, to cut it down half. Around , Eureka Junction wheat is farther advanced and looking better than further north iu the Clyde and Pleatmnt View districts and still (arther back in the Snake mils.' - ' ' . ; ".; ::. celebrate - AT ATHENA, OREG. 1 A cool, shady grove, .Music, Games, Races, and Fireworks. Elaborate plans now iri the hands of competent committees, who will spare neither time nor expense to make this HEIvlX.1 . : Gangs, Siilky and Walking Plows SUPERIOR DRILLS, BAIN and FISH WAGONS, BARB and WOVEN WIRE FENCING. Farmers around Pendleton and to the northwest and south of that place, have nothing much to hope for unless rains speedily follow, accompanied by cooler weather. Athena crops are now out of danger, according to all reports. ' In Other Localttlea. ' , Wasco county. Very warm with heavy -thunder showers last Thursday; vegetation doing well, but about two weeks later than last year. ... Sherman county AQuite warm; wheat heading, very short; unless a change for the better comes very soon a large part of the crop will not pay for harvesting; fruit in good condition; pasture getting short; alfalfa good crop, but late. Morrow county. Weather favorable, except a deficiency of rain fall; good showers have occurred in some parts of the county, while in other parts crops are suffering and will be light unless more ram falls soon. ; , Union county. Grass growing nicely; spring grain coming up uneven; winter wheat good stand; fruit set heavy; ber ries are a good crop; range stock fast regaining flesh. ,,. : . , . ... Mrf. Finch Dend. Mrs. Finch, the Jady . who lost her hand in a steam laundry, mangle at Pen dleton some weeks ago, died from the effects of blood poisoning Monday night, THE SURE WAY to prevent pneumonia and consumption is to cure your cold '-when" it first ap pears. Ackers English remedy will stop : the cough in a night, and drive the cold out ot your system,,,.. Always a quick and sure cure for asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. If it dors not satisfy the druggist will refund your money. Write to us for free sample. W. I. Hooker Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by McBrideA Co., druggists. ' Sick headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa tion and indigestion and makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. , Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25c and 50c. Write to W. Il.Houkvr.A Co. Buffalo, N. Y., for a tree sample. For sale by McBride & Co., druggists. v ' ULY MM ; a long remembered event . ; s 7--'