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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1903)
AH AMERICAN COMPANY- Orfaniied to Die British - Coftl.! Columbia One of the largest and most extensive coal fields known in the northwest was discovered a few years ago in the Nicola valley, southern British Columbia. Next to the famous Crows Nest, the Nicola is beyond doubt the most important one. The quality of the Nicola coal has been pronounced by coal experts to be far superior to either the Crows Nestor any Vancouver Island coal, or any other coal known on the Pacific coast. It is a high grade of fine bitimunous, makes the finest and best coke in the world, and for steam and domestic purposes there is no better coal produced in the Northwest. There are five seams known to exist and underlying the coal basin, ranging in thickness from five to eleven feet. The coal lies in blanket form (flat) and between each seam or coal strata there is a solid layer of sand stone, averaging about 100 feet in thick ness, affording safety and full protection in working the different veins. The Standard Oil Co. has recently purchased 2660 acres of this coal land in the Cold Water coal basin, Nicola valley, B. C, and paid $2,500,000 cash for it. The Canadian Pacific railway and the Great Northern are now both engaged in building and extending their lines into Nicola coal fields,' and will be there this fall. Besides the enormous deposits of the highest grade of bituminous coal there are mountains of high grade cop per ore and hemetic iron. ., The Western Coal and Iron Co. was recently incorporated under the laws of the state of Washington, and with bead offices at Tacoma, to work, develop and operate 2560 acres (4 full sections) of this very valuable coal land. The com pany holds a good title to the land from the British Columbia government. The land is situated in the very heart of the Nicola coal basin aud is estimated to contain over 100,000,000 tons of coal, such a vast quantity that it would last for 200 years by using at the rate of 2000 tons every day. One coal expert and engineer has estimated that the coal underlying the said Western Coal and Iron company's land (25G0 acres) is worth net the enormous sum of $150, 000,000. Mr. S. Andrew Hartnian, a director of the company, arrived in the city a few days ago. He called at our office, show ing sum pies of the coal, tuaps, reports, prospectus, diagrams, etc., and from what we have seen we think it a gen mine, safe proposition. The company intends to commence development of the coal measures early in the spring and equip the mines with the best ma chinery for coal mining, and place the coal on the markot in Oregon, Idaho and Washington. Mr. Hartman, repre senting the said coal company, has ap pointed our well known townsman O. G. Chamberlain, of this city to act as Bgent for the company. A limited num ber of shares are now being offered to the public at the low rate of 15 cents per share, par value being $1 non-assessable and fully paid up. - We believe this is a golden opportun ity for the people of this community to participate in one of the safest and big gest money making enterprises in the Northwest, as the stock is sure to ad vance to par ($1) in a very, 'short time, and as soon as the railroads are there this fall. Shares in a big, rich coal mine are not often offered to the public; the Crows Nest was an exception. As a rule, when ever a large deposit of high grade coal U found it is either picked up by some lig railroad corporation, or bought up by some millionaires. . The Crows Nest coul stock sold in the spring of 1896 as low as 7 cents per share. 1000 shares were bought in the fall of '96 foran even 8100. Today 1000 shares of this Crows Nest stock will bring $125,000. It ad duced from 10 cents to $36 in two years and toduy it sells for $125 per share. It is quite safe to say that the Nicola coal offers today just as good chances to the investor as was the cae with the Crows Nest in 1896. Coal is quite different from any other raining. There are no "ifs." no "wild cutting" about it. Having coal in quanti ty and the best quality and transporta tion facilities assured, that is really all that is needed to insure success. Coal is one of the great commodities of the world, a necessity. With the immense increase in commerce on the Pacific with the Orient, the rapid development in all tidustries, the fast increase in popula tion all through the western states, the building of the new smelters all through the vast mining regions of the west where hundreds of thousands tons of cuke are required every year in the re duction of the enormous deposits of iron and copper ore that have been discover ed up to date, and all tho new finds to be made in tho future, and the fact that the United States congress have placed coal on the free list, where it will surely remain for years to come, there can be question as to finding a market for the coal, because the demand is enormous and always increasing. Our forests are being devastated by fires and every year hundrens of millions of feet are being destroyed by this rav aging element, and great areas of timber land are being bought up by eastern trust companies. The man with the ''long head" will readily see that the time is now at hand when "coul will be coal." The Western Coal and Iron company's property is situated very close to the land bought by the Standard Oil Co. for $2,500,000 and 160 miles east from Van couver, B. C, and Bellingham Bay points, and 40 miles southeast from Spencer Bridge, a railroad station on tho Canadian Pacific, and in the heart of the richest mineral country on British Co lumbia. Coal experts and eminent min eralogists all agree that flowing wells of petroleum may be found in the lower Nicola basin. . This 15 cents stock in tho Western Coal Co. will not last very long. If you want to be in it on the ground floor, get in early and decide quick. , Officer of tho Company. Mr. Nelson Bennett, the great railroad builder and financier, widely and favor ably known throughout the west, is the president of the Western Coal and Iron company and one of the leading spirits in the enterprise; Mr. F. W. Gastron, a prominent insurance man and a pioneer of Tacoma, is vice president: Judge Ira II. Case, secretary; Virgil Hayden, pay ing teller of the Pacific National bank, treasurer; Hon. Wui. P. Reynolds, ex supreme judge of the state of Washing ton, a director and the counsel of the comsany; LeRoy Pratt, treasurer and general manager of the People's Store in Tacoma, Ben Olson, a member of the city council, and S. Andrew Hartman, for 22 years engaged in mercantile affairs and with a wide experience in business, constitute the other members of the board of directors. If any of our readers desire to acquire further information we cordially invite them to see our genial judge, O. G. Chamberlain, where samples of the coal, reports, maps, diagrams, section, pros pectus, etc., can be had, or you may write to the company's head office, 501 Bernice building, Tacoma, Wash. WEATHER AND CROPS. Thin Week'i Weather lint Been Un favorable In All localities. The paBt week has been unfavorable for crops. Up to the last few days it was too cool and frequent frosts occur red. . High winds were also prevalent Bnd the rainfall, except in the coast counties and the Willamette valley, has been scanty. Practically none fell in the southern and the extreme eastern sections of the state, and the ranges are fast drying up. In the coast counties and in the Willametto valley the pas turage is excellent, and the flow of milk in the dairy sections is the best in several years. The frosts have done some injury to fruit, but it is too early to determine the extent of the damage. Apples have un doubtedly suffered to quite an extent, and complaints of cherries dropping are increasing. Prunes and pears promise well and strawberries and other small fruit will likely give full crops. Spring sown grain is unusually back ward and the fall sown is becoming ex ceedingly weedy in the Columbia river valley, where the cold, drying w nds have retarded growth. More rain is needed in Southern Oregon, where the corn crop is turning yellow and making a slow growth. No improvement has been noted in the condition of hops; some yards are promising, while others spresent a poor appearance. Kain is' bad ly needed in the Grand Ronde valley, and the crops there are unusually back ward but may yet show up well with favorable weather conditions. Fatality at Walla Walla. A blacksmith named Olson of Touchet, was killed at Walla Walla Monday in a collision with a team. Olson was pass ing down the street on a bicycle, and in meeting a team in the crowded street, he made a mistake in dodging and was run down. His skull was broken and he died in the hospital about two hours after the accident. WITH THE CHURCHES BAPTIST CHUKCH, C. It. Luuiur, l'tts lor Sunday School 10 a. in. rrvuehlug every 2nd unci 4th Siuuluy at 11 a. in. SI. K. Clli ntU, Corner 3rd and Adumit W". K. Armtluld, Factor Huiiduy School 10 a. hi. Preaching 11 a. m. Class Meeting 13 m. I mi lor licugue 3 p. tu. Epworlh League "'00 p. in. Trenching 8:00 p. m. Teachers Meet ing Wednesday 7130. Prayer Meeting Thurfr day evening 7:30. CHURCH or CUKIST, Corner of 2nd und Adams C. A. Bias, Pastor Bible School 10 a, in. I'l-ciu'liiiiHjiuil Communion Services II a. in. Christian Kudeavor Pray crineet lag 0-.;t0r. in. Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Mid Week Meetings. PruyeriuvcUng, Wcduemlay 7:30 p, in, Indies Aid, Thursday a p, ra. Christian Woman's Hoard of Nitnlonti, each secoud Su'udny in the month 2:30 p. in. Church Offlccra' Meeting, each first Saturday In the months p. m. A cordial Invitation to our service Is extended to all. Sick headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa tion and indigestion and makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25c aud 50c. Write to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a tree sample. For sale by McBride & Co., druggists, Poland China Uogi. Spring pigs for sale, sired by 'Uma tilla Chief" and Dewey's Boy, 2nd. Also a few choice gilts, bred to "Tecumseh Victor," by 'Tecumseh Magnate," of Briant, Indiana. A. L. Swaggart, Athena, Ore. Attention Water Consumer. The hours for lawn sprinkling are from b to o a. ni. ana from b to 7 p. tu daily, excepting Sundays from 6 to t p. ui. only. Sprinkling from open hose prohibited at all times. 1 request pat rons to observe these rules. Win. Gholson Water Supt. Foley's Honey and Tor cures colds, prevents paeumoaln. Reduced Bate From the East. Commencing ' February 15 and con tinuing until June 15 there will be low rates in effect from the east via the Illinois Central R. R. to all Washing ton, Oregon and Idaho points. If any of your friends or relatives in the east are comiDg west while these rates are in effect, give us their uamo and address and we will make it our business to see that they are given the best possible service. We operate through person ally conducted excursion cars, and, in fact give you the benefit of the latest conveniences known to modern railroad ing. We have 15 different routes be tween the east and the West, and are in position to give you the benefit of the best combinations. Write us and we will give you full particulars. B. H. Trumbull, Com'l. Agent 111. Cent. R. R., 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. THE SURE WAY to prevent pneumonia and consumption is to cure. your cold when it first ap pears. Ackers English remedy will stop the cough in a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Always a quick and sure cure for asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. If it dots not satisfy the druggist will refund your money. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by McBride & Co., druggists. Uobbed the Grave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had give me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my great joy the first bottle made a decided improvement. I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 53 cents, guaranteed, at G. C. Osburn's drug store. Hot for California. For Prespyterian General Assembly meeting, Los Angles, Cal., May 23 June 2, 1903. Tickets will be on sale, via steamer leaving Portland May 10, 11, 15 and 16; via rail leaving Portland May 15, 16 and 17. Final limit, July 15th. Stop overs allowed in California in either di rection. Fare for round trip, via steamer in both directions, $13.10, cabin passage including meals and berth; via rail in both directions, 945.40, first class, or via ocean steamer to San Francisco, thence Southern Pacific to Los Angeles and return to Fortland or vice versa. Iliilldlng Lots for Sale. Dr. L. Dell has some choice building lots left which he offers for sale at rea sonable prices. Soft Harness W Tou can maks your bar. nrtm m soft as a glove and as touirh ns wire by using KlIKliKA Unr neae (Ml. You cn lengthen Its liTi ninke It nut twice long as It ordinarily wuuld. tBiSi & ft " ' ' - ft. ! i lie mnkp.iftpot r it (C : w.t tM'M like r?w. ifi '-ii of puro. Iirnry 1jo,!::iI oil, peciallv nrfpnrtti to witli- Blauti tho wcaiiiui Bnl lU CHU3--I elmsnil ir.e, in r:r"". ii FnleV S HoneV end I8r for chUdrea,safe,sure. No opiates, j i is 1 1 . I A 7 S III w I if I : It 111 Hi.") 1 :r a hi 1 i I ffliNCHZsrza t lc nrttiMtt Ticnc a rtir. wrTr hip ' 1 M 3 1 mm TAKE DOWN m WISOIESTER REPEATING ARSIS CO., . HAYE!ft COW. PmrmQn Phftfrn SfllHin Main Street, near bridge JLUVVJJJLUiU X UUUV UUUUAV Work-. PENDLETON . ORE. Poitini Ml1HnQTTT4 Largest Stock ot Millinery in Umatilla Co. Next Guaranteed to Equal . any $100 Machine on Market. w ,1 Kotlee of Final Aeeonat. In the County Court of' the "State On'o-on. Countv of Umatilla. of Io tbe matter of tiie estate of C rl Schu- - - c Notice of final set tlement of estate. U hAtvhv irivn that Elvina M Norris, ex utor of the estate of Carl Schubert, deceased, has filed ber final account in the above entitled Court, and that the Court has ordered that the 15th day of June, 1903, be the time, and tbe County Court Room in the city of Pendleton, County of Umatilla, State of Oregon, be the place where any and all objections and exceptions to tbe said final account and report will be heard, and the settlement be made. Dated this 13th day of May, 1903. Will M. Peterson, Elvina M. Norris, Atty. for Estate. Executrix. Summons. In the Justice Court, Athena District, Umatilla County, State of Oregon. N. A. Miller, Plain- Civil Action to Re tiff, vs. Jerry St. 1 cover Money. Serv-. Dennis, Jr., Defend- f ice of Summons by ant. J Publication. To Jerry St. Dennis, Jr., the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear be fore the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the district of Athena, Uma tilla County, Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1903, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at the office of the said Justice in said district to answer the above named plaintiff in a civil act tion; And you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer the com plain; t filed against you, or plead there to, judgment will be rendered against you for the sum of 870.15, the principal of a promissory note executed by de fendant to plaintiff November 25, 1893, due nine months from date, and for the sum of $05.75, interest on said" note at 10 per cent per annum from date, and for the sum of $35.00 at torney's fees for instituting this action all of which relief is demanded in said complaint. The order for this publication of summons is made on the 20th day of April 1903. Will M. Peterson, O. G. Chamberlain, Atty. for plaintiff. Justice of the Peace. STATIONARY AT -YOUR OWN PRICE , PIONEER DRUG STORE A. B. STONE. PROPRIETOR PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND ED BY DAY OR HICHT- NORTII SIDE MAIN ST. that is good at all times is what the Customer wants Get it at the I C, H, SHERMAN Proprietor ! fl Vlatasoeder & Minger's old stand REPEATING SHOTGUNS 1 ill A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with a strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable for trap or duck shooting, and an extra interchangeable modified choke or cylinder bore barrel, for field shoot ing, lists at only $42.00. Dealers sell them for less. This makes a serviceable all round gun within reach of everybody's pocket book. Winchester Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expensive double barrel guns and are Just as reliable besides. to People's War,e House, PENDLETON "TIIE CHICAGO" TYPEWRITER 83500 THE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER CO. 512-514 Market Street, San Francisco, INDIGESTION is the cause of more discomfort than any other ailment. If you eat the things that you want, and that are good for for you, you are distressed. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will make your di gestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia and its attendant disagreeable sympt oms. Tou can safely eat anything, at any time, if you take one of th-we tab lets afterward. Sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee. 25 cts. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Write to us for a free sample. W. U. Hooker k Co., Buffalo, N, Y. PARKER & KEEN'S BARBERSHOP SHAVING HAIR CUTTIKC SHAMPOOING AND BATHS a CAREFUL WORKMEN, SATISFACTION CUARANftED, EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET MAKING HIM LOOK PLEASANT is easy enough, for when he opens, his package of laundry work, after -being Bent to the Domestic laundry, the man who loves faultless linen and up-to-date laundrying always wreathes his face in smiles. During warm weather our methods of laundrying linen and color ed shirts, white vests, etc., shows itself in the length of time thoy keep fresh and clean. ' . Domestic Laundry Pendleton. A. J. Parker, Agt. Athena I 2 J l7nr-nn Guaranteed for All Kidney and Bladder Troubles. - It Saf 0 and Sure OLEY'S EUDfJEY cures the most obviate cases of kidney and bladder diseases. It supplies the kidneys with the substances they need to build up the worn out tissues. It will cure Bright's Disease and Diabetes if taken in time, and a slight disorder yields readily to the wonderful curative power of this great medicine. It sooths and heals the urinary organs and invigorates the whole system. If "your kidneys are de ranged, commence by taking IF n MmsMmmI mnm at once. It wi7 make you well k Phytlclia Htslftd, loir Prescribis It Daily ' Dr. Geo. Ewing, practicing physician at Smith's Grove, Ky., for over thirty years, writes his personal experience with FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE: "Foryesrs I hsve been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and enlarged prostate gland. I used everything known to the profession without relief, until I commenced to use FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. After taking three bot tles I was entirely relieved and cured. I prescribe it now dssly ia my practice and heartily recommend its use to all physicians for such troubles.for I can honestly state I have prescribed it in hundreds of cases with perfect success." Esd ts lit Up Siviral Tlrnts Evtrj Eight Mr. F. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes : I was troubled with kidney disease about three years. I was nervous and all run down, and had to get up several times during the night, but three bottles of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a cemptete cure. I feel better than I ever did and rccommeaa ft to my friends." TOO SIXES ZOo ar.l $1.C3 McBRIDE & GO . THE OUR SODA FOUNTAIN Is Sizzling and Fizzling and Bubl ing with the MOST DELICIOUS ' DRINKS None But the Best Quality of Materials Used. Try Our SIBERIAN FLIPP Sundays Only. McBRIDE & COMPANY Leading Druffflttt .Take the . WASHINGTON & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY In Connection with the 1ST OX"t3il.03?XL Pacifio TIMETABLE. No. 11 -Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays arrive 8:50 a. m. No. 12 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays depart 95 a. m. For further information apply to FRED KERSHAW, Agent, Athena, Oregon Or to S. B. CALDERHEAD, G. F. & P. Agt., Walla Walla, Wash. CP-LOWEST RATES Thousands sra Trying It. , In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm; the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Qet it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from cntorrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for oure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that Mnny acquaintances have urc.1 it with excellent results. Oscar Ostruui, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cars for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. At druggists or by nif-d. CURE n nDnnn pgjmP KbsIsbisswsjsv VsiiBsv ssjuksfca Cures Used 'iwk Acute by the iMffl V, or I :Most l Chronic f SW"fl lf Kidney JU sP.ecia, fMw Bladder M fora" 111 1:. I Kidney wrMM'1 -Dis" Tr 'and eases iti ' Biadder fwiM : Dis" 111 Gosreatecd eases "Mm mi 1 1 PREPARED ONLY BY il rilllflJip) FOLEY & COMPANY PMll CHICAGO, ILLINOIS fffllP PALACE DRUG STORE. SOUTH SIDE MAUI STREET WILL M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Lar, Notary Public Athena, Oregon Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgages and Contracts carefully drawn; Collections promptly made. L. J. McA.tee, Painting, Paper Hanging and ....Graining.... A Specialty of Inside Finish S. F. Shabp, A. W. Botkin. & Botkin, Sharp PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls Dromntlv n.nnwrAd nfflcn nn Thlr A Street. Athena, oregor Oregon Shoet LINE VNioit Pacific TWO TRAINS. EAST. DAIY Through Pullman standard nnd Bleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist Rlceplng car dally to Kaunas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping oars, personally constructed, weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, 8t. Louis and Memphis; reclining cha'.rears, seats free, to the east dally from Pendleton. DEPART TJME SCHEDULES ARKtVX Datly' ATHENA, ORE. Dally. Fast Mail for Pen dleton, LaUrande, . - Maker City, nnd all points est via Hun x. tlngton, Ore., Also , for LTwatillaJIepp- o:10 p m. nert The balles, 8;5o a. m. Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley . Points, California, Tacoma, Seattle, all Hound Points. Walla Walla, Day ' ton, Pomeroy, Lew-S-M a m. iston, Colfax, Pull- m 8..ju a.m. man. Mosco( f ne 5:lo p. m, Couer d'Alcne dis trict, Spokane and all points north. Mixed train walla 7:10 p.m. walla and interme- 710 n m diate points. ' . ' ' . Mixed, for Pendle- 11:50 a.m, ton and intermedl- 11.50a' ru. ate points. , Water Bootes. "SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND ROUTE, Steamer sails from Portlard 8 p. m. every 6 days. 1 Snake Hlver Route. Steamers leave Rlparla dally at 4:o5 a. m. except Saturday, returning leave Lewislou daily except Friday at i a, m. For tickets to and from all parts of tne country call on or write to J. Swart, Agent, .. . Athena.