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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1903)
ALL tip OF .CHll a$ ms be seem This handsome Rocker lias all the goo-i qualities of the much . higher grades. It is well built, made of solid oak, with saddle seat, fancy quarter sawed pannel back and heavy roaaeu arms. . .race, Only $4.00. Now at my store. The broadest assortment of every thing for adorning your home was never More Attractive and the prices are decid edly in harmony with myj policy of supplying the very beat at the Lowest Possible Prices ; :: : mV J " I - $2.50 , j - ... Buys this handsome Rocker. It is very simi lar to cut, made of well seasoned hard wood, fancy cobler seat and has heavy brace arms. Price Only $2.50.' ; rm: pal vvfy M juLS a A popular type of Rocker of "ye olden times," very comfortable and substantially built of hard wood, in golden finish, price Only $3.50. ; Upholstered Rockers, in all the different weaves of goods, Tapest ry, Velore, Silk Plush and genu ine Leather. f I J ill ' Dining Chair, similar tj cut, made of well seasoned-elm, golden finish, price 81.35. Others from 75c to $3.00 Miller the Rustler, Athena, Oregon.; Press Paragraphs Dill pickles at Bagley's. Weston was well represented at the picnic Wednesday. t Strawberries have made their appear ance in the market. :" ,i ' J. W. Hopper this week joined the family of Press readers. Ice cream soda aud soda drinks of all kinds at McBride & Co.'s. '' During the Pioneer picnic take four meals at the Marshal House. County Clerk W. D. Chamberlain took in the picnic Wednesday. Miss Ada Pierce, of Milton, spent yesterday with Athena friends. j(R. J. Boddy and wife were down from their mountain ranch Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fjta'.A' Simpson spent Sunday with friends in the country. King Bros, have a good set of light harness which they offer for sale cheap. JMr. and Mrs. T. G. Hailey, of Pendle ton, were guests of Athena friends Tues . day. . Alf Johnson will give a dance at the opera house on both nights of the shoot ing tournament, Friday and Saturday evenings, June 5 and 6. MILOTERY Goods Sold at Cost For Next 30 Days We are Bhowing the most beautiful assortment of newest Millinery Styles ever exhibited in this vicinity. The la test styles in Trimmed and Ready to Wear Hats for Women, Misses and Children. MRS. J.R.OWENS, Carden Building, North Side Main St. Miss Jennie Dykes, of Milton, was a guest of Miss Elsa : Rosenzweig this week. r . .. Miss Criglar, stenographer in ' the county clerk's office, was up from Pen dleton Wednesday. ; "T : : L R. Burns, the O. R. & N. goneral agent, was over from Walla Walla and took in the picnic Wednesday. '"- Mrs. Harry Allen and sisters, the Misses Roach, visited Walla Walla friends the fore part of the week. - Harry and George Rosenzweig left yesterday for their Franklin county ranch. Mrs. Rosenzweig and daughter, Elsa, will go up tomorrow. XAmong the prominent Weston people who attended the picnic, were Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Baling, Judge Powers and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jamieson. sDan Shea has jumped the Moro team and is now playing with the Portland Browns. Shea is a good player, but is a cultus article when it comes to prin ciple. - .j. Alex McRea, R. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. John Privett, II. Stewart and family, were, among the Pendletonians who fraternized with the Caledonians during the picnic. Children's Day exercises at the Chris tion church next Sunday. Sermon to the children at 11:00 a, m. Children's program in the evening. A cordial in vitation to all. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Manela enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Max Schillock of Portland, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Schillock is secretary of the Portland Board of Trade. G. W, Proebstel and bride of Weston, arrived in La Grande Saturday on a short, visit with relatives,' being the guests of Wm. Proebstel and family. La Grande Chronicle. ? ' The electrical display given in con nection with the Oregon lecture course, will take place in this city on next Tues day evening, June 2. Mr. J. Waggoner has written Prof. Hawes to thb effect L. W. Reed, of Gibbon, Oregon, will pay $10 reward for information leading to recovery of a 3-year-old bay stallion, brand LR on left shoulder, and a 4-year-old brown mare, brand L R on left shoulder." . , -' A. T. Brewer was in town Monday from his fruit farm near Freewater. Mr. Brewer says all who wish may soon find employment in berry picking at Milton and Freewater.- The berry crop prom ises to be large. J- H. Hewens, of Weston, was in the city Wednesday. Mr. Hewens is owner of a splendid rock quarry at Weston and interviewed prospective builders here with the result that he . will probably dispose of a good quantity of rock. ; Wednesday, when starting from his home near Milton with the view of at tending the Caledonian picnic, John McEwen, brother of A. B. McEwen, was thrown from his horse and suffered the fracture of liis leg below nd above the knee. , . ; - )Sim Kilgoro and MissFrankie Ogle were united in marriage last Monday, the 25th of May. ' Sin) is a well known young man of this . community and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ogle, of this city. Theyrwill make their home. in. Athena. V i ! t ' S. Andrew Hartman, representing the Western Coal and Iron company; of Tacoma, is in the city. , 0. G. Chamber lain has been given the agency for this section and any one wishing to'purchase stock should call on him. The company has a capital of 1,750,000 "one ' dollar shares; :. ;" .." ' : f.; ' -i i Decoration Day exercises tomorrow. At 10 a. m. the procession forms corner Main and 3rd streets and marches to the cemetery where the ceremonies will be performed, thence return" to the Chrigr tian church for dinner. S, A Lowell will deliver the address and an excellent program "will be rendered. X1' J- Kirk has supplanied the'" old worm fence around his . home farm with a superb ' hog-tight, fence. It is substantially constructed with tarred cedar poets and American fencing wire. It is a good, strong fence and gives a; neat appearance to what is listed as" one" of the finest farms in UmatilU count. G. W. Bradley returned Jast evening from, a trip to his ranch near Golden dale, Wash. George says Athena looks good to Mm, after his sojourn in the wilderpess. He has built a typical log cabin, and says, he has Jo look up the stovepipe to see out. He has the ideal place for deer and all his friends should invite themselves down for the shooting season.""" - - Rev. Armfield announces his sermons for Sunday as follows: Morning, ''Pre judice and it's Antidote." Text, VAnd Nathanael said unto him? 'Can any good thing come out ; of ' Nazareth?' Philip Bayeth unto him, 'Come and see." John 1:40. Evening subject, "The Un ion of Personal and Family Religion;" text, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 2i:1S.,-' & Pitcher Earl Saunders and first .base man Cartano, of thie Moro ball team, and formerly with the Yellow Kids, came op for the picnic. They returned yesterday and today with the Moro team, play at Goldendale, Wash" Earl endeavored to bring to the Press man some fine trout which a kindred spirit had sent with his regards; but they " were lost in the shuffle. .Earl's intentions were O.K. and we extend thanks, just the same.-. - Number of members taken into con sideration, Athena has one of the best bands in the Pacific Northwest. Clay ton Luna has recently added a new Benson trombone to the already excel, lent collection of first class instruments. The band furnibhed fine music for the Caledonian picnic and its services have been secured for the Pioneer's Reunion at Weston June 11, 12 and 13. The proceeds of the handkerchief bazaar given last Saturday evening by the members of the ladies' aid society of the M. E. church, amounted to 890. An excellent; supper was served in con nection with the sale. Handkerchiefs to the number of 125 remained unsold. The bazaar was a success far beyond the expectations of those having it in charge. The proceed! will go into the church building fund. J Grandma Gerking, mother of Mrs. David Taylor, was much pleased and honored by tjie Portland performers of the Caledonian society Wednesday. Grandma was unable to go to the picnic grounds, so the Caledonians considerate ly came to the house and, to the music of the pipes, went through some of the Scottish dances. Mayor Taylor extends thanks to the1 performers for their kind ness. Editor Wood returned home from Walla Walla, via Athena. The colonel called in our absence and took our dog "Joe" out for a stroll. The bloomin' dog has been as bughouse as a marsh hare ever since. We firmly believe "Joe" has been hypnotized by the vin dictive colonel. Wood was fortunate in not getting robbed at Walla Walla Mon day, and we are pleased to report "that he still has that $5 recently taken in on subscription. The light-fingered, gen try would never suspect him of having so much about his person. Dr. A. B. Stone of the pioneer drug store, has put in an elegant soda foun tain for the convenience of the thirsty. The fountain is one of the latest patterns and lends an attractive appearance to the superb equipment of this DODular drugstore, "llorts of soda drinks are are served in a most pleasing manner by thd Hon. Bvron Hawks. Eaa.. who aa a so it drink mixologist, has few equals and no superiors. Let the affable Lord Byron serve you with an ice cream soda or, an iced flip-flop with its accessor ies. - They are poems such as will com pare with those of his ancient namesake. Items in Brief. TEETH Extracteil Without J. R. SPONOGLE, PENTIST Bank Building.;-; Athena, Oregon. ! Nasal CATARRH 'la all lit stages. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It aires catarrh and drives away a cold In the head quickly.' 1 . -.. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief Is im mediate and a care follows. It Is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug gists or by mall j Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York Walkover shoes at Shick & Co.'s. Try Boddy 's sugai -cured hams and bacon. Oh, My! "90" coffee at the Blue Front. Try the new market for the best in meats. Everything for the table at the Blue Front Grocery. Get your fishing tackle of Gross & Worthington. . For fine" groceries trade at Gross & Worthington's. C. A. Barrett 4 Co. have the Buffalo Pitta harrows. The "General Good" cigar is having the lead at Gay's. A fresh lot of canned goods just re ceived at Bagley's. A good cow for sale. Call on McBride Palace drug store. Superior crackers, the best ever, 10c per lb. Shick & Co. A neat line of children 8 ready-made aprons at The Fair. The leading brands of tobacco and cigars are sold by Gay. C. A. Barrett & Co. are agents for all kinds of machine extras. . - Latest craze, long bead neck laces in great variety. A. M. Co. D. C. Baker offers his 7 -room cottage for rent at $8 per month. The famous Superior brand of candies is to be found at Bagley's. : Ask to see some of those exclusive dress patterns at Manasse's. You can see the Deering mower and rake now at C. A. B. & Co.'s. The celebrated Prescott flour a solid car think of it! Shick & Co. You will find satisfaction as well as saving in buying at The Fair. For your fishing tackle, go to Barretts An up-to-date, complete line. A full line of "Rising Star" shirts have been received by Shick & Co. "White as snow" is the term applied to Pendleton Steam Laundry work. Beadings and laces in all the noveltv effects in great variety. A. M. Co. W. M. Petersoj announces the W. H. Hawes residence for rent or sale. Novslty silk waistings have just ar rived at Athena Mercantile Co's. Just received, a new lot of Preferred Stock canned goods at Bagley's. Take a look at the men's new spring suits just received. A. Ai. Co. New line of ladies' lace-striped fancy hose just opened. Athena Mer. Co. Beef tea and other hot drinks are served at Chas. Gay's popular resort. C. A. Barrett & Co. have the light running Mitcneii wagons in all sizes. When you want anything in the to bacco or confectionary line go to Sheets Don't fail to see the new Fireside and Domestic sewing machines at Bagley's. The warmest baby in the bunch, Caralol coffee, 25c per lb. Shick & Co. We do as we advertise; we advertise as we do. See for yourself. The Fair. The latest novelties in white goads, table cloths, waistings, just received. A.M. Co. The best of everything in grocenesare to be found at the Blue Front, at prices that are right Get our prices on barb and woven wire fencing before buying. Umatilla Implement Co. We can sell you the "Dutchman", or "Canton" slows. You know the merit of these. Umatilla Implement Co. We will have a sample combine har vester to show you in a short time. Umatilla Implement Co. For sain. TIia rAPptt Main otr-t lot and office building. Inquire of Mrs. Minnia DePeatt, Athena, Oregon. Remember Mrs. Owens will take butter, eggs and country produce in ex change for hats and millinery goods. There will come a time some day when you will want your house papered and painted, and when that time does come figure with J. W. Chapman. Un-to- date painter and paper hanger. Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. "Force," a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigor ates. - ED. MANASSE CORNER MAIN AND THIRD STS. When you want the best and latest Assortment in Tu fiTTTlT nriTTin 3 Consisting of Summer Dr&ss Goods, Shirt Waists, Neckwear, Shirts, Muslin Underwear, . Trimmings, Sweaters for Ladies, Fancy Rose, Lace Gloves, Neck Chains, etc., come and make your Selections. Shoes for Men, Women and Child ren. The largest stock in town m n -sa as- - U g bnoesior men ana JtJoys 3 9 ED. MANASSE Agent for Butterick's Patterns. it- See C. Sharp Paint, Oil, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plunibina; PENDLETON, OREGON. It Pays to Trade at THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ...Pendleton... omfort Shoes Cost 82.50 a pair. They bring ease to the feet. We have other kinds, too, and they are the best $2.50 shoe on earth. FOR WOMEN Dongola Kid, flint soles, milled edges, patent tips. Fine Vici Kid, whole vamps, extension soles. Nice, light Kid, thin sole drass shoes. Extra fine kid-tip pannil, ppera heels. FOR MEN Best Calf, pebbled tops, new toes. Velor Kid, light, soft, dressy. Vici Kid, plain or tip toes. Colt Cong for tender feet ANY OF THESE SHOES FOR ONLY $2.50 Butterick's Quarterly Catalogue sent free on request SPECIAL SALE TO CLOSE OUT All Hats and Millinery Goods to be sold at 25c on the dollar FIRST GOME FIRST SERVED BON MARCHE SOUTH SIDE MAIN ST. THE t ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FKOOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. iff : THE ST. NICHOLS J Is the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. I m ! in Can bfiecoraended for Hi clean and well ventilated rooms. s Cor. Main anoThibd, Atbvna, Or. New styles and weaves, 'all colors, from ; 25c to-50c per pair. Misses Bnd child-' ; rens at 10, 15, 20 and 25c.!, S-.; 1 rv-rvt 'ihWm& " . " 1 f -T.r If' f : J - Right Things to Wear! Where Whole Families Can Do Their Trading. The Banner line of Skirts a new ship- tneot just received 100 8kirt to select f from at $1.25 to 7.0U. ' I A new assortment J from 2 to 75c yd. Prices , . 00 per pair 1 25 per pair ..... 2 00 per pair . .... 2 25 per pair 2 50 per pair HOSIERY Just received one case. To go at 10c per pair, while they last. SUMMER DRESS GOODS If you will come and look over our showing of dress goods you can get more ideas about wearing apparel in a few minutes than hours of hard thinking will bring forth. Such a showing of beauti ful dress goods has rarely been seen ia town. Prices, 5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25 to 75c. j A SALE IN WHITE GOODS India Linen 8 cents per yd. 14 JQ 11 11 " ' 12 " ' it ii j3 it t it h it 20 -' " " 25 " ii Lawns same as ubove. We bought a case of 100 piece from the mill. Prices very low 8, 10, 15 to 50 cents. Ladies' Waists. We carry the Banner brand Hbirt waist. Nothing better made. A ttwdl line, all prices from 50c to 85.00. Call and see them. .1