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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1903)
PRESS VOLUME XV. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON,' FRIDAY ilORNING JIAY 22, 1903. NUMBER 21 -: 'A T-C0.I 0 D ITO A I 2000 yds: Mill Remnants, from .8 to 20 yds. in a piece, of New Dress- Ginghams. Regular 10c grade. UrLylHL'r Great Variety of Styles and Colorings, h While theyfest they are going at .7 cents per yard. AYE ARE NOW SHOWING ALL THE -VERY LATEsV NOVELTIES OF ITIIE SEASON ; Wash Dress jBoods ;;; In all the latest novelties. French Ginghams, 36 in. wide," guaranteed fast colors, sold everywhere at 25 cts., Our price 20c. Tail de Norde and A masking Dress Ginghams in great variety, sold every where at 15 cts., Our. price 12 1-2. ; - - ' ' ' ' . An immense line of new Dress Gi&ghams, all colors, worth 12 cts., per yard, - ' : Our price 10c. A large assortment of good quality Gingham dress styles, always sold at 10 cents, Our price 8 l3c. New Lawns in great viriety of styles and colors, , ; Only 6 l-2c. American Calicos, new styles, all colors, . ' ' ; . ' Sets peryaid. WE HAVE A VERY LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GRANITE i GLASS WARE. WE LEAD u: ;";" - Let us 25CrtO , . ....... . , NOVELTY -WAISTINGS Brocade Silks with Brocade or lace stripes, . . k ' , x ,) . . ($1.75 per yard. Best sewing Silk waistings, all colors, , ' - " 75c per yard. New Taffeties, all colors, regular $1.00 quality, ,85c per yard. Egyptian Tissue, perfect in design , and colorings. .. , . ,60c per yard. t Fine Novelty , Waistings in Bro cades, stripes and fancy figures, 45c per yard. Mercerized Zephyrs, Linens, Bro cades and Stripes, 25c per yard. Fancy white goods for waists in Bedford Cord, . Persian and laco effects, from ; " ' . - " 15 to 35 cts. per yard. Allovers, Applique and Oriental Trimmings in great variety. "V IN GROCERIES, BRING US The Swellest and Most Complete 9 fu ft n fY to be kfound in Athena is: now on display S at -our (store;: f 'Prices from $3D0 - Sh i, i are Growing; iMpre; Popular Each (Jay. We have a Large Stock to Select from I Remember we are Headquarters for. ROCERi Save you Money on them ; Men!s Furnishings New Golf Shirts in great' variety. Ask to see the new Shirt with! two collars and cuffs. They are chocked at1.00v;:' iU-iU i -r. '' ; Our price 65c y New wear in all the new styles; 100 .different shapes and colors to select from, any price and style you want, ' From 25jto 65 cts. each .' .' i : -.. . Our men's Golf Suits have arrived and the prices are so low that any one can afford a good, stylish sum i mer suit. 7, We have them t From $6.50 to $10.50. All the new shapes in Hats and all grades.. You can buy the celebrated Gordan Hat, in any style, - For $3.00;, The Rawhide for ' $2.50. We also have a large assortment of new, up-to-date styles " ,-, ,;. ,v ... at $1.75 About 100 odd Hats, tome slightly soiled, worth from $1.50 to' $2. 50, , Your choice for 75c each. YOUR ORDER AND SEE Vs..l- i. . Lot ot r i - 'hi r Hr Shoe Department , We are determined to give you the best value the market affords. AH we ask is an inspection of our new stock.. It is the most comprehen sive ever shown in this section; eith er in mentsor women's, high cuts or low cuts, in all the best and most re liable makes. Ladies' turned Kid Shoes, new last, ' $1.50 to $3.50 per pair. Ladies' fine Kid Cuban heel, ex tension soles, , From $1.75 to $4 per pair. . Strap Slippers, plain or beaded, - From $1.50 to $2.50 Men's Celebrated Douglas Shoes, in all the new styles, in both the ' $3.00 and $3.50 grade. We have now " a full line of the Selz Celebrated Perfecto, in'- Box Calf, Valour Calf and Vici Kid, on all the new las'ts.v The best shoe ever shown. WARE, CROCKERY. AND HOW MUCH YOU S AYE, PICNIC PROGRAMME I FOR TUESDAY AND WEDNES - DAY OF NEXT. WEEK;. Infand' Empire League Teanr to Play 'HBilver Medals forJCale- " , , donian Games. ' The program for the' big annual " bic nic of the Umatilla County Caledonian Society, which takes place in Athena Tuesday and Wednesday of nest week, May 26 and 27, has been drafted for publication in the Press. 7 !,' ' ' The program is replete with attrac tfva features, and its construction does ample ,credit to the Committee from which it emanated. The best Scottish talent that money and influence could command has been secured for the oc casion by the committee on arrange' ments, and thus aided, the program committee has been enabled to formu late the superlative numbers. Aside from the Scotch games, but in connection , with the picnic program, Bobbie Burns' Scots, of Walla Walla, and the Colfax team, both members of the Inland Empire League, which em braces the towns of Pendleton, Dayton, Colfax and Walla Walla, will be pitted in a game of baseball. The contest will take place Wednesday, May 27,' at 8:30 p. nw It will be for aTpurse of 60 per cent of the gate receipts,' and the game will take place on the, famous "Yellow Kid" diamond, noted as being one of the fastest in the northwest. Medals have been received to be awarded Scots who are winners at the different games and feats of strength. The medals are of silver and number 20. The design for their engraving was neatly executed by A. W. Botkin, of this city, and includes the emblematic Scottish thistlx, on the ; reverse sido of wbickis lettered the event for which the medal is awarded. if Nothing has been left undone to make the- picnic the greatest" event in " the hiefory of the society ,?"ahd only' in clement weather conditions can mar its splendor, .',,,.. Program Hay 20. '. V t PART I. ' Parade-IIeaded by Athena Band, 10 a. m. sharp. Form at city hall, thence north on Third to High street, east to Fifth, down 6th to Main, down Main to 1st, thence to the grove. . Music .r.t '..I. Band Address of Welcome, . . . .Mayor Taylor Annual Address, lion. G. 3. Cameron', I'ofJPortland. i - Scotch Reel, Misses Sharp and Forbes Messrs. Sharp and Forbes. Oration, Hon. T. G. Hailey, Pendleton. J J rfDinner. ' 130, Music'.." ..Baud Highland Fling, Miss Minnie Zipsy and f Masters Frank D'Arcy, Jimmie King, t Jvyji McCormac. -C s Addiens, Rev. M.lC" Marvin, of Walla Walla. - ' ; Song.,.. y..,, .M, J. Sharp Suilor't Hornpipe. .. .'Miss Rosie fothe We have just received 1 " Get pipiatilla Implement be: Song .i,. .... ........ .M. J. Flnlayson Dance.i Miss Nancy Black Games to which professionals are bar red 100 yard foot race, (landing jump, standing high jump, 'running jump, running high jump, 3 standing jumps, hop, step and jump. Grand concert at opera house at U p. m.,' sharp. Reserved seats on sale at Pioneer drug store. Adults GOc, child ren 25c. . s ; .? : s ;j . ' LT". ' V Program. " PART II. Concert. 8 p. m. Music Orchestra Scotch Reel by Children Vocal Solo; "Bonnie Sweet Bessie" by Gilbert-Miss Ethel Garfield. Sword Dance. . . . .Misses Forbes, Sharp Dance . .......... . . . . Miss Nancy Black Inst'l. Duett. .Misses Rosenzweig,' Beck Scotch Reel,' Misses Forbes and Sharp. Messrs. Forbes and Sharp. Inst'l. Solo. . ... .Mrs. Areta Plaraondon Highland Fling, Misses Sharp, Forbes Vocal Solo. .Miss Lulu SpangW Sailor's Hornpipe . . i Master James King Vocal Solo. Miss Laulie Stanton Buck and Wing.,,. ..Miss Rosie Forbes Contralto Solo Mrs. Max Shillock Highland Fling, Miss Minnie Zipsy and Masters Jimmie King, Willie Mc Cormac, Frank D'Arcy. Comic Songs, Messrs. r inlay son, Sharp Shean Trews. . . . ; . . . , Miss Rosie Forbes Program Majr !t 7. , f PART III, " 10 a. m. at grove. Music Band Add ress . . . v . . , .' 1 . Rev. W, E. Armfield Music. . i....: .. .'. i-- . , . . . .Band Address. ?y:.0.Z.'.l...;. A...C. A.'Sias Song, "America." Dance .' ' Miss Nancy Black Sailor's Hornpipe.. Jimmie King Comic Song ; Finlayson Highland Fling, Misses Sharp, Forbes Dinner. 1 Music .... T."el". .......... . .Band Scotch Reel, Misses Forbes and Sharp, and Messrs. Forbes and Sharp Comic Song J. Sharp Shean Trews ......... M iss Rosie Forbes Games professionals barred Vault ing, putting shot, tossing caber, tug of war, fat man's race, boys' race (under U) girls' race (under 14. Baseball game, 'Walla Walla vs. Col fax, at ball grounds at 3:30 p. ni. - ' --. I Froiperom jnouBtmueeri. v., Dv"W. H, Gould was engaged this week in hauling the last'of his 1902 hay crop to market. Weston mountain timothy hay is now a luxury that horses are for tunate in getting, as Mr. Gould re ceived 817 DO a ton for his 20 remaining tonSjLast year be raised 150 tons, selling 130 tons of his crop at 813 and 313.5?. These figures would indicate that a man who has a timothy meadow on eston mountain need hot fear the gaunt wolves of poverty. In fact, tho mountaineers are fortunate people, with a telephone system, model school, and other advantages. Weston Leader. JOHNSON FUENISHES MUSIC Oett Contract for Ualodvniau uil l'lo "v - .... aoer PlenUi. NfAIf Johnekjn, the band and orchestra I. a .1 . 1,1 1 A leaner, nas secured lor tue Aiuena obuu and orchestra contracts for engagement at the Caledonian picnic in Athena next week, and for the Pioneer picnic at Weston, , r , ' The first calls for two days playing PENDLETON, ATHENA, CANTON and DUTCHMAN a car of Barb and Woven Wire Fencing. our prices before buying ' and the latter three days. The Athena band is iu excellent trim to furnish flrst claes music, and for the Pioneers' picnic in addition to the band's engagement, Mr. Johnson will furnish n orchestra of twelve men. Alf is a hustler, and generally gets what he goes out after. : Both picnics will be given superlative music, both in brass and orchestra. ' RAIN CAME IN TIME. Crop Coiidltlou Around Atbaua Sow Look Favorable. Saturday and Sunday nights rain came in sufficient quantities' to moisten the fields and give crops an impetus in growing life. - In certain portions of the county reports come in from time to time that boded no good and gave slight promise of average yields, as the result of dry, sap-absorbing ' climatic conditions. But since 'he rains nothing more in the way of Complaint has been heard. -' ! i j . In the immediate neighborhood of Athena no fear was apprehended, al though all concerned, and especially the farmer, appear to have brightened up to some extent. Corn is up and a good stand, is reported. ' ! . In Other' Conation. "' Wasco county Early part of week very warm, latter part light showers and cold; crops improving; fall wheat barely headed out. Sherman county. Cut worms still continue to do some damage; fall wheat shows up better, made good growth during week; spring wheat not doing as well?- farmers all plowing summer fal low. Morrow county. Week cool; vegeta tion backward; fruit crop promises well; fall wheat thin on ground and back ward; all crops need rain; light frost Wednesday night, no damage; sto:k in good condition. lleeeption to Preddent at Walla Walla. . For this occasion the O. R. & N. Co. will sell tickets on May 25th at 85 cents for "round trip. Tickets good going on regular train at 8:50 a. tu., or special train. leaving at 12:35 p. m.; returning on train leaving Walla Walla at i p. m or special train at 10 p. tu. Tickets will nlun riA hminrnd for return on regu lar trains May 26, giving two full days I if desired. ' ' lleiert at Athena, " Alexander A. Philips, au artilleryman jo the Thirteenth Battery, Field Artil lery, at Fort Walla Walla, has been missing since the right platoon ot the battery was in Athena. Philips was a member of the right platoon and accom panied it on the march to the Umatilla river as far as this city. . He will be classed as a deserter at the end of the ten day-limit, which has nearly expired. At present he is "absent without leave." . . Kaiuela's Suicide, Elmer Swanger, Sr., for the past lfl yean a resident of Katnela, committed suicide by taking carbolic acid. Ho was 67 years old and a native ot Indiana. He came to Portland 17 years ago, but the climate not agreeing with b m he went to Katuela, purchased theCorbott property, including most ot the dwelling houses in the town, and has resided there continuously since that time. HELIX. Gangs, Sulky and I Walking Plows SUPERIOR BRILLS, BAIN and FISH WAGONS, - i BARB and WOVEN WIRE! FENCING. DIPLOMAS AWARDED COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ON FRIDAY, MAY 29. Miss lacy Hansell Graduates-State Diplomas to be Awarded to Class of 13. Commencement exercises of the Athe na public school will take place in the opera house on Friday evening, May 29. A splendid program has been arranged for the occasion. Miss Lucy Hansell will graduate from xhe high school department, and a class of 18 will be awarded eighth grade state diplomas. The members of this class are, Misses Maud Gholson, Lily Ban nister, Mabel Bannister, Grace Titts worth, Ava Reeder, Avis Zerba; Messrs. Jas. E. Cannon, Roy Cannon, Geo, F. Rosenzweig, R, E. McEwen, R. J. Wright, Roy Tompkins, Ernest Zerba., The Program: 1. 2. 3. Music. , .Johnson's Orchestra Selected. . Invocation. . . .Rev. W. E. Armfield Essay. ........ .' .'. . '. . . Ernest Zerba "Lewis and Clark Exposition." i. Piano Solo . ... M iss Maud Gholson "Fra Diavolo." Sydney Smith O. P. 67 5. Essay..,, .....Ralph McEwen "Slavery in the United States." C. Essay. . . . .. .Miss Avis Zerba "The Pathfinder." Music ..Johnson's Orchestra . Selected. , . Essay Mies Velma Wilkinson "Knowledge is Power." ' Vocal Solo Mrs. J. D. llawes "Ben Bolt." " Address...... '..Re v. N. U. Brooks Mufiu, . , . . .. ..Johnson's Orchestra 7. 0. 10. 11. Selected. 12. . Valedictory. . .'. Miss Lucy Hansell Julius Caesar. 13. Presentation of Diplomas, A. M. Gillis, of board of directors. K Faitor iiia Keitgui. C. A. Sias, pastor ot the Christian church of Athena, at the morning serv ices Sunday, presented his resignation to take efl'ect within a period ot 00 days. Mr. Sias' pastorial work since coming to Athena a year ago has been of commend able success His resignation comes through no 'disaffection in the church, but is understood to have been tendered on account of salary limit. Mr. Sias may determine to engage in evangelistic work. Memorial Service. Sunday, at the Christian church, C. A. Sias, will conduct memorial serv ices. The members ' of the G. A. R. Post will attend in a body, and a gener al union memorial service will be the re sult. s Reported Klopement. U The repot t Is locally current that a rniarried woman of Weston, who has a husband aud seven children, eloped last Monday with a young man named Fred Campbell, well known in Weston, where ho had lived since boyhood"-Esa3eir COij j- i 1 i i r