ATHENA PRESS The army and navy need instruction io talking. 'Eipiessions of opinion by rile rent officer in time of peace are sometime more destructive to the service than the deadly pbances ot war. , f. B. BOTD, POBLISHKK. tfUiviryiu Entered at Athena portofflce as second-clan nail matter. Subscription t: It is now in order for that Burdick case to be dramatized and put on the stage in a milder form. IS ONE Of THE OBJECTS OF MY BUSINESS BLUE MAM HOMES 1 HPLEa IU0 Advertising ftatas: Local reading notices, nretinerUon,10cper tine. Each subsequent Insertion. 6c. .' All communications should be addressed to he PRKSS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, MAY 8. 190.". The Manila Times, a newspaper which is certified to as' hitherto having been in favor with authorities in tbat quarter, give a discouraging view of present Philippine feeling toward this country. It says that the natives in the island are only a little less hostile to the United States than they were when the insur rection began, between three and four years ago, and is even inclined to believe that a large part of the 83,000,000 which congress appropriated for their relief from the lack of food and other com forts will be used to buy arms with which to attack Americans. It looks very much as though we were far from reaching a stage in which it will be ap propriate to consider if the Filippinos can be Americanized; the difficulty is in assimilating them enough to counteract their native tendency to be in warfare against our dominion over them. An undeniable truth was uttered by Grover Cleveland when he said the other night: "I believe that among the nearly 9,000,000 negroes who have been intermixed with our citizenship there is still a grievous amount of ignorance, a a id amount of viciousness and a tremen dous amount of laziness and thriftloss ness. I believe that these conditions inexorably present to the white people of the United States, to each in his en vironment and under the mandate of good citizenship a problem which neither enlightened self interest nor the higher motive of human sympathy will permit them to put aside." In no particular does the organization of labor promise to be so useful as in preventing disastrous friction. Strikes are shown to be enormously costly, and the curious part of it is that in dollars and cents they are more costly to the laborer than they are to the capitalist. B th sides of the controversy are likely to study the facts and figures in the case and to recognize strikes as a kind of war, remembering that even in this guise "war is hell." Vot years the state of New Jersey has been the inecca of corporation, the laws of that state being peculiarly in their favor and only a nominal fee being charged by the state for incorporation papers, etc. But now comes the intel ligence that the big concerns are rapidly leaving the state and making their legal domicile in South Dakota, where ex penses are much lighter. The anthracite coal commission cost the government tho modest sum of $:H,0(X), or 812,000 loss than was ap propriated by congress for that purpose. The record of the coal commission in this regard is in favorable contrast to the expense accounts of the usual gov ernment commissions and congressional junketing committees. There appears to be a realization upon the part of the peoplo that the decision if the United States court of appeals moans something. A fearless enforce ment of the Sherman law a few years ago would have been a wholesome thing and would have prevented such condi tions a i now confront the people of the country. If the big gum on our warships are going to prove failures we might put a charge of dynamite in J. Pierpont Mor gan and give it a jolt. The explosion would undoubtedly create a panic among the nations of the earth. Former President Cleveland says the ssttlement of the race question should be left to the southern people, who are most concerned in the matter. Govern or Chamberlaiu, of Oregon, is ot the same opinion. Down in Kentucky they are trying another Goebcl murderer. This thing seems destined to become one ot Ken tucky specialties.- Marion (Ohio) Star. I'er year, In advance Blnglecopiei In wrapper, be. A MIGHTY HUMAN T1DK. The present year promises to be a record-breaker in adding to the foreign born population of the .United States. There is a marked increase thus far in the number of immigrants that have been disembarked at all the principal ports of the Atlantic Coast, while into the port of New York they are pouring literally by the tens of thousands. At this end of the line no great de gree of disquiet is felt on account of this enormous increase. It is strange that this is true, in view of the restlessness that pervades the labor world and the strenuous efforts that are being made to keep the workingman's wages up to the standard of New World ideas of comfort. It may be that labor leaders are too busy in the matter ot wages and hours as applied to the men now in band to take note of danger from an oversupply in the labor market that, following the law of supply and demand, will inevit ably in due time force wages down. Be this as it may, the monthly increase of our foreign-born population is enor mous, and the outward flow is begin ning to excite disquiet among European governments. Both in Norway and Austria-Hungary the outflow of sturdy workers is exciting some alarm, and the authorities are seriously considering methods to check its volume. Norway is not heavily populated at best, and what with a food scarcity in some of its provinces that has bordered closely upon famine, tha unsatisfactory condition of the governmental partnership which mukes Sweden and Norway one, and that one Sweden, and the enticing let ters telling of liberty and plenty and a chance to accumulate that find their way back to the old country from the new, the desire to emigrate has taken a great bold upon the Norwegian people The same is true of the Hungarian branch of the dual monarchy over which Francis Joseph rules. Hungarians have for several years been crossing the ocean in great and constantly increasing num bers, thereby diminishing the productive force of their own land and reducing the number of men available for military service. Finland is also sending her dissatisfied and oppressed people over the sea by thousands, though the Czar will easily find means to stop this drain when in the view of his adviners it be comes serious. As to the others, it seems improbable that any measures can be taken that will effectually stop the outflow of the human tide from their shores. The toilers of the continent have come to look to the United Statos as a land where dreams of a humble competence can be realized. Beyond the surety that this gives our free institutions are per haps not specially attractive to them, since at best their ideas concerning them are vague and little understood. But in tho face of tho settled conviction that they can acquire what in their poverty seems wealth by the labor of their hands in this country, it will be difficult for any of the more tolerant governments so prevent its subjects from quitting its borders with the purpose of becoming American citizens. This mighty human tide is in itself a strong testimonial of our prosperity, and incidentally to the fact that to us still affords an enormous market for unskilled labor. There is yet a vast amount of drudgery in this country which our skilled American mechanic does not have to do because he can do something better. Oregonian. 'MOTHERHOOD The greatest ambition of Amer ican men and women hi to have homes hUvicd with children. Tho woman afllicrod with female dis ease ii constantly menaced with becoming a childless wife. No medicine can restore dead or gans, but Wino of Cardul does regulate derancremonts that nre- vent conception 5 docs prevent 1 fllllAnwInn. .1 . . a B functions and shattered nerves and does bring babies to homes barren and desolato for years. Wlno of Cardui gives women tho health and strength to bear heal thy children. You can got a wwv v m wu vi varolii m from Tour dealer. 143 Market btraet, Memphis, Tenn., April 14, MM. In February, iwi, I took one bottle of .J ' Cerdul and one paekaire of Thedford's Blaok-Draught. lfcadbMa married fifteen years and had aerar Siren birth to a ehild until I took Wine of Cardui. Now I am mother of a One baby irirl which was born March 81, 1901. The baby weighs fourteen pounds and I Jeel as well as any peraon could feel. Now my home Is happy nnd I never wUl bo without Wine of Cardul in bit house tain. Mrs. J. W. O. fiMlTU. Tor ftrfvtu iu..u 1 . -1- I - -" iiiviniiBT. tlllltM . I Tins II My entire store is devoted to house furnishings; every nook and corner is now fiUled to overflowing with useful articles for your home. I have furniture every room in your house at almost any price you wish to pay. Carpets of all description; fancy patterns in wallpaper at only 10 cents per double roll; the best sewingmachine made, and the finest line of baby buggies and gocarta ever shown in Athena. A visit through my store will prove conclusively all I claim for furnishing modern homes in superior style for a small amount of money. Whether you wish to buy or not yon are welcome CfWmSwt' W MY CARPET STOCK Is now at its best. By far the largest and best stock of carpets ever shown in Athena are to be seen now at my store. My new carpets are well worth seeing. You will find all the latest weaves represented, Velvets, Ex-Ministers, Brussels and Ingrains galore. I will sell you a good two-ply carpet at only 35 cents per yard, and sew it for you free of charge. ' Better ones at 40c, 45c, 50c, New Home Sewing Machine DO YOU KNOW THAT Many of the tewing Machines offered for tiale soday are not what they seem T And that they are gotten up cheaply to supply a demand for something that will sew regardless of durability? Do you wish a machine of tjhis kind, or do you want one that is manufactured and sold by reliable people, which has won its MERIT by years of practical service? Standing the test of long, hard usage with a critical public and possessing the essential qualities which WINS the favor and good will of all who give them a fair trial; one that never fails in its work and made of the best obtainable material, EVERY part being accurately adjusted under the supervision of skilled workmen, who have been able to perfect a sewing machine that will last a lift TIME and still be good. If you desire such a machine in your home, one that is always reliable, you should insist on having friend to be done on THE PRICE OF DROP HEAD, Miller the Rustler, A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Intl., Knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c, at G. C. Osburn's drug store. Going to Build? Save Money anu J'ime by Hav ing C. E. TKOUTMAN, Archi tect, make your Flans and" Spci flcations. ROOM 15, ASSOCIATION 1UT1L1UNO, PENDLETON, . - ORE. Everything For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy. Baker fi Folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Fostoffice. Pendleton. A Dupont and Infallible Smokeless Powder for Trap Shoot ing. Fishing Tackle We Carry a Very Complete Line of 65c, 70c, 75c, 85c and 91, sewed . MEW EWJ3 EXACTLY LIKE PICTURE SHOWN, ONLY $40.00 Don't cifi : Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service, call on or address, J. C. IIDSEY, T. F. k P. A. B., H. TRUMBULL," Com'l Agent. 142 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE I FIRSl HMONHL H. O. Adams, President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. i CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, s Proper attention given to nnrt domestic K F.8. LbUkow, Cashier, INCORPORATED BARRETT & ' ; f . $7.50 BABY BUGGIES and GO CARTS Fine weather takes mothers out of doors with baby. The season is rapidly approaching when you can spend a great amount of time out of doors. Nothing nicer than one of our Baby Buggies or Go Cart"; no better line made than the one I carry none Bold cheaper. Price up from $4.00. Go Cart like cut pictur ed above has be6t steel wheels, rubber tires and patent foot brake. Price only 87-50- Every body is a Better work can than, any other Athena, Oregon. uess at It but if you are going east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accomodations offered by the Mi ois Central Railroad. Through Tourist Cars via the Illinois Central from Pa- BENE OF.STHEHE C. A Barrett, ) P. E. Colburn, -Directors F. S. leUrow, i $BO,000 5,000 collection. Douls In foreign exchange. I. ii . Kemp, Assistant Cashier BMaEUsan Hardware Etc. mm figfgg Most goods for jROSS & WORTIIINGTON, -:: Next Door to Post Office III 11 is tho place you augnt to go for a drink of High-Grade Whiskeys so many kind The Bar is always shinning, neat and clean, and a Marble-top Bartender there can be seen. OPEN DAY North Side Main Street, . M. J. The Best ' General Morris Bldg., 1-m.mmm THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. 150 StylOS ""bJpSRu? - Sold ha 111 Slallnnr worts, cimdtn. ii. i. ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO. 26 )oh st.. nw York, Rock Springs 3 COAL , 1 Special Rates on Car Lots ! 'A.'M. Glials, 9 si CHARLES GAY Candies, Kuis, Frui ts, Tobaccos Cija. . club Roc?,: n. co:i;:ueT:o?i ...ATHENA LUMBER OriViPANY H. H.CURTIS, Merger, We respectfully solicit a literal sliare of yoar patronage will give you entire Satisfac Hnu! WE KEEP OH HAIID A 0FFI5 AXD-YHO. HAH STREET. VZ3T Of Sole Agents for "99 Coffee Starch, Soda, Fvtiartc Tone Baking Powdes, Etc. the least Money. 0 ll 111 AND MIGHT P. H. TIEnEMAN, Propritor. BAGLEY in Groceries and Merchandise Athena, Oregon STEEL PENS & Cumberland Athena, Oregon. '....:,...' , . 1 n ...Dealers !a. LAB3E GT03X 07 R33LVH 03AL 8AIl3JiD. C33-3?0mSE RZSJ.'FJLtr tfUJi.i M