The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 17, 1903, Image 2

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r. B. Boyd, Publihi.
Entered t Athena poMofflce at second-cUea
nail matter.
- ' Subscription ?ata:
fer year, In advanot 11.60
Blngle copies In wrapprf,6e.
Advertising Kataa:
Local reading notice, first Insertion, 10c per
une. Each subsequent lnaertlon, 5c.
A 11 communication shonld be addressed to
t h f PRE88 Athena, Oregon
ATHENA. APRIL 17. . . . 190
TIia tivrt.rlav Pnluxlrknian ninnip. &n4
a booming Fourth of July celebration u
practically assured for Athena The
men comprising the committee on the
matter of getting the proposition under
way are hustlers, and with proper sup
port and united action on the part of the
citizens both attractions can be made
an unqualified success. The initiatory
work is moving along with the snap and
swing that characterizes Athena in her
every undertaking. Let every citizen
put his shoulder to the wheel and the
result will be that Athena will have two
rnnoinrr nvnnla in fh nrnv nf flntnrtnin-
inent this year that will rival any given
in the Inland Empire. Athena ia favor
ably situated for big gatherings as to
matter of convenience, and offers un
equaled advantages so far as concerns
roomy grounds, with plenty of shade
a feature that is always favorably com
mented upon by out-of-town people who
attend picnics and gatherings here.
Tom Johnson standing for municipal
ownership of public utilities is again
triumphant in the city of Cleveland over
Mark Hanna, . representing the trusts
and monopolies that do business on the
theory that the common people exist
only to be taxed and fleeced for the ben
efit of the privileged classes. Johnson's
majority for mayor is over 7000. Tom
Johnson is tho coming man of Ohio and
he stands a chance of being president of
the United States before many years
pass by.
Carter Harrison has equaled the rec
ord of his distinguished father by being
chosen for a fourth term as mayor of
Chicago. Like his father, he had the
combined opposition of nearly all the
newspapers in the city, but he won in
spite of the bitter warfare waged against
him by the daily papers with the sole
exception of Hearst's American.
The West has 85 per cent, of the na
tion's farms, 45 per cent, of its railroad
mileage, 75 per cent, of its gross area, in
cluding Alaska; 27 per cent, of its popula
tion, 19 per cent, of its imports and ex
ports, and produces 99 per cent, of its
gold, 16 per cent, of its manufactures,
and 43 per cent, of its farm products.
His friends are urging for the con
sideration of the state board for the im
portant office of labor commissioner, the
name of Hon. E. H. Flagg, of Marion
county. Mr. Flagg is a man who in
every way is competent for this official
position, and the Press hopes the board
will select him.
The Lewis and Clark Centennial will
show the industrial progress not only
of the Oregon country, but of all that
part of the United States west of the
Mississippi River, and place it in its true
relation to the new trade field in the
Orient and the Islands of the Pacific.
Jersey City bartender's are organizing
a total abstainer's club because "the
interests of their employers demand
tint they sliull be at. all times steady,
sober and industrious." It is unneces
sary to point out the powerful temper
ance sermon in this action.
Does it signify anything that the Ore
gonian did not contain any editorial
comment on Hermann the day following
his nomination? Since the Oregonian
has never been a very ardent admirer of
the ex-land commissioner, possibly it
Secretary Shaw isn't worrying halt so
much about the prospective payment of
that $50,000,000 Panama canal account
as you may be about the prospective
payment of a $50 tailor's bill.
When we remember what a fuss men
make about their 850 panama bats
marked down to 81.98, we can lave
charity for the women.
Some of the Washington dispatches
have called attention to the expected In -
crease in cost of irrigation of the west
ern lands which the interior department
designated the other day for the first
construction under the national irriga
tion law, pointing out that this cost is
double certain estimates made during
the discussion of the irrigation bill,
which were placed at 85 an acre. Five
dollas would undoubtedly be a low
average to place on all the reclaimable
western lands. But whether the irriga-
tion works which the government is to '
construct in the west will cost at the
rate of 85 an acre or 815 or 820 an acre
ia a matter which need in nowise inter
fere with the prosecution of the irriga
tion constructions under the national
irrigation law passed by congress last
summer. In every case the cost of put
ting water upon the land is tobe borne by
the settler and the farmer who lives on
the land and will use the water. The
government will be repaid for every
dollar expended. The question then is
simply whether land with water on it
will be taken by settlers at ten dollars
or fifteen dollars an 'acre or any other
sum which it may cost to reclaim it.
When it is realized that irrigated farms
and orchards in the west are worth from
four to one hundred times fifteen dollars
an acre, and that the crudest irrigation
farms produce annually more than 815
an acre, it is not believed that there will
be any dearth - of applicants ready and
eager to go upon the land which the
government reclaims. Under the irriga
tion act payment can be made on exceed
ingly easy terms ten equal annual
The cost of putting water on west
ern land may range all the way from
four to fifty dollars an acre. Some of
the simple propositions require only the
digging of a big ditch in order to secure
water for thousands of acres; others
necessitate the building of immense
masonry dams and the construction of
very expensive canals and head works.
It is probable that eventually the waters
of some of the great rivers of the north
western states the Columbia and the
Snake may be taken out at a very large
cost per acre, yet fruit lands in the
Yakima valley of Washington today a re
bringing in an annual revenue of as
high as $200 an acre. Of course it
would not pay to spend 850 an acre in
reclaiming lands to be used for grazing
or feeding purposes.
I wunt to hear the simmer
Of the old coffee pot;
I want to hear it hummin'
When it's gettin' good and hot;
I want to see the vapor rise
Like incense in the room,
And float about a-fillin'
Every corner with perfume.
O, it isn't very often
That a feller gets the best,
. But when he does it's like a whiff
A-commius from the west;
It's like a rush of springtime
Across a growin field,
A fillin' you with a dream of what
The harvest time'll yield.
I love the smell of roses
Along about in June;
And I'd hang around and listen
To almost any tune;
But the fragrance and the music
That nothing else has got
Are the odor and simmer
Of the old coffee pot.
John W. Fellow, in Dillon Double-jack.
Going to Build?
Save Money ann Time by Hav
ing 0. E. TROUTMAN, Archi
tect, make your Plans and Spci-flcations,
The groatest ambition of Amer
ican men and women hi to have
homes blcusod with children. The
woman anilcrod with female dis
ease is constantly menaced with
becoming a childless wife. No
medicine can restore dead or
gans, but Wine of Cardui does
regulate derangements that pre
vent conception; docs prevent
miscarriage; docs rostoro weak
functions and shattered nerves
and doos bring babies to homes
barren and desolate for rears.
Wine of Cardui gives women the
health and strength to bear heal
thy children. You can get a
dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui
' from your dealer.
US Market btreet,
Memphis, Term., April 14, 1901. B
,, l took one bottle or B
r.urunrv, ltwi, l took one bottle of
Win n f.J..l - i . .
Blaok-Drsnght. 1 hsdWa
married Hften yurs and had nsrer
"'"a birth to a ehUd until I took Wine
pt(srdtii. Now I ni mother of a fine
The bby w.iKh fourteen pounds snd I
K iT i person oouia leei.
be without win.At v.,i i i
, " w x- vmuiii 111 HIT IM'tlBO
Mrs. J. W.C. SMITH.
For ailvlM n u - i ..
Clutttuaogft, Ituu. "
My entire store is devoted to house furnishings; every nook and corner is now Billed to overflowing with useful
articles for your home. I have furniture every room in your house at almost any price you wish to pay. Carpets of all
description; fancy patterns in wallpaper atonly 10 cento per double roll; the best sewingmachine made, and the finest line
of baby buggies and gocarts ever shown in Athena. A visit through my store will prove conclusively all I claim for
furnishing modern homes in superior style for a small amount of money. Whether you wish to buy or not you are welcome
Is now at its best. By far the largest and best stock of carpets ever
shown in Athena are to be seen now at my store. My new carpets are
well worth seeing. 'You will find all the latest weaves represented,
Velvets, Ex-Ministers, Brussels and Ingrains galore. I will sell you a
good two-ply carpet at only 85 cents per yard, and sew it for you free of
charge. Better ones at 40c, 45c, 50c, 65c, 70c, 75c, 85c and 81, sewed
Fine weather takes mothers out of doors with
baby. The season is rapidly approaching
when you can spend a great amount of time
out of doors. ' Nothing nicer than one of our
Baby Buggies or Oo Carta; no better line made
than the one I carry none sold cheaper.
Price up from $1.00. Oo Cart like cut pictur
ed above has best steel wheels, rubber tires
and patent foot brake. Price only 87-50-
New Home Sewing Machine
DO YOU KNOW THAT Many of the sewing Machines offered
for sale soday are not what they seem f And that they are gotten up
cheaply to supply a demand for something that will sew regardless of
durability? Do you wish a machine of this kind, or do you want one
that is manufactured and sold by reliable people, which has won its
MERIT by years of practical service? Standing the test of long, hard
usage with a critical public and possessing the essential qualities which
WINS the favor and good will of all who give them a fair trial; one
that never fails in its work and made of the best obtainable material,
EVERY part being accurately adjusted under the supervision of
skilled workmen, who have been able to perfect a sewing machine that
will last a lift TIME and still be good. If you desire such a
machine in your home, one that is always reliable, you should insist
on having
friend to
be done on
Every body is a
Better work can
than any other
Miller the Rustler,
Athena, Oregon.
House Keeping
See our stock before you buy.
Baker & folsom
The Complete House Furnishers, Main
St., next to Postofflce, Pendleton.
on t duess at It
But if you are going east write us for our
rates and let us tell you about the service
and accomodations offered by the Illi ois
Central Railroad. Through Tourist
Cars via the Illinois Central from Pa
cini Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to write
us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some
valuable information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over
which are operated some of the finest trains in the world.
For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service,
call on or address,
J. C. LIDSEY, T. F. & P. A. B., H. TEUMBUIL, Com'l Agent.
142 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE " m! '
P. B. Colburn, r Directors )k
K.S.LeGrow,J g
H. O. Adams, President.
T.J Kirk, Vlce-Prebldent.
$ 60,000
Proper attention given to collections. Deals in foreign
and domestic exchange.
F. 8. L Grow, Cashier,
I. M. Km, Assistant Cashier
Have a Complete line of
Fresh garden and grass Seeds
Only best growing kinds in stock
We Carry a Very Complete line of Hardware Etc. Etc
"92)" Cbfff
Sole Agents for
Starch, Soda,
Fvtiapfc Tone
US! Baking Powdes, Etc.
Most goods for the least Money.
3ROSS & WORTHINGTON, :: Next Door to Post Office.
r it
is the place you augut to go for a drink of High-Grade Whiskeys so many kind
The Bar is always shinning, neat and clean, and a Marble-top
Bartender there can be seen.
North Side Main Street,
P. II. TIEDEMAN, Propritor.
The Best in Groceries
General Merchandis e r
Morris Bldg., Athena, Oregon
: THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. 150 Styles r,nBer'0ad pSKtSr
Work. Camdon, H. I.
InM ha il ttlnnr
ESnroiOK STEEL PER CO. n w. .. t.
j Rock Springs & Cumberland
i Special Rates on Car Lots
A. M GILIvIS, Athena, Oregon.
i 0ii5
..Dealers in...
Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars
H. H.CURTIS, Manager.
We respectfully solicit a liberal share of your patronage. We
will give you entire Satisfaction.
cmci mo una, mm sireit, wist of vma. correspchddice respectfully solicitf