The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 06, 1903, Image 2

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    5 !
Entered al Athena pottoffiee siecond-clM
okll matter.
on the part of ereryone would toon be
apparent in the appearance of things as
well as a great sanitary preeauaon.
Yale students are to collect the voices
. of all remaining Indian tribes in a pho
tograph. Presumably Yale is preparing
a new yell.
Subscription Kates:
I'or year, In advanet ,
Single eopies In wrappers, 6c.
Advertising ata:
boosl reading notices, Brat Insertion, 10c per
me. Each subsequent insertlen.Se.
; , A 11 communications should be addressed to
i li PRESS Athena, Oregon
In order to make a little sensational
news a writer from Baker City states in
the Oregonian that there is now brewing
over in Grant county what promises to
be the greatest sheep and cattlemen's
war ever known in the history of Grant
county The article goes on with the
statement that both sides are preparing
for trouble which will be caused by
outside sheep . being driven in for sum
mer range. The Ileppner Gazette ven
tures the assertion that (here is little if
any truth in the brewing of the tang
war, While there may be a little trouble
between people who, are unreasonable
and think they own the earth, on both
sides, as a rule stock owners are reason
able business men who desire to avoid
trouble. Such newspaper articles do
harm for the reason that they are read
and . believed by a few excitable
people which helps to aggravate the
trouble. It is time to publish range
fights after they have happened. Law
abiding citizens will not try to antugon
ize business interests.
Sonator Dietrich's bill providing for
the leasing of the public lands of Ne
braska for a long period of years has
raised such a flame of opposition, not
only from the country at large, but from
the people of Nebraska themselves, as
to make its ehances for enactment very
slight. The ezpresseed idea was to
"try it on" in Nebraska and then extend
it to other grazing states. Any' leasing
bill which ever gets through congress
will have to be drawn on different lines
from the Nebraska bill, and will have to
not only protect both large and small
stockmen, but provide if that is possible,
full opportunity for every settler who
wants to come into the state and develop
a homestead, or for every irrigation en
terprise, to proceed unrestricted and
unhampered. Blue Mountain Eagle.
Representatives of the squatters and
settlers whose holdings are , included
within the temporary boundaries of the
Blue mountain forest reserve, are receiv
ing assuring news from the federal de
partment at Washington, the substance
of which ia that settlers need have no
worry,; Their holdings will not be in
eluded within the permanent reserve
lines, if proper showing is made, and
it claims are included, it will not work
to the detriment of the squatter when he
follows the correct modo of procedure.'
Senator Hanna's ship-subsidy bill
failed to receive the endorsement of the
house . committee and as a consequence
the people of the country will have one
less graft to support for the present.
This country already has too many laws
for the enrichment of the few at the ex
pense of the many, and it is to be hoped
that all such bills as Mr. Hanna's pet
measure ' may be set down on good and
hard. . ...
Despite the possession of vast riches
Mr, Rockefeller is not a contented man.
He longs for a good appetite, a cure for
nervousness, a panacea for insomnia
and a chance to make more money.
Eleven million men in the United
States are available for military service,
several of whom know which end of a
gun is the business end.
The German legislators have struck a
blow at the Standard Oil Co. It was
merely a glancing blow, however, and
the company is still in the ring and
J. Pierpont Morgan baa passes cover
ing 55,000 miles of railroad. What a
lot of conductors he must be acquainted
In view vt the tear approach of spriug
every household of Athena should re
solve biuwelf into a committee of one to
see that everything that is liable to pio
pagate disease germs is either reiuuved
or thoroughly disinfected. Such action
, One of the most important and far
reaching of the measures passed by the
legislature and approved by the govern
or is the "fellow servant law." It is a
radical departure from the old common
law principle which made it impossible
for an employe who had been injured
through the neglect or wrongful act of
a fellow employe to recover damages
from the employer. Under the new law
the railroad engineer or factory hand
who is injured through the negligence
of another employe whose acts" are be
yond his control, is permitted to recover
such damages as the circumstances
One of the strong arguments ad vane
ed in support of the bill, while it was
under consideration by the legislature,
was that if it should become a law it
would compel corporations and other
large employers to exercise much more
care in the selection of their employes
in order to prevent the occurrence of
accidents. Railroad companies, it was
argued, would bo far more discriminat
ing than they are now and the result
would be a marked diminution in the
number of wrecks and collisions which
are of almost daily occurrence.
If the new law accomplishes this re:
suit it will be hailed by the public as
one of the most valuable enactments of
recent years. The number of persons
killed and injured annually in the
United States is reaching appalling
proportions.- Statistics show that dur
ing the year ending June 80 1901, the
total number of persons killed on rail
roads, including passengers, employes,
trespassers and grade crossing victims,
was 2057. The injured numbered 46,
The record for the year ending June
30, 1002, was: Killed, 2819; injured,
89,800. In the three months ending
September 30, 1902, there was 253 killed
and 2613 injured. The series of horrible
railroad wrecks and collisions in Decem
ber and January added enormously to
the list.
It is safe to say that 99 railroad dis
asters out of 100 might have been pre
vented by the exercise of proper care.
Collisions, whether rear-end or head
end, are due either to bad management,
gross carelessness or defective equip
ment. Of the many other causes of
railroad -wrecks open switches, broken
rails, unsafe bridges, defective apparat
usthere are few which might not be
detected beforehand by careful inspect
Experience has shown that the rail
roads must bo supplied with some great
er incentive than they now have for the
protection of the lives and limbs of both
their passengers and their employes.
The latter are in the aggregate the chief
sufferers. A law which removes all un
just restrictions upon their right to re
cover damages will soon compel the ex
ercise of greater care on the part of the
companies. They will no longer find it
profitable to employ incompetent and
untrustworthy men, nor can they afford
to overwork their employes to the point
of exhaustion.
The fellow servant law should go far
toward checking the killing and man
gling of human beings, which has come
to be regarded as a mere incident of rail
road management. Oregon Journal.
i n
I wish to call your especial attention to my line
of Carpets, Wall paper, Mattresses and Chairs.
' mWT-rr TT - WBUAS
' "A' 1 Ml VNxn
The new patterns in carpets for this season are prettier than ever.
The assortment I have is positively charmimg. In the matter of
splendor of display and reasonableness of price, my carpet department
is unrivalled in Eastern Oregon. I have almost every worthy grade
and kind of floor covering, from ordinary straw matting to the Palatial
Wiltons and Velvets.
Spring Styles Wallpaper
I have the newest and prettiest wall
paper designs of the year. The patterns
are the most artistic I have ever seen.'
All original, all exclusive. The designs
embrace a wide range of popular and
desirable effects. Prices range up from
10 cts. per double roll. ;
New Furniture, new Carpets, new Wallpaper new Patterns, new Designs, every
thing up-to-date. Over $5,000 worth of new goods added to my stock the past
week. My store is full to overflowing with all that is new and beautiful in home
furnishings. Quality all over every article. Satisfactory designs and beauty in
jinisn. un examination oj my cstocK will prove
beyond question that I am in better shape than
ever to cater to all demands for house furnish
ings. I invite all my patrons and all others,
whether they wish to buy or not, to call and in
spect my new goods. I'm sure you '11 be pleased
with your visit. I solicit a comparison of prices
Sole Agents for
My recent shipments have bi ought a superior
line of chairs and rockers of all grades. I have
chairs for the parlor, chairs for the dining room,
chairs for the bed room, chairs for the kitchen,
chairs for the store or office, upholstered chairs in
almost all the fabrics used. I can certainly
please you in chairs. The rockers are made in
wood, cobbler and upholstered seats, Splendid
finishes. I will reglue, free of charge, any chair
bought at my store that comes opart.
Starch, Soda,
Extracts, Teas,
Rnl!nn Pnurloftr Ft
uafMiiu iimuwo. Lit
Most goods for the least Money.
Next Door to Post Office.
A full one-third of your time is spent in bed. Is it not necessary than
for your own benefit, to have a good, healthy, restful, clean and refreshing
mattress to sleep on? My recent pars Jiafe brought a superior line of mat
tresses to any I have ever sold before, Among them are the celebrated
Cotton-felt Mattresses so highly spoken of by everyone that baa (j Cfl
used them. Price elsewhere $15, my price $l4tllf
The Best in Groceries
I1- ' r ...
; and
General M
Morris Bldg., Athena, Oregon
Miller the Rustler,
Athena, Oregon.
Kdurata Vour llnweU Willi t'uicaretn.
Oiimly Cntlmrtlo, euro constipation foravur.
Bo.2o. If C. C. C. tail, driiKKlsts refund money.
The greatest ambition of Amer
ican men and women ia to have
homes blouiod with children. The
woman afflicred with female dis
ease is constantly menaced with
beoomlng a childless wife. No
medicine can restore dead or-
jgans, but Mine of Cardui doe
regulate derangements that pre
vent conception 5 docs prevent
i miscarriage ; docs restore weak
functions and shattered nerves
and does brinir bahiea to homos
barren and desolate for Years.
uq ci aruui gives Women the
health and strength to bear heal-
, thy children. You can tret a
dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui
' from your dealer.
ia Market fetreet,
. . Memphlii, Tno.K April II, IS01.
vS. "i.-1".1 ni one P.eka ol
t'v aeaiia until
had bw
SIkS . " vP? 1 othrt afla
"n wm Dora MaiTB 1, 1901.
I !? w" M any ienn conld rL
h witbout W Inerf a.dHl in rov hmiM
Mm. J. W. C SMITH.
i l liwrMnc. a l irwa.
hikiup. somiBs.fiiOPBinn.
jgja ta ts oja isms i b ija
House Keeping
See our stock before you buy .
Baker & folsoia
The Complete House Furnishers, Main
at., next to Poetomce. Pendleton.
Don't uss
at It
but if you are going east write us for our
rates arid let us tell you about the service
and accomodations offered by the Illi ois
Central Railroad- Through Tourist
Cars via the Illinois Central from Pa-
cifi : Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to write
us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some
valuable information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over
which are operated some of the finest trains in the world.
For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service,
call on or address,
J. C. IIKDSEY, T. P. A P. A. B H. TftVlEBTnA. Com'l Agent.
142 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE
Works, Camdsn, N, J,
ID Qtiflaa One, Modlum and
OU Oiyies , Broad Points.
r u.. 1 1 ri.i:
ESTER3R00K STEEL PEN CO. 2e .,T'w vor.
ft. O. A damn, President.
T.J Kirk, Vice-Freuldent.
, C, A. Barrett,)
P. E. Colburn, V Directors
ST ' M 4t - ' m " r ' r m
l icocK springs & lumDenand I
l Special Rates on Car Lots I
J A. M. GIIyMS, Athena, Oregon
oiaiiia BtiiiBiiagf
Proper attention given to collections. Deals in foreign
and domestic exchange.
y. H. Iv liHovr, Gasbier,
I. U- Kfsr, Assistant Cashier ,
and Oliver gang, walking
and Sulkey Plows.
We Carry a Very Co-uplete Uno of Hardware Etc. Etc
...Dealers In.
Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars
H. H.CURTIS, Manager.
We respectfully solicit a liberal share of your patronage. We
will give you entire Satisfaction,
HlirZ-, P"IT C"!T?5 by,l 00 W concern that
w i-.P .r - w'ncs Vjb'Ui wmatanir reduced nrices. cr
DJil U ? ;""OT0! i? n' orRil a new idea ia Windmill ni
KmCil.1 ti. Wiwtk.
Su Muu,Ta.itiit. sine '89. rctluet the cost ol wind power to 1 what it wm.
m t .7 'A .',"""".- , "tu mo necaosewe are pnee maker. sad an
e-S I 1. saleat to deal iih. and beeannwe . .h-
5 cixum Dwi- t V' "" I S00" ,a ul wiera neet winamiil and
If if
1 n.: KiBBMpota.
"ttT" ITS WINDMILL BUtlNaAS. We believa I
A 13 lo Prices, hieh grade and lane aaies. We make short t 1
' price, high grade and large sales. We make short
waa tiib cylinders, lower tha iron one- u x if irh at
ma.; laMOAo
naMiu.:iMnst m
a ; n v i mmcrs mu rnr c4s iiHi(aifu ..a
I I P!"t w hunt BUau. Nn am kn-i f f
"i. rwap mr frca mow ha kaow ours. ' ,